Sunday, April 3, 2011

A few of Rumi with Haiku*

A few of Rumi with Haiku*

The moon has arisen only to see the sun*~Daily Dom*~

Lovers that embrace like the hummingbird that kisses the sweet to the taste, so enjoyable the moment in Love*~Daily Dom*~

The light of the dawn shows a path for the Soul that is directed in its heart for more Love to expand upon in each and every moment ahead*~Daily Dom*~

My precious flower in my hands, you have endured the elements but yet you are so make me smile in my heart with more Love*~Daily Dom*~

Placid pool
Warm desire at heart
Love entwines both*

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. Beautiful haiku, enjoyed it. I love haiku poems too :)
    Short Poems

  2. thanks my Dearest Marinela...there are some more on my other blogsite as well...early on in the blogsite shows more... enjoy always(+)

  3. splendid collection of thoughts- loved them all. they all are beautiful as always.

    the haiku is awesome.

    lots of love.

  4. thanks my Dearest Golden Lotus of God's Love...I write these on Rumi's wall on facebook as I am so inspired on how much Love and romance this Persian Poet is...and thanks as well for liking the Haiku....enjoy as well my Love(+)

  5. Dear Dom: To feel the world in Love's embrace creates a dynamic Rumi-tization of all that IS Love..and that makes for such a beautifully inspired mystic experience of Life! Enrichment of Life IS Love's outpouring and overflowing dynamo hum of vibrato energy!

  6. my Dearest chiccoreal...I can really feel the intensity from this man and his powerful words of such Love...yes Love is the greatest energy to have in expressing it so well in words as they flow from my heart...enjoy as well Love(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...