Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hurt of Love*

Hurt of Love*

Distraught in heart,what is the need?
Please Lover come back and plant your seed
For I cannot go on, no longer with grief
It will always be you by my side, in such relief
You know how much I am in longing for you
To have you close to me and my life to go through

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. Oh sweet heart
    we will never be apart
    can you feel the vibration
    ever present in-between?

    A love forever felt
    As fresh as the grass is green


  2. You make my heart feel so elated
    For it is of today, that is to be celebrated
    Nothing can knock out this Love with spurts
    No longer can my heart be hurt
    So today I say while I am on my way
    Have a Happy Easter and a great sunny day

    enjoy my Love and thanks(+)

  3. Invite your grief out,
    For there is no need.
    Instead use the plough
    And plant a new seed
    For spaceless communion -
    Unstoppable union
    Of body and mind.
    Heart and Soul you combine
    While committing to this -
    Do the following, please:

  4. WOW!!!!...such a wake up call to become with Soul and Love..yes when one becomes of this both then I do not think one goes back to the earlier of the author of the Tibetan Book of the Dead converted 10 demons to Buddhist with such heart....enjoy as well(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...