Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Love is like the sun, it is here forever*

Love is like the sun, it is here forever*

Sunshine comes over the mountains so still
Deeply connected to my Soul, heart that it fills
With the feeling in my heart, it is Love that is satisfied
Within me this feeling that I have, expanding Love ever so wide
Keep inducing more of this greatest feeling forever
I will only know of Love and be without it never

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. Some day the sun may leave, too. Who is ever really deeply connected?


  2. Only the Soul which is always been the same texture as the Universe that made it...for the only thing that the Soul lives for is Now in the present as it has reincarnated so many times before to always be here Now as the incarnations prior just did not know they were here for the experience it wished to have with it because no one was Aware and Awakened...so all has perished without understanding such an entity and died before their times..we all are deeply connected as said from above no one realizes this Truth as they search something always outside themselves...enjoy as well my Dearest Gloria(+)

  3. A powerful awareness of Love being Love encompasses the soul to become one and the same. In otherwords all want to unify; it is our nature to become one love as the Bob Marley song goes! Yes to find that one thing that is Love!

  4. what a great connection this is...it is the Soul that always Loved you...enjoy and thanks my Dearest chiccoreal(+)

  5. Jai Bob Marley!!!!

    It is such a pity he used drugs...

    The poem is perfect
    Love being satisfied
    Expanding Individual Love
    To merge with the Unboundedness
    To integrate infinity,
    To become the Timelessness.

  6. inducing more and more as a beautiful flow of effortless in Soul comes completely satisfied as it already is anyways..thanks for the poetic comment my Dearest Shiamala..enjoy as well(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...