Tuesday, April 26, 2011

We create a beautiful garden together*

We create a beautiful garden together*

We stand in the garden, this our hearts do bring
Cherishing this moment, to hear the birds sing
I notice with admiration and Love in your eyes
Brings more of its sparkle, from a beautiful sunny sky
My Love, I come with my heart for you to touch
To be closer Now than ever, in this beauty I Love so much

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. very beautiful poem.

    waiting for your book's pic. all the best!!!!

    lots of love.

  2. thanks my Dearest Golden Lotus of God's Love...I just got back the EQR editorial quality review and there was only 3 lines out of 67 poems they suggested I change but say around 15-20 punctuations they changed for me....so I sent this off to be looked at one more time and next is formatting and then on the web it goes for sales...I am thrilled and I thank you for making me see something within to create this blogsite...if it was for not then I would never have done this to expand...enjoy my Love always(+)

  3. We create a garden of poetry out of our love, cherishing every single poem as a rare flower. With admiration do we notice every drop of due on every plant, shining in the sunlight. Thus we feel closer, although separated by an ocean and so many lands, feel one in heart, soul and mind. We straighten our wings and fly over our beautiful garden of joy and bliss.

  4. and in doing so we nurture ourselves with Love so that more Love can grow in this garden....then we can cherish it more and more..enjoy my Dearest Shiamla and thanks(+)

  5. Thanks, always with you in a garden which has a real potential of becoming an orchard, full of trees, bearing sweet fruits.

  6. and may they all be handled with care when they fall to ground when they have become well ripened...enjoy as well Love(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...