Friday, December 30, 2011

A must to Love once again*

A must to Love once again*

My heart has been broken, this comes with sorrow
Hoping life will turn around, maybe tomorrow
Love cannot be found, hurt seems to prevail
If I can only break away from this mental jail
I must turn within and to bring myself back with Love
Maybe some Divine intervention with Soul*, happening from above

Dom*Colucci 2011

Desires in my heart*

Desires in my heart*

The heart within is like a burning candle
Flames of delight, desires one cannot handle
One must treat it with Love, to be of trust and to be whole
For it to reciprocate, it is within the Loving Soul*
With this Love then bliss will be felt
Then the candle will burn slowly and the heart will not melt

Dom*Colucci 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Missing you*

Missing you*

My Love, it feels like you have been gone so long
Please, I send out my heart for you, right where you belong
You have not been around to keep in touch
All the moments that have gone by, missing you so much
I hope that your Loving will come back some day
Every moment that passes, my heart and Soul* I pray

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sweetness in my arms*

Sweetness in my arms*

I awaken this morning, wafting fragrance of coffee
My dearest Love, you serve this day so well to me
There is no sugar sweeter than you
God woman, I Love all that you always do
You make my life one of a beautiful charm
Come here Sweetheart, I wish to hold you in my arms

Dom*Colucci 2011

Love you Love*

Love you Love*

With Love, our hearts are bonded forever
There will be no moments in time where we say never
For with this in mind you can feel safe and secure
Feeling my heart with my Soul*, that is for sure
So we will always continue basking in such Love
With the grace of the Divine and the openness from above

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, December 26, 2011

Let your heart tell me more*

Let your heart tell me more*

Your heart is felt a thousand miles away
I feel your Love, how could I go astray
The wonderful memories you tell to me
Make us grow together so happily
Forever to be in each others charm
Both of our Loving hearts, oh so warm

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, December 25, 2011

We cannot see eye to eye*

We cannot see eye to eye*

In our time we have been together
We have made through storms and its weather
To make it, seems we have hurt and made both cry
But never did agree from eye to eye
But Love was still there to make us pull through
But we will never be the same, in both our hearts to do

Dom*Colucci 2011

To have you here*

To have you here*

Night of darkness has past
The evening of celebration did not last
Instead I arise next to you in beauty I see
You have awakened too and your eyes look back at me
For this moment is of beauty and it is to be born
The Love that I give you so early on Christmas morn

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

The fact of Loving life*

The fact of Loving life*

Breeze from the wind, the breath of life comes
Day of Love in heart has just begun
I awaken with such fervor, from the flow of energy within
To know where I go, over and over again 
I shall never be exhausted or of tiring too
It is my fact of life Now, the Love of living I do

Dom*Colucci 2011

I am the rose*

I am the rose*

The Love within my eyes 
The day has come about yourself
It is happiness in my heart
For I am of this moment to continue on
Remarkable wonder
Once to be forgotten
But Now to be eternal
Love has Now released my heart freely
No more of the bondage of my own crucifixion
Love, the thorns take a turn outside myself
I am the rose

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sad without Love*

Sad without Love*

Darkness as life comes from its underneath
Gnashing and clawing from the outer ones
Ignorance flows, as who will be king of the mountain?
It pushes many away and the Love in heart dies
The one that comes of it all is in the corner pinned
To save face one more day
This is that one's future
Insecurity of a world bankrupt
The rose is no longer
The thistle becomes of the rose
No handle in shock
Love was here but the nail came with blood overflowing
Love comes back to grow once again, grow from Love

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Clearly, we will come together*

Clearly, we will come together*

My dearest Love, when we speak on the screen
It is both our hearts pounding for Love, in between
This is the closest we shall ever be for Now
Faith will bring us closer and the Universe will allow
No longer this virtual touch as this is near
But to feel both our physical bodies, oh so crystal clear

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sailing on the seven seas in Love*

Sailing on the seven seas in Love*

Grab the sails of our boat and a journey we partake
The wind is moving rapidly, to the sunset we make
Travel along in this great Loving breeze
The water is not that choppy, making this sailing with ease
It is the same thing in our Love, together we will always be
Traveling with each other in happy hearts on the seven seas

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

A delicious Love affair*

A delicious Love affair*

We should be together and make some Love
With delicious ingredients from the heavens above
A pinch of this and a little of that
Putting the right spice in the recipe format
We both mix it up with our Love from a spoon
And make it become entwined in our passions, real soon
Alas we have finally made this masterpiece from heart
We will always know these ingredients, right from the start

Dom*Colucci 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Feel the vibration of Love*

Feel the vibration of Love*

Love is so electrifying, it is filled with volts
It starts my heart over and gives it a jolt
It has great vibrations, harmony without strain
It gives healing goodness, without any pain
I am so happy that this blissful feeling is so right
To me I am turned on with this eternal light.....Love*

Dom*Colucci 2011 

The Love of forever*

The Love of forever*

I feel an ocean breeze in the westward wind
Splashing across my face, again and again
This is so gentle that it reaches my heart
This Love in nature, will never set me apart
But it is of great wonder that I have found
Watching this moment last forever, as the sun goes down

Dom*Colucci 2011

Colorful Love*

Colorful Love*

Life of velvet velour to touch
Heart of gold, I Love so much
Radiant red rose I see in my eyes
No gray clouds in those blue skies
Green with envy, my heart for thee
The Love of my angel, white purity

Dom* Colucci 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The bliss that I feel*

The bliss that I feel*

How life truly is for it is to be so fine
The taste is so sweet, like grapes from the vine
Enjoyed with passion and even some pleasure
Uncovering all its secrets, like it is buried treasure
More and more this uncovering gets to be real
The more I follow with Love, it shall be bliss that I feel

Dom*Colucci 2011

The Lotus, the Soul*

The Lotus, the Soul*

Entangled in the world so cold
Emerging from the muck, as a whole
Slipping off the ignorance that grew
But it is the time of love, the Soul* that knew
Now with both in that world that was so cold
Stand together with beauty in the hearts of gold

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Over and over again is our Love*

Over and over again is our Love*

Darkness of night has spawned upon Love
The gift of romance from the moon up above
We hold each other close this moment in delight
The romance gets more intense all through the night
We have given each other our Love from our hearts
When morning comes upon us, we again will definitely start

Dom*Colucci 2011

Fulfill the heart of passion*

Fulfill the heart of passion*

I awaken this morning all fresh to go
This Loving feeling inside me, is what I know
The aroma of my Love is sweet that she can entice
Her fragrance is warming and filled with spice
Beautiful rose that I have from you I see
The time is still early, fulfilling our passions is what will be 

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

Sweet Love*

Sweet Love*

You are so delicious, like ice cream and pie
The Love of my life, sweetness in my eye
Your beauty I see has always surpassed
Between us both, Love will always last
It is because we will always know of each other's heart
Our sweetness will always be stuck together and never apart

Dom*Colucci 2011

The moon and my heart*

The moon and my heart*

Oh great luminous light in sight
Big old happy moon of the night
You make this feeling within me grow
It is Love so deep that I know
Like the roots of an oak tree, growing deep
My Soul* has the heart, that it so near to keep

Dom*Colucci 2011

Our Love through the night*

Our Love through the night*

I come in the evening my Love to rest
I bring you in my arms for you are the best
This moment may it last forever we will see
Releasing the day behind us and letting it be
Let us ease each moment hence forth
To see what our Love means, for what its worth

Dom*Colucci 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My heart was stolen in a dream*

My heart was stolen in a dream*

We both have had our night time pleasure
Embracing with Love and all its treasures
We kiss each other good night to sleep
We gather all our emotions in dreams, so deep
But I noticed when I arise in the early morn
I look over to one side and see you are gone
For the Love that I thought was true and real
It was only a dream and that night came by for my heart to steal

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

Love, the hard way*

Love, the hard way*

You came into my life, looking for a change
All around you was a disarray, needing to rearrange
The struggle that has left some deep scars on you
But you knew it all along, this life you must go through
Through it all you endured with happiness in your heart
You have learned a valuable lesson, Now with a clean slate and a start

Dom*Colucci 2011

The candle that melts my heart*

The candle that melts my heart*

Desires that make one light a candle
Hot as a fire's glow, so hard to handle
The fervor of this passion, overwhelms me all along
My heart continues to burn, wishing to be so strong
Give me more strength, as my life is not the same
Keep my heart close to yours, burning inside this eternal flame

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Purity soon to be*

Purity soon to be*

Gentle breezes of autumn days
Make room for comfort and hope it stays
But it is a moment of joy and does not last
It is a message that pureness will come and this will pass
The covering that it will lay on the ground
It is snow, nature's Love and will come without a sound

Dom*Colucci 2011

I was there but you were not*

I was there but you were not*

Through the course of darkness, I have dreamed
An obstacle at night time of sleep, it seems
As I lay here and see you within my eyes
The moments seem fruitful but time goes by
I tried to hold you close and did my best
But when I awakened, it was me, the dream and some rest

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

Forever in my eyes and heart*

Forever in my eyes and heart*

I have traveled far for mountain high
To reach the clouds and kiss the sky
My heart has seen eternity there
With open arms to embrace and care
So I become of this, forever to be
My Love for new heights always to see

Dom*Colucci 2011

Tender moments*

Tender moments*

Moon of glow in passing night
Sunshine on the horizon, here in sight
Guidance from the Soul, darkness passed
Light and Love has come at last
What happiness, this Love I feel
Now it is with you, tender moments that I steal

Dom*Colucci 2011

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...