Saturday, August 25, 2012

Love, pointed in the right direction*

Love, pointed in the right direction*

I have been walking around in a daze
Looking for love, eyes to see in and gaze
Could there be such a love that I could fall into
Deeper and deeper, to be mesmerized so true
The beauty of such woman in heart I suppose
To see of her vibrancy, like red as a rose

Oh the splendor to find such hidden treasure
To give her my heart, that love is its pleasure
Make me feel elated enriched where I am to be
And have her near, always next to me
Just putting her in my vision inside my mind
Patiently I await for her and to take my time

The moment will come and no expectations are there
The heart knows of this time to be fulfilled and to care
Things have been placed, this comes from within
The time will be right to know love where to begin
When it happens like an archer knows his target and his bowstring departs
This arrow that has been released finds my lover in her heart

Dom*Colucci 2012

Within our hearts is us*

Within our hearts is us*

Life is so wonderful when you are around
My heart is like a bass drum, strongly it pounds
You are the joy that I love all the while
Happy is my life with you, put a gleam in my smile
Sparkling and crisp, bubbly like ginger ale
Nothing can ever make my heart falter or even fail

Honey dripping from my sugar, you are all so nice
A little variety to add to sweetness, maybe a little spice
Our bonds within this love will always be
Like the stars before the morning we gaze at and see
Yes my Love you are embedded in my heart
Something that will stay forever and not break apart

This life with you to be so thankful that I can enjoy so much
To know how your heart is to me, your love I feel its touch
My love you were sent to me from heaven with your Soul*
Stripping away all shadows, while our love continues to unfold
Our love will always be getting greater as I know of a clue
It is because your heart is within mine and my heart is within you

Dom*Colucci 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

Love, I am free*

Love, I am free*

Break me free 
The tie of the never world has no use for me
Its longing was overdo
Like I was empty
My Soul*, yes my Soul* emptied
But this is the truth
No substance to linger onto
A slip has brought me right here
Right where it all began

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Love, the freedom that comes together*

Love, the freedom that comes together*

Could it be that love in life is freedom too?
Like the puffy white clouds moving in a sky so blue
The heart that gives such a loving feeling within
Since the Soul* made it perfect, the day it began
Yes more and more growing like a flower with strong roots
Deep within at seeing the Soul* and the truth

Extending itself to the sky up above
This feeling that is within only knows of such love
How things in life get taken care of right now
For it knows of its purpose in a Universe that allows
So with this inside each moment gets great
It knows of the maturity and can also wait

The goal of love is to move on a little at a time
In doing things slowly one knows it is fine
For within this love balance comes from heart
And puts it all together like that from the start
So if you wish to see how love makes a little flower grow
For it is freedom, always done in patience and stillness that it knows

Dom*Colucci 2012

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Love between us is our heart*

The love between us is our heart*

My passion is for you, for it is love all the while
Both to know it is not a trend and never goes out of style
Hearts to each other, feeling sensations what we get
The gentleness of both of us, very delicate
Soothing to our touch, aroused to excite
Gazing through our eyes, deep in love wondrous sight

Oh how this moment comes and feeds us with romance
Together within each others arms, music plays for this dance
A strong vibration from both our hearts to be so sure
Becoming entwined as one, love in essence so pure
Now the heat of this moment sends us both ablaze
I become within a stupor, I am lost in a daze

Oh my darling, you have sent me through heaven so high
In our embracing I just seem to melt, to hear you sigh
The grips we have coming closer to each other, both made us warm
It is more passion to come this evening, right until the dawn
Love makes us to perform our needs to set us both free
It will always be this special love between you and me

Dom*Colucci 2012

To find a dwelling for my Soul*

To find a dwelling for my Soul*

My search for the rose has not yet yield
I see her in this vision my heart she does steal
Through the weathered days that come and go
But I will still be faithful and find her though
A garden of delights that surrounds me here
Beautiful fragrance of flowers, to be so dear

Indeed my heart can be swayed to be with that one
But it is the Soul* that sees it final for love to be done
So it seems then I must continue with this trek
To know that this heart with Soul* to connect
A love like honey from a flower to a bee
One to captivate all the essence of beauty in my eyes to see

Yes, I will be with such patience and move along
As this heart of mine so diligent right where it belongs
For it is this heart that right now temptation does exist
But within this vision of my love I must resist
Please oh love of mine draw me close soon to your heart
So I may dwell within you forever and never to be apart

Dom*Colucci 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012

Eyes that made a fire in my heart, drown*

Eyes that made a fire in my heart, drown*

Oh wonder of the night to be upon us so soon
You can feel the passion from illuminating moon
A medallion of Love and its jewels all around
Sparkling diamonds in the sky, many abound
To be shrouded by this moment become of intimacy too
Let nature take its course as it knows what to do

Can you feel it as it goes direct to the heart?
This of a greater attraction not to be apart
More and more the closeness that is felt
Romantically the candle is lit and now it melts
Yes this is my heart that has become afire
No turning back on this, building more from its desire

Keep this going as this is a longing to be alive
Stronger and stronger this is, irresistible is its drive
Oh the closeness that we have, no space in between
Engulfed in this fuel of romance, hotter that it seems
Now that we have committed, from this we have confide
Looking within you, I just drowned in that pool in your eyes

Dom*Colucci 2012

Love is always warm*

Love is always warm*

Love in one's life has made its claim
This blissful feeling has definitely remained
In one's heart it always will know
This is the process of how all things grow
It knows of no obstacles that get in its way
There is no stopping it, for it will always stay

Yes it is harmonious, the Universal gift to all
From the depths of the ocean, to the mountains so tall
Invisible that it is and comes around so much
Loving is its nature and the heart that it touched
To be constant in becoming this, just feel it right now
In actuality, it is the Universe that accepts and allows

This is all one needs from love, to be so satisfied
A tear to never shed to ever be in one's eye
Yes this is love and to be unconditional is its gift
To share happiness as you can, to give another a lift
As nature already knows how to make of this to perform
The best of all sensations, love is always warm

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Our Love stays right here*

Our love stays right here*

Life sure is joyful, the love between us two
Our hearts filled with grandeur and more to be true
Everyday seems different we have more fun all the time
Guess this is the way we were meant to be living, a life oh so fine
There is nothing more I wish and I will keep it this way
For I know of both our hearts that Love is here to stay

There never was no indifference, we seen many things through 
When times got tougher, we did what we had to do
Really there was no bother, we just kept our love on the path
The difficulties that we encounter showed us hardly any wrath
I believed all the time that really there was never no bother
Not telling which was good or bad, both worked out from each other

So Now life is moving on, we follow it straight ahead
We never look back but stayed here always instead
Yes I did say life is to be so fine, here and now
The only thing we ever did was just make it happen and to allow
We need not go any further as our hearts will stay so near
And continue with our love for each other always, so crystal clear

Dom*Colucci 2012

Love never hides*

Love never hides*

A secret that is hidden, a little that is known
I feel it somewhere in you but it has not shown
Yes there is a warm subtle glow, an aura around you
Light that is eternal from your heart that is so true
I delve a little deeper to see the story being told
Pages to be turned some more to unfold

Ah!!! another chapter as I give a thorough look
Beginning to see who you are and read you like a book
I turn another page and gets better as I see
There is a line within this something about Love for me
Now a little more clearer as I read on and go through
It is getting more interesting as I will continue

I believe that Now I can read you and see it in your eyes
The feeling of Love, oh so wondrous to be satisfied
OK the chapters are over and I read this book so well
Now I know of your heart, it is True Love I can tell
It took awhile but I did it, as it was no easy task
I uncovered the big secret, I seen your heart of Love with no mask 

Dom*Colucci 2012

Journey that took me to the moon*

Journey that took me to the moon*

I set out so far, vast and deep
To know of my Soul*, my heart to keep
Seeking of a Lover though, to be with me too
I will take to ocean or the skies so blue
My Lover is somewhere out there for me
She has the same feeling waiting to see

A journey that I search high and low
But my heart is the guidance in that I do know
For wherever this direction will lead us in Love
It is because of our hearts that are fondly made of
One day without notice, it will just happen as it will
So I keep my focus going to be this way until

Yes our Soul*s will know of each other, eyes do meet
Hearts will be lit with happiness when they will greet
It will be like no other feeling that we both have known
While being patient like a seed to a flower that has grown
My Love that I know, feeling her near me real soon
Well what do you know, she came out of the darkness underneath the moon

Dom*Colucci 2012

One with another*

  One with another* See how the sun plays on the mountain side The moon that does move the water into the tide All in this world influences ...