Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The love of night*

The love of night*

Oh light of a night so still
My heart inside so fulfilled
It is the Soul* that loves me so deep
And with this love within it keeps
For what I see in you I admire
The passion I feel and so desire~The Moon*

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Saturday, April 27, 2013

My heart cries in empty love*

My heart cries in empty love*

My love has vanished and I feel some sorrow
Broken heart, no healing from today or tomorrow
What could I have done to have such pain
To leave this emptiness and to endure such stain
I am left alone to be hurtful right here
And to show what it feels like by shedding my tears

Dom*Colucci 2013

Twilight illuminates our love*

Twilight illuminates our love*

Darkened evening, we see that it is in sight
Sun going down in the west, become of twilight
How romantic this has become as both hearts sing a tune
We say bring on the illumination of the passion in the moon
Darling, come closer and let us both become of one
And to be intimate with each other as the night has just begun

Dom*Colucci 2013

Patience puts the puzzle together*

Patience puts the puzzle together*

I have been searching for that one love
Someone out of a dream that I can be fond of
In this process I have been looking all around
But it seems that I have seen this with ups and downs

In this though with a little despair I see
I know that there is one out there for me
When the time is right it all falls into place
It will be someone that fills my heart in that empty space

So for the time being, I will just follow my heart
And let my Soul* guide me and let it do its part
Patience is a big factor that is in this and willing to do
As in the end it all comes together, this puzzle I went through

Dom*Colucci 2013

The rose, cut away from the stem*

The rose, cut away from the stem*

Where did our love go wrong?
Was it I of no interest all along?
I have been abandoned no longer to see you
Is it another lover you have gone to

I hold out but to no avail for you to come back it seems
You are fading away, like it was only a dream
My heart has been left out in the pouring rain
You were the light in my life once but now it is not the same

For this is the way it goes I suppose
Picked from the garden, alone is this rose
My heart feels stained and will never heal
You took love from me and the Soul* you also steal

Dom*Colucci 2013

Strong feelings of love*

Strong feelings of love*

Come build me up on sun shining days
Make my heart of love and also to stay
I am next to you so close and feelings so warm
To put you in my heart and hold you in my arms
This is how love is, open heart as it should
And to be with you always, in bliss that is good

Dom*Colucci 2013

Spring fever, love*

Spring fever, love*

Spring in the morning, love is in the air
Breeze flowing through, without even a care
We come to this spot to stay awhile
I turn and look at you with your wonderful smile
But instead it is what I see that is within your eyes
Sunshine of your Soul*, heart open more than blue skies
My love, this is a moment that let us not miss
For my attraction of passion, I cannot resist

Dom*Colucci 2013

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Love is with you, you'll see*

Love is with you, you'll see*

Do not ever search, for if you do
It is a mirror looking back at you
But instead take your heart and be of love inside
It is the Soul* that knows what is in your will that does confide
It will happen without a moment's notice, you will see
The love in your heart will find the other in the open so free

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013

With love, it all falls into place*

With love, it all falls into place*

Spring is here and morning has come
The night is over and the day has begun
I open the curtains and remove the veil
A new story starts telling a wonderful tale
Already it is filled with so much love
I can hear the cooing of morning doves
This moment on, I feel love in this space
And let all things happen to just fall into place

Dom*Colucci 2013

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Soulful music*

Soulful music*

I can hear music playing, gentleness in the breeze
A soft tune to my heart with so much comfort and ease
Wondrous to my being every note played on key
Like melodies moving in rhythm, a beautiful symphony
Oh how grand my heart is with the love that it feels
When such music is playing, it is the Soul* that is revealed

Dom*Colucci 2013

I feel a wave coming on*

I feel a wave coming on*

This is a feeling that has been around forever
It will always be here, it can never say never
For the energy it has very potent always to be
Knowing of every direction that it knows to be free
For it is love and knows what it is meant for
Being in vibrations like how waves come to a shore

Dom*Colucci 2013

My heart is the rain, pitter patter*

My heart is the rain, pitter patter*

Today it is gloomy and the sun does not shine
But because of this, it's not the end of the line
We feel that something sits gloomy in the gray
But always remember this, the sun comes back one day
Cherishing the moment and to relieve us of our pain
Let us be creative of what is here, listening to the rain

Dom*Colucci 2013

It is me that is "still" here*

It is me that is "still" here*

Deep amonst the dark, inside myself to be still
To be of contemplation and to see what is my will
The answer lies here and it is from within
For there never is to be question to be present again and again
But I still go deep to see what I can see
And to feel the best part I exist for that part is me

Dom*Colucci 2013

Heart of the Soul* is paradise*

Heart of the Soul* is paradise*

Color in the garden, wafting fragrance as one goes
To be intoxicated all around and see the beauty of the rose
All life stems here from a wondrous consciousness from love
The energy is so potent, making this to be of
Enjoying this moment and deeper I go through
The feeling that I get as I hear the Soul* say I love you

Dom*Colucci 2013

The west carries us away*

The west carries us away*

End of the day and ripples on the pond
We have come here to relax and take to the calm
Togetherness that we are now in love as it's felt
Time to indulge in both our hearts to melt
So as we sit here in romance and dissolve with a rest
And become of passion in love while the sun sets in the west

Dom*Colucci 2013

Cross that bridge one day*

Cross that bridge one day*

Though it maybe possible that one day it seems
Life will direct me to my love from this dream
For it is the Soul* that knows of her direct
To make both hearts in love connect
But until that time comes when both of us embrace and fit
I will wait until we cross the bridge when we get to it

Dom*Colucci 2013

Friday, April 5, 2013

Beauty and demure*

Beauty and demure*

So delicate you are, I love so much
Gentleness I feel with a loving touch
Beauty that I see, love so true
My heart throbs more always for you
In the light I see your Soul* that is so pure
A jewel filled with grace and oh so demure

Dom*Colucci 2013

All seasons with no reasons*

All seasons with no reasons*

Love as it stands and always will be

Vibration that moves about, so wonderfully free
There is no other force that makes one feel this way
Your heart is its home and it greets it to stay
For it is love, that knows of balance through all seasons
It is love that will always be, for it has no reason

Dom*Colucci 2013

Surrender in seduction*

Surrender in seduction*

Amazing how love is as it gives you a notion
Strange magical powers and a seductive potion
To have a spell over you and put you in a trance
Something is activated from the heart in true romance
Once you are hooked there is a point of no return
More and more it will be your heart that will always yearn

Dom*Colucci 2013

Within that keeps the light*

Within that keeps the light*

A spark to this candle, light that came
Oh eternal beauty, my heart is a flame
What is within is so deep and pure
It is the loving heart I see and that is for sure
Please my love do not let me wander or be adrift
Keep my heart in yours, always to be with

Dom*Colucci 2013

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...