Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Love will not desert you*

Love will not desert you*

There is a place so vast and free
Open to forever, knowing what to be
But it is desolate and empty, a nothingness land
The sky, the wind, the sun and the sand

A place with these elements that make them shift
As the sand plays leap frog, to become a drift
Though one who becomes with heart in love
Could wind up with scorching sands and hot sun from above

From a quenching oasis to misery with heat
How two lovers find each other in the beginning, when they meet
It is a test for both of them to see if they will endure
To find out how love is, either open or close their hearts for sure

If they turn away from each other that is because they did not agree
Never to be continuing the heart of one and in this love to succeed
But if it all works out for them and they know that it can
Never will they drift apart with love, like a desert's shifting sand

Dom*Colucci 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013

You were always happy, love*

You were always happy, love*

My heart is always opened and in love will never yield
This great feeling of vastness, like being in a tall grass field
One day it came to me and I decided to turn it all around
That there is something that is showing me that life is not bound
So this wonder that has come into my life full of bliss
It is a beautiful direction with its love that one cannot resist
Never shall I go back as the past is long gone away
Now I am with this feeling, within the best of life here to stay

Dom*Colucci 2013

Now is the warmth, within is the Soul*

Now is the warmth, within is the Soul*

Forever is only a place that is beyond here somehow
Still it captivates the present and is funneled here to be now
Pondering and delving deep, I am beginning to see this again
To not look no more and strive to be of closeness within
It sure is nice that I feel something inside me
It is a gift that I merge with, entwined in love we agree
So for the time being I will sit here to be of such calm
And feel its love within my heart to make me oh so warm

Dom*Colucci 2013

Oh lover, oh passionate moon*

Oh lover, oh passionate moon*

I come to you on the other side it seems
To grant me one wish as I pull it from my dreams
I look at you with eyes all a glow
And to make my intention come true and to let it go
Please oh illuminating one from passionate moon
I ask of thee a special favor, send me my lover real soon
It is within my heart that I give this plea
To find a companion, to be next to my heart and me

Dom*Colucci 2013

Why do I gaze at the haze?*

Why do I gaze at the haze?*

The gray of life, I am in a haze
To look outside myself, through the veil I gaze
What good is out there, in a world that is so cold
To have no heart and watch suffering unfold

There must be something that cares for me so
It made me with its love, this I know
Why is it though that I cannot see this come clear
Is it because of me being there and not here?

I know that I will have to turn it around as this is a must
To leave the world of doubt and open up to my own trust
Yes leave the world in its own wandering from its own veil
And come to terms within and break this miserable jail

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love never says goodbye*

Love never says goodbye*

All but a memory now that you have left and gone
Seems like what turned out to be a friendship, is done
Many a times we chatted our views
In the end of our conversation,we both said I love you

But now it is dead silence from a phone that sits
In such stillness,the dead of it just fits
If you ever wish to come around again
I am always the shadow of your heart within

Keep me always there placed so close, so near
Just give me a call as I always will be for you here 
Love has nothing to say with goodbyes, it will always be in contact
When you believe in love to set it free, if it is true it will be right back

Dom*Colucci 2013

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Love of my heart has arose*

Love of my heart has "a"rose*

Arose from within, a rose comes to light
Once it has found the center, such a beautiful sight
It has climbed so far from the roots to the stem
The more love was put into it, it felt it has no end
Passing through, it was pushing out its hurt from its thorns
To not be touched by ignorance, showing it to be forewarned
Now what a beauty, vibrancy and texture in such art
It is no wonder when one looks at it, it resembles one's heart

Dom*Colucci 2013

Flower of life is love*

Flower of life is love*

It came upon one day as a seed became a root
Something in the Universe had love with its truth
It nurtured that seed to become what it was to be
And made it go on a journey, through darkness to be free

Yes it was love along the way, it took everything in stride
To become a thing of its own beauty, no longer the shell to ever hide
Arisen from this darkness, it was light to pull it from its dirt
When it did come to surface, it was love that made its worth

For now another flower stands tall where it is to be
Sits content, drinks the rain and kisses the sun so happily
It knew from day one that it came here to experience love
Even though there was many challenges to make it up above

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love is lightly*

Love is lightly*

Oh sweet love, my heart with love, saturate my Soul*
Drench me with this feeling to know that I am whole
Bound by nothing no longer as this has no grip to hold
It is love that you give me, the warmth melts away the cold
I am restored like a new birth as if I am born again
Because you entered my heart and your love is now placed within
Now that I feel this way the past is gone behind
What I am facing here is inside, to know all will be fine

Dom*Colucci 2013

Mother Nature sheds a tear of love*

Mother Nature sheds a tear of love*

I woke up this morning, hurt was in the air
It was Mother Nature weeping and she was in despair
I did see the clouds that came rolling in the sky
Something hit her emotions as she started to cry

The sun came early on with a shed of light
But it seemed to bring on my darkness after the night
I said to her "please do not cry for it is these tears that you give"
"It is all in the way things are so that everything here can live"

She smiled deep within herself and I felt it in her heart
And with this feeling she had within her, believed in a brand new start
So now she knows that if she sheds more tears to come
That it will be always good for nature to make harmony as one

Dom*Colucci 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013



I have walked many miles
Going through so many trials
But I knew, yes I knew one day that would be
That day would come and I would be free
I went within and had a vision of the skies
Yes now nothing holds me back for I am free, the butterfly~

Dom*Colucci © 2013 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Once again, it's the power of love*

Once again, it's the power of love*

Seems to be so distant, your love is so far away
Doing my best to will you now, to come with me and stay
An electrifying feeling I suggest in my power
To draw you ever so close like a honeybee to a flower
This dynamic sense of your presence seems to be within
Come my love, come~I am ready for you again

Dom*Colucci 2013

Let love sink in*

Let love sink in*

Relaxed as we are, as we both shall be
A time in the afternoon with love so carefree
Enjoying each other and casual we become
Loving this togetherness, hearts of being one
Lazy this feeling is, to be of a slouch
But with love that is within us both, as we sink in the couch

Dom*Colucci 2013

Tears are shed in joy*

Tears are shed in joy*

I waited for you on such a long, long time
Wishing one day that you are in this heart of mine
As I knew all the pain that I had been through
That the coming of this day would come true
Ironic as it seems that my heart felt the tears in pain
Who would ever believe that we would meet in the rain

Dom*Colucci 2013

Soul* and its gift*

Soul* and its gift*

There is something magical about having a gift
Your heart is of joy, to have such a great uplift
You feel intoxicated and draws you with this
Yes it was meant for you and you cannot resist
Within you, it is of love and it knows
It is your Soul* that is making your heart grow like a rose

Dom*Colucci 2013

There is only one love*

There is only one love*

Such a great feeling with a surprise

Close to my heart, you are within my eyes
Embracing this moment that feels like forever
Entwined that we are, making unity together
Love has surrounded us and made a bond in our hearts
An attraction so strong with this, we will never be apart

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love conquers fear*

Love conquers fear*

Why do you fret and have some fear?
It is of love that you are and why you came here
Please love, there is nothing that can give you any harm
But if you feel that way, come safely in my arms
For my heart is built in solid trust
Integral with the Soul* as it is a must
To be of fear or worry, this is not of love
Because of love it is invincible, this is what it's made of

Dom*Colucci 2013

Spring, into love*

Spring, into love*

The beauty of love and what does it bring?
A masterpiece of colors that are now here in spring
Everything is sprouting in such wondrous art
Yes it is Mother Nature with love in her heart
A veil, it has been covered and it was time to detach
Now it is the joy and warmth that makes this all match
So now it is spring and the days they are long
To show all this beauty more and more, right where it belongs

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love in the right direction*

Love in the right direction*

Open in the meadows, vast in the fields
Your love is unconditional, never does it yield
Such a beautiful heart that I have in sight
Coming to greet you with my wings in flight
Oh yes I can see how gentle you are
Letting a breeze that takes me this far
It is the love that has this incredible power
We definitely come together as the butterfly to the flower

Dom*Colucci 2013

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...