Sunday, July 27, 2014

It is not angry when it cries*

It is not angry when it cries*

In a distance the old man grumbles
Something has upset him as he rumbles
Darkness ensues as it is on its way
Obscurity of brilliance now to be gray

Emotional this becomes, it feels its pain
A tear to be shed and now it rains
Drenching all below, it begins to release
Finally with such sorrow, it knows of its peace

But from these drops of crystal tears
It knew of despair that sat right here
It was not for the sake of only one
It was bring back life as it hid the sun

Now all things can be once again of a flow
To make rivers push on and allow nature to grow
For there may be anger with a temporary bind
But once it is out there, one can find

To hold it all in, this burdens more and more
It is not good to be the wall, for there is an open door
So in a sense all benefits from this storm
At least it gave notice as it was forewarned

Moving forward it does and it did not last
All things that move into the present, are now the past
So life has its cycles with joy and pain
But sunny days do not last long, it must at times rain

Dom*Colucci 2014

1 comment:

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...