Monday, May 31, 2010

Soulfully happy*

Soulfully happy*

I am buoyant and floating free
I have the other side of my Life, IT'S ME
Just like an innocent baby child
Detached and liberated from all the wild
But it took some doing to get here
As it was always with me ever so near

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wrath on the path*

Wrath on the path*

There is nothing to see and guess
You do not ever have to be like the rest
This is how death comes to make your trials
It sees how weak, vulnerable you are as you rile
Go ahead and continue on this complicated path
It will show you its ugly side as this is its wrath

Dom*Colucci 2010

Perfect setting*

Prefect setting*

I sit outside and write this poem
I love this reality as it is my home
I savour all the smells of trees pine
I think to myself that this is fine
I gaze upon the vastness with no clouds
I can hear one hand clapping really loud

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Gone is the colours*

Gone is the colours*

The colours of all mixed in One
Always in the blend of being Done
They are obstacles of labels well
That cannot move for I can tell
But what is this this colour near
It is the colour of openness as it is clear

Dom*Colucci 2010

Hard night illusive life*

Hard night illusive life*

Chasing a shadow with moonlight clear
In the darkness becoming so very near
It is the illusion of death that is in fear
It arrives for all egos that are presently here
Placed in believing in something outside ones being
Never allowing the Truth in letting go with its seeing

Dom*Colucci 2010

The flower that gives up*

The flower that gives up*

The flower that gives up its beauty to see
Before this is picked it just loved to be
But this is only temporary before taken
In a vase near a window, that has been forsaken
It gave itself Love the to be nurtured with heart
Now it becomes what it was before it had its start

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Tracks that never go back*

Tracks that never go back*

I see what is going on here as I know
I ponder a little to say as though
Many years have gone by real fast
But they are very irrelevant, it was my past
So nothing exists anymore to ever go back
I got this great idea in Soul I am back on track

Dom*Colucci 2010

Ready to go always*

Ready to go always*

Got up this morning and went my way
I had to get ready for the train today
It was not for me as it was for my daughter
I put the coffee on with grinds and water
So we all got her packed and ready to go
She is now off to Long Island and that I know

Dom*Colucci 2010

Soul is home free Now*

Soul is home free Now*

OK this is my take of many years and seeking within with those years as it all culminates down to one moment in a Greek diner with a conversation with a waitress.I happen to be in a Greek diner today when I noticed and older woman in front of me complaining about her meal as she did not want to pay for an onion and a tomato slice that was not on the menu that should have been...did I miss something?.. OK Now during this bickering session the cashier asked me if I needed to be served right away as I said "No. I am retired and I have the rest of my life in front of me." Of course they both looked at me with a smile but stayed put as I wanted to know how this was going down. In the meantime the cashier said to the lady of about 78-79ish in years, "if you do not pay I will have to call the police." The older woman was adamant in paying so she did not. I thought to myself, WOW over 20 cents worth of tomato and onion that she will not pay for and at McDonald's they will hold back on it if you wish. But this was turning serious but comical as the cashier got the woman's license plate number and called the police. In the meantime I was seated and forgotten. Until I noticed the waitress who sat me down and asked,"Does anyone work here?" So she got me the waitress that does my table.

The waitress was all in a fuss about how she got stiffed over a lady with a tomato. Bingo as here we go. I told her that is in the past Now and you should drop it as no need for explanation. As the only moment that exists is Now. Now her pretty little eyes opened in happiness as to say "who is this guy?" So I start to talk about the subjective reality and ZEN and KARMA and all of those Spirituality things I love talking about. As I then told her about the NOW and being fixated with it and there is where the Soul lies and IT reincarnates IT-self to come back into the being because the physical being looked at too much material and was possessed by it in an objective reality from the previous life. And then I told her that all things die out and the Soul keeps coming back to do this over and over again as when we are 7-8 we wish to belong and 17-18 we conform to the outer world because of a ridiculous thing called peer pressure and then it skyrockets from there as Now we are slaves of our material world. This comes in the forms of us being worried about things, guilt that we did something wrong and fear that someone will take it all away. I told her this is what ignorance does to you eventually your immune system gets weaker, DNA gets to shrink and you die in a six foot hole and have to come back in a different human, man or woman. The Soul takes no preference. I told her this by the means of the Tibetan Book of the Dead as we choose our parents to be here.

OK Now she tells me about the Soul being energy and I say yes because of Al Einstein's Law of Relativity and energy as e=mc2 and the e is energy and the m is matter and the c squared is light multiplied squarely that goes through the matter. I told her all we are are holograms with light passing through us at an incredible amount of force and power but it goes so fast we cannot see it doing this. Then I told her about the Soul on how this manifests IT-self like God made the image of Him/Herself in the physical like Jesus did. She is in awe. I tell her "so you see IT is really not you this person IT is also the Soul and whatever brought you here right NOW was the Soul that guided you on this path to make you stronger. I said to her "the future we cannot see but because the Soul brought you here right NOW then your future is much brighter to see as you stay in the present. I then brought the fact up about do you think the Soul is going to let you live in crap and have a rotten life. I say "NO!" Why? You have just acknowledged the Soul here NOW positively. See it?. And she was beginning to see IT. So she got so fascinated with me talking about the subjective reality and the Soul and I also told her about how to get there with a subconscious reality being in the positive even if she had to fake it. As this is a shift in Awareness and Now IT points back to the Soul for ITS journey inward. I told her she was a giant positive sign as to through out your arms and see this as it is your attitude that the force in front of you that draws you positively and when you resist is when you get sick and old and die before your time. And told her that she should be grateful that all the things that got her right where she is right NOW is the start of her positive life inward. She said I get NOW.

OK with this in mind she said "so the Soul keeps coming back to do it over again until the physical gets it right by finding IT within and not without and whatever is outside is just an illusionary platform for a reality that cannot and should not be touched. I said "BINGO". NOW after this conversation I paid the check and went to the rest room and thought "WAIT A MINUTE. IF THE SOUL KEEPS COMING BACK AND I HAVE THE SOUL IN ME, AND HAVE BEEN BELIEVING IN THIS SUBJECTIVITY IN THE NOW, THEN THE NOW RESETS OVER AND OVER AGAIN AS MANY NOWS AND THE SOUL IS THE CENTER OF ALL THE UNIVERSE.BINGO ANOTHER EPIPHANY AS THIS IS THE FINAL STOMPING GROUND AS TO ENTER ETERNITY WITH THIS SOUL,YEAH I GET IT!!!!" So I tell her just exactly what I just wrote and she thanked me for talking about this as she felt Enlightened and told me just like GROUNDHOG DAY with Bill Murray as this is where all this energy comes from and NOW I can see how and why the Universe opened up for me back on 17January1985 as it was the KUNDALINI with balanced lobes in the brain and when you have balance everything around you drops dead at zero and you have become Enlightened as you became your own reset in the NOW. All over a tomato and onion that a woman of 78-79ish might have to go to jail for. WOW what a Universe.

I immediately went to the carwash and started rinsing my car off and gave out this big laugh and said "I FINALLY GET IT!!!! 1985 has never left me as well as the 1975 episode with the helicopter. It was just a stupid bible, belief system and upbringing that made me not expand more into Consciousness and leave the subconscious which is the belief system that I grew up on.YESSSSSS!!!!! I see it NOW."

When you have Consciousness there are no longer belief systems as you are your own TRUTH in NOW your own hub in your own Enlightenment as you are finally Awakened from that dream you use to call Life/Death.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Matter wishes it was fatter*

Matter wishes it was fatter*

Does anything really matter objectively?
I say it is false which is totally illusionary
Matter consists of all little packets of shadows in light
One may not tell unless they get closer in sight
But why would that matter at all in the first place
Who cares about it anyway, none of it has been traced

Dom*Colucci 2010

Liberation in ZEN*

Liberation in ZEN*

Now has been established crystal clear
I Now see what this means so near
It is all about on how to open up with a reset
The past is Now gone and time to forget
As this is one of the last Chinese characters of ZEN
One stays in this life right Now as it starts all over again

Dom*Colucci 2010

Days go bye bye*

Days go bye bye*

I sit on my deck in the backyard
Sun is beating down a barrier is my guard
I sit and hit my laptop away I type
Later on during the day I get back on to SKYPE
The days just stay here and they move about
But in my Consciousness I go in then out

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nature is open Consciousness*

Nature is open Consciousness*

Ever watch nature so gentle and free
It just moves about, this I do see
With no belief system in its Consciousness no more
Never had to go through any type of Awareness doors
Instead just showed up and did its thing
It's interior Soul of Life it did bring

Dom*Colucci 2010

I see myself here*

I see myself here*

I have seen where I stand
It is existence on this land
So I need not go beyond more bounds
It got me here with no hand clapping sound
So I Now know who I am happy and free
I have known this all the while as Now I see

Dom*Colucci 2010

Ignorance drools in the pool*

Ignorance drools in the pool*

Pool of crystal clear clarity is contained
This makes the illusional to be detained
Clarity is the thing when one is balanced well
Nothing else comes in vision as this I can tell
Wait all your life to get this gift
As ignorance drools all itself in the sift

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Lotus of beauty*

The Lotus of beauty*

Lotus blossom you sit in the pond of murk
You use the light to guide you without work
You stem up and the bloom pops out
The beauty comes alive without a doubt
As it is in refreshing to see minds eye
And even more beautiful with blue skies

Dom*Colucci 2010

Heart felt the Universe wide open*

Heart felt the Universe wide open*

The wide open Universe has its Love
It comes from all around and from above
With this openness you feel its heart
This came from day one with its start
The growth has ever increased
With this growth it will never cease

Dom*Colucci 2010

Pond in silence*

Pond in silence*

The pond today was very still
It was in the calmness with its will
The reflection came with angle look
It was the vast sky above that the picture took
As again I heard the bullfrog croak
The rest of nature with silence spoke

Dom*Colucci 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Child in the wild but the Soul is forewarned*

Child in the wild but the Soul is here*

Father loves mother as to give birth
Both bring child here for what it is worth
To raise the child must be not like the rest
Now the child must move on to past the test
The test is difficult and it also conforms
If the child knows about the Soul, to be forewarned

Dom*Colucci 2010

Soul holds you always*

Soul holds you always*

To wither away as this is dust
Ignoring oneself as this was a must
Vanishing with oblivion seen
You lived then died and it never has been
But the Soul was there always for you
Ego got hold but the Soul was always true

Dom*Colucci 2010

See it and be it*

See it and be it*

The day begins with brightness there
It Awakens the call for you to be Aware
To set the tone in subjective flavour
The Soul is there to give the favour
So enjoy this time that makes it right
Always see it in moments perfect sight

Dom*Colucci 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Black and blue*

Black and blue*

Blue sky reflecting so high
The dark space in the void is gone, why?
It is because of the strength of the light
To allow all creatures be in guide with sight
Stars will not show there sparkles until night
Darkness tries to push back the Sun with all its might

Dom*Colucci 2010

No matter what it is, go!*

No matter what it is, go!*

Crossroads in front of you
It is so strange do not know what to do
You go left or you go right
It is difficult in your sight
But you just remember what to do instead
To keeping moving as to say straight ahead

Dom*Colucci* 2010

Going somewhere soon?*

Going somewhere soon?*

Ego has it's home in the ground
As this is the illusionary mound
Becoming Awakened One is to be
For many if not all this is hard to see
One must continue to be so true
This commitment is not outside but inside you

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mother Goose and her nursery rhyme*

Mother Goose in her nursery rhyme*

Mother Goose is back at the pond
She has her fledglings with magic wand
She looks over and checks her brood
She makes sure she is Aware and also shrewd
She has them follow her in the water
Look she has two sons and one daughter

Dom*Colucci 2010

Rocky road but easy to climb*

Rocky road but easy to climb*

Cliff dweller as the rocks are formed
One step at a time is to be forewarned
One hand over the other and a foot too
Hopefully you have a grip with fingers and shoe
But this is a step in your courage you see
To make it successfully to the top happy and safely

Dom*Colucci 2010

Park it right here*

Park it right here*

Vibrant afternoon and the sun is out in the park
Awaited for the moment when clouds subside from the dark
I take up residency front row seating at the pond
I see a natural seat as I will get calm on a rock
In the distance I see many ripples of fish that is stocked
But I look at how God is sending a positive vibe to me
They are done in many breezy ripples as I can see

Dom**Colucci 2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Driving us nuts*

Driving us nuts*

Sitting in a drivers classroom tonight
Look around the room not many in sight
Instructor is precise in what he says
We all pay attention, sit in our seats and stay
But I add something to the mix
It is my comedy in dry form to do the fix

Dom*Colucci 2010

Knowing nothing means something*

Knowing nothing means something*

Knowledge is nothing as wisdom grows
What one sees is all it knows
Happy and fruitful from within
One has been here as this always been
So no need to go any further you see
It has your existence in this reality

Dom*Colucci 2010

TAO-ZEN steps*

TAO-ZEN steps*

We walk the fine line we call a thread
Inside this fine line is the term straight ahead
Moving about and seeking no other reality
Getting way from the objective and letting it be
One dominates and the other does the same
A constant struggle for both is in its frame
But this is yin-yang complete
It is the middle way or the TAO at your feet

Dom*Colucci 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Empty with a filling in it*

Empty with a filling in it*

Empty bowl just sits on the table
Four legs to hold it up as it is able
What emptiness does itself hold?
Nothing too simple and nothing too bold
Just an empty bowl that made it calm and still
Sitting for something to come along and make its fill

Dom*Colucci 2010

ZEN again*

ZEN again*

Calm ZEN garden with water and rocks
No doors, no knobs, no keys, no locks
The chirping of sweet sparrow birds
These are the only vibrations one hears in words
Sky paints its clouds so white with background blue
One sees this beauty God offers so True

Dom*Colucci 2010

One sees clearly in an opening*

One sees clearly in an opening*

One sits on the other side of reality
But sitting there contemplating to be free
As the One goes into a deep silence in still
It becomes well Aware of its own will
When Awoken as fresh as can be
The eyes are much clearer as this One can see

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Light attracts all things*

Light attracts all things*

The tall slender bottle sits on the sill
It shined the light through very still
It sees the vast Universe outside itself
One day it was chosen to be here from a shelf
But Now as the owner sees fit with this magic hour
He puts something down its neck, a very beautiful flower

Dom*Colucci 2010

Journey Now begins*

Journey Now begins*

The journey begins with one step
Stepping in rhythm is called reps
Moving ahead it is called progress
Holding back as one does regress
One knows the meaning between the two
Then this is the Now and knows what to do

Dom*Colucci 2010

No mind rewind*

No mind rewind*

The bull is in the clearing
The master is in the nearing
It gets chased and subdued
Then it puts up a fight, it's rude
But once it has been tamed
Nothing seems to be same
As it is left to sit and wait
Now something vanishes its fate
The drunk comes in to town
All alive and is never backed down
This is all about Enlightenment
Mind has gone, vanished it did sent

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Love in my heart for you*

Love in my heart for you*

My Love in heart goes to you deep
I know it is precious for you to keep
This is nurturing you to be so well
This is happiness with joy as I can tell
You have done so many remarkable things
You have also made my heart Love and sing

Dom*Colucci 2010

Closer than you imagine*

Closer than you can imagine*

Please stay awhile and be very happy with glee
The wonderful bliss you are feeling is to be free
No bondages or locks, Now you hold the key
When you look deep the door unlocks by letting it be
No worry or guilt no longer as this is fear
It is all with you and that is the Soul so near

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunny day happy way*

Sunny day happy way*

Clouds floating very high in the vast blue sky
The cool breeze of a butterfly's wings making it past by
Arrival of the bright orange dot to beam down its smile
I stand in its light and watch it float from many miles
Captured in todays wonderful and spectacular glow
This sends me very positive and this is what I know

Dom*Colucci 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Trees give up all on it*

Trees give up all on it*

Here the trees rustle as the wind sets in
Blowing them back and forth, time and time again
Bending and stretching pushing them effortlessly
Some lost their branches and leaves, they are set free
After it is done blowing wind from their little shake
Seeds that fell from the trees will grow more trees to make

Dom*Colucci 2010

Relative points into the void*

Relative points into the void*

The slip in the hole is the void with the form
The form has the formless and nothing gets warned
It moves gracefully without effort and no help at all
It allows the forms of all big and small
For this is the Universe as accepts and also allows
There is no time in a relevancy as the relevancy is Now

Dom*Colucci 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Soul and the Awakening*

The Soul in the Awakening*

This is my own personal opinion on how we came about into this reality which is about subconsciousness. Into this world we were manifested by a Soul which came from Consciousness. As the Soul wanted so much to prove its existence in the physical it became just of that. So in the beginning of all-that-is came about through this thought of Consciousness and created something out of nothing like painting a picture with a blank canvas and winging what you have with the True Light it was dealing with. It seen an illusion that was attracting with particles of darkness but with these particles of darkness when shone the Light on it and in uniformity it was created. IT wondered to IT-self that if IT shone the Light on IT, IT would created IT-self to a being. So in the process of doing this IT created man and splice IT-self into woman as to almost a duplicate copy. But something had to be taken a way as to be given as well.

Now with all this going on all these things outside IT-self were made with knowledge and were to be left alone as the dream would start if touched and many years and aeon's of suffering would bring about changes in the beings as they continued to play and portray players of the times in the subconscious dream and only few would escape this dream as they found IT-self. In this dream the players would be of great attraction and lesser attraction and even in the things they would have would be as well. As they struggle for dominance they would allow their arrogance rule them and lose their Spirit as the ones who lived very meager lives would suffer in the material world.

As all would endure KARMA, the big ego would watch over all making sure they would feel guilty, worry and have fear of an illusional reality. Many started fighting against others when in fact they were fighting amongst themselves, as this was the whole of the Universe but they did not see this.

Then one day a being came an confronted the dream and knew this was only a dream and sat in silence to allow the dream and its big ego to by pass this One to be Awakened. The One to be Awakened came to the self realization that just as the Soul has been tempted while ITS journey was to the physical so shall the journey out of the dream, world of ignorance, would be the same way. But the Soul was here before and knew of all these beings that were of illusional proportion. The evidence was in the arrival and departure of the reality in subconscious Awareness with ignorance as this was called birth and death and then rebirth once again until the moment came to the self realization that One must relieve Oneself from the ignorance. So this One took a journey and seen something out of the ordinary by subconscious standards and proceeded. IT found life actually to be very satisfying and pleasing as it kept quiet in the doings of it all. So for 3 days it experienced True Bliss and lost ITS identity but on the third day of ITS coming, Awakening IT aborted as IT felt that something was not right and had to go back into subconsciousness once again but this left a mark on the being that IT known someday something was there.

As many years rolled by, it was always in the back of the beings mind, and I say mind because it is contained and that is where all the beings of the prison of subconsciousness stayed, that someday It would see IT-self in whole once again. When I say this about being whole I mean both lobes of the beings brain become One in balanced and Now sees the path of the middle way and not one side or the other in constant battle with IT-self. So this being took another journey ridding ITS Awareness of negativity and shifting it inward, as IT Now sees the Soul in a positive Light. The same light IT was made of and Now IT has a purpose for existing as IT also found this to be in the present in which most call here, THE NOW.

After all ITS suffering year after year in trials of guilt, worry, fear, resisting, asking questions and becoming self righteous with an agenda for its ego and against others as to see lavish things in its life taking away from others which is really IT-self, IT Now was home free, as Now it understood that all these things in the subconscious life stayed in the subconscious life as anchors and learned to let go and became the TRUST OF THE SOUL IT truly was. As this was Divine Providence that a man who defied the death in the subconscious reality and sought through it as an illusion as well, said this is where the "TRUTH SETS YOU FREE", as Now you KNOW THYSELF and no other. Then the being really got this as a Truth, as all around was an illusion and was needed no more to continue on his/her journey and Now the being let go and walked into Consciousness never to be seen with an objective agenda with ignorance never again. But in the process of doing this the Consciousness that was opened to this being the being Now the Soul became the trials for others to accomplish on their journey of KNOWING THYSELF and becoming the Soul of Consciousness as well.

The openness was fully Aware of all-that-is and forever walked the path of the middle way as many more struggled but the Soul was there for there struggles to see them make it on their journey and finally advance into their Awakening as well. The Soul settle as well in calm, stillness and peace as IT did so wherever IT went. This is Enlightenment in my opinion as One has to struggle with suffering first to see the True Nature of where this suffering came from and where it ends. I hope you enjoyed this piece as well as I wrote it to you and good luck on your Awakening as well. Like I said this is my own personal opinion and my own experience. Enjoy as well(+)

Dom*Colucci 2010

Poetics phonetics*

Poetic phonetics*

Write a poem and what can you say
Is it something you feel or seen through the day
If it is seen does it tell a story true?
This brings more character to it, this is what to do
So when you get the feeling inside
Wing it if you have to and let it ride

Dom*Colucci 2010

Stand right here straight ahead*

Stand right here straight ahead*

Stand right where you are as this is where you be
The world moves around in the 24th hour as you see
Right back in the same spot as you land
Look down at your feet that is where you stand
So you see you really did not ever move
It was the globe moving by in the groove

Dom*Colucci 2010

Amazing when One is in togetherness*

Amazing when One is in togetherness*

Amazing journey that comes to a bend
One can move on but some make it end
They see something that they are not fully Aware
Should they take a chance and make a dare
But to some they will take the Enlightened Soul
Spirit crossed that line before, which made them whole

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ups got you down?*

Ups got you down?*

Up, up and where do you go?
Gravity that pulls you or didn't you know
The restrictions of force has gotten you bound
No wings on your feet to get you off the ground
But you know in your effortless plight to take its ease
Move straight ahead with no thought, this is easier on the knees

Dom*Colucci 2010

It is waves that move you*

It is waves that move you*

The lake has some ripples and vibratory tone
No one came here but it is you all alone
Consciousness is communicating, you feel this within
Another wave from ripples starts all over again
So your deep Awareness has definitely cracked the ice
Now you think in Oneness with Consciousness, never think twice

Dom*Colucci 2010

Happiness peeks in*

Happiness peeks in*

Look through a tree's branches, what do you see?
There is the rays of light looking down on me
It shimmers and glimmers this energy so bright
It is so soothing in the afternoon this beam of light
It makes all stand up and give guidance along the way
Always remember when it's out, gives you a positive day

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Glass is a barrier that looks clear*

Glass is a barrier that looks clear*

The glass is clear and why do I need to drink
I leave the object alone, it is an anchor that sinks
This is objective and should never go beyond there
In the objective they are anchors one must be well Aware
Continue moving forward and straight ahead
The flow of energy must be this as always instead

Dom*Colucci 2010

Darkness runs from the Sun*

Darkness runs from the Sun*

Exploding light cracks open the sky
Open with sunshine as the clouds fly by
Nothing but sunshine for many miles
Big orange glow with fantastic smiles
You can shine your light in being wide and vast
No shadow can run away from you as you never pass

Dom*Colucci 2010

Flat bottom world you make this rocking world go round*

Flat bottom world you make this rocking world go round*

Flat and no curve but smooth to the touch
In another dimension that can hold you so much
Feel it around your being of formless form
In and out within the gap of each particle not torn
This is expansion on a different dimensional plane
Looking at forever flat as it looks the same

Dom*Colucci 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

Colour of all in One*

Colour of all in One*

Prism of beaming light show us all
From particles coloured big and small
Orange, yellow, red, blue and white
All colours emanating right in front of your sight
This is how light shows off staying together
By being with wholeness and one, it is always better

Dom*Colucci 2010

Light here and never behind*

Light here and never behind*

What is on the other side of the sun?
Is it the same reality as ours had begun?
Ask your questions about this and be lost
Continue with logic your sanity is spent at a cost
Too bad the best part of your life drifted by
It was something much better in your eye

Dom*Colucci 2010

How shallow is deep?*

How deep is shallow? *

I sit at the wall near the calm river
Contemplate, something makes me quiver
I look well in the skies and see them go by
They settle in the deep water and how lucid they fly
But I look again and see they are not so deep after all
They swim in the shallows as their depth is so small

Dom *Colucci 2010 

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Light of all might gives sight*

Light of all might gives sight*

Burning desire as One becomes One
This is an Awakening, to see it always Done
When the One has seen with the burning sight
His eyes sees clearly through the hole of light
Now the light penetrates and so does the being
With powerful clarity and transparent seeing

Dom*Colucci 2010

Disclaimer on this: never, unless you are Spiritually cemented the way I am as I Trust the Soul that lives within look into no comes from a Spiritual Awakening and a Kundalini I had in 1985

The knight without a light*

The knight without a light*

The castle was large and dismal gray
The princess was taken here to stay
The dragon guarded with its firey mouth
Awaited for the dilligent one to have its bout
The knight as saviour came to slew the beast
All he did was walk by him without scorn to say the least

Dom*Colucci 2010

Adam's eve ended quickly*

Adam's eve ended quickly*

One moment was created as two became One
God made sure all would be Truthful, it was done
But one small caveat, attraction Adam did see
He walked out of Awareness, instead of letting it be
He leaves his soul mate to be tempted into ego with snake
Chaos and destruction, there is nothing but to forsake

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Did you learn a lesson today?*

Did you learn a lesson today?*

Do you see where all things end?
They ride on the Wheel to do it again
Not learn there lesson in this lifetime you see
It is easier in Trust of Soul as the Soul is to be
Do not be anguished because one thing does not end
Be thankful it still shows up, it teaches you well my friend

Dom*Colucci 2010

See who you stumble into*

See who you stumble into*

Stumble across and no one is there
Who is that following? I am well Aware
The presence of One is with me so near
Truth is ever more closer and it is here
I walk in unison with it and live in the Now
So many things happened before as I did allow
But Now they have no place with me to be
I have opened my eyes, why? I needed to see

Dom*Colucci 2010

Doubts are beliefs, too*

Doubts are beliefs, too*

What doubts do you need?
Beliefs hold these in as it is a seed
Your energy levels begin to diminish
Instead of letting it be, there is no wish
You will see how much more stronger it can be
Rid yourself of all thoughts instead and you'll see

Dom*Colucci 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Going somewhere soon right here?*

Going somewhere soon right here?*

Did you know you are already there?
It is in your being done before and well Aware
Nothing on your journey gets in your way
If it does then it was you that put it there that day
So with this in mind see as it is already DONE
This will happen for you always before it has begun

Dom*Colucci 2010

Clear for you to see nothing*

Clear for you to see nothing*

The thoughts in your head should be outside
Nothing in your Awareness can ever be confide
Your head should look like a ball of crystal clear
Things in reality right Now should be seen right here
So do not advance in one more moment or time
Stay right where you are and all will be fine

Dom*Colucci 2010

A tree that stands where?*

A tree that stands where?*

What makes the tree stand?
Is it the roots in the land?
Could it be because of the seed that came
Or maybe the forces of Nature to blame
No it is in your present reality you see
Leaving it alone in oblivion and letting it be

Dom*Colucci 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

See nothing but clarity*

See nothing but clarity*

Crystal clear and transparent as well
Look with Awareness and openness swell
All substances around are nothing to see
Leave them right where they are, just let them be
Nothing is manifested as reality has moved
See the full truth in Soul and get in that groove

Dom*Colucci 2010

Belief in nothing but your Soul*

Belief in nothing but your Soul*

Do you have a belief system in you?
If you do it is blockage, does not go through
The Soul is energy and this is true
No belief system in energy and it is true too
So move about as Soul wishes to do
It keeps your Awareness open like the skies so blue

Dom*Colucci 2010

Subjectively here*

Subjectively here*

What do you look at?
Is it more to see than that?
It is in your perception and that is it
Don't believe that, well that is where it sits
It is an illusion and it does not exist
Look at it more and aggravation will persist

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

You are in your present state, enjoy it*

You are in your present state, enjoy it*

What picture do you paint wherever you go?
Is it the one in your thoughts or the ones you don't know
No matter what you see in the reality sublime
It will come up in your Awareness time after time
This thing that I am talking about, it is in all that you do
This thing that I am talking about is the person named you

Dom*Colucci 2010

See it as it sees it!*

See it as it sees it!*

What holds the water in the pond or lake?
Something that is given or something that it takes
It is itself in realization it wants or shall be
Too make it simpler just look and you'll see
It is what is in your eye, this is reality Aware
It is in your eye here and as well over there

Dom*Colucci 2010

Hold on!*

Hold on!*

I sit in peace, the calm and also still
My nerves shut down for this is its will
I begin to see a little closer as it is intact
The thing I see clearly is from the abstract
The support is phenomenal as one would dare
Look a little bit closer and see nothing is there

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Love yourself to death, conformed wonder*

Love yourself to death, conformed wonder*

Sanctimonious ass, why do you reverb your sound
It is in the silence and the surrender that mounds
It is the whole of all in total peace within
This is the process of nothing to begin
Why do you like your anchors of what makes death of you?
Keep with your status quo this makes you go soft and stupid too...

Dom*Colucci 2010

Yes sir, I am here!*

Yes sir, I am here!*

The hole I walk in as it shows me the way
I pop in this oblivion to make sure this stays
I follow my nose as this is leading always here
Closer and closer the present pulls itself near
I have slipped in the reality of ONE WILL
This is what keeps me in the moment very still

Dom*Colucci 2010

Void not annoyed*

Void not annoyed*

What hides behind the clouds?
It sits so silently and is never loud
It is a secret that the sky does not tell
But we can figure it out very well
It is wide and very very vast
This is open, it is the void of emptiness

Dom*Colucci 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

Taste what you say*

Taste what you say*

One who offends thinks of its waste
Sending garbage in the void, without much haste
But it is the mouth, the polluted sewer
It tries to stab the heart with heated skewer
But the wise knows what ever you put out, it will be sent back
Right in the polluted sewer and egoic brain back on track

Dom*Colucci 2010

Right here, right place*

Right here, right place*

Where have you been and where do you go?
If you do not know this, then it will show
You will be so confused that you'll be chasing your tail
Deep in your being this hurts and this will also fail
But turn it around and always see the light
By doing this you will know the present, it seems to be right

Dom*Colucci 2010

Awareness is there and here always*

Awareness is there and here always*

It is in you always, like it is with me
It knows all about you, showed you how to see
It is a thing called in Conscious level to be Aware
While you still stay where you are, It is already there
So with this in frame you have nothing to fear
It is already there as It is already here...

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Power centers on Love*

Power centers on Love*

Oh greater Love than what Love can be
This type of Love is from heart unconditionally
It sees its power and it stands so strong
Never turning on another, it knows of this wrong
So this is the power of going in the middle way
Move with this power, for being aligned makes it stay

Dom*Colucci 2010

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...