Monday, January 31, 2011

Message in a massage*

Message in a massage*

Love, was it a long hard day today?

You look like your mood is all dismal and gray
Let me take charge of what this needs
We both have one thing in common, as we agreed
To give a spectacular massage to feel joy and glee
And relieve all the kinks in your body to be so carefree

Dom*Colucci 2011

My togetherness with you always*

My togetherness with you always*

Darling, you are the rose in my eyes

Happiness today, no tears to make you cry
I come closer to you, you take my breath away
Sweetheart I Love you so much, I beg you to stay
We will have a great time being intimate with each other
Exchanging very romantically our Love to one another

Dom*Colucci 2011

Mountain high in Love*

Mountain high in Love*

Today my Love, we will venture away
We will take to the mountains, on this joyous day
We will pack some wine and some cheese for lunch
I see a great day ahead as I have a hunch
We will walk up the behemoth with our Love
Reaching the summit touching the skies up above

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Wake up with my heart*

Wake up with my heart*

I see you are delicious, in our warm bed
Nestled like a baby, with your cute little head
Your eyes have just awakened, sleep leaves you Now
Stretching and yawning in space that it does allow
Now all comfy feeling as you rise from your sleep
In your heart I feel, Love that is so deep

Dom*Colucci 2011

No fantasy, Love is our reality*

No fantasy, Love is our reality*

I know my eyes do not see this illusion
It is you my Love so True, no delusion
I have these visions of you with me happily
You always by my side seeing you constantly
Come Love, let us be together and fly away
For here is no longer, we need not stay

Dom*Colucci 2011

Our Love in melody*

Our melody in Love

I listen to this beautiful melody in my ears
Your heart is throbbing louder and louder, I hear
Come quicker Love, come into my arms
My heart is melting with your beautiful charm
Sweetheart I cannot hold back on such Love for us two
You have satisfied every need in me as you do

Dom*Colucci 2011

Strong Eternal Love*

Strong Eternal Love*

We are two Lovers in a moonlight glow
It is in our attracted Love for it does show
Hold me Lover with your heart closer still
My vibration is strong with your will
Pull me into a Love I will never get out
I will Love you forever, without a doubt

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011

Love calmly spoken*

Love calmly spoken*

I sit here in a breeze on a summer's afternoon
Knowing deep with inside, you will be here soon
I gaze upon where the placidness of a pond
And see the graceful beauty of some swans
I know our Love affair is just like this too
Open clear skies, not a cloud but so blue

Dom*Colucci 2011

Love me for me and my heart*

Love me for me and my heart*

If I ever known I was lost, you are there
It is your openness of Love that you do care
I enjoy our company and stay close by
I move with you always and transcend like the skies
My commitment to you forever more
I will always know how much you Love me for

Dom*Colucci 2011

Merciless feeling of our Love*

Merciless feeling of our Love*

I sit here and ponder a bit about you
My heart has succumbed to your charm so true
You have added some spice in my life my dear
Clutching this feeling with my heart so near
Woman, I plea with mercy so much
To have you here with me, to have our hearts touch

Dom*Colucci 2011

My eyes are ablaze when I see you*

My eyes are ablaze when I see you*

I gaze into your eyes and see flames burning
My heart is still young with yours, I am learning
Your beauty may have captivated the most
We both come together as I become your host
I entertain your every whim and desires
Now my eyes are set a glow, the Love you made on fire

Dom*Colucci 2011

Dreams with Love in our hearts*

Dreams with Love in our hearts*

For it is darkness and you are asleep
You are hidden in your dreams, for they you keep
For am I the subject you wish to see
I enter your heart that is meant for me
Hold me closer Love within your dreams
Our hearts will entwine each others it seems

Dom*Colucci 2011

Vibrations in Love*

Vibrations in Love*

A small cafe in Venice for us
We sit and chat of our Love in Trust
I pour us a bottle of small Chablis
Your eyes gazing and looking back into me
My heart is a flutter with your vibe
In this vibe no words could ever describe

Dom*Colucci 2011

The dance we Love*

The dance we Love*

We come into the ballroom and dance
We set our eyes at each other in romance
You have taken me by the hand and we get close
I hold you in my arms and feel your warmth the most
Now we rumba as we twist and turn
In Love with this dance, we always yearn

Dom*Colucci 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Opened hearts reveal magic*

Opened hearts reveal magic*

We both have each other's company, so pleasant and True

My heart grows deeper in always Loving you
Please Love let me take you on a journey with me
I will show you the wonders of what Love can Truly be
We will see how the magic of effortlessness starts
The pounding sensation of our Love in open hearts

Dom*Colucci 2011

Fresh morning romance*

Fresh morning romance*

Each day we awaken in the new morning sun
We can only imagine, how our day has just begun
But our Love is well and hearts we love the best
Easy with comfort from a healthy night's rest
I love you Now more than ever you see
I am wishing with my heart, you will be always next to me

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Discussion of our open hearts*

Discussion of our open hearts*

We have discussed our Love, open and free
Keeping our hearts flowing so wonderfully
We always settle with these touches to embrace
The Love drawing us near in this open space
My God my Love, how you set sparks in my world
I watch more Lovingly to see my happy heart unfurl 

Dom*Colucci 2011

How much longer for your heart?*

How much longer for your heart?*

How I have longed to be at your side
Knowing to be patient and take it in stride
My Love I cannot go on like this missing you all along
I must see your presence in wonderful song
For me there can never be no one like you
My aim is Love within and heart for you so True

Dom*Colucci 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Romantic interlude for breakfast*

Romantic interlude for breakfast*

A good morning wake up from me to you
Good dreams arise and they also come true
I see you with loving tenderness and care
Feeling your heart deeply and your Soul* to bare
Sweetheart I cannot help myself being with this much love
Deep within intimacy, entwining for us both to be of 

Dom*Colucci 2011

My heart warms in this chill*

My heart warms in this chill*

It is a snowy afternoon a bit of a chill
Bone cold freezing temps to make one stand still
But with the love in your heart as I feel it in mine
Let us sit by the fireplace with candles and wine
We will melt so deeply within our eyes so true
When I look within those eyes I can only say I love you

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sharing each other's Love happily*

Sharing each other's love happily*

Oh my Love, my precious Love, who brings forth the day
Entering my heart with sunshine, a feeling that will stay
You are the love of my life with joy bursting at the seams
Awakening all the slumber from my deepest darkest dreams 
I have so much love for you I can offer as I can give
Each moment more happier sharing for both of us to live

Dom*Colucci 2010

Freedom of heart in Love*

Freedom in heart of Love*

Oh heart left in the desert's sand
To hold onto love, I watch it leave my hands
I will never get ahead in this progress
Love is in freedom and not to possess
Please love, understand me as I will
Remain in giving freedom to your heart, the one I fill

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Heart happy in a tizzy of Love*

Heart happy in a tizzy of love*

My heart is out of control, it is in a spin
I am lost in it all, it is a whirlwind
Please oh lover make the best for me
Make this love more stronger to be happy
See it with us both and enjoy these times
Settling this chaos in love and also feeling fine

Dom*Colucci 2011

Beauty in a golden surround*

Beauty in a golden surround*

Oh pretty buttercup, lovely flower to me
You have beauty that is wholesome as I can see
You are delicious with nectar to the butterfly
That comes from above and sees you from the sky
So your yellow colour is soft and tender
Your stem so true it is long and slender

Dom*Colucci 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Easy life I shall make for you*

Easy life I shall make for you*

Know of me always, my darling dearest
Keep me close to your heart, very nearest
I shall comfort you with life so good
Making every obstacle clear, I know I could
You are the love within me always this way
Your gentleness and ease, with this I will stay

Dom*Colucci 2011

I await this Love for you*

I await with this love for you*

I wait here for you in the afternoon
My heart is happy in seeing you soon
I feel our passion is deep within
To hold you in my arms once again
Darling you are the love for me
But I will sit and wait for you patiently

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

Burning Love in the sun*

Burning love in the sun*

Oh glorious sunshine that you bring in my life
You have touched me so with little or no strife
Sensing me always in my heart with glow
Loving every moment as this does show
So my continuance to see my heart a desire
To live inside me eternal and set this love afire 

Dom*Colucci 2011

Oh highest Love with our Souls*

Oh highest love with our Souls*

Oh glorious love, you sit at heaven's gate
I have finally arrived, it must have been such a wait
For now we are finally together, our Soul*s do entwine
We embrace our energy for this love is so fine
It was hearts that loved ever so more
Embraced in spirituality, to get here behind heaven's door

Dom*Colucci 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tea that hits the spot*

Tea that hits the spot*

Such a brisk afternoon and enjoyable to be
I come into the kitchen to make a spot of tea
I see you in the other room, relaxed with heart so true
Place a setting for both of us, this is what I will do
So the tea is done and is put in a proper place
Both sipping gracefully to see a lovely smile on your face

Dom*Colucci 2011

Warmth of an open heart*

Warmth of a open heart*

A candle to the rose
Warmth of it all, I suppose
Love with the two as it grows
For the desired passion it knows
Love flourishes with the flow
As now the heart is never closed

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Romance with a breeze*

Romance with a breeze*

Taking a break by the willow tree
Feeling the warmth subside and the shade to be
You sit down on the ground with your flowing dress
Gentle cool breezes of the wind as you rest
But we shall gaze with our love into both our eyes
And watch time fly past us in the afternoon skies

Dom*Colucci 2011

Modest manner of sweetness*

Modest manner of sweetness*

Your lips are sweet, chocolate to the taste
Vanilla and cinnamon swirl fragrance of your face
You open up all my sensual delights
This is the recipe of love that seems all so right
Darling you have made this love such a treat
My passion for you this way will always be discreet

Dom*Colucci 2011

A Love affair journey*

A Love affair journey*

I cannot look outside this window no more
I must get up and go out the door
Your heart is telling me to have it close to mine
When I do come for you I know all will be fine
Why then were we so far away?
When love has us together, here we will stay

Dom*Colucci 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Distance between two hearts is Love*

Distance between two hearts is love*

I can only sit here and wonder about you
I know you take care of yourself in all you do
I have missed you for a long long time now
My heart is not in pain for your love is allowed
So even if you are so far away
At least I know in your heart my love it stays

Dom*Colucci 2011

Stronger hearts rebuild*

Stronger hearts rebuild*

I see you my love so weak and frail
We must build up our strength for us to sail
We will make our love a bond so strong
To begin seeing those rights from all the wrongs
So comfort me love with warming heart
And begin in our strength in love from the start

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

My Love is illumination*

My love is illumination*

My love, my love at the window sill
Coming to you this morning, brightness at its will
You illuminate this beauty,  it is your charm
Feeling your love in heart for me, it is warm
I await for thee outside, my heart prepares to sing
Warmth I am now feeling within, this is what you bring

Dom*Colucci 2011

Union of our hearts in Love*

Union of our hearts in love*

We are in togetherness it is our test of time
Been through the most horrid of things, we are still fine
It is our love that made this so right and so strong
Knowing of these things were illusions and never were no wrong
It was our committed faith and trust as we went ahead
Forging a perfect union with love always instead

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tender Love for you*

Tender love for you*

Tender touch I have for you
My love is deep and all so true
Given me a feeling that lasts a long time
I am so happy with you as your heart is in mine
Keep our passion full of flame
It was you in my life that you came

Dom*Colucci 2010

Very warm heart of happiness*

Very warm heart of happiness*

I come to you from opened skies
Looking at eternity in your eyes
Your heart is drawing me ever so near
Oh my darling yes it's true, you are here
The warmth we generate is our love to be
What more can I say, you make me very happy

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Stronger heart, greater life*

Stronger heart, greater life*

For I love what you are to me
Keep my heart open and being free
Expressing with each other in moments to come
Completion in our wholeness to love as it's done
I can never say that I will do this wrong to you
Only make a stronger heart in life to go through

Dom*Colucci 2010

A care and Loving heart*

A care and Loving heart*

I look at her in the garden with despair
Seeing deeper within her, the heart that cares
Pitted life of this rose's scorn
Her stem travels inwards and feels her thorns
But it is in my love to take away such pain
Give her tender loving care to always remain

Dom*Colucci 2010 

This passion is my fashion*

This passion is my fashion*

Springs set forth, this is a heart filled fountain
Gushing endless love like the peaks of a mountain
Raising up this love higher and higher for it is felt
You resting in my arms, love makes you melt
I love all the more this deep feeling of passion
Knowing I am always fitted with you in this fashion

Dom*Colucci 2010

Friday, January 14, 2011

Never defeat when it is complete*

Never defeat when it is complete*

You are placid and of calm
I feel you melt deeply in my arms
I have given you the golden touch
It is in your heart, love for you so much
Sweet lover I see my heart complete
Our love is one and will never see defeat

Dom*Colucci 2010

Clear Love in our Souls*

Clear love in our Soul*s*

Pristine Soul*s for us both, it is our love
You in my heart, it is always aware of
You give me the strength and joy with happiness
We are so bonded with love and such togetherness
Let us continue on with what our journey is
To be always so near, we will never be missed

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lovely day in the mountains*

Lovely day in the mountains*

Sweet love of mine with breeze through your hair
Driving our convertible in the mountains without care
You look vibrant as the day shall be
Knowing you will be in my arms next to me
We pull over and set up a picnic lunch
Knowing intimate passions are here, I have a hunch

Dom*Colucci 2010

Picture perfect*

Picture perfect*

Oh pretty flower in my eye
Your love for me does satisfy
Looking at you, sitting so dainty
Better than a Rembrandt painting
Yes love of mine, I see this in you
The diamond in your heart, that is so true

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You are my Soul, you are my Love*

You are my Soul*, you are my love*

You are purity in the drifts of snow
You show such vibrancy in a light's glow
My crystal clear conical chalice you are
You have opened up the heavens to set my heart afar
I am in Universal love with the Soul* that is you
My love will always be there as this is so True

Dom*Colucci 2010

Beauty of ballet in Love*

Beauty of ballet in love*

My tiny dancer in the palm of my hand
Pirouette gracefully where you stand
One toe with balance this is so free
Joyous with rhythm so happily
 The beauty in balance, love close to heart 
In our dance together we will never be apart

Dom*Colucci 2010

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...