Sunday, March 30, 2014

Everywhere is crying, silly to me as it still rains*

Everywhere is crying, silly to me as it still rains*

Gray is the color, darker ever more
I see a drop or two, right outside my door
Coolness of a breeze, the window is open as I see
Comfort from stagnation, relieve from humidity

But something is holding back, emotions that are deep
A weight in burden within, no longer this cannot keep
A rumble from its anger, a spark sizzled vein
Ecstasy has to be soon with this, relief from its pain

Now it is really upset, the deluge has begun
This storm rages onward, bullying itself to everyone
Weather today so dismal, violence is its wrath
The worse is not over walking more on its path

One thing seems to be happy, as the flowers get a drink
Parched soil that soaks it all in, watch this as it sinks
So why is all unhappy, this is life when it came
Everywhere is crying, silly to me as it still rains

Dom*Colucci 2014

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Ithaka, the home within you traveled upon*

Ithaka, the home within you traveled upon*

Once, you were very young and was sent into a place
You came across many things and seen many a face
You know that this journey is destined to be a long one
But that will do you good, you will see when it is done

Traversing these roads in search of who you are
And yes the journey gets longer, so very very far
That is OK for you have patience in where you stand
No need to seek the next moment, it has you at hand

Every part that you have gained in experience you went through
Keeping a fresh look, always having you to be in its view
Moving much further, more experience that you will see
For the Spirit that you take along is so happy and carefree

But now you know why you were chosen in what this all about
To be shown a lesson, to trust who you are without doubt
As all has passed and it is penniless you arrive
Those experiences on the outside are gone but still your alive

This was not how one holds on and attaches with its gains
No, this was how one lets go in all the experiences that came
Knowing of this, it was your Soul* that was on this journey that was long
You have now found Ithaka, your heart that you now belong

Dom*Colucci © 2014

Sunday, March 23, 2014

When it is so hard to resist?*

When it is so hard to resist?*

Beauty to the eye, it seems to appeal
Looking a little deeper, my heart it doth steal
Taken in by the scent of lilac, rose and many flowers
Strong aphrodisiac, a dominating power

Let me not falter into this spell
Mesmerizing that it is, my heart doth swell
Please release from this passion of such desire
Falling fast into your Soul*, uncontrollable fire

Oh my dear to bring me to my knees
Dominating beauty, how can I be free?
We cannot part from the attraction of this
How does one run away from beauty, 
When it is so hard to resist?

Dom*Colucci 2014

Unmasked freedom*

Unmasked freedom*

Who is that, that is behind those eyes?
Do you fear with burdens enough to cry?
No freedom from a heart that is in jail
A sheen that covers over such love, a veil

Unmask yourself from that trial within
Show from divinity who you are once again
Plead not from your Soul* that knows of you
Not to wear cover, heart shown with love in view

Fret not no longer and seek no more
Those are things through a different door
You are not your own puzzle, no prisoner you see
Without the mask you never had,  you must know that you are free

Dom*Colucci 2014

Source knows you are home*

Source knows you are home*

Upbeat is the tempo, to be forward indeed
The light you have with open door, to set yourself free
Move through twists, turns and all around
Journey effortlessly, remember you are not bound

Rhythm is what you are with blood that flows
Feel that music within, wherever you go
No stopping on a path that is direct
Trust in what is ahead, the Universe it corrects

To know of this bliss now in what is right here
This is how you see, the present is crystal clear
Enjoy the ride that keeps you in motion
This ride is what source does, from a river to an ocean

Dom*Colucci 2014

Queen of Hearts*

Queen of Hearts*

If it is all about love, deal me in
Send me over a great stack once again
I am in this winning mood and it is in my Soul*
Now with these cards I cannot fold

Yes this what my hand looks like, I cannot quit
You can see my cards, no need to flip
Once again if you believe that you lose
Remember no one ever does, no matter what they choose

Even if you feel bad with a joker in your hand
You still are the Ace in the hole, right where you stand
When you are ready to reveal your cards
You will see that an Ace is far greater than a King
As you are shown the Queen of Hearts

Dom*Colucci 2014

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Oh wonder and nightly beauty*

Oh wonder and nightly beauty*

Enchanting is the evening, mystery in the night
Lure a million stars, twinkling in my sight
To ponder a bit, to become a little aware
Alas I get this feeling that love is in the air

I feel my heart to be fulfilled, blissful that this is of
To be so strong, yes this is definitely love
I turn around and there she is, passion in my eyes
Illuminating and so radiant, she is passion in the sky

Drawing ever so closer coming in so clear
My heart pulsating more, more as this draws near
Could this be happening to me, it is entering real soon
Such the beauty that you are, what is within your eyes
The beauty is the moon

Dom*Colucci 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

Still it speaks*

Still it speaks*

Clouds float on by as they go away
Emptiness with fluidity, time goes through the day
Steps that were here previously from before
No wall is the obstacle, gateless gate is the door

Further on in silence, direction it is not
What just came into view, I left alone and forgot
Every part of this that leads me to something I can hear
Drawing me so close, yes so close that it is near

Seems there is no objective in this as this has been seen
To know of not knowing, this is what it means
So I come across what has called and now in view
A little bit more and I am here, so now I go through

Stop for the moment to absorb why I came
Vision that I seen, ironically it is the same
Moving gently like a slow moving creek
I am listening real closely to a still pond that speaks

Dom*Colucci 2014

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Snow at the peak
Sunlight is warmth
Edge of the roof is crying*

Dom*Colucci © 2014


Difficult in learning
One side does not fit
All sides fit one*

Dom*Colucci © 2014


Golden dragon aflame
Clouds to hide
River is running away*

Dom*Colucci © 2014


Twilight evades
Edge into darkness
Danger with one strike*

Dom*Colucci © 2014


Clouds without revenge
Silence walks through
The sun has let go*

Dom*Colucci © 2014

Pardon, let thyself walk through*

Pardon, let thyself walk through*

Smooth and gentle loving hands
To open up from the day that has past
Oh sweetness thine has given to purify the day
Let not be trouble for once to walk onward
Yet ye passion has come for another to arise
Let thy light slip in from your walk going west
The garden is filling with sparkling gems
Oh wonder that I see in such illumination
Smile for thee, as not that light has gone
But filtered like fine silk
Arise and shimmer in the well
You may rest here as the night moves on
And one moment so shall ye
Arise and rest, oh lit smile of the night

Dom*Colucci © 2014

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...