Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sunday yes everyday*

Sunday yes everyday*

Bright afternoon sun that sits so high
There is nothing but happiness in the sky
Beaming down with such beauty of light
Oh to grandeur as to see it in sight
As the glow has passed by again today
It knows where to be when it comes again this way

Dom*Colucci 2010

Enjoyable place to park*

Enjoyable place to park*

The park bench takes solace in the shade
I sit in comfort, watch the reality being made
Birds chirping and butterflies float in
Enjoying this view, to leave do not know when
But I have sat here all day in calm and peace
Noticed whatever was in a stir has Now decided to cease

Dom*Colucci 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stay in your own space as One*

Stay in your own space as One*

Who are you and where do come from?
Are you a passage in time that has never begun?
Do you see where you stand in your space?
Does any of your movements ever leave a trace?
One cannot follow another as this is true
One will only follow Oneself as you will be you

Dom*Colucci 2010

IT takes just One as IT is*

IT takes just One as IT is*

One sits alone as the time goes by
One sits alone and does not even try
One sits alone as one is in its word
One sits alone so how does this become absurd
One sits alone as One sees fit to be
One sits alone as One will plainly see

Dom*Colucci 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

The loudest noise silence makes*

The loudest noise silence makes*

The thunder from above is out again
Loud noises crashing even louder than then
The vibrations are nearer as the sound deepens here
I can hear no silence as it use to be clear
But all things that have begun always have an end
IT is the Spirit that has neither this Spirit is ZEN

Dom*Colucci 2010

Rounded life as the flat is broke*

Rounded life as the flat is broke*

Depthness of being will make one drown well
It makes one go deeper and the ignorance does tell
If one should know about this to be true
That one has been through life before, know what to do
As it is far simpler with eyes wide open to see
To leave all in the flat as dimensional man just let's it be

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The only dimension to be in*

The only dimension to be in*

My dimension as I do seek
It is in my Soul as I do peek
To see all outside me has become 2D flat
Nothing in the outer existence exists and that is that
IT is the Soul that has ITS wish finally fulfilled
As IT was along because this was ITS will

Dom*Colucci 2010

AHHH! Feel IT*!!!

AHHH!!! Feel IT*!!!

The fresh cool breeze has finally stayed
This makes it such a very comforting day
To savour the moment as this will past
It is in only your longing that wish to last
But you know it must be going as this is true
But will be back once more as it comforts you

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The light winds*

The light winds*

Light peeks through the trees and their stems
Gust of wind comes a blowing, does it on a whim
Pushing these branches going up and down
Showing you something in the breeze as it all goes around
But when the wind comes to calm and all settles also then
It gives itself a little breather to start telling you something again

Dom*Colucci 2010

Dancing openly around*

Dancing openly around*

The dance of life is sweet and should never be stained
Harmony in all is achieved one balanced in physical plane
This is moving so effortlessly and in its song shall sing
Look at it as it is choreographed to this is what it brings
The art of living is Now been unmasked to be seen
Openness in the Universe as it knows what it means

Dom*Colucci 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

River that banks on interest*

River that banks on interest*

Afternoon sun this seems a blast
The summertime is here but it won't last
Cool breeze with the windows down in the car
We go by the river banks as this is not that far
Pull up to the shore to go swimming today
With swim trunks on already we know the way

Dom*Colucci 2010

Caught in time*

Caught in time*

Little boy comes with dad to fish
It is his happiness that he does wish
They both have set up on the docks
And casting their lines beyond the rocks
Pulling in the bait and doing it again
Nothing to bite this afternoon maybe someday then

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Love you Love*

Love you Love*

When you see someone in distress
It is in your power to come and caress
That persons heart might be broken bad
Inside yourself you have the key to make them glad
So you send them all the positivity that you can give
From them to carry on in happiness and joy to live

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sail away*

Sail away*

I take another stroll through the Town Park
I see the depths of the water appears to be dark
It seems to be a lazy afternoon today
The ducks swim by me and go their way
I did notice something floating on the water slowly there
It was a duck's feather sailing freely without care

Dom*Colucci 2010

Fly away someday*

Fly away someday*

Open door ahh yes, I see
I have found the path to be
But what is this anticipation
Oh no, this is not celebration
I have found a labyrinth of maze this way
I am a fly that got stuck in the house that day

Dom*Colucci 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

Play coy in a pond*

Play coy in a pond*

Fish in the pond so colourful to see
Feed them real well as they are so happy
They go in their waving patterns of art
In their own school as they are so smart
Beautifully rainbowed without brush
They move about so freely, so what's the rush

Dom*Colucci 2010

The mountain that gazed into itself*

The mountain that gazed into itself*

The day was filled with sunshine and glee
The waterfront went into vastness, I can see
I gazed upon the HoriZEN so far
That it felt like it was in heaven with the stars
I look real close and seen the mountain tucked in
It met the sky, as the mountain went into oblivion

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Birds of prey fly away*

Birds of prey fly away*

Black Crow came close to the car today
It was looking for something low on its way
It swoop down and seen it in its sight
It flew past another car at a traffic light
It took the sky and hurried there
It seemed it was not after anything and did not care

Dom*Colucci 2010

Relax, where ya goin"*?

Relax, where ya goin'*?

On my way as it always does
I can do this just because
I went out today so happy and free
I could care less in what I see
Went home to relax once again
I will do it later like it was then

Dom*Colucci 2010

Special award from Trisha Basu*

Window to my Soul, Magic Touch Award from my friend Trisha Basu, for poetry...enjoy as well(+)

Go with the flow, you know*

Go with the flow, you know*

Does the stream you cross pull you in?
If it does then do you start over again?
It will teach you something if you do not see
Notice the movement of the flow and let it be
What you are doing really is not insane
What you are doing is going across the grain

Dom*Colucci 2010

Hold on to nothing*

Hold on to nothing*

What is the hand that gives?
Is it the same that you live?
Does a hand also feel itself as this to be true?
Does the hand open up and even let go too?
I have to say a hand does many things as it will do
The cure of letting go is the hand that you see through

Dom*Colucci 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

See what in front of you brings*

See what in front of you brings*

Sun came up finally after two days of rain
It filled up the ponds and did it without strain
It was such a gorgeous day out on the path today
I seen three martins attack a crow as this was not play
I continued on the straight ahead road
Went to meditate by some water to empty a load
Geese going by looking so happy with glee
Again as I sit and gaze to set my being free

Dom*Colucci 2010

Someone else's opinion*

Someone else's opinion*

My destination today was to be with my Soul
I went all alone to eat and wanted to be whole
I left the diner and just got in the car and drive
All the way out past the airport the pond I arrived
I sat by a tree and stared in the green tall reeds
I heard two bullfrogs croaking as both had agreed

Dom*Colucci 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Beauty of the park today*

Beauty of the park today*

Open vastness on the park's pond
Beautiful day with magic wand
Geese a plenty sitting near waters edge
Some with ducks on rocked ledge
A perfect sight for one to see
Keeping it in ones eyes and letting it be

Dom*Colucci 2010

Mountain stands alone*

Mountain stand alone*

Mountain tall and still so high
You stay in this calm and kiss the sky
Clouds ruffle your bald rocked head
Looking not egoic but so majestic instead
Brave, fearless and foundation base
You have a jagged cliff with a stoned face

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sun's up and beaming down*

Sun's up and beaming down*

Sun and its gravity always the shine of rays
Makes all around in guidance through the days
It gives warmth as in days it is so cold
The intensity is strong on hot days so bold
But its mission is just to be as it floats so high
And create its magic with mist as rainbows in the sky

Dom*Colucci 2010

No hurry ever for a tree*

No hurry ever for a tree*

The wall in front of the forest is trees
With its thicket there no one sees
The light usually finds its way through
Penetrating through deeply as it will do
Now we wait to embark on what is ahead
We rest until the clearing is made instead

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sell yourself with self help*

Sell yourself with self help*

Those that claim that they have Soul
Have never suffered for they are not whole
They look in the mirror with all types of sheen
And have a believe system of ego as it seems
Selling themselves of self help fraud
They live in their ignorance as this is their gaude

Dom*Colucci 2010

Self help is just that self help and no one can help you with books about this..this sickens me as they claim that they suffer the same way everyone else did..each individual has different KARMA, so this makes it in my opinion not the same...

Martial artisan*

Martial artisan*

Mechanized man living in the Now
It is the Spirit of ZEN that you allow
Coloured palette and form of art
This moment has created from the start
Man of middle way all is balanced too
This is your martial art as no one nears you

Dom*Colucci 2010

Beautiful Spirit*

Beautiful Spirit*

Beauty abounds in ones eye
One sees this as no tears shall cry
Instead it is an art form dubbed so well
There is no critic in Nature as I can tell
So enjoy the life that leads you home
When you go back to nature you will not be alone

Dom*Colucci 2010

Pure Land and Bliss*

Pure Land and Bliss*

White Wolf in the purest of land
You give the mountain as she stands
She stands so tall and is so high
The White Eagle Spirit touches her sky
Now that both live in harmony and also free
It is up to mankind to learn this and let it be

Dom*Colucci 2010

Adirondack High*

Adirondack High*

Great vastness of opened skies
White clouds don't make it cry
The smell of trees all of pines
This makes the Soul satisfied
Now to climb without fear on the wall
A better look at the Adirondack, as she calls

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Leave the rock alone*

Leave the rock alone*

Who are you and what do you know?
Why did you ever resist as you should go?
Why did you examine what just puzzled you?
Leave in oblivion as this is a trap too
So flow through and stay on the path
Do not stop for ignorance and its wrath

Dom*Colucci 2010

No door, no care*

No door, no care*

What is a door and how does it go?
Is it a movable wall, is this what I know?
Now do I have one of these when I am Aware
I would say not as you cross the line you dared
So with no thought in front of you of what you see
Just move crystal clearly with joy and be free

Dom*Colucci 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

On the open highway alone*

On the open highway alone*

The roadway is opened and so are the trees
I step on the gas in the car as my Spirit is free
The turns on the road are nimble and quick
The tires round the bend as they do stick
It is a great afternoon to be going near the lake
I feel wonderfully high as this is what I take

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sky is sinking well*

Sky is sinking well*

There I rest on a smooth concrete stone
I gaze upon the blue sky and lake all alone
I look down on reflected waters edge
As I am leaning towards the stoned ledge
I see the depths of this reflected pool
And smell the fresh waters clear and cool

Dom*Colucci 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

Light of birth*

Light of birth*

Atomic sun you are so brightly in the sky
Open the clouds with the light in your eye
Shine down upon the land, give what it's worth
The new creations all around as this is its birth
Popping up and springing forth this is in sight
Beauty all around us and this beauty comes in light

Dom*Colucci 2010

Think not always*

Think not always*

New thought of nothing is to be any more
Same thought you use to think is right out the door
No more about how this is to be planned
Your openness is where Consciousness stands
Move about and have no sense of going back
Do this you will see, Awareness is what you lacked

Dom*Colucci 2010

Creation of what is Now*

Creation of what is Now*

The mighty strong ocean has waves that are influenced by the vacuum of outer space and the moons gravity towards this as well. The waves crash violently against the shore with its rippled thought patterned to create the breeze which is the wind. From this wind birds are created to fly as Now a being is sculptured in that right dynamic to do so and so it becomes. From that the bird that has been created seeks the blueness in the skies as to see where its water in the ocean stems from.

The wind carries this breeze off the water of the ocean to create the clouds. Now that the clouds are formed the light of the Sun has boasted itself to give guidance to all that is happening in the quantum realm of existence. This starts the process all over again as new creations come forth with this as Now the birds seek food and shelter inland and the insects are formed as some of them mimicked the birds to give challenged for the winged zephyrs. So this creates the land that the insects roam upon as from this all new seedlings are picked up and dropped on this land to give the appearance of finely carpeted scenery and landscaped forests.

Now the reality of it all moves forward to rivers that have emptied and relieved the ocean of its huge excess of water as it all reverts back to itself in doing this. The ocean hides its treasure as what is happening down below is the same happening up above. Sea creatures and fish are creating more of the subjective reality they wish to be in as to find Now the synchronicity of all-that-is in the Universe that expounded and has unbounded unconditional Love to all its inhabitants that live on its sphere. As this story which to me is Brahman started it, winds up right back where it started from. Here in its own reality henceforth.

Enjoy as I hope you have liked what wrote as well as you read this(+)

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fish with a spark*

Fish with a spark*

The rapids run quick and water gushes through
The fish that run upstream have a dying wish to do
It is on the path that they will all burn out
Slows up, going against the current without a doubt
Now this in mind I see a lighted bump fighting to
An electrifying lit fish that looks like it made it through

Dom*Colucci 2010

This is a true imagination as I looked at the rapids at a river tributary and seen a bump that looked like a fish electrified running upstream....

Intentions to be here*

Intentions to be here*

Intentions are good and some are strong
Many come true and many are wrong
But the most important thing to wish
Is the centering of thyself and this is not selfish
So when you lack direction as it might seem
Think subjectively all the while, this is not a dream

Dom*Colucci 2010

Really good place to be*

Really good place this is*

Reality, what a nice place to be
Open your eyes and you will see
This has never gone nowhere but Now
It is your openness in Soul that will allow
You cannot leave here as this is your place
Just move about always and enjoy your space

Dom*Colucci 2010

Love of life in joy*

Love of Life in joy*

Loving this life as all entered
One finds Soul and Now is centered
To ride things out and see things through
Allowance in letting go, this is what to do
Enjoying your life happy and free
To be exalted on a high, this is to be

Dom*Colucci 2010

Breath to Death*

Breath to Death*

You go through life with such dismay
This is disruption and not the way
One should have the smooth transition in all to do
And has its easy living carefree to go through
But with the poisons of ignorance can take away breath
These poisons sink in deep and will always cause death

Dom*Colucci 2010

Truth of whole*

Truth of whole*

What is the Truth as you know?
Does it come from someone that says so?
If that is the case then you suffer as you live
The other person that has this does not give
So if you wish to know the Truth as whole
See inside yourself, this freedom, this is the Soul

Dom*Colucci 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

Home, no place to roam*

Home, no place to roam*

What is your hometown, is it big or small?
Did you live there all your life or hear a call?
If you moved because of your job, did it last?
Do you hold onto your house because of traditions past?
Either way you have left somewhere to roam
Always remember this saying,"There is no place like home."

Dom*Colucci 2010

Great day on its way*

Great day on its way*

Breezy afternoon and no where to go
I sit outside and thoughts go to and fro
The birds fly by and chirp in the trees
The butterfly is landing on the flower carefree
Oh what a great afternoon this has been
I carry it with me Now as the Now does it again

Dom*Colucci 2010

Straight ahead always*

Straight ahead always*

The minute you were conceived the Soul was in this was being developed the Soul that has already been here was ITS own incarnation as it created all the cells and DNA it needed to make its journey complete there was only one mantra IT knew...this was the one hand clapping sound..and that was to remain silent and move straight ahead as this is always the direction of life..along ITS journey the physical found something that was not in silence as Now this was attracted to being tempted to conform...Now this was a big twist in Soul's energy...Now the energy was being taken away from physical being but did not know why this was possible as it attached the being onto the the Mahayana and Now the process of dying was consuming the being...

But as soon as the being recognized this as this was not the way to be going it turned itself around in positive Awareness and seen IT the Soul awaiting..but along the journey itself found its ignorance or ego and had to go through it to become Enlightened so it formed with IT but some suffering had to come as because the Soul knew about this life always as IT has always been here, IT helped the being to cross over into the land of always was as none will see it with ego....the abstract...but this place was different to see as there was really nothing there to see in concrete material but to explore the Truth to punch more holes in the when this happened the being realized that all the long its Soul was guiding the being to spot IT stood on and that would be the present moment and there were no deviations from that, as Now the Soul was recognized and the being did not need the future no longer as Beauty emerged from both and meshed to form ITS own Personal all time stopped and dropped in the Zero Point Field the focus was just being in that moment...

As Now both meshed as One in the hub of the Great Mahayana move to chase itself round and round, as it seemed the tail was actually chasing the head as the head did not know why it was like was ego or ignorance that did not achieve its balance and the balancing came from breathing as this runs in sync with the Universe to create ITS own Kundalini from the bondages of subconscious living to Consciousness no more belief system was ever needed only just to be...with achieved balance the being with Soul Now walked the middle way as the objective finally moved further and further away from the two as it was ENSO ZEN.... so the Soul was always here and the realization was you with this acknowledgement that made you Enlightened...enjoy always...
Dom*Colucci 2010

Enlightened life*

Enlightened life*

On the open road of my life
Ignorance in me was its strife
Now I can actually see in balanced lobes
This Enlightened being has given up and disrobed
There is no more to seek and find
My inner being has let loose of ITS mind

Dom*Colucci 2010

Pretty fine as all is behind*

Pretty fine as all is behind*

This life is is pleasant a gift from Divine
The objective so far gone it is left behind
No more worry of deadlines to meet
No more of anything stupid on my feet
Just let this Soul open up with relief
Now Consciousness has been tapped with no belief

Dom*Colucci 2010

Aware will fair*

Aware will fair*

What is it you wish to achieve?
Is it something that you to believe?
Is it something you do not see through?
Is this objective reality real for you?
Always remember it is transparency the goal
To make sure everything in your Awareness is whole

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Right in front of you*

Right in front of you*

Pools of depths I can see the bottom here
It is so shallow to see it crystal clear
This is how it is right in front of you
This transparency you can see right through
So have no doubts about anything you face
There is no identity that can be traced

Dom*Colucci 2010

A tree stands and waits*

A tree stands and waits

A tree stands in the forest awaiting for the storm
It has no idea or intuition to make it forewarned
So it holds the Universe in place right where it is at
It has nothing to fear with this as that is that
In essence it does not bring upon this attraction
For what it is always is its own satisfaction

Dom*Colucci 2010

Time out?*

Time out?*

Does time exist in ones mind?
Is it easier to live and also to find?
If one sees this, keeps trying to catch it quick
One will wind up its own slave and that will make it stick
So Now one chases its own tail as to see a dead line
One can also drop dead, it is what it finds Now the time

Dom*Colucci 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Musical sets the tone over again*

Musical sets the tone over again*

Musical overtone in vibrational cue
Listen what it says as it comes back to you
It mixes with the silence so deep
Noise moving about as void cannot keep
This allows all the Universe to come as One
Movements never ending as all have begun

Dom*Colucci 2010

HoriZEN is in front of us always*

HoriZEN is in front of us always*

The horiZEN on the ocean vastness wide
Openness with the waves crashing in with tides
The Sun mixes well with the puffy white clouds
Playing hide and go seek and the whiteness shrouds
A few birds fly by invisible signature in the sky
Writing of its true happiness with no tears to cry

Dom*Colucci 2010

No game, no pain*

No game, no pain*

Where is the barriers that One that holds?
It cannot be so True, being of freedom, the Soul
IT has been your guide for such a long time
This has been you meshed with Life, it is so fine
No need looking in justifications and to explain
There is no claim to fame or playing a silly game

Dom*Colucci 2010

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...