Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Just move along, you'll see*

Just move along, you'll see*

The clouds are leaving to make a bright sunny day
Birds are singing in the sky and flying on their way
It is such a joy to see it all come together
What an opening for a new day, with great warm weather
This is a moment that one definitely keeps
To be inspired by their Spirit, from wisdom that is so deep

This magnetic gem of a day, feeling so happy it is here
You can definitely have a sensation so strong enough to adhere
Yes while moving along you create your own freedom in the sun
Why do you ever feel this way?....It is from where you just begun
To enjoy life in every thing that will come to you
It is a thing called Awareness and it is Love that makes you pass through

This is your journey with such elation, your own personal paradise
The process of being free is letting go of all things, for this to be wise
It is clarity that one seeks to be effortlessly moving ahead
Remember that it is better to be on empty than run a full tank instead
Now move along and see the wonder that is in front of you
It is your Soul* pushing you along as it knows exactly what to do

Dom*Colucci 2012

My life was always here*

My life was always here*

Oh wonders of life that brought me here
Though a struggle before, Now seems crystal clear
I took each step as it came along
Like a flower in the dirt, that the roots become strong
Then, it was a life that felt like a chaotic whirlwind
Trying to move forward but starting over again

During those times I was lost, it seemed
It went from a nightmare back to a dream
What does one do when it goes up and down?
How does one exist without having a frown?
At that time I believe that something could be there
Never seeing this or becoming well Aware

But something was here, a secret was about to be revealed
All those years came down to a moment, I started to feel
It had nothing to do with anything that was outside me
Something was directing back inside for me to see
It was a lesson that I had to definitely go through
Now I know of this meaning, it is the Soul* that is my life so true

Dom*Colucci 2012

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The light that will always burn*

The light that will always burn*

Moments we both have tender but it is true
I cannot express inside myself how much Love I have for you
My heart you have taken right from my Soul*
A strong passion of Love, between us to grow whole
Such a feeling that I get when you are in my arms
Holding you ever closer to my chest, right where it is warm

When you are here, I smell hyacinth in your hair
A beautiful fragrance that I Love, wafting through the air
Yes Now that you are close, I see your skin so fine
Lips have passion too, you press yours against mine
Oh my Love, my heart is surrendering like a candle that has melt
Touching both of hearts as well, this is how Love is felt

Surrender, yes I do and within me your heart I keep
It sits next to my Soul*, a Love that is so deep
I am the most blessed man on this Loving earth
Who would have ever imagine you in my life, from the time of my birth
We can only look forward Now and keep both of our hearts that yearn
For what is inside us is of Love, the light  that will always burn

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thursday, July 26, 2012

That emptiness will shine through*

That emptiness will shine through*

Torrential down pour, dismal gray
Sun goes by for another day
The sound of pitter patter, the dance of the rain
Little droplets form on the window pane
I look outside and there is no one around
The rain keeps coming to lay on the ground

Though there is no one here that can be with me
It would be nice to have some company
So I sit here and ponder with momentary fate
And allow the time to fly by, a little more I wait
I know it cannot be like this for many hours
But the Universe has to give drink to trees, grass and flowers

My heart would definitely feel so much better
If my Lover was here in this type of weather
So I keep on wishing that with this day I pull through
And something to come along for me to do
I know this will pass but there are still many clouds
Doing the best I can and Trusting that the Soul* is with me Now

Dom*Colucci 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Our Love is present*

Our Love is present*

Darkened background, a sliver of light
A crescent above is peeking through the night
A smile that is looking down from the sky
Amazed that I am seeing this in my eye
But something else is in romantic flair
The fragrance of a rose that has come in the air

Sweetness that is wafting , it is a perfume
This adds with excitement, eclipsed by the moon
My Love coming closer, hearts beating quick
Feel the vibrations, seems romance does the trick
We are Now involved in being together as one
This excitement builds more as it only just begun

Embracing each other like how bark holds a tree
Gazing deeply within our eyes, the Soul*s we both see
Hot passions that cannot ever be cooled down
Sighs that come from both of us, very gentle sound
Warmth felt by each other,  this night will soon pass
Eternal is Now with our Love and we will make it last

Dom*Colucci 2012

Sweetness of one's heart*

Sweetness of one's heart*

Sweet honey that drips from the comb
Love of heart you cannot leave alone
Such deliciousness that is such satisfaction
How can one resist with such attraction
Always to be such sugar and spice
For it is Love, always wonderful to be enticed

Dom*Colucci 2012

My heart seeks a rose*

My heart seeks a rose*

A rose in the wilderness, I do seek
Asking that my Soul* could take a peek
A journey to search such beautiful heart
The kind of Love that will never break apart
It is like looking for a drop of water in the desert sands
But I know that my heart will find my Lover, as it know it can

Dom*Colucci 2012

Bright feeling of Love*

Bright feeling of Love*

You can never feel blue when roses are red
For I do not keep my heart but give it to you instead
This unconditional Love expanding to grow
Like a red rose from its stem, beauty that it shows
Cherishing each moment that we watch go by
And favor everyday to make them sunny skies

Dom*Colucci 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012

~Love within that is never without*~

~Love within that is never without*~

Love that I believed I lost some time ago
The hurt of my heart deep pitted and showed
Staggered around looking through gray dismal eyes
Filling ponds of water, always making me cry
Disposition that always seemed so bleak
Opened up with sorrow on a losing streak

As I did accept whatever came about
Learned to live with this feeling without a doubt
Little at a time my steps I grew within
Realizing I needed to start over again
But because I kept moving forward in each time I did
My emotions got stronger and leaving shadows that hid

My heart was growing like the flower, stemming from its past
No longer within darkness as this did not last
So I felt real good that my heart became strong
Knowing of this blissful feeling, right where it belonged
It became more truer that it should have been from the start
It was really Love from within that mended my broken heart

Dom*Colucci 2012

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Love so true*

Love so true*

Such a beautiful Love affair we have for us two
Seems we know each other and what to do
It is our bond in Love so much affection
To keep us together in our hearts connection
It is only enjoying what we Now know that is here
Nothing is beyond this to make us in fear

We will always be strong this much is true
No matter what we have or what we go through
If these circumstances should ever come, we will shine 
Once again it is both our hearts in Love to be fine
How do we know this to be so strong?
It is of Love that is invincible and where our hearts do belong

So Now when each moment passes by, our past is no more
This shows our growth and what Love is meant for
We will move forward in our passion, Love continues to be
Opening more and more what is in front of us, clearly we can see
Yes I am happy my heart was definitely meant for you
We shall always be together as I know this Love is true

Dom*Colucci 2012

The Soul* with a heart*

The Soul* with a heart*

My heart was in despair as it happened one day
The wound was deep, dismal and gray
I needed someone I could turn to soon
Someone who was of Loving, a harmonious tune
But I searched and searched, found no one that could be
That kind of Lover that is meant for me

I have seen other people being so deeply involved
Whenever I made my approach, it was a door that revolved
So I continued into this state of despair
Without no luck or someone that cares
But I knew that Love had to be around
It had to be, it is in nature and its surround

Then it dawned on me what made things click
I felt something deep inside that will do the trick
Yes, its Love for me was always here
I opened my eyes and seen it clear
It was the Soul* that had affection for me
Such elation in my heart as it was meant to be

So Now that those feelings have disappeared and gone
I no longer feel this feeling all alone
I just needed to know where to begin
It was always with me from within
I guess one has to suffer a bit without Love from the start
Then the whole Universe comes together, it is Soul* with a heart

Dom*Colucci 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My Lover and me*

My Lover and me*

A messenger has come with beautiful news
Love of my life has written, the one that I chose
We have not heard from each other in such a long time
But I knew deep down in my heart that all would be fine
As I know that even though words have not been spoken
It was my Soul* that kept telling me, your heart is not broken

You must drift apart for awhile to have Love remain so True
Like releasing a beautiful white dove in the skies so blue
For a heart must grow to be alive and never cease
To make both feel comfortable in Love to increase
When it returns you will feel that it is a need to celebrate
To get this wonder of bliss, it is in your heart that elates

Many moments passed onward and had no relevance you see
Because of your devotion to this Love by letting it be
Now both become of this joy and wonder when it shows up
To have sweetness and romance and fill the Loving cup
Ahhhh yes, a moment is arising and I feel it with glee
Soon we will be both together, my Lover and me

Dom*Colucci 2012

Lotus of the evening*

Lotus of the evening*

Oh twilight in the evening sky
Light of the day has Now passed by
But a sparkling distance enhances the night
Brilliant diamonds all around, what a sight
Ahhh!!!such a beauty in darkened fashion
To bring out two Lovers in romantic passion

Hearts are filled with Love we know
Illuminating heavenly bodies all a glow
With these two Lovers a night captivated desire
To light a flame, to make the wick afire
Burning hearts as intimacy is first
Both involved in entwining, quenching Love's thirst

The sensation gets warmer between the two
Romance pulls more forward, knowing what to do
Ecstatic feeling bringing both higher and higher
This moments of a Love affair seems not to tire
Finally the climax of it all being brought on real soon
A lotus of the evening comes, a romantic full moon

Dom*Colucci 2012

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...