Friday, December 20, 2013

I feel light, pick me up*

I feel light, pick me up*

It came from nowhere
Moving on just the same
It had no intentions at all
Wondering around in the sunlight
No choreograph at all
Linger, one stroke in the breeze
Falling downward but yet still dancing
Thick like a veil
Dust in the daylight window

Dom*Colucci © 2013

The flame grows*

The flame grows*

Let the clouds sweat and cry ever so more
We are both two lovers
That our heated passion can never be quenched
Let us drown more and more
Like puddles of wax on the bottom of heated wick 
Through flame of candle
No we can never die out 
For love does make us grow in such wet garden

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Saturday, December 14, 2013

My eyes you will always be*

My eyes you will always be*

A moment has come early on in spring
I have opened my heart to see what love brings
For the message was sent to find your love
You responded back, it was me you were thinking of

I have met you many times inside of my eyes
And prayed to my Soul* within heavenly skies
For now you have come into my life and my heart
This feeling that we have seems never to part

It seems this went on without a hitch
From being so lonely, for it is love that has switched
But one day had come and I felt something not there
A deep feeling that I was not aware

I turned around and had a look to see
But you were not there, you have gone from me
I realized that then that life is not certain
And the day would come to close the curtain

As I know that you have been taken to a better place
Where the love of the all Soul*s can see your face
I will always remember when I prayed from heavenly skies
And to one day see you back again, within my eyes

Dom*Colucci 2013

Sunday, December 1, 2013

I've gone here in my dream*

I've gone here in my dream*

Today is gone as the night shall I greet
Close my eyes, on the other side to meet
Go so far away into another world that shines
Paradise is calling, a wonderful find
The deeper that I am, I become so free
Lightness as well, a detached journey
Dreaming and floating, a companion to the moon
But the night moves on, as the daylight returns soon

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love of revelations*

Love of revelations*

Drowning in decadence, desire to keep
Heart further within, going so deep
This feeling that I seem to be lost inside
Surrendering to this love and to be satisfied
As I hold you tightly with my love I suppose
And not so that I feel the thorns of a rose
Delighted that I am though, love that I feel
And in ecstasy we come to, our Soul*s to be revealed

Dom*Colucci 2013

The light cannot free my love*

The light cannot free my love*

Twins in darkness, as we both to meet
Romance to have such a treat
Come to me, I feel you so strong
A love inside us both that is never wrong
Entwine we both are as this love has a hold
And to go through the motions and watch it unfold
I am your prisoner of love for now in the night
Escape not that I can, even when the day turns light

Dom*Colucci 2013

Flames consume my desire*

Flames consume my desire*

Radiant jewel, eyes of fire
Lips so sweet, heart's desire
Gentleness you are that I love so much
Warmth a feeling is your touch
You glow like the autumn moon
My love is blazing and my Soul* you consume

Dom*Colucci 2013

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Entwined with love*

Entwined with love*

Where doth a rose grow, 
When it touches the clouds for a kiss to drink from?
Such beauty in light so fragrant is its smell
So gentle to be of its touch
Entwined in universal love 
To make it grow ever so vibrant that it shall be

Dom*Colucci © 2013

The wisdom of the poetic heart*

The wisdom of the poetic heart*

Poetry of wonder may the heart flow so free
As to feel the Soul* that is next to me
Heart that is love and joy all around
Peace and the beauty in this that I have found
Entering into such place that is within this world
Watching each moment in wisdom as it doth unfurl

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Soul* of the Mountain*

Soul* of the Mountain*

Breath that makes you alive so high
The pinnacle of who you are in the sky
Strength like no other so very still
Nothing can move you or your will
Solitude is what you always be
The Soul* of the mountain ever so fee

Dom*Colucci 2013

I am not that far away*

I am not that far away*

Come see what is beyond such fantasies so real
A place that is of wonder, your heart it will steal
Turn your eyes around and go slumber as to see
The beauty of who you are inside you will agree
Flow into this land like a smooth running stream
And see what awaits you inside with your dreams

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Joy in abun"dance"*

Joy in abun"dance"*

Let us come to fields and have joy in a dance
It is autumn and its harvest, while we have this chance
See how our bounty is filled and our heart is here too
Enjoying every part of this moment, yes we do
This best part of the fall is seeing all to let go
To knowing of this wisdom as we all know
That to get more in life this is how it is we see
For in this abundance it is love so free

Dom*Colucci © 2013

The beauty of "fall"ing in love*

The beauty of "fall"ing in love*

Waiting upon many moments to see if my heart would stray
Such a struggle when you are in love to find its way
For love is a beautiful thing that just happens to be
When it does happen then your heart will have vision to see
As seasons will change and come back again
For this is falling in love, a love without end

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Rescue me from despair*

Rescue me from despair*

I have awaited for you through so much darkness and despair 
As my desires cling to me like darkness when the sun finally goes west
I have looked for a day that we would meet once again 
And see you in your eyes the way you have always seen me
Let me not suffer no longer 
For what is on the other side that is vague is really you and I as one
Please let me see you
Please in not one more hour to be despondent

Dom*Colucci © 2013

We are one in love*

We are one in love*

I am not hidden from you
My intense love and passion longs for you when I see you
And know how much you long for me as well
I should know of this for I am within you 
As I planted such seed in you to reach your heart that I made
To envelope you with my love
To carry you cradled in my arms and protect you in my loving heart
You are never separate 
As both belong to each other in both our seeing of who we are
My love, 
You will stay with me until eternity no longer shadows us into existence
We are one in love

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Opportunity stares back at me*

Opportunity stares back at me*

Eyes into vastness, what is to be seen?
Why do I do this as what does it mean?
To gaze upon this calm and be of its peace
To turn my back on struggle and see it all cease
A window of opportunity that stares me in my face
Is to leave this barrier behind and walk into its space

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Romancing a dance lightly*

Romancing a dance lightly*

Where doth the light go when darken shadows appear
Not to far in the distance as it is always right here
Look a little closer and you shall find
Drawing within your eye something that will shine
Yes, I see what you mean and it stands out in a dance
Little photons, waves and particles all together in romance

Dom*Colucci 2013

Saturday, November 23, 2013

A"rose" no longer*

A"rose" no longer*

Your love has not been pardoned
Giving up your heart in the garden
Cut down from ignorance, taken away from your home
Now to live with hurt on your own

False paradise in empty glass
To some it may be art in a vase
But your heart hurts so much such a painful sight
Fictitious this becomes, in illusion of light

Now you are to wither away
Sacrificing your heart, the garden no longer to stay
Dark shadows fill all around you and you cry
Love slowly leaves you and you are left to die

But that is how beauty to some is viewed
To give yourself up with the love that you knew
No longer can you come back and be planted here
Temporary beauty veiled no longer clear

Dom*Colucci 2013

Entwined as one rose*

Entwined as one rose*

My heart so painful as it seems
To be lost in love but to be of a dream
I know that you are close and I can tell
To feel you within my heart so well

Maybe if I just surrender at will
And come to calm and become perfectly still
And to feel you from silence and enter with this blend
To know of no beginning and have no end

Richness then in heart will take over me
And both of our unity that we shall be
The heart will now be of love as this I suppose
To be of this vibrancy entwined as one, we are the rose

Dom*Colucci 2013

Contented love of the lotus*

Contented love of the lotus*

I arise like the lotus in the day from the mud
I open myself up to be the bloom from the bud
I seek the sunshine that gives me the beauty this way
And show the whole universe throughout the day

To me there is nothing in this world to ever find
For that is a shadow that is left behind
Though I am only momentary to be in this light
Then back in the murk for it is my home at night

But enjoy my beauty while you can
As where I am placed, content where I stand
It is because of the silence and stillness to be calm
And the unconditional love that I sit in this pond

Dom*Colucci 2013

The light of love*

The light of love*

The day filled with sunshine, as we both are here

To be with you in my arms, come my dear
Love is with us now, it seems so bright
A little closer we go, to hold you tight
A presence that makes us feel of wonder this way
To stay as one throughout this day
Continue on with this love in such light
And illuminate brighter than the moon at night

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love is written forever*

Love is written forever*

I come into your life as an open book
Love that was in our eyes as we both took a look
Deeper I went in and read you so
It was like I knew you from before, as this I know

The heart that I found beyond your eyes
I could see the truth in you, you are so wise
But as love has nothing about beauty and that is for sure
It is about what I said to see heart so pure

In such gaze between the two of our Soul*s
I embrace your warmth in the love I hold
So now that we know of each other from within
Let us continue on reading, the book of love without end

Dom*Colucci 2013

Buoyant heart, no hurt*

Buoyant heart, no hurt*

You left me to be out on my own
The hurt involved in being so all alone
I have cried many moments, a sea of tears
Hoping and wishing that you would be back here
It seems this is not happening, ever no more
This is the way our love ends, as this was meant for
But one thing is for certain on a brighter note
With my head above water and my heart will float

Dom*Colucci 2013

A heart that tears*

A heart that tears*

Why do clouds of hurt hang over me?
Feels that the heart should be happy
What do I have to do to turn it around
And not feel depressed to be so down
Was this meant to be, to live in such pain?
To constantly feel this feeling of the cold, cold rain

Dom*Colucci 2013

Spring of love, winter so cold*

Spring of love, winter so cold*

Just as the spring in our lives was coming to be
It was love that enter our hearts we could see
As time drifted into the next season along
We heard within ourselves such a beautiful song

But now a turn has come and the heart feels stained
Our love seems to be broken, in pieces it remains
A door has been closed, this is hard to believe as it could
The moment now gone, it is gone for good

My heart has learned that love is not to flirt
But in knowing thyself and not to get hurt
So to live with the pain in silence to let it unfold
Trust in making it by, for what comes up is the winter so cold

Dom*Colucci 2013

Friday, November 22, 2013


Moving about
Clouded with a veil
Dreaming this exists*

Dom*Colucci © 2013

A rosy dream of my Soul* so deep*

A rosy dream of my Soul* so deep*

I closed my eyes so silently one night
The day was done and so was the light
I gathered what was within, deep as it seems
Went into a trance, mesmerized by a dream
I fell into a garden of fresh flowers I suppose
The beauty I was seeing for it was a rose
Tempting as it was to get a few in its take
But instead I went deeper not to be awake
Though I seen the wonder of this to be true
As then I seen my Soul* and heard it say
I Love You*

Dom*Colucci © 2013 

Life it gives me*

Life it gives me*

Where did I come from, where do I go
Something that has been here before seems to only know
Eyes that are reversed no longer to look but see
Yes what is within now lets me see who is me
For all the long I wondered what really made me live
It was something that made me from its heart, as this life to me it gives

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Happy butterfly*

Happy butterfly*

Butterfly, oh butterfly floating in the air
Butterfly, oh butterfly such freedom without care
Finding some nectar in a garden filled with flowers
To be content in such sweetness for many, many hours
Happiness is always with you and is seen in your eyes
Taking into forever with your wings to vast blue skies

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013

One to light many within*

One to light many within*

One Soul* that is awakened from love in their heart
To make a process keep going, right from its start
When another that is touched by the love of this one
Now it spreads like wildfire until it is all done
For within us all we have such wonder in light
Radiance from love and wisdom, so glowing to be bright
Seek of no darkness no longer, as if to have any
Remember it is one candle that is lit, to light so many

Dom*Colucci 2013

Erased by a fog*

Erased by a fog*

Cloudiness I look through, as it seems to prevail
A haze that is in the fog, a dream with a veil
I cannot see no further in this illusion without truth
There is no meaning and what I see is all uncouth
The awkward thing about this as I know that I am awake
Please let me not be alone in this fog, at least for heaven's sake
For it seems to be getting closer to join it in its blend
Is this how it is without Soul* with no love in the end?

Dom*Colucci 2013

Freedom of love*

Freedom of love*

Gone is the evening, the moon and the stars
They left to travel onward to be so very far
I arise this morning with beautiful sunshine
Rays of golden tenderness in my heart so fine

I stay here for a moment and listen to my Soul*
And hear its tender voice, a short story to be told
Soon I will move onward and bring peace from this space
And to know of calmness where I go, no matter to what place

For it is love and it is my heart that oneness exists
From this no other can make me step off the path to resist
Yes my heart has vision, from this it does see
This is my Soul* that just knows of all allowance to be free

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love only knows more*

Love only knows more*

Do not look at stormy days ahead
See the goodness that is here instead
For if a bit a worry as this is a must
It is the Soul* within you to give this trust

For if it is not true to be pondering of
Remember it made you of the beauty of love
Now cast aside that world of doubt
And see to it what love is all about

For it is invincible and will always expand
It knows who you are and where you do stand
So you see with this you will have nothing to fear
It is love always from the Soul* and the Soul* is right here

Dom*Colucci 2013

Sunday, November 3, 2013

I love you through my dreams*

I love you through my dreams*

Oh lover what is this, a dream I have awaken
Through the night I was lost, my heart it was aching
Each moment I was in, as I tossed and I turned
This love that I felt for you, so much that I yearned
But now my eyes are open, so happy to see you too
To know that in my arms, I can say that I love you

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love beyond any reflection*

Love beyond any reflection*

Romantic we become, setting is the sun

Lover to be within me, hearts that are one
Feeling of deep passion, it is in your touch
This moment to before forever, loving you so much
Darling it is of this beauty,with you being here
Both is our love, reflecting deeper than any mirror

Dom*Colucci 2013

Stillness, music in our hearts*

Stillness, music in our hearts*

Afternoon is lazy, calm is the day
Onward without effort, peace shows the way
Brought together are two Soul*s, made by their will
Comforting into each other, also to be so still
Gentleness it seems as we go floating along
Hearing of each other's heart, a beautiful song

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love is the light as one*

Love is the light as one*

Calm is the day and evening will come soon
Romance of the moment, brings o' glow of the moon
Enjoying each other's company, happiness that we met
Watching on the horizon, a beautiful sunset
I know we will take this beyond here and blend into the night
It is because we are two to be one and our love is the light

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love that is on fire*

Love that is on fire*

The tension is building, it is more than I can handle
Like how a spark went to the wick, in lighting a candle
Each second that goes by, more excitement we feel
Now wrapped into one, for it is love that we seal
Oh darling I am lost with the passions and desires
You make my heart burn quickly, it is our love that is on fire

Dom*Colucci 2013

Rhythm, a poem in love*

Rhythm, a poem in love*

You carry me through deeply, obsession in my eyes
Coming into you closer, love such a wonderful surprise
Entwining like grapes that hang on a vine
Versed like poetry in motion, fitting to make it rhyme
Lead me on with more passion, for love is all around
Keep this art our masterpiece, for it is joy that we have found

Dom*Colucci 2013

Kiss the "two"lips of May*

Kiss the "two"lips of May*

Letting go is always best especially in the fall
It is what is called expanding, for love it is all
Departure it may seem to be a little tough
It sort of weakens the heart in making love so rough
But if it is love, so it shall come back one day
From the time it let go, through winter
And to return to kiss the "tu'lips of May

Dom*Colucci 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Soul*s masterpiece of art*

The Soul*s masterpiece of art*

Love of mine that is always so true
Within thine heart so pure as I love you
Beauty that is you, surrounded by radiant light
A mural to paint on to, blank canvas so white
Your vibrancy is from the colors, masterpiece that I see
Simple is a few strokes and movement so carefree
My eyes now have this artwork and where I begin
Yes the finished product came from the Soul* within

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love is you*

Love is you*

There is a bit of some struggle, as it is early on
Love will be the guidance, then the struggle is done
For love sees no obstacles and cannot be of wrath
It knows of effortless bliss, along its chosen path
The more one presses onward in all they must go through
They will hear a soft voice within saying, that love is always you

Dom*Colucci 2013

One with another*

  One with another* See how the sun plays on the mountain side The moon that does move the water into the tide All in this world influences ...