Friday, April 29, 2011

I am having fun with you Love*

I am having fun with you Love*

One element at a time, we build our Love affair
Knowing a little more than the last, becoming more Aware
Stronger we play off each other, we take it a step at a time
Moving freely forward, we know all will be fine
Anyways it is better we go at this, each moment to come
Making this Love affair of worth and also having fun

Dom*Colucci 2011

The Love of new birth, spring*

The Love of new birth, spring*

It is spring and the buds they have bloomed
White lilacs and roses, with much elbow room
Planted seeds that sprout all around
Popping and bursting without a sound
My heart dives deeply into this atmosphere
It is in its Love's attraction, that pulls me here

Dom*Colucci 2011

Where did my Love go?*

Where did my Love go?*

I came across the shore to see
I look in the pond, only a reflection of me
My Love, for it was always you by my side
But Now it is different as you went and hide
I could cry enough tears to overflow this pond
You must come back, to find my Love to be calm

Dom*Colucci 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Birds in flight, the art of Love*

Birds in flight, the art of Love*

Two little sparrows out flying around
Flapping their wings, making wind and sound
A joyous thing of birds in Love to see
Such an art in flight, flying through the trees
Oh how cute Love is when it is of art
Like paint to blank canvas right from its start

Dom*Colucci 2011

Love attracts us so sweetly*

Love attracts us so sweetly*

We are enthralled in each other, over time
Love within us both attracted from the sublime
Our minds cannot see but our hearts are so True
Penetrating with this great feeling of Love going through
Your Love is so sweet and tastes well I see
Like you are my flower and I am your honey bee

Dom*Colucci 2011 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

We create a beautiful garden together*

We create a beautiful garden together*

We stand in the garden, this our hearts do bring
Cherishing this moment, to hear the birds sing
I notice with admiration and Love in your eyes
Brings more of its sparkle, from a beautiful sunny sky
My Love, I come with my heart for you to touch
To be closer Now than ever, in this beauty I Love so much

Dom*Colucci 2011

Drench me with the waterfall of Love*

Drench me with the waterfall of Love*

The feeling of your Love like a waterfall
A stream to my heart, this baptismal wall
Refreshing it is, quenching it does seem
A cool drenching of this, it is more than a dream
Continue in doing this, for my heart pounds more and more
Flowing so freely this Love, that is what it's for

Dom*Colucci 2011

Connect our Love quickly*

Connect our Love quickly*

This twisted wreck in this world
It is only of Love that makes it unfurl
To leave this strife and its grip
It is in one's heart, to make it slip
Oh Lover please, we cannot make this last
Quickly enjoin our hearts so this misery pasts

Dom*Colucci 2011 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Thanks Vinay and Jingle for week 42 Perfect Poets Award*

This is such an honour to be recognized with this award.....thanks Vinay and Jingle(+)


Sunday, April 24, 2011

I am Aware how much you Love me*

I am Aware how much you Love me*

I was just thinking of you, inside my mind
You have just called me up, on the telephone line
Stranger than known, we seem to both connect
Seems to do this always, it knows where to direct
Now that we established our intriguing Love affair
You will be in my sights with heart, this I am well Aware

Dom*Colucci 2011

Resist no longer with Love*

Resist no longer with Love*

Life it seems at times, an uphill battle
We try to succeed but hurt makes us rattle
But if we turn around and make this life pure
It will be because of our Love, that is so sure
Please let us no longer linger in what we make of this
But hold each other always, our Love will not resist

Dom*Colucci 2011

Your heart's flow is like a river of Love*

Your heart's flow is like a river of Love*

A river of plenty in your heart a must
The continuous flow, will not turn to dust
Your actions of the moment are meant to be free
I feel this heart you have open to me
I have you in my sight, with Love's atmosphere
That heart you have flowing, is drawing me near

Dom*Colucci 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

We have stopped and we are Loved*

We have stopped and we are Loved*

What a great feeling, this mid afternoon with you
Pleasure in our Love, like the morning dew
You are of caressing this moment of touch
My heart burst more desires in Loving you so much
We look into each other's eyes Now and pause
Knowing this moment is forever, without any flaws

Dom*Colucci 2011

One moment in Love forever*

One moment in Love forever*

A spring afternoon, relaxed on the green lawn
Under a willow tree, our troubles have gone
Soothing in comfort, our moments to be
Joyfully touching each others hearts, so playfully
I never knew that Love could ever be so deep
Both of our hearts entwined together, this moment we keep

Dom*Colucci 2011

A beautiful breeze blows into my heart*

A beautiful breeze blows into my heart*

Sweetness in the wind, with ocean front breeze
You are a beautiful picture, if I may say so please
Tinted skin with the beauty of lips and eyes
Smile you have is radiant as the sun in the skies
I feel your heart beat and it is so open
Together we gaze at each other, it is Love I am hoping

Dom*Colucci 2011

Hurt of Love*

Hurt of Love*

Distraught in heart,what is the need?
Please Lover come back and plant your seed
For I cannot go on, no longer with grief
It will always be you by my side, in such relief
You know how much I am in longing for you
To have you close to me and my life to go through

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

We become one, whole*

We become one, whole*

My eyes have Awakened with skies unlimited
For in my vision with my heart, I have seen you in it
You keep this fantastic feeling with me all about
For I know it is of you, without a doubt
Let us entwine in both our passions, with Love so sweet
Let us be as one forever, when we meet

Dom*Colucci 2011

Romantic interlude soon*

Romantic interlude soon*

Such a pleasant day, on this fine afternoon
A romantic interlude, with my Sweetheart so soon
With our anticipation to become both together
To fulfill both hearts in Love for one another
My Love please come soon, for I await for you here
To bring you into my arms and closer to my heart so near

I Love You

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My pain is released in Love*

My pain is released in Love*

My heart unravels its pain, like a thread in a spool
My Love relieves me of such pain, with her shining jewel
The diamond that shines and sparkles in my eyes
I have seen this, her heart and I no longer cry
She has lifted me higher than skies beyond blue
And made me Love more and more, for this is True

Dom*Colucci 2011

My Love, I have seen*

My Love, I have seen*

I search in life, an untiring quest
To look for my Love, I get no rest
I seek the woman with pure skin so fair
One who is delicate and has so much care
To seek this Love, with depths in her eyes
And touch forever in them, in wide open skies

Dom*Colucci 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The growth of my heart in Love*

The growth of my heart in Love*

Fountain of youth, pour Love all over me
Take away this blindness and allow me to see
Drench me well, in baptismal splendor
Show me the direction in heart and its wonder
Let me separate myself from what makes me not grow
To increase more in Love and to make my heart show

Dom*Colucci 2011

A breath of fresh air once again*

A breath of fresh air once again*

Lover of mine, why do you cry in such pain?
Is your heart hurt, is it filled with disdain?
Holding back this, you hurt all the more
Please Love of mine, let me open your door
To make you feel my Love, such a beautiful thing
Making you arise from those clouds and your to heart sing

Dom*Colucci 2011

Mysterious deep Love*

Mysterious deep Love*

Oh darkened mystery, within my eyes
For I turn deep inside and start to confide
For it is this being that Love abounds
Only a pounding in heart, makes such sound
But I see my Lover, she manifests so near
Her heart is pounding so loud and her Love is here

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

God bless you Soul Bro Tim Douglas,always*

God bless you Soul Bro Tim Douglas,always*

It seems when you come across the road
You meet a person to lighten your load
Now this person is of Love as he plants a seed
But then he gives you GOOD EVERYTHINGS, INDEED
He put a great smile on all he touched
He will be deeply missed by many, so much
For it is fun and a great time you have always been after
He always made you smile,with LIGHT, LOVE AND LAUGHTER
He conversed in a way that made your head spin
I will never forget a man in my heart, Soul Bro Tim(+)

Salty*Zesty Crackers*/Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Love, how sweet it is*

Love, how sweet it is*

Sweetness covered with honey dew
Love dripping deliciously, all over you
I like the taste that makes us with this
Come closer my Love, let me give you a kiss
For it is my Soul that sees you with this Truth
You always make me have this sweet tooth

Dom*Colucci 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Warmer Love, closer we are*

Warmer Love, closer we are*

Love of mine, I wish to hold you in my arms
Come closer to feel my heart, it is warm
A gentle touch to a light embrace
A gaze into your eyes and seal a kiss to your face
For my Love for you will always be strong
And to be satisfied next to my heart, where you belong

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Light of Love always begins*

Light of Love always begins*

Oh bright sunshine, this is the guide of the day
I see why I have arose, my Lover is on the way
She has lit a spark that comes into my heart
What more perfect in being, this right from the start
I feel such emanation of radiant Spirit within
My life with my Lover, always Loving again

Dom*Colucci 2011

This moment is forever*

This moment is forever*

A quiet afternoon, in both the Loving of our Souls
With gentle caressed touches, our hearts we hold
Making our moments become a little longer
Our romantic passion leads us a little stronger
I continue to gaze, still in your eyes
And see deep pools of blue with opened skies

Dom*Colucci 2011

Darkened mystery in Love*

Darkened mystery in Love*

I feel you closer, midnight has come
It is in our hearts, that Love has won
Dark intrigue has entered here whole
The passion intensifies, seen by the eyes of the Soul 
Both Now a stronger attraction that is to be
Now we are entwined in our Love, so joyfully

Dom*Colucci 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Romantic dinner for two*

Romantic dinner for two*

Meeting at the landing, near the spiral stairs
A touch of Tchaikovsky, in the background air
Candles are lit, on a spotless table for two
A couple glasses of red wine, this will do
We will share this night's romantic interlude
The dinner is mystique in our rendezvous

Dom*Colucci 2011

A little bird told me*

A little bird told me*

Oh little robin, in the cedar tree
How cute you come, singing a tune to me
Did you bring me some news of my Love?
Is this a beautiful message from God up above?
Sing me with heart, I know you will
Patiently for her to come, my heart is still

Dom*Colucci 2011

The Ocean is in our hearts*

The ocean is in our hearts*

My love, it is the ocean horizon that we see
Beauty in the sunset and watching it be
The spray of waves, they come crashing to the shore
Our hearts pulsating in the rhythm, ever so more
I turn to you, in this love that I see
Bringing you with my passion, ever so close to me

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Attracted with Love*

Attracted with Love*

We are both Lovers, we take to entwine
Holding each other in passion, like grapes on the vine
Gazing into each other's eyes with such beautiful Love
Like we have been born in a new creation, made by God up above
Both of us holding closer and feeling this in our hearts
Nothing to ever spoil this Love as we will never be apart

Dom*Colucci 2011

My heart is won over by a flower*

My heart is won over by a flower*

I hold you pretty flower, in the palm of my hands
I caress you gently and feel your heart where I stand
Your warm feeling that sets passion with your glow
Wafting cool breeze of fragrance from a rose in the blow
I am so engulfed with this smell and Love this great feeling
The longer I stand around you, it is my heart you are stealing

Dom*Colucci 2011

Evening held with romance*

Evening held with romance*

Oh darkened evening with romantic flair
Hearts pounding for Love as they both care
We come together which such Love and feeling of zest
With this so much romantic passion, how can anyone rest
Seizing the moment and our interlude does unfold
Feeling each other's heartbeat as both us will hold

Dom*Colucci 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Free like the wind in Love*

Free like the wind in Love*

My Love, the wind dances fine in your hair
Giving this its substance, dancing without care
The breeze on your face and your eyes sparkle and shine
Feeling both our hearts, Love makes them entwine
Happiness is our Love, in such joy and glee
Blowing around like the wind, this feeling is so free

Dom*Colucci 2011

Night the Souls meet in Love*

Night the Souls meet in Love*

A full moon is seen, such wonder in light
Shining like a candle burning passion in sight
It sits above with reflection so calm
It makes itself more brilliant twice in a pond
Like it is telling of how Lovers will meet
Souls gazing in each other, Lovingness to greet

Dom*Colucci 2011

Love is all for you*

Love is all for you*

The skies have cleared and no more rain
I am in the open as I don't refrain
The Love in my heart is pounding more
Awakening in Soul, there is no doors
I move on with this Love as I carry so True
The Love I have for me was always for you

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

Some more inspiration in romance, Rumi*

Some more inspiration in romance, Rumi*

Our eyes had sought forever but Now our eyes became one as the Soul had brought us with Love in our hearts*~Daily Dom*~

The most beautiful flower in the garden smiles for me everyday I see her kissing the breeze*~Daily Dom*~

Oh flaming heart of passionate desire in Soul, may you exist eternally in Love*~Daily Dom*~

For my eyes speak in seeing such beauty that my Soul knows only of this Love*~Daily Dom*~

Where the willow weeps the pond is filled*~Daily Dom*~

For it was the glow of the moon that separated the clouds for us to meet in our secret rendezvous under the stars*~Daily Dom*~

Dom*Colucci 2011

Nocturnal Love grows*

Nocturnal Love grows*

Oh moon above in peaceful night
Passion I am feeling, does this evening so right
You can feel the flames of Love in all the desires
My Lover's heart entwines with mine, in all that transpires
For the Soul has its heart and this is known
This heart is for my Lover that has also grown

Dom*Colucci 2011

Drunken beauty in Love*

Drunken beauty in Love*

Oh absolute beauty, goddess of mine
Lips ever so sweet made to taste of wine
Let me get drunk from your passionate being
To bring about more of my Love, I am seeing
I will forever be intoxicated from your Soul as well
My heart throbs more in Love, I feel it swell

Dom*Colucci 2011 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I am so inspired by this man, Rumi*

I am so inspired by this man, Rumi*

The rose opens in its bloom to make more Love unconditional touching all that is outside of it to bring more happiness inside that it will always be*~Daily Dom*~

The purity of the white Lotus flower awaits each day to come and greet the world in its beauty from the murk and mud it sits in joyfully*~Daily Dom*~

Showering someone with Love opens more openness in not only your heart but theirs as well as they share the same experience in oneness you give them also to others...Love, what finer gift is there?*~Daily Dom*~

The pond is calm as the night ushers in...we both integrate our hearts like the meeting of two swans that met for the first time in Love*~Daily Dom*~

Oh Dearest of mine, the sun captivates the beauty of your smile and the wisp of the breeze in your hair so fine....the picture is whole Now, I have seen your Soul in your eyes*~Daily Dom*~

The garden is filled with roses as there is one rose that has arrived and awaits to be kissed with a sunshine in heart*~Daily Dom*~

For if it were not for Love, the moon would never glow and the sun would never shine*~Daily Dom*~

How pure is your heart when I see that Loving smile in your eyes, may this be forever Love*~Daily Dom*~

One gaze you had for me and my heart melted inside my Soul*~Daily Dom*~

Dom*Colucci 2011

My companion with Love always*

My companion with Love always*

You have made me such a happy man, with your Loving heart
I can see this in you oh Lover, from the day we had start
We Now see each other, regularly in our lives each day
Merrily our hearts connect in all our Loving ways
We will always have a bond about us, that our Love is so True
Our togetherness will never break, because I will forever Love you

Dom*Colucci 2011

Living comfortable with Love*

Living comfortable with Love*

My Love come to me, with a twinkle in your eye
Sparkling up my day, beautiful sunshine in the sky
My heart is filled with joy and happiness too
It is abundance of your Love that makes me long for you
Our hearts are both in comfort in each others nest
Loving more and more with such Love that is the best

Dom*Colucci 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Love is like the sun, it is here forever*

Love is like the sun, it is here forever*

Sunshine comes over the mountains so still
Deeply connected to my Soul, heart that it fills
With the feeling in my heart, it is Love that is satisfied
Within me this feeling that I have, expanding Love ever so wide
Keep inducing more of this greatest feeling forever
I will only know of Love and be without it never

Dom*Colucci 2011

Heavenly Love*

Heavenly Love*

My Dearest Angel, with wings to fly
Goddess of beauty wonder in my eye
Come to me with passions I desire
My heart races for you but never does it tire
You keep me with you always on cloud nine
Love gets stronger with my heart and also feels fine 

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Our emotions are in motion*

Our emotions are in motion*

Oh Lover of mine, filled with heart and Soul
I have completeness inside, that makes me whole
With you by my side I can never do wrong
Together it is harmony our favourite song
I will always Love you Now as I did so then
Our Love is in constant motion, time and time again

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A few of Rumi with Haiku*

A few of Rumi with Haiku*

The moon has arisen only to see the sun*~Daily Dom*~

Lovers that embrace like the hummingbird that kisses the sweet to the taste, so enjoyable the moment in Love*~Daily Dom*~

The light of the dawn shows a path for the Soul that is directed in its heart for more Love to expand upon in each and every moment ahead*~Daily Dom*~

My precious flower in my hands, you have endured the elements but yet you are so make me smile in my heart with more Love*~Daily Dom*~

Placid pool
Warm desire at heart
Love entwines both*

Dom*Colucci 2011

More Love quotes inspired by Rumi from ~Daily Dom*~

More Love quotes inspired by Rumi from ~Daily Dom*~

All one's life was pursued with one's heart to change from a cocoon to a beautiful Monarch butterfly and it was its Love of life that made that change to be*~Daily Dom*~

To Love unconditional is to fly with the songbirds in the sky with no direction but to be free*~Daily Dom*~

For in the darkened void, the emptiness I feel is being filled with my heart in Love as the moon Now smiles down upon me in such a blissful moment and I am complete*~Daily Dom*~

It is in my heart that expands in the Universe that balance is achieved with the Love that is always its equal unconditionally and both keep expanding even more*~Daily Dom*~

Rose petals will never wilt away, the Soul will nurture this by its Loving heart*~Daily Dom*~

Oh glorious moon of light, my heart grows fonder in Love as this is my passion with my Soul tonight ever so illuminating as well*~Daily Dom*~

I feel the warmth of your heart next to mine as it is the sunshine in my Soul that makes this day so bright*~Daily Dom*~

Not a cloud in the sky as the Soul has opened my eyes to see this Love within me*~Daily Dom*~

The heavens sought rain in abundance as these were the tears of joy for what was right behind them....for it was the openness in splendour from the sunlight above...Brahma creation*~Daily Dom*~

From a darkened shadow came a glimmer of hope as I know Now that it is a nightingale that harmoniously makes my heart Love within with its rhythmic song*~Daily Dom*~

Dom*Colucci 2011

Intimacy with Rumi's inspiration*

Intimacy with Rumi's inspiration*

For a cool breeze wash upon my face as my eyes open and so doth my heart*~Daily Dom*~

For the Love of my rose stems her beauty right to my heart*~Daily Dom*~

I Awaken in intimacy with my Soul as the sun shines happily with the Love for my heart*~Daily Dom*~

A flower is of Love as it smiles with its heart and kisses the sun that does make it happy*~Daily Dom*~

For it is the rose in heart that pushes its thorns outside itself because of the Love that is within it*~Daily Dom*~

The thorns of a rose are revealing that Love conquers pain*~Daily Dom*~

Nothing can ever separate the Love I have for my heart and Soul. This is my matrimony to the Divine*~Daily Dom*~

A rose in the wilderness will show herself vibrantly as to not be sought for no more*~Daily Dom*~

To be intoxicated with the fragrance of life that my Soul doth breathe from its heart in Love*~Daily Dom*

The night waits in anticipation as the darkness has a new corner it turned and illumination of the midnight glow is the smile of the moon in Love*~Daily Dom*~

Dom*Colucci 2011

Soul of wholeness in Love*

Soul of wholeness in Love*

Oh glorious heart with inside of me
It is the Truth in Love, that makes me see
My feeling will always be the best that it can
For my being is in bliss, right where I stand
Oh Love cannot be any greater for it is my Soul
This Love is here for me, definitely makes me whole

Dom*Colucci 2011

Love Sunday morning*

Love Sunday morning*

Such a beautiful Sunday in the living room
I bring in the newspaper, many sections even cartoons
We sit next to each other and scour through the news
But it is our intent for both to be involved and amused
We drop down the paper and start kissing so much
Very gently in intimacy, we further our Loving touch

Dom*Colucci 2011

Dedicated Love*

Dedicated Love*

This enchanted evening with very nice weather
Here we are, romance brought us both together
I feel us both, we nurture our Love so well
Let me whisper in your ear, so I can tell
How much you mean to me in my heart
You will always be in me right from our start

Dom*Colucci 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The moon becomes brighter*

The moon becomes brighter*

The moon has arisen only to see the sun
The night darkens in as it has just begun
Lovers come out to meet with open hearts
Palpitations in rhythm, they play their part
Closer in entwining, Love is definitely in the air
Loving each other in passion, intimately with care

Dom*Colucci 2011

Happiness and Soul, hand and hand*

Happiness and Soul, hand and hand*

Glorious times are here instead
The more I move patiently going straight ahead
Each moment is filled with joy and Love
A special power like sunshine from up above
I will always walk through with Love filled in my heart
Our bonds together is with Soul, we will never be apart

Dom*Colucci 2011 

The temple has life in it*

The temple has life in it*

Sacred path as I walk on dirt
Many of my life, I went through in hurt
But my heart sustained such things of grief
I endured a little longer in my relief
It was the Soul that Loved me through all my trials
It kept whispering in my ear, "I will be with you for many miles"

Dom*Colucci 2011

I have found you, finally*

I have found you, finally*

Oh dream come true from this Awakened one
Life in Love of heart has just begun
My eyes have come opened and see you here
Joy abounds all over me and your heart is so near
I Love you more Now than I ever did
My treasure chest is opened and no longer hid

Dom*Colucci 2011

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...