Tuesday, May 31, 2011

No more pain to gain*

No more pain to gain*

No more feeling the way that you do
All your life with pain, you have Now gone through
Ease within every second of time
Little by little your heart will feel fine
You will then come to a junction in the road
With Love in your heart, you have unburdened that heavy load 

Dom*Colucci 2011

Let's go to the park*

Let's go to the park*

This day is going by rather slow
But we can take our time in what we know
So we go out a spell, a visit to the park
We will stay awhile there, at least until it's dark
We can find an opening under a maple tree
And give our hearts up Loving, so happily

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011

Now, it only cares because of Love*

Now, it only cares because of Love*

All of life comes at us quickly, we take it with stride
It is only in our hearts a must with Love, an easy ride
The flow like a river some bumpy lumps ahead
But we laugh about this and we make due instead
When we look back, we will see nothing behind us was there
But right Now all that matters and it shows Love and it cares

Dom*Colucci 2011

Paradise is within our Love*

Paradise is within our Love*

A walk through the woods and smelling the pines
It is the beauty around us that took so much time
This is how our involvement in Love was always to grow
We came to this point stronger as we both know
Now we are embracing all in this paradise come true
Forever to be entwined, you Loving me and me Loving you 

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The darkness is only momentary*

The darkness is only momentary*

I will hold you close in your darkest fears
Next to my side, though the night time is here
I am right by your side to see you to the day
And chase away all the worries from your mind away
You will awaken so fresh, like this never happened at all
With my Love, I have removed your troubles that were small

Dom*Colucci 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I will Now keep you satisfied with Love*

I will Now keep you satisfied with Love*

Hello my Love, as it is good to see you again
You have left for awhile but I did not know when
But my Love for you was always still here
Each moment going by, I felt your heart so near
So Now you have come back to me with open arms
Now to forever satisfy your Love in heart so warm

Dom*Colucci 2011

Let our Love always allow*

Let our Love always allow*

A cool puffy white cloud, in a breeze
The blue skies in my eye, puts my mind at ease
The feeling of warmth from you like the sun
We always embrace together, having so much fun
Let us not move from this moment Now
But let our hearts entwine as our Love does allow

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011

Wholeness in a heart filled with Soul*

Wholeness in a heart filled with Soul*

Love me Sweetheart for my heart is whole
It is so full of Love from my Soul
Feel the warmth and the joy it brings
When I am next to you, it always sings
Be ever so close to me forever more
So the two hearts will embrace, it is what its for

Dom*Colucci 2011

Passion as a juicy peach*

Passion as a juicy peach*

My Love, to be close and intimate too
To feel this moment fresh in Loving you
I extend my heart and my arms to reach
Gazing at you my Dearest blossom, juicy as the peach
Come near me more and I can see
That Loving heart of yours to make happily

Dom*Colucci 2011

Let us be passionate Now*

Let us be passionate Now*

Come Love, steal away the moment with me
Let us be unbounded and totally free
Both our hearts pounding as to one
Setting our Love in stone, as it is done
We will move on to the horizon, into the moon
This moment can no longer wait, our passions with us soon

Dom*Colucci 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Holding a rose next to my heart*

Holding a rose next to my heart*

Oh beautiful rose, that I hold in my hand
Love that excites me more, right where I stand
To hold you close to my heart and to also feel
Captivating these moments of joy, that I Love to steal
Enjoy every moment that we both are closer to
For my one main desire is holding you heart so True

Dom*Colucci 2011

Love I feel from you nearby*

Love I feel from you nearby*

I walk along the path and feel this within
It is Love in my heart that comes over me again
Further along, I stop for a spell
The Love in my Soul it whispers silence, I can tell
Little more this feeling becomes of more Love and growth too
As I know I am not alone no longer, it becomes more Love from you

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lotus flower with Love in the sun*

Lotus flower with Love in the sun*

I walk in the garden, early this morn
Feeling the sunlight so brilliantly and so warm
I gaze upon the lily pond, a lotus flower I see
Coming out of the muck, with purity as can be
For I feel its radiant Love that it has all the time
It arises from such mud,always to see the sun shine

Dom*Colucci 2011

Strong heart and strong relationship*

Strong heart and strong relationship*

Life is a journey and a dream come true
Ever since we met, I fell in Love with you
I have a fantastic feeling in my heart
Making this come true together, right from the start
Building on our relationship making it so strong
It is the strength of our Love, in hearts right where it belongs

Dom*Colucci 2011

Hearts that flow downstream*

Hearts that flow downstream*

My eyes have seen rivers that have passed
But my Love always for you will surely last
Keep us going down the river with flow
To be in each other's hearts, is all we will know
We will ride out all the adversities ahead of us we see
To always bring more Love in our hearts, to be so happy

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

I Love you the rose in my eye*

I Love you the rose in my eye*

I gaze and take a look
I freeze up, my heart you took
It is your beauty that has me satisfied
No mask around can make it hide
You are such a wonder in my eye, with Love
You are the rose in the garden with sunshine above

Dom*Colucci 2011

Turn it around with Love*

Turn it around with Love*

My dearest darling, why do you cry?
Let me come closer, wipe the tears from your eyes
What seems to put you in such a bad taste?
You show it so vividly with sorrow on your face
Now feel better Love as I hold your heart close to mine
Everything within you Now with Love, will be fine

Dom*Colucci 2011

Relaxing with an evening dinner*

Relaxing with an evening dinner*

Come near my Love, for I have a table for two
Enjoy a subtle moment as I order dinner for you
Let us sit down and tell how each others day went
We have loads of time ahead of us, to make this day spent
We will ease all that tension that is done for Now
Relaxing in Love with both hearts allowed

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lazy day of intimate Love*

Lazy day of intimate Love*

It is Love that allows us always to see
Come my Lover, under the sycamore tree
Let me lay down next to your and gaze into your eyes
See forever there like wide open skies
Oh what a moment for Loving hearts are there
We feel each others hearts so deeply, as we do care

Dom*Colucci 2011 

We are passionate forever*

We are passionate forever*

Beauty of Love in nature too
Your heart so open and know what to do
Feelings of wonder that is all around
It is both in our Love, that we have found
Let us Now enjoy us forever more
Our passion was each other, that is what it's for

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

Your evening is secure and warm*

Your evening is secure and warm*

You are dressed up tonight, like a dark rose
It seems we are ready to go out, I suppose
Your lips sealed and delicious like heart
I get closer to kiss them, as this evening starts
Bringing you closer in my arms
Safe with my Love that is truly warm

Dom*Colucci 2011

The stranger on the shore*

The stranger on the shore*

The ocean breeze comes in with the tide
It is cool and refreshing and also satisfied
With one lover and seeking another
The feeling comes to seeing the other
As the moment moves on in love a little more
The other comes to me, for she is the stranger on the shore

Dom*Colucci 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bluebird I Love to see*

Bluebird I Love to see*

Oh little bluebird, the twinkle in my eye
Flutter with tiny wings, as you reach the sky
Hovering overhead and Spirit in your heart
Loving these moments you live, never split apart
Keep such Love and happiness, with you to
Knowing truly when you come by I say, I Love you

Dom*Colucci 2011

Love is with us forever still*

Love is with us forever still*

We arise this morning, sleeping well as we do
It is both us in our dreams, that we always go through
We entwine so well with our hearts together
Knowing both of us with this Love, we will never say never
Let us Now ease back in our life and enjoy us forever still
We already see this ahead of us, for it is our Love that is our will

Dom*Colucci 2011

The rose I kiss*

The rose I kiss*

The rose of the morn, sweet Love is it's kiss
Feeling the dew from this and the cool mist
Open bloom and red with fragrance too
You are the rose in my heart as I feel Love from you
To handle you with care and this sweet Loving touch
To be that same dew and kiss you so much

Dom*Colucci 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Heart hurt's with you not here*

Heart hurt's with you not here*

Feel for me as I long for your heart
These days have past and kept us apart
We should not be so far away from here
We should hold each other in our arms, so very near
But I will live in the is torment, with suffering and pain
My heart will always be Love, even feeling this strain

Dom*Colucci 2011

Together, closer Now than ever*

Together, closer Now than ever*

You are close, close inside me
Our Love is in our Souls and they both see
Staring and gazing with us together
More and more our Love getting better
I know this feeling as it is so strong
The feeling that is in heart where we both belong

Dom*Colucci 2011

Romance on a gray afternoon*

Romance on a gray afternoon*

Today has such a gray afternoon
But I am in the mood to be a swoon
Your heart is burning a hole in mine
I feel our passions, becoming entwined
So what, let it rain all day
With romance together, this is Love our way

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Persuaded by your heart with Love*

Persuaded by your heart with Love*

The Love I have for you, we have endured
It is from my heart, so sweet and pure
This Love will only grow more and never be traded
Love so strong, you make it to be pretty persuaded
I will always come over to your side with this
In my heart forever, you will never be missed 

Dom*Colucci 2011

Love in flight, safe and secure*

Love in flight, safe and secure*

We are both touched with Soul, it is in your eyes
You give me that open feeling, like birds in the skies
My Love, I will be with you safe and warm
Always protect you by my side from any harm
Make this Love last many moments to be so True
With you Loving me the way that I always Love you

Dom*Colucci 2011

My heart in Love shines for you*

My heart in Love shines for you*

Fresh morning with bright sun
This day is joyous and has begun
My heart is so filled with Love from you
It becomes more stronger, what else to do
I am deep within the Love from you being
Of so much joy an happiness from you, I am seeing

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

Love in God Consciousness*

Love in God Consciousness*

So delicate to go in the woods for a walk
Feeling the Love in springtime, silence talks 
To see each bud on the tree arrive
This acceptance of Love, making it alive 
So God's heart is so big and tall
God's heart is for everyone here, overall

Dom*Colucci 2011

You gave me Love, as I give it back too*

You gave me Love, as I give it back too*

A heated flame has just come into my heart
Magic has been lit with this, as it starts
Oh my Lover, I feel the sensation and it burns
Needing you more Now in my heart, for it yearns 
I cannot take this no more as I will surrender
For it is your Love, I will always render

Dom*Colucci 2011

Love in heart that is pampered*

Love in heart that is pampered*

I Love our life together, happiness is a breeze
Being next to you in my heart, you make it pleased
It is such a sensation, that will never be hampered
More Love for your heart, will always be pampered
Lover I know how True this really can be
It is in both our hearts of Love, that I can truly see

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Love is my heart, Now I see*

Love is my heart, Now I see*

Shimmering water on the lake, I see it as it shines
Sets me at ease when gazed upon, this is truly fine
I go deeper within myself, with such calm and ease
It is my heart leading me there, release it and its free
This is Love in uncondition and it will be always True
For it is my Love from my heart, I will always give to you

Dom*Colucci 2011

With you in the garden*

With you in the garden*

Oh Lovely garden, with marigolds puffy and bright
A grandiose of eyeful colors, within my Truest sight
The wafting fragrance of roses, I am smelling through the air
I feel a hearts vibration, it is you with delight and so much care
Both combined with a breeze, a Loving scent I can smell
What a beautiful day in this garden with you, it is Love I can tell

Dom*Colucci 2011 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gorgeous creation in spring*

Gorgeous creation in spring*

A pleasant day, with flight of robin's wings
Butterflies and dragonflies, the wind it does bring
Daisies and roses and kissing daffodils
Honey bees with nectar, back to the hive with their fill
Such a beautiful creation, happening all around
Created with insight and Love, without making a sound

Dom*Colucci 2011

Love for you is real, my Angel*

Love for you is real, my Angel*

You came to me Angel, it was a comforting dream
I awakened so happily and in joy it seems
I seen you come down from the heavens with your wings
You flew into my heart, kissed it and made it sing
You are not of a dream no more, for you are real
This heart of mine for you is its passion that it feels

Dom*Colucci 2011

We give our Love and receive it as well*

We give our Love and receive it as well*

Our Love has taken us further than we know
It is in our happiness together, as it shows
We touch each other's hearts in a special way
Our commitment with unconditional Love, that makes it stay
So we know of each other always from the start
Our bonds of this Love, we will never split apart

Dom*Colucci 2011

You are my sunshine*

You are my sunshine*

Bright magnificent morning I see
You are like the sun, arising to be
Your heart is shining with a positive glow
My attraction to you Now, is all I know
So today, you are a sparkling gem in my eye
With this I see, no clouds will be by

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I feel you within me and my heart*

I feel you within me and my heart*

You give me a ticklish feeling, that is inside
I Love your comfort closeness, keeps me satisfied
When you are near, I can only Love you more
This heart I have to offer you, it's your Love I long for
Please my dearest darling, promise we will never part
For we will be always together, entwined with both our hearts

Dom*Colucci 2011

Music of Love in the wilderness*

Music of Love in the wilderness*

The woods play the music, the minstrel arrives
All in the enchanted forest, does come alive
The Spirit is felt and it is Love so True
Vibratory tones in heart, with Love for you
The tone is set and we match up in rhythm here
Our Love is our music, for we combine crystal clear

Dom*Colucci 2011

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Loneliness not longer but Love's essence*

Loneliness not longer but Love's essence*

Be not of loneliness no longer, for this cannot be
I have traverse long distances to make you see
It is Now in my heart that is open for you to feel
Take it with much Love, as this you can steal
I am around you always, in my Loving presence 
Enjoy every moment I can give you and all its essence

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sweet passions of our Love*

Sweet passions of our Love*

For we both cannot bind hearts together tight
We must be open always in Love, this is so right
To be free in our relationship, always with flow
To be of no obstacles ahead of us, this we must know
Enjoy my Love, the fruit of us is sweet
Taking a delicious taste always, it is our hearts that do greet 

Dom*Colucci 2011

Fragrance plays on both our hearts*

Fragrance plays on both our hearts*

The smell of spring, with its fresh air
The lilac fragrance blows around without care
It is you my Love, that is blooming so well
Making each bloom more satisfying, this I can tell
Your attraction I feel is stealing me away
The kind of attraction like a magnet I will stay

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

The dance of Love*

The dance of Love*

I have a happy feeling, going down my feet
It is the music of Love, that is in a heart beat
I can feel the vibrations within my heart to sing
Stronger they come, the more they bring
This goes beyond our Love in this dance
For it is our closeness that makes this romance

Dom*Colucci 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Tree Becomes A Soul*

The Tree Becomes A Soul*

Here is the cover of my new book, The Tree Becomes A Soul. I would like to thank all that helped me in making this book become real. For these are friends I met on www.intent.com two years ago. Without their inspiration for me to do more I would not have this book today. Thanks my Dearest Ones and you know who you are as all three of you are mentioned in the introduction of my book. Enjoy always*

Dom*Colucci 2011

Unsweetened lemonade with Love*

Unsweetened lemonade with Love*

Relationships that sour, without heart in their aid
Sweetness gone rotten, like no sugar to lemonade
Poisons that once satisfied right to the taste
Now leave big gaps in one's heart, such an empty space
But I have known you with your Love, to come to me here
I will mend your wounds with my passion, and Love you oh so dear

Dom*Colucci 2011

Our Love is "Strawberry Fields Forever"*

Our Love is "Strawberry Fields Forever"*

The Beatles, they sing "Strawberry Fields Forever"
I can see we will be like this and never say never
We are woven with such Love like those fields
We came into this Love and we will never yield
It is our True commitment for this to always be
The continuance of such Love, we always will see

Dom*Colucci 2011

My Love for you at breakfast*

My Love for you at breakfast*

Bright morning day, sun in the sky
You come into the kitchen and open your eyes
I await your arrival to see you instead
From the nights sleep you just came from, out of bed
Now I have prepared you a little breakfast from my heart
To show my Love in goodness, this day you will start

Dom*Colucci 2011

You are fine company*

You are fine company*

Sitting by the river bank, lazy afternoon
Sun is out all day, followed by the moon
You come to me with a sun dress and a floppy hat
You sit by my side and we start to chat
I listen to you on what you have to say
I feel Love coming from your voice, the longer that I stay

Dom*Colucci 2011

We must be free in Love as well*

We must be free in Love as well*

We are never caught in a bind, always unleashed
Freedom that is within, our Love will never cease
It is our common goal to continue with this
Always this Love, our passions do not resist
So we Trust each other in our independent ways
And we know our Love will be eternal as it stays

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Freedom in Love as well*

Freedom in Love as well*

Holding on to my little sparrow
Makes this life to be of its own harrow
Beautiful as life is to have from you, my Love
I must unhand you to freedom and let you fly up above
I can see how happy that your heart will sing
When you set for release in flight, with your wings

Dom*Colucci 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

One close Love in our hearts*

One close Love in our hearts*

Our ties close together, you can see
Me Loving and you Loving me
Warm as we are always, closer we can
Next to each other, definitely where we stand
Continuance in our Love right from the start
With this we form as one, with both our hearts

Dom*Colucci 2011

Song in a happy heart today*

Song in a happy heart today*

Hearts that flow, like the stream 
Running constantly, it is Love it seems
Such a beautiful feeling all the long
Brighten up the day and singing a song
Lover this will always be this way
My Love greeting yours each and every day

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

Our Love is ripened with sweetness*

Our Love is ripened with sweetness*

You are the apple in my eye, I savor
Sweetness of taste, its goodness, its flavor
Juicy with Love that is in your heart
All as a whole and with core, not pulled apart 
You will be within me until the end of time, I see
You are deliciously with this Love, this was meant to be

Dom*Colucci 2011

Let us both fly away*

Let us both fly away*

My Dearest Love, softness in the moon light
My heart is touched by you to take flight
The stars call upon us to be so free
To fly in the heavens, with joy and to be happy
Come Love, for our destination is unknown
Freedom calls us both, for the sky is our home

Dom*Colucci 2011

Mother Nature showed me her Love*

Mother Nature showed me her Love*

A brisk wind from the cool shade
The trees in the forest, this was made
I search within here, not to be without
A Love I feel without a doubt
My heart leads to this Love that I feel
She is in the center here, my heart she steals

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Morning in Love*

Morning in Love*

The day awakens and I see you in my eyes
Such freshness abounds and no clouds in the skies
I come with my heart, open all for you
To give you this Love, that is all so True
I see it is turning out to be a great day as such
The Love I am  feeling, your heart with its touch

Dom*Colucci 2011

Love birds we are*

Love birds we are*

Look my Love, through the trees
Two birds in Love, this is what I see
How cute they are, for it seems this is us
Rubbing their beaks, they are kissing with no fuss
Now it is our turn, to do such a thing
Come closer Love and make our hearts sing

Dom*Colucci 2011

We melt the day away together*

We melt the day away together*

A lazy afternoon, on a spring day
We lay on the lawn and watch it breeze away
I look into your eyes and you look into mine
We do not care about the hours or any of the time
All we know is to be with each other very near
And hold each other's hearts, so tenderly dear

Dom*Colucci 2011

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...