Sunday, December 28, 2014

Oneness is love*

Oneness is love*

The world outside is moving faster without being calm
Teaching you nothing about being a reflected mountain pond
But when you do break away from this and what it is showing
You start to settle in the center, where wisdom is in its knowing
For you pull together the peace and it begins to start
A world that becomes one to see for and never to be apart
For now what is below is also above
You have found your heart as this is oneness and oneness is love

Dom*Colucci 2014

Freedom does not have an illusion*

Freedom does not have an illusion*

It is all happening all at once in the surround
You notice it more in nature, moving about and around
But it also is where you are standing as it takes place
There is something that is allowing all to move in its space
Openness it takes advantage in what it always sees
To move right where its from and knows how to be free
There is no agenda in forming any kind of rights
As it is liberated where it is like no shadows on a light
So with this in mind, coming to a conclusion
Freedom is within to start from and not without in an illusion

Dom*Colucci 2014

A new always begins*

A new always begins*

The myth we confront as what eyes to look
Goes by like the pages of an  open book
For what is without us is an illusion indeed
That is not who we are when we know who to be

When you narrow it down and watch it implode
The external world begins its end and starts to erode
Take away its darkness in the night
Or brilliance of the day with its light

When you leave this by itself you will get a better view
You will find out of one only, it is you that is the truth
So no longer can you be what made you outside of here
You have now established a place, so accurate and so clear

Nothing else can possibly be a life you once known
Sought nowhere to go from that, in missing your home
Hence you will find out that all stems from you within
Every moment that this happens, a new you always begins

Dom*Colucci 2014

Don't let this be a hang up*

Don't let this be a hang up*

Just to hear your voice once again
How you spoke to me when we began
To know how music that comes along
Fluidly to each other, our hearts belong
To taste each word you have to say
And to feel it so warmly, like like the light of the day
But for some reason or another when this ends and we say goodbye
I have this feeling I will no longer hear you and tear up to cry
Because when we do and I hang up the phone
Here I am once again, without you all alone

Dom*Colucci 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Ready to be new again*

Ready to be new again*

With one more round to have a chance
Leaves letting go gracefully in a dance
Something that is coming, starting to unfold
The chill in the night and the day that gets cold

Dying by the moment no time to go back
Like a virus that swoops in when it attacks
A frost that clouds all in its veil
Begins on one thing and starts its trail

No more is it warm to make the heart flow
Death to be here soon with no life to grow
But when it comes, a blank canvas will start
To make what is around the corner, its beautiful art

Dom*Colucci 2014

Come around to go around*

Come around to go around*

The wind blew the dust around
Coming right behind it without a sound
The dust was taken by surprise
There was no time to open its eyes

It was a warning of things to come
If only the dust had legs to run
Late this was as anew comes the season
Mother Nature knew of its reason

A winter was fast approaching with its chill
The dust knew now that it was to remain still
For a blanket to lay upon it with snow
Time was nearing here to finally let go

So it stayed dorment and gave up as it tried
Flurries swirled around it this time not to arise
Death was to be only a moment then would pass
Winter is in the cycle not to last

As one day will come and the warmth shall be felt
All that surrounded the dust will finally melt
Do not ever fight this manner or even fret
All things shall move on when it is perfectly set

To look at this we note that things are temporary you see
Somethings that become a bond as other things are freed
Beginnings may be a struggle to reach the end
But always remember in a cycle the end begins again

Dom*Colucci 2014

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Separate but whole*

I have seem to come here with a truth
I was a product that was deep in a root
I sprawled upward and began to grow
A teaching in every moment that I know

Strength was within and I continued on
There was no end result in seeing it done
But behold that when I fell from my parent, the oak tree
They were no longer needed for who I found was me

I stayed silent for a spell and possibly journeyed a mile
Until I was comfortable to stay awhile
For now it is my turn that it is to be born
To become once again that oak tree, the acorn

Dom*Colucci 2014

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The situation arises lightly*

The situation arises lightly*

A disturbance that cannot be kept in
Wiggle room side to side to begin
A depth cannot be submerged no more
The key found the lock to open the door
Ripples intensify to start to become waves
Something arising from an unconscious grave
A Soul* within ready to take its plight
Revealing to the surface, the depth from that light

Dom*Colucci 2014

Strength speaks wisely*

Strength speaks wisely*

It is the end of autumn, time to let go
Many have already done so, still some do not know
To those that ignore this, pity them with nothing to be fulfilled
A horrific cry of misery calls out soon from the chill
Not to listen from this as the third season has spoke
But the wisdom from this tree is strong, it is the mighty oak

Dom*Colucci 2014

A "step" within myself*

A "step" within myself*

I was so innocent when I came into this place
Freedom in not knowing moving about in this space
But ignorance sets itself against who I am
It is now doubt, this way of life is the plan

A reality that walks as a shadow next to me
I am the captive of myself and not to be free
Somehow I know of something that is so deep
To escape these clutches that it cannot keep

There is another side to this consciousness that I know
To put an end to this and let it go
Yes this was the first step and it was to suffer inside
In such letting go, to do it in stride

I since moved on as now there is joy where I be
Happiness is growing steadily, I feel love within me
Seeing that I have such contentment in being right here
The picture is more in focus, it is becoming very clear

The journey is nearly over, like I climbed to a mountain top
Awareness kicks in and now I cannot stop
Yes there is something that awaits for me to see
What is there is now here, it is me that sees me

Dom*Colucci 2014

The naked blanket*

The naked blanket*

There is a change coming, feel it in the air
The picture is dying out, you see it everywhere
Even though the beauty, temporarily was here
Now it has come to let go, nothing in nature interferes

The wind is colder and it blows all around
It makes the leaves do a dance in the surround
There still is a bit of life that slowly continues on
But it just knows that soon it will be gone

The trees show their nakedness as it is their truth
They have to live within and feed off their roots
Ominous to be, that a winter will be here soon
To make this emptiness, a blank canvas and more room

Dom*Colucci 2014

Saturday, October 25, 2014

What is the meaning of life?*

What is the meaning of life?*

A sage set out on a journey to see what to be sought
The masters told him, that really this is all for naught
So he went out anyway and this is how he starts
The masters seen him off, wished him well as he parts

He knew of many hardships along many miles
And to see of these hardships including his own trials
But he pressed onward, still sought what he needed to do
Another day that has come and gone as he went on through

Knowing of a teacher that sat on the top of a mountain
Greatness of his wisdom, flowing like a fluid fountain
Standing in front of the behemoth, beginning to make his climb
One foot over the other, exhaustion sets in on the incline

He finally sees his destiny, in his eyesight
Trembling to know of this wise man to set him right
He walks up to the master, filled with so much to be wise
Kneels and bows in front of him and looks into his eyes

The master said that "you have traveled so far"
"It is you coming here in knowing who you are"
"So what shall it be, loyal to your heart, my young sage?"
"I can put an end to your "thought" and your rage"

The sage looked up at the master and started to say
"What is the meaning of life? And then I shall be on my way"
The master gave a stern look and was very discreet
"One should not know of this because one will be complete"

"And when one is complete, they are no longer needed here"
"You will no longer exist, you know the answer crystal clear"
"As you see now that you have found out what this is with one's last breath"
"Once one finally knows of this, their life is now over and now it is death"

So there is no real meaning to life, for meanings have endings you see
Just leave well enough alone and let everything be
Life is a journey with interest to enjoy along the way
And something not to figure out making one go astray

Go in peace and never look back on what you seek
Search no longer, listen not to your "mind" but a heart that speaks
Logic did not put you here to be complete but love to be whole
That love is within you always and that love has no meanings
It is your Soul* 

Dom*Colucci 2014

Saturday, October 18, 2014

"Eye" see you*

"Eye" see you*

Seek me not for what is sought is within
Not seeing me at all from time and time again
You woke up every day and wondered how this turns out
All you did was live in your own doubt
You never gave yourself one iota of a chance
Entertaining ignorance in a dance
But now the tide has turned as you will see
Both of us to be one as I know you agree
For what we both see is now in view
It is you that sees me as I always seen you

Dom*Colucci © 2014

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Love and trust, the awakened lotus*

Love and trust, the awakened lotus*

Worldly pleasures of desires so deep
Attached to those things that the heart does not keep
A darkened world that is stuck like the mud in the pond
Illusions to tempt to excite not to make calm

But something is not with that world within
It has been awakened always to be born again
It sleeps away from that darkness it does not see
It is not of any shadow for it is truly free

When the sun comes up in the daylight
It knows when a path is made, leaving the night
Protected by love, petals look like hands folded to a prayer
Through cool murky waters, awakened to be here from there

Now it has surfaced and it shows its beauty to the world
Petals open up, received the love as it unfurls
It sees itself always as it is in a consciousness that trusts
Coming here over and over, enlightened where it is,
For it is the beauty of the awakened lotus

Dom*Colucci 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

Nothing lets go of all*

Nothing lets go of all*

Ignorance attaches to so many things
It comes in attraction that this does bring
It sees its victim as temptation begins
The more you hold on, it starts over and over again

An anchor that you just do not see
How is one liberated from this and let it be?
But not to seek such things and pay attention in the surround
You can see this in plain sight, it is all around

It is not of material as this is perceived
For its substance carries all, emptiness to believe
It knows of all that grows from their seed
It is nothing that knows it has everything it does not need

Dom*Colucci 2014

Now within, out of time*

Now within, out of time*

Something keeps moving about
It does not stop, there is no doubt
Running in increments in a chase
A rhythm that continues seems like a race

It is an illusion that one feels they have to beat
Looking at this, no one ever defeats
But seconds roll by, hearing tick tock
A face that looks, hands direct, it's a clock

Following this, one can be stressed
To keep up with this, no one can rest
So we can definitely see, this puts one in a bind
Until it no longer exists, when one is out of time

Dom*Colucci 2014

Even darkness lightens up*

Even darkness lightens up*

A journey came early as it shed some light
The sun walked the sky until it became night
Darkness was all around after all this
It engulfed all in the surround and nothing was missed
Light arose again as it was the moon
Alone in the window, it smiled at me and the radiance filled the room

Dom*Colucci 2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Nothing parts away stillness*

Nothing parts away stillness*

Ten thousands jewels in front of me here
I see no sign of a cloud to shed a tear
The shimmer of the sun ripples in the pond
I am at ease with myself in such a calm

The water moves about from the wind
Silent words come in waves over and over again
But I am here with nothing else but to be still
The present is my partner and we both see our will

In the surround the wind still gently blows
Harmoniously through the air, as this is how it goes
Nothing more perfect as the picture is clear
For in such stillness, there is no worry, guilt or fear

Dom*Colucci 2014

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Space and the Divine*

Space and the Divine*

From out of nowhere that it came
There was no label and even no name
It just happened to be, arriving in this place
Really no substance but void in empty space

Though so quiet, silence gave you rest
It was from no sound that all things manifest
Arranged in a way that all was aligned
It was here in togetherness, all at once with no time

Because everything that knew just where to be
There was no building from plans as all did see
Many sat in a distance but all was in connection 
Each one had function from inner direction

That direction seem to be balance with nothing attached
Sitting harmoniously in space, opened with no latch
So it all was as one in beauty, that is in the forever skies
Staying in the present, never having no other ties

The most of all wonders is to see what comes in the night
A necklace of jeweled stars, medallion of the moon in light
An artful canvas in the evening, from the dark out there
The day may hide these treasures, veiled everywhere

It seems that this space that is present and always here
Is an absolute truth in which shows us all very clear
It is only space that can touch us so gentle and fine
Yes emptiness in the Universe accepting us with love, this is the Divine

Dom*Colucci 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Thank you for what you "Liked"*

Thank you for what you "Liked"*

There once was a time when the sun was on fire
It came into life and the passion was inspired
As time rolled on and the wind came through
It seemed to push this desire in knowing what to do

But then something came along and the wind was no longer there
It dissipated without warning right into thin air
Tho one kept on striving to keep the sails moving along
But it seem the drive was idle and the heart no longer belonged

How can this be that this now comes to an end
To stop and wonder what is gone, my inspiration, my friend
Maybe the spring has come, summer too
Fall will approach as it is seen in view

This was once a place that belongs in everyone's heart
There is now a time where I must move on and part
I thank you very much for all that stopped by through the years
As all of you I am happy that you came to see something here

In the last few months I gave my best to keep going
Deep down inside, it was final in this knowing
Maybe one day will come and I can begin here again
But until that time comes, 
I want to thank you all for liking this page and being my friend

Dom*Colucci © 2014

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Where have you been?*

Where have you been?*

Push me beyond your world as I am in the dark
Then this is how it goes, this sorrow I will park
My heart maybe burdened by what you have done
I will trust that is within myself and find that one

I will shed many tears but know that times go by
That it is necessary for me to open up and cry
But there is something special that when I do
It already knows where I am going and have to go through

For I rely on it with trust as it has that power
With these eyes that water, my heart becomes a flower
My shell is breaking apart and wisdom emerges with a root
This is now my journey to take on my own, it is my truth

Yes my vision that is within the heart that grows
It says press onward in knowing what it knows
Memory has gone of you and now no longer exist
It was myself that I was searching for but seemed to resist

So now all is erased from a past that is no longer there
I arrive through broken soil and feel love in the air
The sun looks down upon myself and it has a big grin
Shining so brilliantly and asks "where have you been?"

Dom*Colucci 2014

It is not angry when it cries*

It is not angry when it cries*

In a distance the old man grumbles
Something has upset him as he rumbles
Darkness ensues as it is on its way
Obscurity of brilliance now to be gray

Emotional this becomes, it feels its pain
A tear to be shed and now it rains
Drenching all below, it begins to release
Finally with such sorrow, it knows of its peace

But from these drops of crystal tears
It knew of despair that sat right here
It was not for the sake of only one
It was bring back life as it hid the sun

Now all things can be once again of a flow
To make rivers push on and allow nature to grow
For there may be anger with a temporary bind
But once it is out there, one can find

To hold it all in, this burdens more and more
It is not good to be the wall, for there is an open door
So in a sense all benefits from this storm
At least it gave notice as it was forewarned

Moving forward it does and it did not last
All things that move into the present, are now the past
So life has its cycles with joy and pain
But sunny days do not last long, it must at times rain

Dom*Colucci 2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The ghost in the wishing well*

The ghost in the wishing well*

Whispering in the wind, it is you that I heard
Silently speaking, gentle is your words
Enticing to join with you, as you wish for me to do
For being all alone, must be hard for you
Longing for me you call, traipsing through the woods
Knowing that when we meet, our words will be good
Coming closer to your abode and then I stop
My knock on  your door is in a water drop
One drop is all it takes to call for you and it fell
You arise now and I see you, the ghost in the wishing well

Dom* Colucci 2014

Monday, July 14, 2014

Eyes without a face*

Blindly walking though life with this heart
Knowing that such love exists that does not pull me apart
Looking, searching, moving ever so that it seems I do not see
I pray to what knows of me to see and to be set free
Please, oh please I know that you are in this place
But when I turn around to you, will I will see eyes without a face?

Dom*Colucci 2014

Friday, July 4, 2014

Love in you is my passion*

Love in you is my passion*

Baptize me with your love, from this heated desire
Quench me with such thirst, to ease of this fire
I am succumbed to a passion that I wish not to burn
Romance in such passion, a longing that I have yearned

Please let the wick to this candle not fade away
This flame must be tamed for it to stay
For one knows that love is measured in each moment in time
And not to engulf in flames and make one so blind

Holding on is no good as this burdens one as well
One must enjoy each step and make heaven and not hell
I trust this love to be forever but yet have its freedoms too
But you will always be in my Soul* and I will always love you

Dom*Colucci 2014

Joyous light of love*

Joyous light of love*

I know of a place where happiness does grow
The more that I am grateful in joy, the more that it shows
Deep within it is tapped, surfacing to the top
Once it is revealed, this feeling it cannot be stopped

Oh wonder that you are from a chest filled with treasures
It is this state of bliss that comes with all these pleasures
The feeling runs wild all over and never does it part
This is definitely healthy and it is great for the heart

I can only show more of gratitude, for this always to be
Oh wonder that walks in freedom, inside of me
Yes I now grow inside and this is how I was made
For it will always be of love and this light will always stay

Dom*Colucci 2014

One with another*

  One with another* See how the sun plays on the mountain side The moon that does move the water into the tide All in this world influences ...