Sunday, January 13, 2019



Awaiting a very long time, virtue is patience I feel
While stillness is in the surround, all is not concealed
Through a darkened time as no longer this cannot be
A shadow has walked through the night, a break has come I see

But to continue on as this cycle comes back again
At the point to which I stay, right here is where I am
So to me this a trick to the "mind", to be as a myth
This illusion that I am a part of, an ignorant partner to be with

When one has achieved a sense of being still
Such in the enlightened state merging into  free will
So every part of everything, nothing must be learned
Abolishing every myth one has seen, from one to none returns 

Perpetual as this is as it was the present that does come
A happening it is the laws of simultaneity, agreement to be one 
Whole that this cycle did arrive from its evening dark as night
Arising that I have waited for, awakened in the light

Dom*Colucci © 2019


  1. Greetings Dom. I hope your reach your goals with your inner-spirit. A well-written piece that I enjoyed reading. Blessings to you my Friend. Love love, Andrew.

    1. ~I thank you always Andrew~I truly believe in my lifetime I shall reach enlightenment~after two awakened truths that happened in 1975 and 1985~bless you always as well~


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...