Sunday, January 20, 2019

~Does it ever matter?*

~Does it ever matter?*

~There once was two different types of people both living a life in an existence that seemed to be of its openness to live in. From this, one figured out that tidiness was always the way to go so that one followed the way of being tidy. As this one embarked on a way that made sure all the pieces were in order in that one's eye as to say if something that was on their path was not to their liking they corrected it in doing so. So time went on this one was in fact actually wearing that one down and missing the point that life is was really an inside job without suffering and that once this one could see it like this then one was to be so centered and those things outside oneself were already working out without help at all for this was trust that was from within that did so. But in a certain sense this was not for the case of that one that could not see but looked instead.

~On the other hand the other person not really like a slob or being untidy seen something different and took life in a different direction and just went along in what was thrown at them in doing so. So they went about their business in seeing that they were not a slave or prisoner to their own way of life as they viewed it as a mirror may be bright and clean but will always be dirty right after such deed is done and felt life was more important than cleaning it up along their path.

~From this one that left all alone knew of a secret as to be seeing and paying attention to the wisdom that was within made them understand who they are and where they are to be as well as this one seen in nature that all things take care of themselves along the way. And need not attention in making this more than what it already knew without outside interference in need. As in essence we all came here to stand on our own with our own blueprinted Soul* as indeed this is an inside job of doing so.

~So now that the two has been discussed it seems the one that pay attention to that one's life within has fulfilled everything it needed to fulfill in their life. As they know closer to the day of expiry all things that lead up to that day, all in life was just an experience something within loved with that one and not to tidy up along the way as it took that one away from their own truth of enjoying without cleaning up every piece of dirt that seem that this dirt knew right where to put itself. And in seeing if that one would pay more attention to that or to that one that is within instead.

~In essence when all things are said and done even if that one was paying more attention in how the world outside themselves to be in order it really did not matter. From then on the wind still blows in making those things from being tidy to being chaos but knows of its own way in its correction as they just are. So then it never mattered at all.

~Thank you and enjoy life whatever you do*

Dom*Colucci © 2013

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Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...