Saturday, January 5, 2019

Happy Now Year*

Happy Now Year*

Another year that has walked away
Like so many others before, not here to stay
But yet this thing called time it always moves on
The second you enter a moment, that moment is gone

The ball has dropped in New York City's Time Square
A sense of hope and change goes about and fills the air
Could this be the year where my whole life is aligned?
Or another year goes past, auld lang syne?

Many a people wander around so aimlessly
"Trying" so bad to look for something they just cannot see
As time goes by fast, quicker are the dates
The older one gets, did I miss something or was it too late?

But yet to the wise there never was this thing called time
Only to the fool its conformed everyday lost in its find
For they do not know that the present is always now
No matter where they go here stays with them it allows

So when the sun goes down into the west
The light brings a shadow in as it begins to rest
The moon arrives from the east and settling begins
Starry. starry night is in vastness, eternity never ends

So you see that one with time that consistently believes
They live in their own falsehood and are truly deceived
So what I am saying to you has always adhered
There was no such thing as time, you were always here

~But from me to you if you still believe~
~Happy New Year~

Dom*Colucci  © 2019


  1. Greetings Dom. A happy New Year to you from me my blogging Friend. A well-written piece that I enjoyed reading. Time stands still for no-one, and it is always ongoing! Nice philosophy. Blessings. Love love, Andrew.

    1. ~thanks Andrew~Happy New Year to you as well~enjoy always~


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...