Friday, January 18, 2019

Thief in the "mind"*

Thief in the "mind"*

Struggle that will not let me see
Obstacles about won't let me be
Gray matter that is not so clear
Continuous void always open, am I here?

Frequency that I wish from this I attract
What causes its pull to me, I wish to send back
I know that one step at a time one must  make
But to follow this , tough to find grace so it takes

What is becoming so disproportion, off balance to
Still difficult to see this and so hard to do
Why is life so hard and an awakening to find? 
My belief that it is ignorance, the thief in the "mind"

Dom*Colucci © 2019


  1. Greetings Dom. I can relate to this piece with having bipolar. I enjoyed reading your poignant poem, well done. Blessings my Friend. Love love, Andrew.

    1. ~I am so glad you enjoy this piece~I did it yesterday as something that I see I get inspired from and to me becomes a poem~thank you~

    2. We can all find inspiration in our day to day lives and surroundings and what we see and hear? Blessings my Friend. Love love, Andrew.


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