Saturday, January 19, 2019

A scream door*

A scream door*

Awoken abruptly from a dream
My blood curdled in panic from a scream
I looked all around and nothing to be found
Something has happened as there was a sound
Investigation proved nothing to be more
Of the wind that was blowing and a noisy screen door

Dom*Colucci 2012


  1. Greetings Dom. So sorry you were awakened from being hag-ridden! I hope you've fixed your door now? A well-written piece with good rhymes and acceptable meter. Blessings to you my poetic-Friend. Love love, Andrew.

    1. ~indeed a bit of comedic relief in this poem~almost as tho you are within that person that found this to be true~thank you Andrew~blessings be always~

    2. You are welcome my Friend. Blessings. Love love, Andrew.

    3. ~enjoy always Andrew~thanks~


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