Saturday, January 19, 2019

I feel light, pick me up*

I feel light, pick me up*

It came from nowhere
Moving on just the same
It had no intentions at all
Wondering around in the sunlight
No choreograph at all
Linger, one stroke in the breeze
Falling downward but yet still dancing
Thick like a veil
Dust in the daylight window

Dom*Colucci © 2013


  1. Greetings Dom. This piece made me smile. It's amazing what you can write about if you take the time to! I enjoyed, well done. Blessings. Love love, Andrew.

    1. ~even tho this is an older poem`this will always be my passion as well~I am glad you enjoyed Andrew~thank you~

    2. You are welcome. Blessings. Love love, Andrew.


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