Sunday, January 13, 2019

Where is the meaning if we all expire?*

Where is the meaning if we all expire?*

How can this possibly be, throughout life unknown?
What does it all boil down to when all it has shown?
I have seen just about everything that I could see
But something deep inside keeps telling me

That all that was done in making the goal
Believing it was complete and making it whole
From the closer I become awakened and know what I did
The more I unravel this life of mine and truth not hid

Now after many years that have sped on by
I know now why I exist and it was told with a lie
The sun goes down and hurries again to be seen
In Ecclesiastes 1, to the fool doesn't know
But to the wise they know what this means

Dom*Colucci © 2019


  1. Greetings Dom. A nice piece that I enjoyed reading. Blessings to you from me my Friend. You are a good poet. Love love, Andrew.

    1. ~thank you Andrew~do appreciate your comments always~bless you as well~


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