Saturday, January 5, 2019

~You are not a question to ask of yourself, as you already known since birth who you are*

~You are not a question to ask of yourself as you already known since birth who you are~

~The sage needed to know who he was~He asked the master this question?~"Who am I?"~

~The master looked at the sage in is eyes and said~"You already know of this~You cannot attain who you are by asking a question that is already been shown to you"~

~The sage was perplexed a bit~

~Then the master went on and said this~"If you wonder who you are in this moment right now, you will always wonder in everywhere you go~For the wonder that you are has been provided already~If you drop what questions you arise from then you become solid in where you stand from and be of this present that you are~You will then realize that who you are never left you in knowing now who you are~hence therefore that you are as it is no question~All of the environment you walk into never asks the question in who are you and what are you doing here?~For if you see this deeper it was you that made such environment that you always enter into~So in essence something knows of you without question that it asks for you to be in this environment that you belong so then it knows you are and where you are to always be"~

~"See, it is the present and it is you that made this without question at all~So then, you are you that made all to happen around you that you made before you ever arrived as the present has never left you but something within you made it all for you to be~With no question at all~Does an arrow wish to ask where it is going when it is already shot from the bow?"~

~The sage never asked the question again for then he knew where he was always to be and that is who he is~for he was never that question ever*

Dom*Colucci  © 2014


  1. Greetings Dom. A nice philosophical piece that I enjoyed reading. We should all know who we are as we live life! Blessings to you from me my Friend. Love love, Andrew.

    1. ~thank you Andrew~I have had 2 awakened truths in my life and the third is to happen before I expire from here~by leaving facebook I have had an epiphany of having no identity but what knows of me within the same as Buddha had~bless you~


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