Saturday, January 19, 2019

I find my heart through my Soul*

I find my heart through my Soul*

I close my eyes, I see a blank
I cannot see nothing to give it thanks
I go a little deeper and see my heart
I enter with Love and go into every part
Now I am satisfied as it is fulfilled
I was directed by my Soul* and the love in its will

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. Greetings Dom. A most pleasing piece that I enjoyed reading. You expressed yourself expressively in a concise poem. You are a good poet, well done. Blessings to you my Friend. Love love, Andrew.

    1. ~thank you Andrew~I love expressing myself with what I hear from within with a poem from a story~it seems more interesting that way~this is how I wrote my three books 7 years ago as well~bless you~

    2. I didn't know you are a published author, well done. I'm still editing my pieces, and hope to send them off to a publisher this year some time. Blessings. Love love, Andrew.

    3. ~yes I wrote three poetry books~The Tree Becomes A Soul, The Love of My Life and Love Continues From Within~google search me as Dominic Colucci Published Author and you will find them all~enjoy and best of luck to you publishing~I did in publishing~


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...