Sunday, July 27, 2014

Where have you been?*

Where have you been?*

Push me beyond your world as I am in the dark
Then this is how it goes, this sorrow I will park
My heart maybe burdened by what you have done
I will trust that is within myself and find that one

I will shed many tears but know that times go by
That it is necessary for me to open up and cry
But there is something special that when I do
It already knows where I am going and have to go through

For I rely on it with trust as it has that power
With these eyes that water, my heart becomes a flower
My shell is breaking apart and wisdom emerges with a root
This is now my journey to take on my own, it is my truth

Yes my vision that is within the heart that grows
It says press onward in knowing what it knows
Memory has gone of you and now no longer exist
It was myself that I was searching for but seemed to resist

So now all is erased from a past that is no longer there
I arrive through broken soil and feel love in the air
The sun looks down upon myself and it has a big grin
Shining so brilliantly and asks "where have you been?"

Dom*Colucci 2014

It is not angry when it cries*

It is not angry when it cries*

In a distance the old man grumbles
Something has upset him as he rumbles
Darkness ensues as it is on its way
Obscurity of brilliance now to be gray

Emotional this becomes, it feels its pain
A tear to be shed and now it rains
Drenching all below, it begins to release
Finally with such sorrow, it knows of its peace

But from these drops of crystal tears
It knew of despair that sat right here
It was not for the sake of only one
It was bring back life as it hid the sun

Now all things can be once again of a flow
To make rivers push on and allow nature to grow
For there may be anger with a temporary bind
But once it is out there, one can find

To hold it all in, this burdens more and more
It is not good to be the wall, for there is an open door
So in a sense all benefits from this storm
At least it gave notice as it was forewarned

Moving forward it does and it did not last
All things that move into the present, are now the past
So life has its cycles with joy and pain
But sunny days do not last long, it must at times rain

Dom*Colucci 2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The ghost in the wishing well*

The ghost in the wishing well*

Whispering in the wind, it is you that I heard
Silently speaking, gentle is your words
Enticing to join with you, as you wish for me to do
For being all alone, must be hard for you
Longing for me you call, traipsing through the woods
Knowing that when we meet, our words will be good
Coming closer to your abode and then I stop
My knock on  your door is in a water drop
One drop is all it takes to call for you and it fell
You arise now and I see you, the ghost in the wishing well

Dom* Colucci 2014

Monday, July 14, 2014

Eyes without a face*

Blindly walking though life with this heart
Knowing that such love exists that does not pull me apart
Looking, searching, moving ever so that it seems I do not see
I pray to what knows of me to see and to be set free
Please, oh please I know that you are in this place
But when I turn around to you, will I will see eyes without a face?

Dom*Colucci 2014

Friday, July 4, 2014

Love in you is my passion*

Love in you is my passion*

Baptize me with your love, from this heated desire
Quench me with such thirst, to ease of this fire
I am succumbed to a passion that I wish not to burn
Romance in such passion, a longing that I have yearned

Please let the wick to this candle not fade away
This flame must be tamed for it to stay
For one knows that love is measured in each moment in time
And not to engulf in flames and make one so blind

Holding on is no good as this burdens one as well
One must enjoy each step and make heaven and not hell
I trust this love to be forever but yet have its freedoms too
But you will always be in my Soul* and I will always love you

Dom*Colucci 2014

Joyous light of love*

Joyous light of love*

I know of a place where happiness does grow
The more that I am grateful in joy, the more that it shows
Deep within it is tapped, surfacing to the top
Once it is revealed, this feeling it cannot be stopped

Oh wonder that you are from a chest filled with treasures
It is this state of bliss that comes with all these pleasures
The feeling runs wild all over and never does it part
This is definitely healthy and it is great for the heart

I can only show more of gratitude, for this always to be
Oh wonder that walks in freedom, inside of me
Yes I now grow inside and this is how I was made
For it will always be of love and this light will always stay

Dom*Colucci 2014

Homeward bound within*

Homeward bound within*

Walk through many miles, the hard way was each step

Tough was the going, many times I did wept
But I pursued onward as something pulled me through
It kept saying to me, I still have you in my view

Please do not give up as I have you in my arms
I am the one you do not see, sheltering you from each storm
Hold on a little longer, this is how the shell of a seed opens wide
I cradle you and protect you, from each and every side

I feel that you somehow know me, your heart is opening now
Yes, this is getting stronger, you accept me and I do allow
For now we both know of each other and we have each other in sight
You now can see within yourself, darkness diminishes to show the light

Dom*Colucci 2014

Let love make you rise once again*

Let love make you rise once again*

Misery that has struck, deep within me
I feel bound and anchored, Soul* is not free
Please let me arise from this broken heart
To send this pain away, this hurt that must part
Let me arise and to also take away this stain
So I may start all over and be of love once again

Dom*Colucci 2014

Beyond our Soul*s that kiss*

Beyond our Soul*s that kiss*

My heart trembles in romance, it is you all along
To place my love that I feel in you, where it belongs
The sight that I see that your eyes shows me so
It is beyond those eyes in you, your Soul* that I know

Because of these eyes that I know that we connect
That heart of love inside you, my heart to direct
Beauty of us both with our love that is one
Now the merge in togetherness, both our Soul*s we have won

Sacred is this moment, both of our hearts feel of love
Set our roots into each other and grasp for the heavens above
Climbing into ecstasy and excitement in our Soul*s so much
This feeling that we both share, we are gentle as we touch

Oh wonderful passion, this moment that it gives
More we grow from this, the heart is stronger that we live
Continue on from this and never to resist
From this heated passion, this goes beyond from our Soul*s that kiss

Dom*Colucci 2014

The flowers need a drink*

The flowers need a drink*

What seems to be your trouble or on your mind?
Is it something deep inside you not working out so fine?
You have that look that I can see that is in your eyes
Like soon something is going to happen to make you cry

Yes my love, I feel this as they are starting to well
There must be a burden within your heart as I can tell
Please do not hold back and make it to release
The tension will subside and you will be at ease

Your heart will come to calm and peace will be with you
There are many things in life that we must go through
So with this said and to cry to release the pain
Remember that flowers need a drink so it has to rain

Dom*Colucci 2014

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...