Saturday, December 17, 2016

Ahead of you is you*

Ahead of you is you*

Beginning of life starts out with the heart
Onward thus the whole never comes apart
Burdens may show up and stay awhile
But do not hang around for many miles

Wheels have to keep moving on
As the task of life is never done
But once one is going without any notion
Perpetually moving forward, this is the motion

So pull that burden as you deeply know you can
You will make it to the top knowing how to withstand
When you reach the top you will note ahead a thrill
Then you will see what is ahead of you, it is all downhill

Dom*Colucci © 2016



Is it not so true not to be so fast
Making each moment going by to last
A heart cannot rush a flow has to be
One beat at a time, oh so happily

To make allowance for joy to set in
As to come back around and do it again
The heart must be like music fluid and fine
Each beat for life must be evenly timed

So let each part of you to be so calm
And give this settling to love so warm
Your life will expand and your love will grow
Only with patience as this love is your Soul*

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Wichita lineman*

Wichita lineman*

I have made it this far as my life, seemed very lost
Tho I stood up, it was a time that I had to cross
But it was of a life that seem so barren and cold
To find another heart in comfort to love and hold

I have never met you and I ask "are you out there?"
To know of your loving heart and someone who cares
To send back a love for two to build my heart up
Knowing how much your love to me in filling my cup

I know that you are not a fantasy to live out
As what is within myself I cannot have doubt
I trust with my heart with love that all will be fine
As I know that I one day will call you from a Wichita line

Dom*Colucci 2016

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Love of God made you here before*

Love of God made you here before*

There once was a time before you were born
Winter was nearly over, soon to be warm
As a gentle touch made all of a burden to end
And send back new life to be here once again

As first from the daylight coming from dawn
Arising from the east bringing early morn
Revitalizing from this warmth going to each root
And begin its journey from an awakened truth

Ahhh!!!!! yes now we see how this form comes here
It knows only one way, so very clear
And yet this also comes with being free
When the arrival is seen, such a masterpiece

As said that this came from before and is here now
It is the love of God that always shall allow
As we all are of this kingdom that plants us on earth
And to sprout of the Divine's masterpiece from the moment of our birth

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Friday, September 23, 2016

Time leaves space*

Time leaves space*

Sun to settle in the west
A day goes by, blanketing light to rest
Distance away clouds begin to wisp
Ahhhh such a moment, more to ask of this

The sounds of fountains taking rhyme
An essence to be soothe with, present losing time
Depths and shallows both converge
Duality becoming oneness in this merge

The over all feeling of this empty but fulfilled
It is all of balance and perfectly still
Tho nothing has been grasped in this place
All that has happen came and left at its own time and space

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Monday, September 19, 2016

Emptiness does not "think"

Emptiness does not "think"

Seems once I had a "thought"
I took a journey as this "thought" I sought
I searched high and even went low
Nowhere this "thought" was here to show

So I gave up and took a stand
Planted my roots into this land
Walking straight up in silence effortlessly
More strides were taken, I knew I was free

So this is is what I become
All alone right here say some
But that is fine in what I now see
I am content within, a tree as all I wish to be

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Sunday, August 28, 2016

I am here always*

I am here always*

From the time you awoke with your eyes
I was already walking across the skies
There was no obstacle in my way
My radiance took me through this day
But for now after this guiding plight
I must tuck beyond the horizon for the night
But fret not for this is not my end
I shall be back real soon, once again

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Emptiness free flowing*

Emptiness free flowing*

Autumn preview, the search ends
Twists in life, the tree limbs bend
Not to capture every moment that is seen
Detached from illuison, look it's a dream

Stillness has now been chosen, entered in my heart
Settled in this present, why should I depart
Blood becomes effortless allowing in its flow
My heart swells with love, as all I let go

Stream of consciousness all is clear
Pointing back within myself, centered to be here
Passing of life, like boats on the river Yangtze
Om Mani Padme Hum, to be free and empty

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Friday, August 12, 2016

Mother Nature stops by to open the door*

Mother Nature stops by to open the door*

Gazing outward upon the limit where this begins
Knowing that there are no boundaries from within
An opening it seems, partial clearing in the door
But a movement in another angle, as I can see more

Immobile I stay and absorb this to be still
Peace at hand that is with me, now becomes my will
Taking in more silence, nature outside this door speaks
It is divine communication in which the Soul* needs and seeks

Only a couple sounds of utterance from birds as they say
This is an awakening to tell me walk with joy of this day
So when I heard of this now happy that I see
If it was not for Mother Nature, this way I could never be

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Walk this way home*

Walk this way home*

Alone in this moment as I drift away
All around in detachment no longer to stay
A deeper sense of being to walk to the abode
My heart patiently settles to release a heavy load

The closer I get, feeling the embrace with its arms
A richer feeling of acceptance as this turns warm
I can never look back in where I just came
Just like a lit candle wick with its flame

Tho there may not be nothing here but empty space
But that is OK, all of what use to be is erased
Within that I become and chaos has now ceased
I have found my home within and all of its peace

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A little pain made it rain*

A little pain made it rain*

Spring that hath come to be reborn
Days longer to be in feel its warmth
A mixture of colors and everywhere to be green
Joyous and abundant life, yes it is seen

This all is coming out as wonders from the start
Look at what is divine, a masterpiece of art
But what is this, summer here soon
A different phase in the sky, postioning the moon

So the haze and humidity starts to rob the air
Atmosphere of heat, it does not care
Slowly all the green begins its death
The heat is pulling away life and its breath

A plea from nature, our life do not take away
Let us show more of our beauty at least for another day
But pain from the heat still lingers so
Death all around, nothing to grow

But the clouds up above feel sorry you see
They would rather bring back joy instead of misery
Something inside them wants to release its pain
Yes it is love, as it starts to cry tears of rain

Life that seemed to have shriveled up to die
But another cheek has turned and hurt made it cry
Abundant now this feels to do this like it began
Once more it is like spring to make all green again

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Saturday, July 16, 2016

One must sleep before they are awakened*

One must sleep before they are awakened*

Every bit of detail in life evaporates 
On to another section that it creates
Gone is what you have just seen
Like it was enveloped in the open it seemed
For  it was a motion picture moving on
Turn your head and blink your eyes, it's done

Nothing is anchored down
Even from silence, the slightest of sound
Yet this movie continues to prevail
So then this illusion becomes a fairy tale 
To the one in the hub watches this wheel
How this illusion entices the Soul* to steal

As the wheel continues its movement on its way
To the enlightened one, it has broke free not to stay
Still no matter what in this sea of nothingness
The only fulfillment from nothing more is balance to nothing less
To be that one that becomes wise to what it takes
Just learn to let go, open your eyes and become Awake

Dom*Colucci © 2016

The ending came as it croaked*

The ending came as it croaked*

A nice afternoon is where I begin
I arrive at a pond to meditate within
Joyful as this is peace that it brings
I am underneath a locust tree, songbirds start to sing
I affix my self in an opening near the reeds
Ready to look inside myself, a moment to be free 

I sit  in a lotus position, I fit my being centrally as I stay
Now I am in my focus, my eyes turn inward in a gaze
It all comes together this feeling of bliss and to be still
I have made it to the other side without effort to my will
The world around me has enveloped me in such peace
Even right Now from raging winds this all came to a cease

I go a little deeper and a more placid sense of calm
I open my eyes a bit and see no ripples on the pond
The trees in a distance little movement as they stay
It is like they do ZAZEN, in the night and all day
But out of all this a little utterance from the wind as it spoke
When I awakened out of this, it was because a bull frog just croaked

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Journey to end with the light*

Journey to end with the light*

Life one day started out like a candle stick
Inside of it was its path, the wick
Once it was on its way to be lit
This light took direction and that was it
Melting it was through the moments in time
Each spot through this it made, oxygen it did find

Lower and lower the wick burned through
A steady flame that knew what to do
No longer was it to be upright and firm
It just kept moving onward, the wick it did burn
Dissolving with itself, a waxy build up in the blend
A lit step at a time, nearing it's end

One thing that was noticed, expiration so near
It was the past of this candle, that was slowly to disappear 
Once things are in motion there is only one thing do
Is surviving in the next moment, something they must go through
Like are friend the candle not goo from it's blend
But was it great use on the path from beginning to end

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Sunday, March 13, 2016

The route (root) of fruit*

The route (root) of fruit*

So tender and wise is the seed
Before it comes for the world and its need
It knows how a vital role it plays
That in its maturity of patience for days

The moment that it begins to grow
It removes its shell, wisdom starts to show
A pattern that was learn before it came
To be on the path, be assertive and remain

Upward it grows, a poke through the ground
Making its trunk from roots to bark without sound
Leaves from limbs a fashion to be made
But of course a protection from heat with its shade

Blessed is the day when the fruit comes to be
Popping out sporadically all over the tree 
But it waits for the moment for it to release
A certain calm within its trunk and tension begins to cease

Now as the moment has come from being attached
As it knew when it was a bud that merged from its hatch
Flourish and prosper, leaves the parent alone
As now it belongs to the Universe on its own

Oh wondrous and beautiful that something to ripen sweet
And then to fall gracefully in front of its parents feet
An apple that now has become delicious fruit
But it all started from the seed within it and made it from a root

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Nothing makes everything go*

Nothing makes everything go*

Once it was here, a blank spot
It moved on from that time it forgot
Manifestations in nature came along
Placed them meticulously all over, where they belong

But it did not stop here as it seen a clue
Letting go and forging ahead, something in view
Rolling in rhythm on top of the rocks
Openness was its mantra, nothing was blocked

As it pulled everything with it from behind
But tho it had a past but not the end of the line
It is to be striving ahead you gotta keep on the go
If you stop you will die, remember that life goes with the flow

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Sunday, February 14, 2016

When it is done, you will see the sun*

When it is done, you will see the sun*

Arisen in the east, the daylight begins
Another time opens up to do it once again
A walk across the heavens with clouds and blue sky
It is a bright whirling ball of energy, as this flies by
Finally after it shown itself in the surround
Seems like the day was done now for the sun to go down
But if you wish to see this once again when the day is done
You have to go on the other side of the moon to find the sun


Friday, February 5, 2016

Where is the finger?*

Where is the finger?*

Without motion
Without attachment
Without it all
It just sits there meditating in a void
No place to go to
Internal is its stillness
Roundness suspended
No-thing to hold it strong and very tightly
It does not fall and no anticipation 
Forever touches it all around but yet its presence is overwhelming to be here
The moon*

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The poem, gracefully home*

The poem, gracefully home*

Once upon a time no words were spoken
A subtle rhythm came and then silence was broken
It came from the heavens, it was a cloud 
Little drops of rain and thunder so loud
Drizzling down to find a container below
Filling up in mighty numbers, this began to flow
Fluidity makes it move rapid and fast
Hurrying up ahead of itself no time to cling onto a past
As where it was going to Source, its home
But along the journey in doing so, carefree it became a poem

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Sunday, January 3, 2016

I came here to be no longer*

I came here to be no longer*

There once was a place where there was a long sleep
Eyes that did not see its truth as deep it doth keep
But something was about to happen, a bright new moment came
This total blindness was no longer the same

Everything all at once came alive
Seems what was held back this all survived
Bright and radiance with love all around
It manifested itself into the world without a sound 

It grew from its abundance happily as it seemed
Yes there was no more going back to a dream
It enjoyed a dance of gentle winds
A continuous plushness of a season again and again

But something was felt no longer to be here
Something was moving away no longer to be near
What could this be as it slowly moving along
Feels like something missing soon to be gone

Oh my goodness, leaves on the trees are starting to change
It is getting colder now, this was not the same
Soon I  was watching on how all things depart
All was withering away, something was about to start

I watched things taken away and took it all in view
It seems I became helpless in not knowing what to do
I guess it was my turn next, I had to allow
My experience was then taken away as I was no longer here now

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Let fate take care of all*

Let fate take care of all*

There are some things in life that you must leave alone
They know of what they are on their own
In non involvement they are kept intact
When they are ready they shall react
Fret not in being impatient and letting it wait
Remember that all things alone know of their fate
It is something inside them that they wish to see
But for now you must know to let them be

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Student is the teacher*

Student is the teacher*

Let me know of these teachings within
Let me know on where I should begin
Show me this path that leaves no trace
To transcend which is here in this space

Where there is nothing that is really taught
And to have no search in what is to be sought
To understand like the flower on how it grows
And the seed on its journey in what it knows

Oh yes I know you have seen this before
Where you come from, where wisdom is more
To understand this with no trial or test
Where speech is not spoken and all is wordless

Dom*Colucci © 2016

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...