Sunday, January 20, 2019

~Does it ever matter?*

~Does it ever matter?*

~There once was two different types of people both living a life in an existence that seemed to be of its openness to live in. From this, one figured out that tidiness was always the way to go so that one followed the way of being tidy. As this one embarked on a way that made sure all the pieces were in order in that one's eye as to say if something that was on their path was not to their liking they corrected it in doing so. So time went on this one was in fact actually wearing that one down and missing the point that life is was really an inside job without suffering and that once this one could see it like this then one was to be so centered and those things outside oneself were already working out without help at all for this was trust that was from within that did so. But in a certain sense this was not for the case of that one that could not see but looked instead.

~On the other hand the other person not really like a slob or being untidy seen something different and took life in a different direction and just went along in what was thrown at them in doing so. So they went about their business in seeing that they were not a slave or prisoner to their own way of life as they viewed it as a mirror may be bright and clean but will always be dirty right after such deed is done and felt life was more important than cleaning it up along their path.

~From this one that left all alone knew of a secret as to be seeing and paying attention to the wisdom that was within made them understand who they are and where they are to be as well as this one seen in nature that all things take care of themselves along the way. And need not attention in making this more than what it already knew without outside interference in need. As in essence we all came here to stand on our own with our own blueprinted Soul* as indeed this is an inside job of doing so.

~So now that the two has been discussed it seems the one that pay attention to that one's life within has fulfilled everything it needed to fulfill in their life. As they know closer to the day of expiry all things that lead up to that day, all in life was just an experience something within loved with that one and not to tidy up along the way as it took that one away from their own truth of enjoying without cleaning up every piece of dirt that seem that this dirt knew right where to put itself. And in seeing if that one would pay more attention to that or to that one that is within instead.

~In essence when all things are said and done even if that one was paying more attention in how the world outside themselves to be in order it really did not matter. From then on the wind still blows in making those things from being tidy to being chaos but knows of its own way in its correction as they just are. So then it never mattered at all.

~Thank you and enjoy life whatever you do*

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Saturday, January 19, 2019

What is this who?*

What is this who?*

The substance we see really is not real
The only way we know is if we feel
This reality that we stand in the middle
We do not know of who we are, its a riddle

Shadowing on substance makes its dimension
Our eyes then look at it to get its attention
In being the observer, it is a story being played out
When we look at this there can be a trick, no doubt

Then how can we be fulfilled in something separate as we
All we then do is look and do not see
Hence this is then an illusion that our eyes are fixed
To not know of ever who we are in our matrix

Dom*Colucci © 2019

I find my heart through my Soul*

I find my heart through my Soul*

I close my eyes, I see a blank
I cannot see nothing to give it thanks
I go a little deeper and see my heart
I enter with Love and go into every part
Now I am satisfied as it is fulfilled
I was directed by my Soul* and the love in its will

Dom*Colucci 2011

A scream door*

A scream door*

Awoken abruptly from a dream
My blood curdled in panic from a scream
I looked all around and nothing to be found
Something has happened as there was a sound
Investigation proved nothing to be more
Of the wind that was blowing and a noisy screen door

Dom*Colucci 2012

The image you were but me now*

The image you were but me now*

A secret opening that I have found
Staring at me always without a sound
It kept looking at me enticing me to go through
My eyes seen this in wonder as it was clearly into view
So I entered as it accepted me with no barriers to cross
A different reality that I have never seen, for I am not lost
But wait I have company seems someone is watching me too
That someone that is watching is me that I use to be you

Dom*Colucci 2013

I feel light, pick me up*

I feel light, pick me up*

It came from nowhere
Moving on just the same
It had no intentions at all
Wondering around in the sunlight
No choreograph at all
Linger, one stroke in the breeze
Falling downward but yet still dancing
Thick like a veil
Dust in the daylight window

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Friday, January 18, 2019

Thief in the "mind"*

Thief in the "mind"*

Struggle that will not let me see
Obstacles about won't let me be
Gray matter that is not so clear
Continuous void always open, am I here?

Frequency that I wish from this I attract
What causes its pull to me, I wish to send back
I know that one step at a time one must  make
But to follow this , tough to find grace so it takes

What is becoming so disproportion, off balance to
Still difficult to see this and so hard to do
Why is life so hard and an awakening to find? 
My belief that it is ignorance, the thief in the "mind"

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Where is the meaning if we all expire?*

Where is the meaning if we all expire?*

How can this possibly be, throughout life unknown?
What does it all boil down to when all it has shown?
I have seen just about everything that I could see
But something deep inside keeps telling me

That all that was done in making the goal
Believing it was complete and making it whole
From the closer I become awakened and know what I did
The more I unravel this life of mine and truth not hid

Now after many years that have sped on by
I know now why I exist and it was told with a lie
The sun goes down and hurries again to be seen
In Ecclesiastes 1, to the fool doesn't know
But to the wise they know what this means

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Central is source*

Central is source*

In observance to what is in the surround I have noticed that when I see a tree I cannot for the life of me pass up in how it survives and produces its fruit and leaves. It truly amazes me in what is being presented. In observing this it seems to know of a path that in a sense this path is central and why is this central? It is because anything that is central is of balance and knows of the most efficient route to allow things to grow in a Universe that also allows this happen eyeing its masterpiece take part in an already awakened consciousness. 

 From this we note that when this does take place in being central it comes from its source. As in this source it already knows how this is all to act out from internal wisdom that it has in only knowing of one way in doing so or producing and this would be of oneness or unity of itself without guessing or second "thoughts". It feels the Universe with such openness unconditional in growing and that would be its communicating back and forth with love. It seems that love comes from bliss and from this bliss any art form can be developed into any design that it is to grow from. From this communicating it is also meeting up with source in the nothingness in the Universe that is allowing the center to connect with any atmosphere that is in its surround. 

My point is this about what I observe and it seems whatever made us comes here is in the same context of what nature is as well. We do have a source and we are connected to this source centrally and being centrally we grow abundantly from this within. So there should be no doubt or any insecurity on this or life as many tremble in fear, worry and guilt with prejudice in judgment, as this is the best form of trust that knows of us and guides us with this as well. It is central, balanced and knows of all directions of us to take without effort. Why man chooses differently is beyond me as he forces himself away from himself and is actually running around the circle as the hub and not being the hub in making the circle run around itself. Yes it is central and it is in nature that connects to itself to grow more efficiently as well. Source is central and central makes all things grow from one particular point and if you need scientific proof on this give notice to fibonacci.

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Finger points at the moon*

Finger points at the moon*

Out of nowhere, something to be seen
The power of ZEN*, which is in the in between
A gaze locking backwards in what it already knows
The ignorance of what is external, that to which it shows

A lotus position to take refuge in a rest
Subjectively going inward, behind me is the west
Relative as this forms, "thoughts" dissipate
Breathing a rhythmic pattern, oneness begins to mate

Objectives that grew on me, attachments have dissolved
The same texture of stillness, all is being resolved
Aim is directly pointing, frequency is in tune
It is like the saying goes, the finger pointing at the moon

Dom*Colucci  © 2019



Awaiting a very long time, virtue is patience I feel
While stillness is in the surround, all is not concealed
Through a darkened time as no longer this cannot be
A shadow has walked through the night, a break has come I see

But to continue on as this cycle comes back again
At the point to which I stay, right here is where I am
So to me this a trick to the "mind", to be as a myth
This illusion that I am a part of, an ignorant partner to be with

When one has achieved a sense of being still
Such in the enlightened state merging into  free will
So every part of everything, nothing must be learned
Abolishing every myth one has seen, from one to none returns 

Perpetual as this is as it was the present that does come
A happening it is the laws of simultaneity, agreement to be one 
Whole that this cycle did arrive from its evening dark as night
Arising that I have waited for, awakened in the light

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Original life is heart's origin*

Original life is heart's origin*

One never notices this as we are too far away
But there is something in the present that makes us stay
Our "mind" keeps on rolling but it never adheres
There is too many "thoughts" not to be clear

We keep on going with so much agitation
Our psyche is in chaos seeing too much frustration
Where does it stop I cannot say when
I do not know the beginning, hence not to see the end

But if we seen what Buddha did as he sat still alone
We know that this is the beginning to start our way home
And where can this home be, now we know the start
It was our origin of life, the heart we cannot be apart

Dom*Colucci  © 2019

Gift called wisdom*

Gift called wisdom*

What a wonderful gift, wisdom has to be
With the right voice within, one must see
To plant a vital seed that its future it will know
When it sprouts with healthy roots, from there it will grow

When maturity comes, one recognizes it when they are old
They look behind and see how the story was told
From that day that wisdom was planted, fruition  was its roots
It went deeper and deeper seeing that it was the truth

A source for all to have, to have none seek no more
To live life without obstacles, giving passage with open doors
So from the wise that left mankind to enjoy happily
It was them that they planted wisdom  and to give shade to humanity

Dom*Colucci  © 2019

Keep dreaming*

Keep dreaming*

Whatever happened to mankind from a long time ago
Year after year and time after time, he did not know
Always in a search to find satisfaction for him
Not knowing his end result when he begins

So he sees an idea that comes out of the blue
Something out of the ordinary, something that is new
He creates his kingdom then sits back to a pause
He has now manufactured a condition to a cause

From his reality an illusion that is formed to be
His eyes focused on looking, within he does not see
This now is his existence eyes closed so deep
Do not give up on your dreams and stay asleep

Dom*Colucci  © 2019

In "God" we trust?*

In "God" we trust?*

Man loves his insecurity, materialism is his touch
Enjoying his objective gains, always so much
A prisoner inside that he just does not see
Addiction more and more believing he is happy

Power he becomes, the more he feels
He will sell his Soul*, for more he will steal
A rush to his head there is no stopping now
Enjoying pleasurable moments, ego to follow

So he will never become his spirit that inside it cries
No matter how much it shows him, at least it tries
Materialism once again, for it is this that he lusts
His religion will always be money, the slogan is in "God" we trust

Dom*Colucci  © 2019

Wisdom knows no ignorance*

Wisdom knows no ignorance*

People fight always and I ask why?
It is two hands clapping, a riddle in a tie
But to an awakened one, step back and see
They are both living in ignorance and cannot agree

Judgment, adversity and a one, two punch
A polluted spirit going nowhere, I have a hunch
Opposites attracting and a catch 22
What comes next, what is there to do?

As I wrote above with two hands clapping making noise
Insecurity in dominance, a veil with a voice
In ZEN* one comes to calm in the mind
No anger to unravel from, nothing to unwind

That one that has step back from this
Knows of their peace and knows to resist
This has been taught by wise masters throughout the age
The trick to wisdom is for ignorance not to engage

Dom*Colucci  © 2019

That is not me*

That is not me*

Today there is confusion in this world
A lot of misery, suffering and chaos to unfurl
An ignorant unconsciousness among all of human race
To many things moving about in fast pace

One who has the eye to see clearly, this is the key
Steps back from all mankind and let's things be
For it is that one that knows of that world is the veil
And sees many suffer in their mortal jail

They walk around aimlessly in hopes to be released
But have no clue in how to begin peace
Right in front of them to break free from a dream with a hold
Reason why people awaken, they stopped agreeing what insults their Soul*

Dom*Colucci  © 2019

Saturday, January 5, 2019

~You are not a question to ask of yourself, as you already known since birth who you are*

~You are not a question to ask of yourself as you already known since birth who you are~

~The sage needed to know who he was~He asked the master this question?~"Who am I?"~

~The master looked at the sage in is eyes and said~"You already know of this~You cannot attain who you are by asking a question that is already been shown to you"~

~The sage was perplexed a bit~

~Then the master went on and said this~"If you wonder who you are in this moment right now, you will always wonder in everywhere you go~For the wonder that you are has been provided already~If you drop what questions you arise from then you become solid in where you stand from and be of this present that you are~You will then realize that who you are never left you in knowing now who you are~hence therefore that you are as it is no question~All of the environment you walk into never asks the question in who are you and what are you doing here?~For if you see this deeper it was you that made such environment that you always enter into~So in essence something knows of you without question that it asks for you to be in this environment that you belong so then it knows you are and where you are to always be"~

~"See, it is the present and it is you that made this without question at all~So then, you are you that made all to happen around you that you made before you ever arrived as the present has never left you but something within you made it all for you to be~With no question at all~Does an arrow wish to ask where it is going when it is already shot from the bow?"~

~The sage never asked the question again for then he knew where he was always to be and that is who he is~for he was never that question ever*

Dom*Colucci  © 2014

Darkness on the bright side*

Darkness on the bright side*

Another Saturday has come with gloom
Gray skies above make darkened rooms
No sunlight has showed up, no break in the clouds
Here I sit in a space with my Soul* right now

As moments move pass and the clouds to a darker gray
This gloom keeps a tight hold, yes here to stay
But my companion is what I hear as I sit and write
Tearing away the gloom and gives a break for some light

A cup of coffee that that makes this all come together
Seems as I write onward, do not care about the weather
This place as I took solace and peace right here
Tho it is still like a shadow that comes so near

Coming the end of such words of mine
Seems even tho there is gloom, this still is fine
I watch the skies get darker, this day goes by
The night with more darkness comes low and stays high

Dom*Colucci  © 2019

Happy Now Year*

Happy Now Year*

Another year that has walked away
Like so many others before, not here to stay
But yet this thing called time it always moves on
The second you enter a moment, that moment is gone

The ball has dropped in New York City's Time Square
A sense of hope and change goes about and fills the air
Could this be the year where my whole life is aligned?
Or another year goes past, auld lang syne?

Many a people wander around so aimlessly
"Trying" so bad to look for something they just cannot see
As time goes by fast, quicker are the dates
The older one gets, did I miss something or was it too late?

But yet to the wise there never was this thing called time
Only to the fool its conformed everyday lost in its find
For they do not know that the present is always now
No matter where they go here stays with them it allows

So when the sun goes down into the west
The light brings a shadow in as it begins to rest
The moon arrives from the east and settling begins
Starry. starry night is in vastness, eternity never ends

So you see that one with time that consistently believes
They live in their own falsehood and are truly deceived
So what I am saying to you has always adhered
There was no such thing as time, you were always here

~But from me to you if you still believe~
~Happy New Year~

Dom*Colucci  © 2019

Silently I heard within*

Silently I heard within*

A voice that was heard, said "give me a try"
My hand starting writing and I did not know why
It was making a composition in what I seen in my thoughts
Could this be the purpose, my life I sought

So I started to put words down and began to type
Phrases come clearly without any hype
Deeper I was going from that voice deep within
I did not know when to stop or how this was to end

Flowing my words came like a river to the sea
This source was feeding sense from a Soul* within me
Hence the composition became music of rhythm, poetry
My Soul* was coming alive feeding me wisdom within me

I was learning finally how life should be played out
Seems all my life I was a contender, fighting in a bout
But now since that time I started to write words to a poem
I seem to know my origin as this is my home

I will go from now on with this love I have found
And never feel my words held back or even bound
From the day that I did this it seems it will never expire
It comes from the Soul*, my wisdom, passion and my fire

Dom*Colucci  © 2019

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...