Tuesday, January 12, 2010



Crack open a tall cold one as the highest mountains bust through the skies and burst a foamy mist for the heavens to sip..enjoy*

My Intent is 2 always make my intents instead of intents, words I feel for as it is my expression of Spirit and no other..*

The center binds together all around but nothing touches it as it all comes together.Nothing...yessssssssss! Total Zen*

No one has ever mastered Zen...Is it not true a mountain never stays still as well?...enjoy in Zazen*

Even the mountain sees the void in front of it and feels the total presence of nothingness as it is surrounded by it 360 degrees*

Previous intent months ago:"There is a space in that hole" as nothing supports all&I support nothing as the most powerful force.*

Talk with your eyes,hear with your mouth and speak with your ears and you will forever live in total bliss and enjoyment....ZEN*

My Intent is to honour H.P.Blavatsky for the doctrine on the Zero Point Field,Bodhidharma the father of Zen and the ENSO of Zen*

How profound:I stand here and stare at the openness and feel the smooth texture of nothing as it is my moment in the NOW..enjoy*

Zen Koan:What becomes liberated in the fall...the tree or the leaves?..enjoy*

Dom*Colucci 2009


  1. dearest soulbro,
    wonderful as always. wish you the very best for today's interview and the whole day to follow it.
    have a stellar interview and day.
    with lots of love.

  2. Golden Lotus of God's Love...thanks my Love..I know God has taken care of everything about this...enjoy as well(+)
    soulbro* :)

  3. dearest soulbro,
    thank god for that.
    with lots of love.

  4. Golden Lotus of God's Love....I called the man for the interviews once again today, got his messaging service but know he is a very busy man and he is helping a lot of people seek a decent paying job from New York State but it will be GOD that opens the flood gates and not me...God has more power and pull than I do Love...enjoy my Love always(+)
    soulbro* :)

  5. My Love...but was able to rack up some more hours in my volunteering work today though as it was a fruitful time in doing so...these guys like me as I help so many to get assistance to eat...all the workers get paid and have their jobs to do but with me distributing and weighing produce and cooler items it frees them up in doing their jobs...enjoy my Love(+)
    soulbro* :)

  6. dearest soulbro,
    hope that man calls you up soon. you must be getting bored.
    have a stellar weekend.
    with lots of love.


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...