Friday, December 11, 2015

A prison break*

A prison break*

Eyes that have endured nothing but pain
Back to the broken heart that to which is stained
No joy that can enter in such place
Being alone in sorrow, hiding one's face

No light of day has been seen to come
Looking for a savior to be free, so far no one
A plead that is requested to take this away
But no ears have heard this yet, goes another day

I beg of a moment that I have this love
And to bring back the wonder that I am made of
Please. please I wish of a heart that sees
So this cage can be open, with wings to be set free

Dom*Colucci 2015

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Write above me*

Write above me*

Gaze above, I look upon a vast sky
Heaven that is seen, reflected in my eyes
Background stays still a vibrant blue
Focus my attention in what is in view
I see a rhythm moving in its fluidity
Paper is that background and the clouds, words in poetry

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Nothing possess itself to be free*

Nothing possesses itself to be free*

The day has come with brilliance in its light
To steal the darkness that was in the night
To expose the treasures to be seen in the day
And to clear many obstacles along the way

Yet it cannot be dominant to stay so strong
It must follow its own path and move along
It is its own well being that pulls it away
To have its shadow come once again here to stay

So once again as we knew it to be so soon
It is the arrival of passion from a glowing moon
With this moon it tries to possess the jewels in space
But all it can do is let them dangle around its face

To desire for possessions and all its treasures
One cannot hold onto them for their own pleasure
Dominance is not almighty, it is balance that sees
Let go of all things and leave them alone to be free

Dom*Colucci 2015

Colors that see a blank*

Colors that see a blank*

Alive it came as it was once upon a time
Spring was in the air and all a fluid rhyme
Bursting from its tips, life in the trees
Opening up and setting it free

Time continued on and green came from the lumber
A little warmer in the temps, oh yes this is summer
Lazy days by river banks and longer nights too
So much life around now all was in view

But these two seasons rapidly come by fast
Seems only a memory soon, this does not last
But something is changing once again in its will
Nights losing their warmth as need a blanket for the chill

Yes colors came and the trees had them all around
It went from green, red, orange, yellow and brown
The clothes of nature gone, soon exposed
A blank canvas comes again I suppose

So this indeed was old man winter coming soon
The sun was hiding more to bring on the moon
Lowering the temps were crystallizing the air
Snow flakes in stock, from clouds everywhere

But old man winter wished his vengeance to release his cold
To bring on frozen fields with Jack Frost so bold
Hence the snow came and fell in collection
More of it knew of its own direction

Now there was no more fall, summer and spring
Harshness with burdens covered nature's things
All one seen an empty canvas with no more paint
Old man winter's color was white to taint

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What "eye" do "I" see?*

If I look into it, it looks into me
Both eyes parallel within to see
Merging with this view as we both agree
From this it is I that is it and it that is me
No self in knowing but rather to be
Both leaving separation from duality
Inner sight and wisdom now becomes unity
And a world that I no longer belong to, for now I am free

Dom8Colucci 2015

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Alas a time has come*

Alas a time has come*

Alas that a time has come
Heat of the moment has now been done
Bright newness in the dull of the day
A cooling sensation is now on the way

Gray is the sky that are settling right here
The feeling of this, beginning to shed some tears
As clouds begin to turn inward in a squeeze
A thirst that parched land is in its need

No thunder or lightning in a clatter
Just droplets of tiny gems that go pitter patter
Streaming vertical to come hit the ground
And follow a river home to go back around

Let the clouds empty to fulfill this time
It is rain that makes poetry, listen to it rhyme
The sun knows when to stop this when it is done
Remember this, alas that a time will come

Dom*Colucci 2015

Friday, July 10, 2015

Adherence to seeing what sees*

Adherence to seeing what sees*

An illusion and trick of this world to be in
Time comes with struggle again and again
Deceived into conformity seems right after birth
But as I press on with this, it is no worth

Doing my best to figure it all out
The deeper that I get with it, nothing but doubt
No awakening yet, the waste of another day
More of the glue of ignorance that really stays

So how does one break from what one has been taught
Be free from memories and see what needs to be sought
I guess the moment will come on its own accord
And leave all these notions that I cannot afford

Enlightenment will be when I am free of my "mind"
Allowing all things to be free of themselves and that will be fine
With this then there is nothing more that I can do
It is something I cannot see but instead it sees me in its view

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Saturday, July 4, 2015

A journey with my eyes*

A journey with my eyes*

Where darkness becomes the least
It is the sun that arises in the east
To move about in the azure sky
Pushing clouds away, that wish to cry

Oh radiant light in heaven's place
Spreading your rays of gold to embrace
But you must move onward sometime soon
To pull along a smiling moon

As quickly as the day comes to an end
You will visit in this same place once again
So now from what the day's eyes did their best
You walk away into the dream and leave with a rest

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

I never left here, my home*

I never left here, my home*

I lay amongst a field to seek some rest
To feel this meadow's arms as it does caress
Walk away from a place to my eyes within 
And meet that point of solitude once again

Melting into the soil, deep in this ground
To feel the nature below me with its gentleness all around
To no longer see a reality early on that once was seen
But to now go even deeper beyond my eyes to dream

A place seen earlier that wounds and sorrow lives in blight
But to turn around and see a Soul* within my sight
Yes, I know that once I am one on the other side that I see
It is the Soul* that calls me home, a home with inside of me
Dom*Colucci © 2015

To grow beyond but be right here*

To grow beyond but be right here*

To be here alone and not to drown
In such silence without a sound
No detachment of stillness cannot come apart
The more I settle inward the closer to me heart

Now that I have reached a place so deep
The love that I feel comes to me to keep
It is in these depths that the surface stays afloat
To give lift in where I am and not to demote

So in this arisen awaken state
I seem to move upward, vastness is my fate
Eternal that I stepped beyond this place I had stayed
To grow beyond this surface and reach heaven is this way

Dom*Colucci 2015

The rain shall make me walk once again*

The rain shall make me walk once again*

It is one more day that has come by
I search for a cloud in the sky
But today is parched and now not a drink
I feel that now my roots cannot sink

But if to get just a taste from a cloud that goes by
Just one little sip, a tear so moist not dry
I know that I can move on from here without despair
To tend to my Soul* with loving care

As I make from a prayer a desperate plea
To know that something is watching over me
And it does come upon me in a deluge of a soak
My roots will no longer be still to die
But now I shall be able to move on with them and walk

Dom*Colucci 2015

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Let it rain*

Let it rain*

How does a cloud hold up in what is within?
To move onward and disappear once again
Then it comes back and shows its poetry in motion
Like how waves hit the shoreline on any ocean
There are white puffy ones, darker ones too
Aimlessly moving always in what they go through
But the ones that get darker seem to have much strain
That is when they release what is within and let it rain

Dom*Colucci © 2015

It hid before it was the grid, natural beauty*

It hid before it was the grid, natural beauty*

There is a schematic that is in the natural world
In knowing not knowing, a happening unfurls
An opening is seen, internally something is ready to say
It pops out of nowhere, it is now life on its way

Though naked in the world, this is its origin of truth
The Divine guides this its wisdom to start its own root
Once this is achieved many more roots spring out like a fountain
It has started its based to grow from, now it becomes a mountain

When it arrives into the world, growing from its soil
Each moment becomes effortless without any toil
It speaks of a language while growing in such silence
No obstacle was ever in its way, there was no chaotic impedance

Now that it is open in a place that it popped from free
Enjoying the comfort with others around, the masterpiece of beauty
So we can see that all of this beauty is now on a natural grid
But before it ever came alive, it grew below and it hid

Dom*Colucci © 2015

You can see it right here*

You can see it right here*

Do you know where you are as you would like to be?
What is holding you back that you just cannot see?
Do you keep pondering over this and suffer too?
Not knowing the reason why or knowing what to do
Maybe there is something here that can help you out
See it from a different perspective within, without a doubt
For what is within is closer and very near
For what is very near is always right here

Dom*Colucci © 2015

The TAO*

The TAO*

Something happened a long time ago
It came out of nowhere in what it knows
A vision it had that heard a call
Central in its doing, minutely seeing so small
It only seen of itself as a start from what it began
This of itself shall never have an end
Though it may be right where it is as it stays
But knows perfectly where it is going for this thing is the way

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Saturday, May 16, 2015

You have been here before*

You have been here before*

Waterfall, oh waterfall I feel the flow through my heart
A tear you once were as a cloud right from the start
Enjoying the ride as your freedom is in rapid flow
Something is leading you back, back where you know
When you finally reach your destination, really this is not your end
Somehow you will arise back into the cloud and do it over again

Dom*Colucci 2015

Being well "seasoned" in letting go*

Being well "seasoned" in letting go*

What is that I hold onto that is not seen?
Is it something I am not awakened with, stuck in a dream?
There is nothing that is there but it seems a shadow to be
It pulls me in more and more, a prisoner not free

I look around and seems everything has let go
Why is it outside of myself this wisdom that it knows?
I know that it was myself then that put this here
But how do I break this duality that seems so clear?

I guess then I did put it here then I can take it away
Knowing, nothing was ever here in the first place to make it stay
But how do I prove this to myself with so much doubt
To let it go free from inside of me to out

The answer that I look for is in nature that I seek
The stillness from a mountain to the flow of the creek
Yes it is also seen in seasons that it shows
Flowers and green leaves all disappear right before it snows

Dom*Colucci 2015

Here all the time*

Here all the time*

I walk though life with this outline of skin
Everywhere that I am, I am where I begin
So how can I ever believe of a future ahead
When in fact that future is here instead

So where did this notion come from that it made its claim
Seems that when you strive for this, you bring on more pain
The essence of leaving right where one can be
In seeking someplace from here to be happy

But that cannot ever be for here will never be there
Even if you get to that place, there is still here
Why do I then fool myself in such illusion to see
There is really nothing outside of myself but within me is me

So then the more that I can see this me that is within
It is not an external that points back but me again and again
Hence then suffering in the objective is time
But in detachment of this, here will always be fine 

Dom*Colucci 2015

A seed is freed, the flower*

A seed is freed, the flower*

Without any purpose or cause to be
Deep within knows when it is time to be free
Held underneath away from its world
The moment it knows how to unfurl
Yet patience comes just a bit longer
It sees through this on how to be stronger
Yes the time has come to remove the darkness from its night
And to move with silence through stillness, to now see the light

Dom*Colucci 2015

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


~ZEN* compliments poetry~it is like how a drop of water drapes off a rock and becomes a waterfall*

Dom*Colucci © 2015


Eyes in darkness
The moon has faded away
Awakened, a new day*

Dom*Colucci © 2015


Clouds touch the mountain
Breathe in, then out
No more is complete*

Dom*Colucci © 2015


Light takes a peek
The middle of the day
The sun goes home*

Dom*Colucci © 2015


It just happens
Nothing defines simplicity
A rock cannot walk*

Dom*Colucci © 2015


Frozen is my will
Weakness in a crack
Water, born in a flow*

Dom*Colucci © 2015


Lost out there
Search within my eyes
Finally, my home is seen*

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Spring blossoms a tree
Robins sing on the grass
Sky still awaits without effort*

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Time goes nowhere down stream*

Time goes nowhere down stream*

Beige, wide open stream
Blue sky, white cloud dream
Time so lazy but drifts by alone
No place this starts, no place to go home
Passing by with ripples atop 
Moved by the wind and not to stop
For what is here did not begin
All it did was moved onward once again
Each wave goes by, there is no past
Swimming forward into nowhere as nothing is its grasp

Dom*Colucci 2015 

Taken when awaken*

Taken when awaken*

I shall close my eyes and dream real deep
See you in such place of hearts to keep
Your Soul* next to mine I shall feel
Entwined with our passions, moments to be real
The deeper I go, more I am into you
Love is here now, between us two
May I dream a little more, for heaven's sake
And when it is over, to pull from here when we awake

Dom*Colucci 2015

Once only comes once*

Once only comes once*

Gone is yesterday, it came here quick 
This morning a flame was lit on a wick
Brilliant was the day as it walked on by
Openness was filled with a light in the sky
But we say goodbye to all that, it retires in the west
This candle shall return once more in the east, to be our guest

Dom*Colucci © 2015

That life was once a dream*

That life was once a dream*

Something came through here a long time ago
It looked forward on its journey, as it seemed to know
It passed swiftly and did not stop to pause
It heard an inner voice give it its cause
"Just keep moving on and take this course
You are being guided home, home is your Source"
So now there was something here no longer seen
Awakened only once, the past was its dream

Dom*Colucci 2015

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Do you believe in that?*

Do you believe in that?*

What is this that it could be
A reality outside in front of me
Does it really have meaning, substance or form?
Is it something to move onward with or be forewarned

All seems so dimensional, something so real
Could it be something I belong with, to touch and feel
Yet all has settled and seems so dead
Could it be stillness made it in checkmate instead

I am beginning to see what this all means
That nothing is really a reality, so it seems
Transit beings we are and to the wise well aware
But to fools who believe this, it is an illusion everywhere

Dom*Colucci © 2015

The peaceful moon*

The peaceful moon*

The night came in without a sound
Light walked away, darkness all around
Stillness the Soul* felt and went very deep
The heart was filled with love, this shall it keep

It seemed that this moment was here to last
Though all was moving onward, as all to pass
I go deeper into a meditative state
To erase all that is here, having a clean slate

It is into this Soul*, the pinnacle of my being
Emptiness in the abode, clarity in seeing
When I arise from this I become the still and calm
Now right in front of me, the moon peacefully sits in the pond

Dom*Colucci © 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Bring back birth*

Bring back birth*

From the warmth that came one day
Settled down and went its way
But another turn of events came
This was a season that was not the same

It started out as a cool breeze
That nature felt it should let go with ease
For now it was preparing something ahead
The warmer temps left for the cooler instead

As the days gone by as now it is the past
You would believe that the cold would be gone and not last
But to this day the cold is still here
You have to know that spring is near

The days have more light and are now longer
Should it be that the warmth is stronger?
But heck no, water on the roof does not drip
Frozen icicles and the ground frigid, cold has its grip

So I make a statement to Mother Nature to see
That all of that death in the winter has to let go and let it be
Please open up softly and give rebirth to what you will bring
Say bye of what is bothering you and melt to bring on spring

Dom*Colucci 2015

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...