Monday, December 14, 2009

Where the "h" were you?*

Where the "h" were you?*

The foot steps of time seem to be nowhere
As the way of the future is so far out there
To stumble and fumble to chase the tail of naught
It is the term of ignorance that has its web and is caught
So if you plant yourself within the present
You will always be here and never absent

Dom*Colucci 2009


  1. i was absent but turned my self turned "me" in or un one.

  2. Sammy turning yourself around will only make you go the other direction which is str8 ahead, but you cannot turn your head around as you will get whiplash..enjoy in being absent in mind and not Awareness(+)

  3. Golden Lotus of God's Love..kind of a play on words..enjoy my Love(+) :)

  4. The image is credited from google images.


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...