Saturday, December 12, 2009

Being is happy positively*

Being is happy positively*

The sun explodes in brightness morning spot
It came through the shades as it was my eye that I caught
WOW a new day that has shown itself crystal clear
It is all the sunshine attitude that you have so near
OK with positive feelings and the gut feelings as well
Move about the great day, it has its wonders I can tell
This brings your Awareness up a notch in the Soul
Remember the thing about all this is being positively whole

Dom*Colucci 2009


  1. Raindrop grenades explode wetly fierce
    As tiger and lion prowl for dinner pierced
    By tooth and claw bloody and staining
    The crushed limbs and tossed heads raining
    Down in gory symphonic cascades like falls
    Of all that is to come for all that dolls
    It self up as life must come to this role
    Remember all this is positively whole

  2. Sammy:
    Hydrogen atom has the least of all
    It can level a mountain hundreds of feet tall
    It is the positivity that generates within
    As it has done so time and time again
    But to understand being the positive being you see
    It is one simple movement as it is just to be

    enjoy my Soul Zen Bro(+)
    shoulder feeling better?..I know that is because in Zen it is done..see through it as it!!!!

  3. dearest soulbro.
    this is fabulous, full of hope and sunshine.
    with lots of love.

  4. Golden Lotus of God's Love..this is my muse Sammy from intent remember I missed him...enjoy my Love(+) :)

  5. dearest soulbro,
    no.. i dont remember him, what was the name he used in intent?
    with lots of love.

  6. Golden Lotus of God's Love..SAMMY BONNEY...remember, back in May we were both battling it out with our wits on a warm Saturday...enjoy my Love(+):)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...