Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thoughts that were thoughts*

Thoughts that were thoughts*

Surface may appear smooth, deeper you go there are wondrous pockets of visions of the concrete Universe..enjoy*

A millisecond ago was a memory that was stolen by the thief of the past..remember right where you are this instant.The Now*

There is more to life where it meets the is where the Soul meets the life so the eye could see...enjoy*

What is around the corner stays around the corner as stillness in the Now only satisfies more and more...enjoy*

It is much wiser to face the wall in silence than to blab expectations to the whole Universe as ego loves to do...stay calm Now*

I sit in the meadow watching the wind blow through the grass as it exposes its shadows and expels its ego...enjoy*

When gazing out at sea, one looks where the water meets the sky as it is yin-yang chasing the Universe around...enjoy*

Meditating in total stillness.Cool breeze,light winds through the trees.The mockingbird sings that she is so happy..enjoy*

Standing on the horiZen,facing the direction that looks back,I feel the speed of the Universe brushing waves through my hair*

Only a fool departs from its being as its twin brother,the wise,shows up for round 2...enjoy*

Dom*Colucci 2009


  1. dearest soulbro,

    they are gorgeous as always. And absolutely beautiful. How is Christmas preparation going on? Brought the tree home?

    With lots of love.

  2. Golden Lotus of God's Love...thanks as I think I sent you some pics of the tree as I write this..enjoy the pics my Love(+) :)

  3. dearest soulbro,
    thanks a lot, will check and see :)

  4. Golden Lotus of God's Love...I take it you loved to extend my happy tidings and good will to you as well in a joyous celebration of the birth of the man who was God to pull us from ignorance and to forever live in peace and harmony with ourselves and others...enjoy my Love(+) :)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...