Tuesday, December 15, 2009

More thoughts for you from me*

The keeper of the future is still awaiting there....keep later on there and live in the here Now...enjoy*

The water in the canyon took awhile to to walk down and make a river but for Now it leaves the irregular cliffs behind...enjoy*

It is the atmosphere around you that accepts you..return the favour..enjoy*

The bark of a tree could be heard if it falls in the woods...Hear it when it stands up, too...enjoy*

Flow of water is guided by all sides as to see how the Universe allows & accepts lovingly...enjoy*

Seedless seed...untiring journey.You gave up and found the Truth...enjoy*

A bridge of thoughts will never get you there..open your eyes instead and close that gap...enjoy*

If there are obstacles in your life,remember.."THAT" is the delusion..enjoy and keep going str8 ahead*

Dom*Colucci 2009


  1. Golden Lotus of God's Love...some more of the thoughts I had on intent as I have many more coming...enjoy my Love(+) :)

  2. dearest soulbro,
    yes some are familliar but most are new.
    they are truly beautiful. like stars scattered in night sky.
    with lots of love.

  3. Golden Lotus of God's Love...I love your analogy...you are good when it comes to a visual analogy..enjoy my Love(+) :)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...