Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wind and the candle burns still*

Wind and the candle burns still*

The ye olde candle is a solid stick of pliable wax
It has a thin wick that the torch excites as that's a fact
The center of this piece of luminary wonder lights the way
It can take the night of darkness and turn it around to a shining day
So when your lights go out and you have all that you can handle
Remember this it takes an awful lot of wind to blow out one candle....

Just try blowing them out on a birthday cake

Dom*Colucci 2009


  1. Golden Lotus of God's Love...thanks once again as you say the most kindest words for me and I do love you a bunch....enjoy my Love(+) :)

  2. Golden Lotus of God's Love...thank you and my heart appreciates your kindest words also..I love you and wish for you very much in happiness always....enjoy my Love(+)
    soulbro* :)

  3. I Love You Sweetest Flower of God's Garden(+)
    soulbro* :)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

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