Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Farming out*

Farming out*

Working on a farm will definitely get your goat
As you do the chores there is never no time to mope
It is heavy lifting and carrying of bales of hay
This is how one makes the best of production in his days
But when it is all said and done with happiness and love
Your strength in character and the meshing of your Soul fits like a glove

Dom*Colucci 2009


  1. dearest soulbro,
    agreed to the core.
    with lots of love.

  2. Dearest soulbro,
    Happy New Year!!!!
    You must be busy with your plans for tomorrow. Happy retirement day and best of luck for new job.
    with lots of love.

  3. Golden Lotus of God's Love....I thank you for the poems comment and yes might go to the outlets or have my wife's sister and her husband up today and yes my Love it is all over with the Government as come Monday morning it is off to do volunteer work at a regional food bank until 13th of January when I go to the next job for a few more years..enjoy my Love and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you..I love you soooooo much always(+)
    soulbro* :)

  4. Wish you bundles of joy in the days to come. :)

  5. Golden Lotus of God's Love...I LOVE YOU and Thanks...enjoy my Love(+)

  6. Golden Lotus of God's Love...i probably got up to see your comments as then went back to sleep..sorry if I did not say hi but I will say it Now..Hello my Love..sorry....I so love you but sleep sometimes takes precendence...as I thought my daughter was home..enjoy my Love(+)
    soulbro* :)..I LOVE YOU...!!!!


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...