Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thoughts not taught*

Thoughts not taught*

Man who walk with two left feet walk in circles the right way..enjoy and support str8 ahead always*

Man who understands everyone and does not understands himself is less understanding..understand..enjoy*

Man in the mirror is the same as outside the mirror. Who is on the outside?...Zen in One*
A zen riddle, you came into this world with no shovel in your hand...why do you use one?....

I seen trees in a forest congratulate each other and give each other high fives as they are one of ALL-THAT-IS...enjoy*

Each step I take is like the last but if I expect the next I fall and must learn to walk again...*

I cannot teach you what you already know as it was already taught to me...Enlightenment...enjoy*

Three sides of the coin..two sides lie flat and die but the third side stands up and it rolls and follows the Tao..roll with it*

I seen two sides being pushed back by the flow that was direct and the two sides kept there peace, always..enjoy*

I walked along a chosen path and the the objective moved further than I but was still where I was suppose to be...enjoy*

Dom*Colucci 2009

God is so pure*

God is so pure*

It is snowing out in the barren field
Snow has fallen from the sky without yield
I am sitting in the center watching it all
I see no clouds in the sky but it still falls
It is something how this beauty and the depths this makes
To see one tiny one to many of these snowflakes
God covers well on cleansing this world
As time that heals all wounds will let it unfurl

Dom*Colucci 2009

The Universe is Now*

The Universe is Now*

I have finally seen myself where I was suppose to be
I am Now exceptionally well off as the following was of me
It has no such things of materialism or how much I have in wealth
The things in life that could weigh you down but it is all about my health
I have for many years seen ups and downs, even had my doubts
Now I am in my Universe and this is the thing that it is all about

Dom*Colucci 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Think about this*

Think about this*

Shadows want substance as they cling on like leeches for dear existence and suffer from the light...enjoy*

The common house fly can pester so much until it has sought its own door and became Enlightened either with one...*

Does one look in the window or look out the window? Or does the window look at you?..enjoy*

I seen God run His/Her hands over the babbling brook to cool the big rocks under the stream & it kept moving 4 ever*LUV

Oh pretty flower of the valley. Why do you hold your beauty hidden?...enjoy*

One who tries fails,one who fails still moves forward and does not try...succession..see it?...enjoy*

Detach from who I am to who my being is and I will know the first general rule of to be and always have...enjoy*

Use the fuse and diffuse the confused and split in the light to make it right in sight and take flight with all your might....*

Blindfolds have corners that are sharp, smooth the edge and round those corners to allow the light..enjoy*

I seen a vertical river come from the vastness and crash into a wall and spread its stream to 4 cornered directions...enjoy*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Farming out*

Farming out*

Working on a farm will definitely get your goat
As you do the chores there is never no time to mope
It is heavy lifting and carrying of bales of hay
This is how one makes the best of production in his days
But when it is all said and done with happiness and love
Your strength in character and the meshing of your Soul fits like a glove

Dom*Colucci 2009

Fools gold is a little too old*

Fools gold is a little too old*

You see the pot of gold on the rainbows other side
It is one hell of a sight to see and want to grab it but what a ride
So if you keep your mitts to your own without greed
God will show you a part of your life that is in your own need
Keep on striving for the life that treats you the best
And you will never be at worry with your mind as to be at ease and rest

Dom*Colucci 2009

Monday, December 28, 2009

Thinking aloud*

Thinking aloud*

One does not cross the line unless the line is drawn but who draws the line becomes the artist of demise and sinks to the line*

Enlightened man thinks with his feet and moves with his heart openly, as Awareness keeps his openess..enjoy with Zen*

The crane stands on one foot only to achieve its balance with the knows where the center of the Universe begins..*

Purity abounds as there is more of nothing than there is of something...flow with clarity and enjoy*

Open hand, empty vessel..the water flows as no beginning no end..just total Zen...enjoy*

Total discipline is nothing at all as stillness has accepted Conscious Awareness and remained peacefully calm...enjoy*

Reach the deep inner being of light one must take a really good "closer" look of the being that is & walk placid in those depths*

Candle is lit thru will.It will not go out if will is still.So be still and the will will always be lit...enjoy*

Two warriors battle it out in Kung-Fu.Only one survives.The essence of the void..Did it remarkably...enjoy*

There is no dark side to the sun, if you ever tried to look for it, you will always see more light,see it follow it.It sees you*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wind and the candle burns still*

Wind and the candle burns still*

The ye olde candle is a solid stick of pliable wax
It has a thin wick that the torch excites as that's a fact
The center of this piece of luminary wonder lights the way
It can take the night of darkness and turn it around to a shining day
So when your lights go out and you have all that you can handle
Remember this it takes an awful lot of wind to blow out one candle....

Just try blowing them out on a birthday cake

Dom*Colucci 2009

Windy in the winter with light*

Windy in the winter with light*

The forest echoes the sounds of the wind rattling the leaves
The wind has no substance but is a force, it believes
The howling of it when it picks up in this force and might
It is like a witch that has casted a spell on the forest one gloomy night
The squirrels, birds, hawks and owls they all quiver
Especially when this howling is done in winter to make one shiver
But the moon with its glow that also gives its warmth too
With no clouds in the skies gives a beacon of light that shines through

Dom*Colucci 2009

Think twice, I think not*

Think twice, I think Not*

All flowing rivers have one thing in common is the source of their beginning always makes them move forward..str8 ahead...enjoy*

Between the mountains they hold the container of life in its valley,where gentle breezes are a comfort..enjoy*

Spirituality has no shortcuts....if that were true you would not be here in the present moment known as the Now...enjoy*

The path of Enlightenment holds nothing,contains nothing...for it is Spirit of Divine energy...It is Love...enjoy*

Kung Fu..look in your opponents eye and see yourself as the opponent...then you will let go...Zen*

Overcast of clouds shows no memory as a clear day the overcast itself is gone...vanish in Conscious Awareness...enjoy*

Well springs of tears bring forth a new chapter of my hearts love as it bleeds clearly from my*

The apple doesn't fall to far from the tree especially when it catches it..very Zen and totally comforting...enjoy*

A rock on the bottom of the pond cries for more rain as it is not sufficed in deep Consciousness...flow and anchored..enjoy*

In the valley of shadows I saw mountains move in front of me as I had the objective in sight as it all happened in the Now.enjoy*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Steal away ore, the irony*

Steal away ore, the irony*

Ah simple man of steel and iron ore
This is your strength as its to the core
It was the idea of putting a solid foundation through
This idea was a strong one of structure and a part of you
Now the finished result is sound built and great
You will have this great opportunity to celebrate
For the building is not the way as you can see
It is another obstacle in life as it should never be

Dom*Colucci 2009

It goes with letting go*

It goes with letting go*

There comes a time in the late days
One must settle in, one gets old and find the way
For the lesson one hopes to learn is within
This is a constant reminder again and again
This piece of thought is all about letting go
The first thought should be taught, then we will all know

Dom*Colucci 2009

Thoughts to think by*

Thoughts to think by*

One foot will follow the other as it is joined in harmony to create movement in the Now and that is where Enlightenment is.Look*

Awareness does not see anything as black or white as it sees the light and amputates consciousness from ego & Now sees clearly*

God created you from you think God judges His/Her creation..ego has prejudice and judges and no other*

The pool of Consciousness one swims lightly or is all the same pool but all are buoyant as well..move forward & enjoy*

The front door of your perspective is your path towards your inner Light.Please step forward as you just entered the Tao..enjoy*

Total Zen....the river ripples with the current on its own as it knows its path always... the flow go*

Transparency has always seen the end result..because it was the end result..the big picture..enjoy*

The fountain springs up quenched new desires of freedom to be of forever lasting satisfaction...enjoy*

Total stillness, the butterfly's wings flap in the breeze to applaud the Sun's arrival in the center of the moment.enjoy*

The eye of the hurricane is the Enlightened part of the storm as it shows how the "Wheel" can do alot of damage if ridden...Zen*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Friday, December 25, 2009

More thoughts that follow*

More thoughts that follow*

To follow the Infinite Being as it a accepts my presence in total consciousness and to make Awareness mesh with all its signals*

Known nothing, nothing known...existence of one of the none and none of the Zen...enjoy*

The rooster crows his call in the early morn to bring on the night once again..amazing how that happens..enjoy*

It would be unwise to undo the undone in the "Un"iverse of one, unless you undid it..enjoy~@~~~~@~~~~@~wave on}}}}}}}}}

I seen God poke a giant hole in the clouds to reveal the "Sun"days coming attractions...all positive of course*

Posted Mon, 08/17/2009 - 19:37 My Intent is:
The sun was so orange this look like it had a hangover from Woodstock as it hung over the Catskills..enjoy*

Today as I go into life, when driving down the freeway of trees, I will be sure to wave back at them as they are greeting me*...

You know you have total Zen when you see the wind has dimension to it and supports your being...enjoy*

No book in the Universe stacks up to the being of who you are as your quest is to seek Enlightenment in the Now..enjoy*

I watched the Sun dance with 9 other planets all at once and win the ball room contest of the Universe..the vibration is music in silence*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Eye, see it*

Eye, see it*

What is in it when you see a persons eyes?
Round and gorgeous that holds the Universe's skies
Look a little deeper and it captivates you more
It is like you are looking at the Soul and its open door
It is then sight of ones seeing tools that excite
It has the power of all and is filled with beauty, love and even might

Dom*Colucci 2009

I am so in love*

I am so in love*

This feeling that is in my heart is the love I seek
For many years my doors were closed only to take a peek
But riding down that dark tunnel I feared
Nothing made it for me as to being crystal clear
But I know where I stand and where I go
It is the love in me, my Soul, my being that I know

Dom*Colucci 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Objectives in KARMA*

Objectives in KARMA*

It is one more call as to hear its sounds
Life will take you over and go round and round
This is what they call an outer objective or outer rim
The people that live this life always live it on a whim
But one day they fail and sad to see them leave
For it is the same ones for what they practice is to deceive

Dom*Colucci 2009

Zen in deep Awareness*

Zen in deep Awareness*

Now that I have gone as far as I can
It has taken me to greet this interior man
But it took alot of doing to reach the core
As I stumbled fell and opened many doors
Closer and closer peeling the layers back once again
It is putting oneself in the Now as this is Zen

Dom*Colucci 2009

Thinking for one*

Thinking for one*

The sun has come to send a message to the conscious eye as it is today,Now, it is to look at love and expand on it always.enjoy*

I just found out in the destination of the Universe the conductor of this train ride is handing out tickets in the Now...enjoy*

I awoken this morning and found out what channel I was tuned into...the Now and no commercial breaks either...enjoy*

I can feel the streaming river of Awareness"rapidly" pushing me into the ocean of Consciousness as I wave goodbye to an illusion*

I looked deeply in the skies and seen the sheet music of silence in God's cumulus and His/Her opus rolling forward...enjoy*

I seen the Great Divine run His/Her fingers through the trees as they casted beautiful shadows of Awareness with substance.enjoy*

The jeweled sky glitters and kisses the empty void to have hope that Awareness will respond back in the sun drenched sky..enjoy*

The highway has two ways to go down, choose carefully what side you stay on, middle ground seeks Enlightenment...enjoy*

The whole Universe is Enlightened..just look out in the vastness and see everything well balanced and connected by consciousness*

To wake up in total consciousness and to fulfill the day of its great allowance of what the Universe has to offer,str8 ahead*

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Trees that will stay on hold*

Trees that will stay on hold*

Trees that stand for a righteous cause
Nothing special about them as they need no applause
The group of them tie their Spirit together
They live in team work through any weather
But as much as they all give themselves support again
They also know that every limb erect must bend

Dom*Colucci 2009

Who is running the mill*

Who is running the mill?*

Up and down the boulevard we go cruising low
It is a patient thing to do as it is real slow
No time in front of us or came from the rear
It gets clearer and clearer as it gets very near here
So what is ever the big hurry and always stay still
Do not ever get hung up with the old regular run of the mill

Dom*Colucci 2009

Too think or think too*

Too think or think too*

To wake up in total consciousness and to fulfill the day of its great allowance of what the Universe has to offer,str8 ahead*

The whole Universe is Enlightened..just look out in the vastness and see everything well balanced and connected by consciousness*

The highway has two ways to go down, choose carefully what side you stay on, middle ground seeks Enlightenment...enjoy*

The jeweled sky glitters and kisses the empty void to have hope that Awareness will respond back in the sun drenched sky..enjoy*

I seen the Great Divine run His/Her fingers through the trees as they casted beautiful shadows of Awareness with substance.enjoy*

I looked deeply in the skies and seen the sheet music of silence in God's cummulus and His/Her opus rolling forward...enjoy*

I can feel the streaming river of Awareness"rapidly" pushing me into the ocean of Consciousness as I wave goodbye to an illusion*

I awoken this morning and found out what channel I was tuned into...the Now and no commercial breaks either...enjoy*

I just found out in the destination of the Universe the conductor of this train ride is handing out tickets in the Now...enjoy*

The sun has come to send a message to the conscious eye as it is today,Now, it is to look at love and expand on it always.enjoy*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hearing nothing at all*

Hearing nothing at all*

As you stare and feel the thicket of thought around you
As this is the term in suchness that goes right through
Look real closely and see the magnetic way of life attract
If you ignore this then you will not see the Universe intact
It is a vision of thoughts that are wielding power in dark matter
Go ahead and don't see but open your mouth and watch harmony splatter

Dom*Colucci 2009

The rock that learned by not leaning*

The rock that learned by not leaning*

The rock has no feeling but is put in its place
With it hanging from the cliff in such chiseled face
Jagged and rugged way of existence, this is a hard life
Supported many other rocks in the cliff, with all its strife
It seems not to break free from its mortared wall
It will sit in stillness and learn its patience, until God makes the call

Dom*Colucci 2009

The Saviour from within me*

The Saviour from within me*

Feeling open as I had awoken up one day
It was very unusual as Now this was the Way
I seen many things differently, Now it was me
My gut feeling had a great blast of who I am and Soul to see
Highly energetically supercharged substance in a particle wave
No book I learned from this wisdom, it was inherent and NOW I am saved

Dom*Colucci 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Bread of Life we eat to live*

Bread of life we eat to live*

The meadow on the farm has the golden harvest in it
It is where the treasures of all have been placed and sit
This would make it the bread of life to be enjoyed as manna for all
Each golden rod of wheat has its own texture and stands very tall
It is plucked from the field with combine and chaffed so well
Then brought to bakery with yeast added does this have a great smell
For it is soft texture and made delicious good find
More will be made as it satisfies and not left behind

Dom*Colucci 2009

God and the Enlightened Kabbalah*

God and the Enlightened Kabbalah*

The matter of being was attracted together
As it was in form no matter what the weather
This was the start of man and his journey here
His companion was his opposite but one
The both of them could co-create the Universe second to none
Both beings were tied to One Consciousness and live
They were suppose to use things in thought and learn to give
But something tempted them into illusion
And the only reward for both of them was the final conclusion
But many have moved forward and left that spot behind
And settled inward as to reach the core of being not in mind
Enlightenment showed direction so free
This Now came into their lives as to let them be
Now Adam is connected to Source in God and so will Eve
The father and mother of all who made us truly do believe

Dom*Colucci 2009

Thoughts of taught*

Thoughts of taught*

Morning side coffee on the deck as a clover leaf moth joins me to celebrate the day with its long house robe on...enjoy*

Original sin was attachment through become Enlightened make it focused & centered & return home again in the Now*

Now only matters, time does not matter as matter has no time..enjoy*

It takes one drop of water to create an ocean as it takes an ocean to allow that one drop of is Awareness that allows*

If I sought a lifetime and still did not find it,it would seek me in stillness in a lifetime and it would be NOW*

Do sheep pull the wool over your eyes? If so you have blanket coverage in the Now...enjoy it, enjoys you*

We all know what one hand clapping sounds like,what does no hands clapping sound like? A captivated audience!...enjoy,I do*

Big Blue Magnetic Marble rolling across the floor of open Consciousness be Aware of no stops on the freeway of Infinity..enjoy*

Breathe in nothing and breathe out nothing but something happens in between.what is it? Open for space in the Now..enjoy*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Growing up to start over again*

Growing up to start over again*

Roots grabbing ever so deep in the ground
It is the stem that carries the fruit until it mounds
Pushing ever so higher and feeling very good
The steps it follows is in patience as it should
Now the fully developed plant has made it so tall
It must be knocked down as mulch and start over small

Dom*Colucci 2009

Hear it is near*

Hear it is near*

A slice of the Universe sits untouched and unruled
It is called Consciousness and it has its own school
This part of the stream puts all the LOA in place
As it is always at calm and stillness with patience is its pace
No disruption in service will always continue in perpetual motion
As it moves like the big rippling waves on a vast blue ocean

Dom*Colucci 2009

What is right in front of you?*

What is right in front of you?*

Have you ever noticed how water stays closely to the surface but also touches the depths below...As above so below..enjoy*

The robin sings to the wind as the wind picks up resonance of the vibe and harmonizes the Universe beautifully...enjoy*

Today's good morning wake up call is to continue on the plateau of streaming Consciousness and to be attracted in wisdom, Now*

The praying mantis has studied its Kata very well as in the LOA process its gut feelings brings it what it wished for..enjoy*

The yellow jacket wasp tries its hand at Zen as to know when the proper moment is to enter its papered nest to do its Zazen*

Learn a Zen lesson from an apple tree,it carries its ego & knows when to drop its pride at the right time to become itself again*

The sun has unconditional love.It gives Light and warmth, but returns back to itself...The Source..LOA*

Your past is what made you successful,Now an illusion and the Now is your success and not your past...enjoy*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Flat on my back and I can see why*

Flat on my back and I see why*

Laid on my back in the dewed morning light
It was cool and enjoyable as the day was beginning so right
Inspired by the smell of pine trees wafting freshness
As this was a great feeling as it was in the wide openness
The sun was beaming higher and higher in the sky
Who could ask for anything better than to ask why?

Dom*Colucci 2009

Just write it down*

Just write it down*

I just showed up Now and know God has taken care of the rest as, He/She sends me on my path to make more milestones in my life*

The clouds are painted faint pink as the sun is cooled by the night's darkness..enjoy*

Ground chucks show no anger as they maneuver with stragedy through the labyrinth of the corn field,make your goal the same*

Today is a new day as the sun brings your openness into the cosmic consciousness & allows you to be a strong part of the Universe*

The ocean tides comes to shore to give the sandy beach a nice massage in hydro-therapeutic waves...enjoy with them*

Does a spider's web catch a spider or does the spider catch the spider's web...sticky subjects...enjoy*

The golden lotus flower comes from the murk in the pond and when opened gives a lasting kiss in the moment beautifully...enjoy*

I watched the mountains that went into the ocean try to escape it as they kept climbing up the cliffs but to no avail, gave up*

Living example that if you have an ego you chase the clock instead staying centered and focus...look at the difference & enjoy*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

Shoes you lose as the whole in the Soul*

Shoes you lose as the whole in the Soul*

Why do I have this discomfort at will
Because of new shoes that can never flip the bill
But the Soul not the shoes is that make them fit
So I surrender at will as to say "I quit!"
Why even walk on your toes and soles?
Your inner being is there to make you whole

Dom*Colucci 2009

The root of ignorance*

The root of the ignorance*

The journey was dangerous and also rough
As it was difficult to move on, and also it was tough
But there was some wiggle room as I moved about
The shell of ignorance once was shrouded, as Now it is out
The weed gave a fantastic tug and pull show
Now it is gone for that much I know

Dom*Colucci 2009

Gone is the holding on*

Gone is the holding on*

Evolve with staying in just one place
It is so easy when you keep pace
Keep Awareness at its Conscious state
This form of mindfulness is its fate
The objective reality does not fit this style
It is happily joined with the Soul all the while

Dom*Colucci 2009

Think thoughts thru as thoughts think thru you*

Think thoughts thru as thoughts think thru you*

The clouds are painted faint pink as the sun is cooled by the night's darkness..enjoy*

The pond is quiet in solitude but a frog starts a chorus and must call out his thoughts in deep emotions...enjoy*

Clouds are God's Ladder to climb to heaven as He/She is well rested on earth..enjoy*

Squirrels play,have fun and find nuts as to look for the right bowling ball as well..cute creatures..enjoy*

How many times do you walk through a door opening each day? is your path,str8 ahead...enjoy*

Just one open door is all you need to get the rest of your lifes doors open as well...keep moving your forward+++>also<+++

Spiders show in their web the Eightfold Path to Enlightenment as they focus more to the center....enjoy*

On the vertical horiZen, I looked up and out as it looked back down and was my Awareness....enjoy*

I seen the mountains near the ocean try to escape the water as it came up the cliffs but fell short of its goal and stayed there*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009



Thought is inner beings way to begin
This is the inner Souls way to escape once again
It has its eyes to see and travel in the Light
Also its the ability to perceive what is outside inward in sight
The core of this being is connected so true
It is GOD the inner connection that is a being with you

Dom*Colucci 2009

You are Aware of thought*

You are Aware of thought*

Thought is buried in your reality so deep
The depths are so dark that the light will not keep
To reach that core one must breath a little lower
To pass the time in patience a little slower
So enter a little more, the door is truly open there
It is the door of Consciousness that will Now make you Aware

Dom*Colucci 2009

youtube video with the Moody Blues with Best Way to Travel*

Thinking to reach thought*

Thinking to reach thought*

Know me Now or know me later.What is the difference? None, as later is Now anyway,when you get there,which is here..correct?*

Greed finds its own poverty, as to have too much one side and too little other side it is destroyed to having none at all..

Just remain in the solid-tude of the present and relish the inner being of who is really in control and your imagination sparks*

The eagle soars and sees with keen eye sight everything that is in its reality...intend the same and enjoy*

God empties all thoughts with Zen sand art in all the Universal deserts,no rake needed*

The wind makes its rounds through the wooded areas and blows the underside of the leaves to see if it finds treasures..enjoy*

The whole Universe is Enlightened as all the stars and planets are suspended and Now have their inherent Buddha nature..enjoy*

Clouds have formed throughout the moment as the world spins the other way to show their movement...enjoy*

The water fountain is overloaded with itself as it returns happily to its main Source and cannot be separated...enjoy*

Consciousness leads me to the Divine this early morn to gaze at the twinkling stars and to know God is giving me starlit kisses*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Now here is the Soul*

Now here is the Soul*

Here Comes round two of a stellar life
Soul has seen what is needed as this suffice
As it breezes through the trees and drift to the skies
Only its energy of the wind can only make it fly
But this ball of energy knows all the routes
For it lives in solitude and this becomes all the Truths

Dom*Colucci 2009

Thoughts that were thoughts*

Thoughts that were thoughts*

Surface may appear smooth, deeper you go there are wondrous pockets of visions of the concrete Universe..enjoy*

A millisecond ago was a memory that was stolen by the thief of the past..remember right where you are this instant.The Now*

There is more to life where it meets the is where the Soul meets the life so the eye could see...enjoy*

What is around the corner stays around the corner as stillness in the Now only satisfies more and more...enjoy*

It is much wiser to face the wall in silence than to blab expectations to the whole Universe as ego loves to do...stay calm Now*

I sit in the meadow watching the wind blow through the grass as it exposes its shadows and expels its ego...enjoy*

When gazing out at sea, one looks where the water meets the sky as it is yin-yang chasing the Universe around...enjoy*

Meditating in total stillness.Cool breeze,light winds through the trees.The mockingbird sings that she is so happy..enjoy*

Standing on the horiZen,facing the direction that looks back,I feel the speed of the Universe brushing waves through my hair*

Only a fool departs from its being as its twin brother,the wise,shows up for round 2...enjoy*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

More thoughts for you from me*

The keeper of the future is still awaiting there....keep later on there and live in the here Now...enjoy*

The water in the canyon took awhile to to walk down and make a river but for Now it leaves the irregular cliffs behind...enjoy*

It is the atmosphere around you that accepts you..return the favour..enjoy*

The bark of a tree could be heard if it falls in the woods...Hear it when it stands up, too...enjoy*

Flow of water is guided by all sides as to see how the Universe allows & accepts lovingly...enjoy*

Seedless seed...untiring journey.You gave up and found the Truth...enjoy*

A bridge of thoughts will never get you your eyes instead and close that gap...enjoy*

If there are obstacles in your life,remember.."THAT" is the delusion..enjoy and keep going str8 ahead*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Out takes*

Out takes*

Do you have what it takes?
To say one thing like give me a break
Or Marie Antoinette and let them eat cake
Or the witches at Salem to burn at the stake
No the ignorance of self as to be so fake
But that is what has happened as this is what it takes

Dom*Colucci 2009

You and only you*

You and only you*

One way that is only going out
It is never coming back without a doubt
As it is pushed in the world a forceful deed
Combination of two and was used in the time of need
This is your birth steadfast and true
This is who you are as this is you

Dom*Colucci 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Open up*

Open Up*

Open door, open window, open Universe, airy too
Open eyes, open heart, open hands, feelings for you
So much openness that the Soul has great attitude
With great thanks and heart it also has loving gratitude
One feels the Universe responding so well and great
This feeling has one always in Soul to celebrate

Dom*Colucci 2009

Where the "h" were you?*

Where the "h" were you?*

The foot steps of time seem to be nowhere
As the way of the future is so far out there
To stumble and fumble to chase the tail of naught
It is the term of ignorance that has its web and is caught
So if you plant yourself within the present
You will always be here and never absent

Dom*Colucci 2009

More Thoughts of the Day*

More thoughts of day*

The butterfly spreads its wings to and fro to allow more wind into the vast Universe...enjoy*

The flowing water does not contain any thoughts as it empties crystal clear into the vastness*

My feet have rocks in my shoes but my head is in the Enlightened cloud as to make a match of harmony and be planted in the Now*

Hear the echoes of silence as the Universe has given the first dawn of sound in complete nothingness & it is evaporating clearly*

See a thing through as it has sought are here as it is also...enjoy*

The fragrance of the rose is a delight, as to grasp it quickly has sorrow.Be still in the present*

The open skies of the day have allowed the light to start your new chapter of your story told back to God as He/She listens*

Vision is a two step process as 1 comes in thought and the other sees.One is more clearer than the other.Choose*

Look at the clouds as they are a fill for the sky, then the Sun digests there being as they vanish away comfortably*

The sun arrives it only shows the light of what is frontal, the moon arrives it brings the depths the sun does not have...enjoy*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tighten up*

Tighten up*

In your focus one comes to grip with kime
The tightening of the target in the cross haired mind
As all comes together and the power has been put well
Now that time of release so powerful as forced is to be expelled
It is all centered and cannot be stopped as the direction in gravity
It makes it direct hit with such power and destruction of catastrophe
But with kime one has the choice to hold within
As this choice is good withheld to be at one again

Dom*Colucci 2009

Figure it out*

Figure it out*

Walking closer as I get to the ledge
My being is no longer as it is over the edge
I came into this world with only who I am to be
Not a product of sport with competition and objectivity
This being who I am has become with the reality of one within
This being is no longer a product of the koans puzzles in Zen

Dom*Colucci 2009

Just wait and see where you go*

Just wait and see where you go*

The highway points forward, as that is nice
There is no other way that will suffice
As you trek forward and leave the past behind
You also give up and keep a clear mind
So get on that open road and move on with greatness
That greatness has came around with its own patience

Dom*Colucci 2009

More Thoughts to ponder over*

More thoughts to ponder over*

The full moon was centered and satisfied, but movement pushes it away and makes room for positive direction and light..enjoy

The direction of life goes as it follows a sparrow"s bill in an opened untiring Universe...enjoy

The cycle of life wakes you up with Spirit in the AM...try not to give it a flat tire by lunch time....enjoy it and let it roll

Why does a fly die on its back? Cuz it is its wings that brought him there in the first place,expending to much energy can kill

Thoughts near the bubbling fountain as the clouds usher in act 2 of the darkness and the jewels it hides

God paints a beautiful picture in the landscape of my subjective reality's eye and moves it every step I walk, enjoy*

Look out at the lake,invisible rain drops.It is trout coming to the surface begging for more rain in a deep conscious Awareness

Dom*Colucci 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Phrases to ponder on with thought*

Phrases to ponder on with thought*

To seek one's inner being must turn around the objective reality and face within that without cannot bring*

One is having two many as none is having one.Remember it is your choice, use it wisely

The crystal clear mountain air is the really the pinnacle of the mountain as that what makes it survive.Be crystal clear

The void is all around as you can see for whatever can be grasped will not be held as the void has the power & you have the void

Banks on a river may flood higher than expected but it is a hidden teacher to tell you how expansive the Universe truly is*

The dark vastness of space in the Universe is a direct copy of what is inside your inner being, as stars are your visions Now*

One knows without seeing as no questions are asked.As it is the inner Spirit is the guide and already has you here.Not there*

As one looks, whatever that is in front of you will never be behind you. You will always see forward on your path

All around you there is an opening,clearing oneself sees that opening.Now the Universe has surrendered the way you just did*

Meeting halfway in the Universe seems like it always is,you here and it there.But you are the whole and not the part,remember it*

I move in silence, the roar of my movement allows the Universe to open as the sound of a spillgate allowing the flow of water*

The inner being has the depths of many oceans and has so many treasures to find.Close your eyes and see one...silence*

Consciousness has our reality as to the way we perceive things in a 3D world.Atoms formed are energy packets attracted together*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Being is happy positively*

Being is happy positively*

The sun explodes in brightness morning spot
It came through the shades as it was my eye that I caught
WOW a new day that has shown itself crystal clear
It is all the sunshine attitude that you have so near
OK with positive feelings and the gut feelings as well
Move about the great day, it has its wonders I can tell
This brings your Awareness up a notch in the Soul
Remember the thing about all this is being positively whole

Dom*Colucci 2009

Destination done, journey moves on*

Destination done, journey moves on*

The drive to the outlets was a pleasant one
We get off the turnpike and pay the toll. It is done
One group goes one way, as I go my way
I find my meditation spot as I fixate on the day
I see the mountains so majestic there in view
We are compiled Now we have all done what we needed to do
Get back in the vehicle and move on as one
We pull off the thruway we are complete and it is done

Dom*Colucci 2009

Walk in a night scene*

Walk in a night scene*

Tonight as I walk out in the stillness
The clear calm cool evening has in its fitness
The smell of oak wood burning its perfume
The chimney has the bellows as it is a big plume
In the distance the stars sparkle its gleam
The order of this night is its beautiful scene

Dom* Colucci 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Now, eternity is no longer here*

Now, eternity is no longer here*

Where did eternity ever start from?
Was it a term lifted from the doldrums
It never exits with a calling card behind
Search for its roots and you will never find
So leave eternity where you found it
Stay cemented in the Now, just relax and sit

Dom*Colucci 2009

Beauty from an oasis*

Beauty from an oasis*

How fairer could a Persian Princess be
Is a woman with deep brown eyes that the Soul sees
She has those eyes of jewels that sparkle and shine
Her skin that is so pure, smooth and very fine
What a bundle of happiness, joy and peace
With her subtle beauty to enjoy with a mind at ease

Dom* Colucci 2009

Stillness in the cold*

Stillness in the cold*

Tonight is dark and cold with a clear sky
The chill outside will make your bones dry
The corner house has a dog that will bark
As the cars drive by the house and want to park
But the atmosphere is at a calm and still
As the strength of the cold weather remains at its own will

Dom* Colucci 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Good day splits away*

Good day splits away*

The ocean has a vast horiZen with one solid line
If you look very close that is the edge of all in mind
With carved ripples in each gentle wave done in blue
The white puffy clouds give texture to that line so true
The split of the Universe shows the womb of what has created
Only Now that the sunlight has shown itself as it is to be faded

Dom*Colucci 2009

Allowance in a material world*

Allowance in a material world*

The bottom of the pond has many jewels
These stones are simple and not meant for the fools
They have patience and sit until they wish to move
Now with that said they are still placed in the synchronistic groove
Magnetic bands that allow matter to move so freely there
That they do it with such ease and such gentle care

Dom*Colucci 2009

Soulbro who knows*

Soulbro who knows*

The whole world that is outside me is all around
This is the feeling of how oneness does surround
The way I see it that once oneness is here then it is found
The found of what has happened was in thought and not in sound
So look beyond yourself by looking within forever so
Then the inner being which is your Soul will always know

Dom*Colucci 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Time does not belong here*

Time does not belong here*

The clock on the wall says we should all leave
But to many, time is truly Now and a clock is not to believe
So no matter where you are and definitely having fun
There is no need to stop and see the time as the spin is always on the run
Chase the tail and you may lose all you want
These are those frustrations that love to taunt

Dom*Colucci 2009

Spring is right over the hill waiting*

Spring is right over the hill waiting*

Over the hills and through the brook
There is a snow covered cottage so we take a look
Ah the door is open and seeing it is cozy warm
The heat that is expelled wraps around our cold form
So Now we settle in this perfect scene
The next one we receive the springs lawn will be green

Dom*Colucci 2009

Done without doing it*

Done without doing it*

Before it was created it was done
The will was molded as to be one
The craft work behind it was simple to be
It was in the Lord's eye to give it synchronicity
So as to follow through and always be that way
You have learned each moment's purpose exists in everyday

Dom*Colucci 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

Zen is the moment of itself*

Zen is the moment of itself*

Surrender the blend and then it ends
The tail quits chasing itself as it is NOW, it is Zen
The moment seeks its own insides as it comes in the being
The thoughts erode and fade away as this is called the freeing
The Soul is NOW contented with small favour
As this is the moment awaited for the savoured..enjoy Zen*

Dom*Colucci 2009

One in none as none is done*

One in none as none is done*

Don't you feel it that power of greatness
It is called Surrender and sits in Oneness
This Zen is the picture of aligned Soul
The canvas is blanked but it is whole
The stillness is brought by the overcast, darkened clouds
Now inside the silence in the Soul screams out loud

Dom*Colucci 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

A beautiful world that includes water*

A beautiful world that includes water*

It is so wonderful to see and hear the ocean. It is so very powerful yet a hint of subtle weakness. When your hear the rhythm of the waves coming into shore and the final arrival of the smallest of the bubbles, it is there to tell you, "This is what I brought you. The beauty of my form and the cleansing of my sounds. You are always invited. Come with me." I love the ocean and always will. Thanks Creator.

Dom* Colucci 2009

Already You*

Already You*

Oh great Universe as the "wheel" is always spinning
It goes up and down as the ego is never winning
Why does it ever bother anymore that it has lost
Such a terrible price to keep well maintained at a high cost
The only thing worth attaining is already attained
And that treasure is the Soul and to the Enlightened is already regained

Dom*Colucci 2009

Look what is front of you*

Look what is in front of you*

Sparks that spit and prick as well
Energy running outside itself as it fell
Friction does not have efficiency stored
As the negative ground is always floored
But dark matter energy encirlces the playing field
As it dances the powerful atoms as it does not yield
So sparks are accepted in the Zero Point and cancel each other out
As the negative ground always remains at rest taking more energy without a doubt

Dom*Colucci 2009

Home runs walk inside pitch*

Home runs walk inside pitch*

See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, and taste it
Now that you have five senses, does "it" fit?
How about when you keep in stillness and begin to enter
Then all of life is becoming focused, aligned and in the center
Now you have brought about this present in real loud and clear
You shall never pass on as you always have returned right here

Dom*Colucci 2009

Sounds of silence*

Sounds of silence*

Does the sun make a sound when it comes up each day?
Does the butterfly wings flutter a noisy tune on its way?
Does the seed in the ground cry out a loud song to sing?
Does the water on the bottom of the pond mean anything?
These are all the things that the human ear cannot hear
These are the things in the Soul feel and that is why it is here

Dom*Colucci 2009

Bodhidharma and the Now*

Bodhidharma and the Now*

These days you hear a lot about Spirituality and the Now. You are about your past and your future is the Now. Do you know what that means? Do you know where it is? Well of course it is in the Now. But it took me some deep meditations and analyzing certain conditions and even watching a few you tube videos with the movie. The Silent Flute by Sterling Siliphant and feeling out peoples emotions to uncover this gem that has been sitting with us since the dawn of time and it came from the teachings of Bodhidharma, the Father of ZEN and KUNG FU. Here was a man who was in a royal family in India and wanted to know the way to Enlightenment. Early on he met up with a figure that was he future and his past and even told him he would be meeting him the future.

Bodhidharma was unique when he became a Buddhist monk. His master told him to build a study for his meditations and he, the master, would be back to see the study the meditation study when it was completed. A few attempts arose, just as he was near completion of the study for his meditations some circumstances came along to disrupt his perfection of his ego and then realized after he built the study to perfection, he would not need the study and by glance he destroyed the whole study in a few swipes and kicks laid to ruins. A messenger came to see if Bodhidharma was ready for the master to see if Bodhidharma was ready for the master and Bodhidharma’s reply was, “Go get the master.”

When the master came to see the study, he noticed it was destroyed and asked Bodhidharma, Is it completed? And Bodhidharma’s reply was, I love this one, “Yes it has been built and founded. The start of Zen was here. Bodhidharma was given his name and was told to save all living beings with his wisdom of Enlightenment, so he made a trek to China. The Buddhist monks in China awaited his arrival and when he did show up, they looked at a very dark complexion man with a dark beard and no shoes. His first day of teaching when he arrived he gathered up all the monks and they sat before him awaiting his teachings. Bodhidharma, sat in a lotus position in front of the Buddhist monks and started meditating. The monks looked perplexed and after some time of meditating, Bodhidharma got up and walked away. Now the monks were confused but a few said ,”I think we just learned a lesson.” In the meantime they gave Bodhidharma a pair of sandals for his feet. As the days went on Bodhidharma found a niche in a cave and this is where it all started with the NOW and this is how I learned about the ZEN riddle with two hands clapping make a noise, what does one hand clapping sound like?

Now Bodhidharma takes refuge with the meditations in the cave as well and sits there in silence for nine years. Here he gets a devoted follower named Huike, who patiently awaits for Bodhidharma’s awakening. When Bodhidharma awakens, he gets up and sees Huike outside the cave. Huike wants to learn his teachings but Bodhidharma refuses to teach him. In a rage of commitment Huike takes a knife and cuts off his arm in pure dedication to his humble master, Bodhidharma. Now Bodhidharma cannot just leave Huike there without repayment of something and because of his sincerity to Bodhidharma, he leaves him some writings, clothes, and his begging bowl.
Supposedly after the 9 year stint, a man sees Bodhidharma walking in the field going back to India and says hello to him. The same man goes into town and sees another a man and says, “I just seen Bodhidharma. He had his staff and his sandal tied to it.” The other gentleman says, “Where?” “Going back to India.” The other man says, “that is impossible because Bodhidharma has been dead for 3 months.” The both men go back to his grave and find it empty and the other sandal left there. I would guess the analogy would be that he left someone else to fill that sandal. But he did tell his students before he left that many will follow ZEN only a few will live it.

Now the analogy I get from this is an epiphany a few days back and it goes like this: We come into this world from a previous life as the Tibetan Book of the Dead suggests. The moment of our arrival we inherit a Spirit that manifests our physical body. Along the road we develop and ego and it blocks the Spirit. Due to the fact that NOW ego is in control we start in the process of judging, preening, and primping to mask who we are and start dividing and conquering. We only get so far because we are overcome by guilt, fear, worry and ignorance. We start to feel like we can do it all to appease the ego’s image. But along that road or spoke we run into road blocks as warnings. Do we take heed of them? NO. Because our ego says we can work harder to reach that goal or award of satisfaction. This starts the process of our negative outlook on life, sort of like Bodhidharma got frustrated when building his study. So after hitting the mental brick wall for 50 or more years we feel we lost something, Bodhidharma was lucky because he only hit the mental brick wall for 9. We start to get tired, run down, stressed out and get sick and eventually die before our time. But when do you encounter a brick wall mental or otherwise, STOP!!! Look at the situation and NOW turn it around. Because you just did that, in which this is what Bodhidharma did, you are on the path towards Enlightenment and Now you are walking on the same spokes of the “wheel” that got you to your future(sickness and death start all over again in the next life, why? Because you were ignorant and did not learn a lesson. You retired the lesson). The analogy about the future or end is take a closer look at the “wheel”. It has a hub, spokes and outer rim. If you just did what I explained you hit the outer rim and you are trying to go beyond that barrier and your future stopped because you went outside yourself to divide and conquer. NOW the flip side of that is that if you did a 180 degree turn you are on the path of Enlightenment and on your way home to your center where your Spirit is, the same Spirit that manifested you into the physical, is waiting for you. So Now if you see it is your future is NOW your past because you know your past better than your future. Nicodemus heard Jesus speak of being “BORN AGAIN” but Nicodemus questioned Jesus bout being “BORN AGAIN” and going into the mother’s womb again. Jesus said to Nicodemus, “You cannot got back to the mother’s womb, but you can meet Spirit and be ‘BORN AGAIN’ in Spirit” and this is where the 180 degree takes a turn for the greater, to finally arrive home. In which you look at it, just like Bodhidharma’s being said to him, I am your past and your future and because you are right NOW, you are both of them. It is just NOW with your direction changed your future is your past and your past is your future as they both cancel each other out to produce the NOW. Does this make sense to you? It did for me.

Another thing about Spirit before I go, you have heard the term, “THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE.”. Just by hitting the brick wall and leaving it there, you left your ego smashed up there and your Spirit you around to come home, so your Spirit is the TRUTH and the only TRUTH because Spirit was always here, ego showed up later and that is the TRUTH and the Spirit is freedom or liberation from you bondage of a masked life or one sided mind. This whole column was about a person on the path to Enlightenment and finding out the simple things in life were easier than finding chemical research or digging up bones in the ground. After all in my opinion that is outside yourself and created this chaos in the first place.

I hope I came across with a point and as always it is my opinion and my experience in my life but was so overwhelmed by this feeling I had to share it with anyone willing to read this. I do not belong to any religious organizations or cults or memberships because I feel they are conformists and should strictly follow the leader and stay on the straight and narrow. Why? I do not know and do not give 2 shits about it. My life is my own and no one else’s to be or figure out or judge. I came from a Roman Catholic family and could never get off on a book, that taught year after year the same old same old and never applied themselves. I converted to Methodist in 1971 but found out you had to submit to their group. My great grandmother on my mother’s side of the family was Jewish and escaped NAZI Austria around 1933. Studied Buddhism but to me it is another man’s opinion but have a deep passion on the teachings of ZEN and receive Divine Wisdom from God/Source/Higher Intel through the Kabbalah and pinpoint what happened at Creation with the fall of man. I consider myself a Spiritualist and I alone. NOW I say to each his own and please enjoy my readings and if you did not, well you read anyways, then all I can say is move on and enjoy your life the way you wish….

Dom*Colucci 2009

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...