Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Tree of Life goes Universal!*

The Tree of Life goes Universal!*

Planetary Kabbalah, Zohar sits high
Shining down on all creation spherically
As Source is returned to the sky
This plays on itself in perpetual motion
It does it in patience always
The track it is on sits its locomotion
Pulling and pushing both forces combined
As this seems violent to be in chaos
But synchronistically it works out fine

Dom*Colucci 2010

I see a Star here Now!*

I see a Star here Now!*

Oh great Orange Diamond of the Now
You are the giver of Light and love thou
Sitting in the center hub and hovering
The sun rays fill all with the covering
Greatest Atom of power and magnetic might
You shine the light to give all sight

Dom*Colucci 2010

Teeter with your thoughts, or?*

Teeter with your thoughts, or?*

The whole Universe plays dead silence as it allows all the matter in the void to create its own orchestra and does it well.

Riding the tiger is easy, when the tiger realizes you are riding him you become his vengeance...Back but subtly..

As rotten as the world is at times it is just a transition of fertilizer to make "NEW" growth come back to life once again.

Moment becomes the moment only when you become the moment yourself.Be still for a moment.ZEN(+)

The mirror is stained leave it alone, if polished you become a slave an ego loves that...ZEN

When someone breaks your heart it hurts but when you break your hurt it is fatal....Love unconditionally always.ZEN(+)

Feelings of Joy comes with mixed emotions as the time comes to forget (ZEN principle) as the Rolling Stones sing...

The mountains stands very still until the lightning strikes it as it releases and avalanche of desires spews from it.ZEN in ALL

The center of the Universe orchestrates the marvel of movement with no strings attached and does it very silently as well.

Dom*Colucci 2010

All choked up*

All choked up*

Blended leaf, Oh weed of smoke
I take a few puffs from you, then I choke
Flavour of rotting garbage taste
I take a good puff, and blow in your face
Tasty weed one more drag to take
My lungs feel like they just been baked

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Slacking off*

Slacking off*

Stand up straight, pants are slouched
I just did so getting off the couch
Wrinkled mess, crumbled paper style
Lines all over these slacks, some have smiles
Iron this out and get it pressed
Sit in that couch again and make a mess

Dom*Colucci 2010

To think or not two!*

To think or not two!*

The roaring spillgate has just been uplifted with the opening of Higher Consciousness to go with the flow of God.

The apple falls off the tree into deep subconscious Awareness to allow the other apples to seek the same ventures inside.Go.

I receive a blank canvas and the Being of God provides the reality that I enjoy with Him/Her/It.Have a great day:-)

In total stillness,the pond activates and ripples as the Being of God slightly blows a kiss and moves gracefully into Awareness.

Stare across the pond and the activity you see is a gathering of what could be,is and what just left all in one...Awareness!

Go deep into your stillness and touch the vibration of the limitless Universe and you will feel God's Soul touch you,deeper.

To wait forever to the moment until the Awakened One has entered,then the moment that lasted, never was here.

Everyday the Universe is in my sight,I walk in God's Soul for it is wonderous place to live in and vast as He/She will always be

My inner being has as much distance to it as it has to my outer being, being tightly woven in one great Universe with everyone.

The savaged shadow walks behind the being you are and hides from itself because it is light that makes you, nothing else.

Dom*Colucci 2010

Snow at six, pointing it out*

Snow at six, pointing it out*

The beginning of a snow flake has great design
It starts with a droplet of water and cold will find
It comes so far from the heavens seen
It is in God's thoughts and His dreams
Six points to make it its own art form
Lands once but disappears when it gets warm

Dom*Colucci 2010

Death in cleansing*

Death in cleansing*

The winter has given its fury and pain
The death of movement has had no gain
This was its cleansing in what is still
It pushes its muscle around, it is its will
Nothing survives with the bitter bite
I look around the park and see no one is in sight

Dom*Colucci 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Old Thoughts come back*

Old Thoughts come back*

Sitting near the waters edge, the Soul absorbs the vibrations of ripples and explains that there are interruptions in thoughts.

The cliffs of a mountain can only grasp the wind that covers it as it even lets go of itself,eventually.

Every drop of rain water that hits the ground becomes awakened and finds the path of no resistance for it goes with its flow.

The ocean is an expansive place with waves and curls, but it develops surfaceable bubbles by its own intuition.

Walking with focus in the chasm of Awareness, one thing stands out about all the others is my stillness is silence in the void.

Looking at the clouds I can only imagine that that is God's next thought of creation as Awareness slips in the Now from the void

My Intent is that God lives on this website and He/She has a big heart and I love all of you guys and gals, forever.Thanks.

Dark night of the Spirit has just transformed itself to be brought into the light of Higher Awareness.Good day.

Life exists only because you are here and that is why everything is in this reality for your viewing and nowhere else...Enjoy it

The white eagle soars with the clouds and blends in God's nature as the white wolf seeks the pure land as rivers swell with life

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Subjective Living*

Subjective Living*

OK, true test of patience I can wait
Retired 36 years USVA ,Now to DMV NY State
I got a call from my counselor who is a Viet Nam vet
I am qualified with my background, I will get what I get
Great feeling with two pensions and work on another one too
The secret is subjective reality and I just show up, this is true

Dom*Colucci 2010

Hit that symbol*

Hit that symbol*

Objects that have symbols that mean something
Catchy phrase does not come up, a thing gives a ring
A description of words do not suffice
But point an object out, that will be nice
An object has form and symbol does too
All the description I need as this is what I knew

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Plane truth here, plane truth there*

Plane truth here, plane truth there*

Take a jet plane ride from LA to the City
Land at JFK, the lights of Broadway so pretty
Run up Times Square and get a taxi ride
Takes you all over the Big Apple, traffic tied
Go to the Waldorf get checked in
Guess what? It is time to go back to LA once again

Dom*Colucci 2010

Take a break fast*

Take a break fast*

Omelet, soft boiled or sunny side up
Settle down please and the coffee is in the cup
Smell crisp bacon and flapjacks galore
Rich textured oatmeal and toast we adore
Cook a big breakfast with orange juice to boot
Get on with your life with bananas or some fruit

Dom*Colucci 2010

The spider with its ZEN*

The spider with its ZEN*

Pretty spider on my ceiling high
How do you do that, touching the sky?
You have nothing to do but wait
Having the ultimate in patience, this is great
You hunger does not come only when
Your subjectivity and also your personal ZEN

Dom*Colucci 2010

Oscillation in words*

Oscillation in words*

New post on my blog spot, every time
This comes from Soul not the sublime
It is a happening, I know it is Aware
This feeling I get to write, it is because I care
My words are together, wrote down and rhyme
I know my poem is good and I definitely feel fine

Dom*Colucci 2010

Time to go out again*

Time to go out again*

Hello, and here to say goodbye
Please be happy, do not cry
In life all is momentary, this is true
If you loved me then of course I loved you
It is time to look beyond, never look back
To see my life with wonder and back on track

Dom*Colucci 2010

Who is who and what do you do?*

Who is who and what do you do?*

What do you do when you are on the spot?
You cannot say anything at all but what or not
Do you lie and not tell what is true?
Will you feel guilty when the answer comes thru
Ah well it is said and done
With that in mind when happened, who won?

Dom*Colucci 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Look at where I am standing*

Look at where I am standing*

Hit a homer inside the park
Did not matter if it was day or dark
All I know is that I found the way
To make a reset from day to day
Now it is time to head for home
Look again not far to roam

Dom*Colucci 2010

Coloured painting*

Coloured painting*

The green grass that comes up
It fills ones eye in a coloured cup
The Universe allows its colours dance
Then it is white and blue in the romance
As to mingle a few more of Orange in Sun
The palette in Light is all in One
Rainbows full on a background true
My picture is painted, how about you?

Dom*Colucci 2010

Turn your cheek the other way*

Turn your cheek the other way*

Conflict that comes in pair
This is what one should see, Aware
For to feel tension come as it pass
This feeling if properly done will not last
For the mantra is what comes in a snap
The one that follows is to hear one hand clap

Dom*Colucci 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

See you in court, when?*

See you in court, when?*

OK, tonight I went and did appear
Seen close to 200 people, we're all here
So I get frisked for metal on myself
Told me to put that junk on the shelf
Meander through like a big old snake
My court trial will be set at another date
Whoopie do and how about you?
Do it again, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Dom*Colucci 2010

Speeding in the Universe*

Speeding in the Universe*

Driving through a speed zone
Cop sits in cruiser, clocks me alone
Pulls me over says why he did so
I am in his eyes guilty , let us see though
So the next thing he does, says you did 43
I said maybe that is so, as it was me
Gives me a ticket says go to court
Went tonight like a good sport

Dom*Colucci 2010

The Kabbalah the way I see it*

The Kabbalah the way I see it*

Before I go any further with this blog it is in my own truth, belief and also opinion. I am not here to sway anyone into my own belief or truth about what I am going to write, so I respect on your opinion as well. OK I have my own belief on Kabbalah, Tree of Life through Creation, and see it differently than someone who is seasoned with this.

A Kabbalah is what many people call a receiving of a Divine Inherent Wisdom from a Higher SELF and Domain or some might call YAHWEH or GOD and this is where all life stems from and breaks off to, as this is the TREE TO GOD as it is GOD. From this there was nothing but it proved itself to be and became and in the process of this it was bore into Light and from that Light it became good. Now that all things good from it it decided to make the material of itself by creating the TREE it knew it was. So it started out as darkness as it was nurtured and taken care for but still knew of the potential to be in the Light that so desperately needed to see it.So Light formed around it to give itself life as in the form of the seed. Because the seed was already in darkness it was being formed into the womb of darkness and then was turning itself into becoming of what is to be. GOD manifesting Himself into a human being. This stemmed from the Darkness the Light He already created. He was subjective to His own reality and made His creation with magnetic bearance to it. So Now God became Himself and began His own creation of Being as He commenced from seed to Now His root or reference of His belief to be.

His stemming from root to path of least effort has Now He knew that subjectively in His belief that He would arise one day but had to test with his patience to TRUST that His subjective reality would prove fruitful through the Laws of Attraction. So He began to grow. Venturing into what He would become. As He was growing through the soil of darkness and beginning to see how the synchronicity of it all was becoming His Vail of ignorance was shedding like layers on an onion, which Now made it easier to climb and start seeing clearer in the Light.

Next in His Higher Awareness a feeling of warmth and Light and all the Universe coming together in the form of being focused, aligned and center, and it is Now that He broke the surface of the same foundation that layed Him to rest. This is His self realization of becoming Source to Himself. After a journey He had, He became stronger in character and never backed down on His own TRUST to be. Now the critical part of who He was and what He was going to be.

It was the breaking of that same ground He came out of and layed to rest in that He would split in the presence of the Ein Soph or Infinite One to reproduce more of Himself in the form of the female gender as to Now call Him a Shekinah or of the female as His branch tips would produce more of the fruit He created Himself with in the nurturing of the womb in darkness, thus forming Himself/Herself a TREE.

When He/She, Aina/Abba seen how good this was with the Light it was an great comfort and joy with happiness to give thanks to the Light that did create this wonderful being and out of that became of unconditional Love and created more with the hopes and prayers and offerings of thanks and appreciation that more would become the Tree they already were.

Now as seed/fruit was dropped many had treacherous encounters on the way to becoming nurtured but when the realization came from that as to being subjective, the fruit/seed became the same potential as its parents became and still are. For Now the dream of the Universe they only had in vision was Now a reality well liked and chosen by themselves before they came into existence. As this is what they created before they were even born, because the Soul which was the Light or Energy already knows of this place.The Soul wishes to guide them all on the path of liberation from all that is material though created by the same being that put it there and make it so it becomes the path of no resistance or Zero Resistance in the Light forever. This in my own opinion is where Jesus sits and He has created His own being from God with this method to be.

All is illusionary in this plane of existence because no one knows of the change with that and that is left up to itself to change that but primarily the job of all beings is to detach from that all that is anchored and ready for change and leave it there like Adam or Eve should have left the tree of knowledge alone. But this is what subjectively GOD wished to do in the first place. Is to see if He would go back to Himself to reproduce Himself like he did Jesus.

Subjectively the Universe was created by yourself for yourself as you are your own Source connected to GOD as this is to be like Jesus. But it was not created objectively to be above others self for oneself becaused that would defeat the purpose of being SOURCE for yourself. Each part of the Universe is already here for the Soul to guide you there with. So in closing I say become subjective on the path of TRUE SELF and DIVINE LIGHT or The CHALICE OF LIGHT and enjoy the ride.

These are my own views as this is my own belief on how I view how Christ manifested Himself to God and how the Universe was put here by yourself by Soul before the physical arrived...If you have your own opinions that is fine but I am not here to sway you into thinking like I do and you are not here to sway me into yours.As everyone sees the highway different but all have the same goal they are traveling on. Capece?

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Nobody messed with my Aunt Mary!*

Nobody messed with my Aunt Mary!*

You sit so snug under the Empire State
You jut out eastward in the Atlantic so great
You have two highways to get you south
Northern Jersey, I live in Upstate NY with my big mouth
It is not about my mouth that makes me love this place
It is all on how Aunt Mary put a great big smile on my face
Going to the Palisades and winding up in a fight
It was done in 1965, after we got pizza that night!!!!

Dom*Colucci 2010

Leaves take an absence*

Leaves take an absence*

The spring has come and Now moves on
The summer comes as well but also gone
The fall likes to clean out all its past
But Now it lets go of things that don't last
To detach from branch on that chosen day
It is Now a free leave who is on its way

Dom*Colucci 2010

The waiter is served*

The waiter is served*

The tree branch hides a treat
It sits there clinging by its feet
It has vibrations in smell
A host comes as it sensed and fell
It does a walk on its back and sticks
This little bug Now has his meal, he is a tick

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

No matter where you walk, you did*

No matter where you walk, you did.*

I walk down the road as I do care
I rely on my instinct it is well Aware
The notice of something feeling so blue
Why did it make me come here, is this true?
I know I was on this path, letting it be
How do I get back on to see if me is set free

Dom*Colucci 2010

Does the rain complain?*

Does the rain complain?*

The cloud that lingers
It cries and has no singers
It keeps its daily look
Sun is hostaged,the light it took
Look to the east a crack at dawn
Have to wait tomorrow, early morn

Dom*Colucci 2010

It was my turn in that reality*

It was my turn in that reality*

Cross the double yellow line
Entering another state of mind
The look of chaos comes to your face
Never ever seen this kind of place
I looked real quick to get back out
I swerved my Awareness without a doubt

Dom*Colucci 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010

It works just wait,listen*

It works just wait, listen*

One day it works only so well
This is in the plan, I can tell
It goes through all difficult time
When left alone it comes out fine
To see the Universe do what it needs
Truth does prevail as you do heed

Dom*Colucci 2010

The current will go one way*

The current will go one way*

The river runs fast
The stream must pass
By the looks of current
It does not last
But the ocean is open
The horiZen is vast
I see beyond all, to say alas!

enjoy in smooth sailing always

Dom*Colucci 2010

Bowling was rolling*

Bowling was rolling*

Crowded spot and loud noise do
This is that place of competition too
Roll the ball and see the point near
Hit the pins as they are right there
The alley was active and did not flop
Very quiet there, you can here the pins drop

Dom*Colucci 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Easy way in*

Easy way in*

Sitting on a rock, with no care
All around me, I feel it is out there
But my world is next to me here
My Soul knows that, as it is near
I need nothing else in this life
I see no more struggle with no strife

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sun spot*

Sun spot*

Sitting so high in space
You have a bright face
Whipping around sun rays galore
Warmth and glow we all adore
Reaching us in a vacuum state
It is in the void you sit so great

Dom*Colucci 2010

Magic Monarch*

Magic Monarch*

The wrap is open so soon
Beginning stage from cocoon
The opening brings out its wings
Now the butterfly emerges and sings
It peels its layers and flutter bye
It is Now a big blue Monarch Butterfly

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thank God in all existance*

Thank God in all existance*

Deep dark clouds have been moving in
Being here so much before as it is again
It is the murky gray in the snow banks
Nowhere to turn not even give thanks
OK with the point do not do this to me
Supreme Being steps in and allows me to see
So Now it is TRUE Belief in Trust in GOD
I can Now give thanks, head bowed with a nod

Dom*Colucci 2010

What time?*

What time?*

Time is not here, it is gone
Relative position that got along
Everyone seems to make plans
Plans have no substance, and do not stand
It is all about moving so free
And its allowance to let it be

Dom*Colucci 2010

Did you say something?*

Did you say something?*

Do you speak at all?
If so what is your call?
Does it matter anyway?
Is it hardwired in what you say?
Hear words as they may banish
A little later, the same words vanish.

Dom*Colucci 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Muscles of strength*

Muscles of strength*

Fire in the big black hearth
Muscle forged and metalled earth
This is steel and iron ore
It is solid tough to the core
Molten metal and shaped well
From a hot place that still burns in hell

Dom*Colucci 2010

The cloud that came*

The cloud that came*

The lonely cloud in the sky
The only one that did not cry
Moving around and dances free
So happy that the sky lets you be
I know one time that you must go
You surely did put on a great show

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thought about that myself*

Thought about that myself*

My Intent is Universe is the womb of Creation as it has not even tapped into the full potential that God is offering in love.*

My Intent is that God's presence everywhere and shows it with heart of allowance for all to continue to seek Him/Her with love.*

Every molecule, every atom is placed precisely where it is suppose to be & really no need to move it...God loves all the same*

The Lord's Eye sees the beauty of the Kingdom of Paradise with the penetrating view of clarity through a colourful rainbow.enjoy*

My Intent is there is no more conflict in heart as God just opened His/Her door of ultimate Consciousness & revealed peace.enjoy*

My Intent is how the Love of God could give me so much strength to build my lungs strong to keep wind of Him/Her always..enjoy*

My Intent is how God's Love spreads throughout the whole Universe and returns back to open heart so it does it again..enjoy*

God has casted aside all differences in my life & has opened the biggest door I have ever is called acceptance.move on*

The greatest elation in my life is how I feel right Now as my love for God trickles down to all mankind with open heart...enjoy*

My Intent is that I am thankful for every moment that I breathe as God has enveloped me with the greatest love in my heart*

Dom*Colucci 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

The moon hides once*

The moon hides once*

HoriZen in line, the ocean so deep
Night sky a fallen,the moon has peeped
Clouds cover round like a beard on the moon
With a few minutes later it will be gone soon
The dark coffee sky as mystery to see
I really wonder how if the stars a truly free

Dom*Colucci 2010

Who is that?*

Who is that?*

Mirror Mirror getting clearer
I see myself as I am nearer
I am powder puff and eyeliner sure
My cheeks rosy and seem so pure
But I look and get a good see
This is someone else and not me

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thought I sought*

Thought I sought*

My Intent is that the love of One heart which connects us all is ALL-THAT-IS definitely wants us to keep going str8 ahead,always*

My Intent is that I express so much gratitude in my life..THANK YOU GOD FOR MY LIFE..Now go str8 ahead & never look back..yesss!*

My Intent is to know that one has found true happiness in ones heart by the gift of loving another and it continues to thrive*

My Intent is the very breath of air I take in relishes my desire for more life and to continue breathing openly..its refreshing*

My Intent is that the clouds in life are actually a cushion from the heat of any moment as anger has subsided and disappeared...*

I stood outside into everything & so did God as I seen His/Her heart bigger than God, Him/Herself & felt loved forever*

God took me on a long journey and wound up here with my Heart in His/Her hands as it is a very uplifting life always..Peace*

My Intent is everything in my existence is sacred as I put it there and God sees how I handle it as it is a gift from God.enjoy*

Waterfalls sing against the rocks below as a mist of God's breath is lightly scattered in humbleness and clarity*

It is a happy heart that sings like a nightingale&spreads its love like the wings of an eagle that soars higher than 1 imagines*

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The fun did not last*

The fun did not last*

A boat ride is fun it is on the waves
Ripply water chop, life jackets that saves
We head out on the way to having this fun
It is a blast on this day as it is in the Sun
We know that time goes by ever so fast
Before we are on the water, the day did pass

Dom*Colucci 2010

A great night in a cabin*

A great night in a cabin*

Cabin in the forest it is in plain sight
For refuge as we seek during the night
We enter and see where we could sleep
Put up our blankets with shut eye we keep
With a fireplace burning the warmth is here
We all feel comfort and closely we are near

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thinking of that*

Thinking of that*

My Intent is if ones finds the center and stays there does one have to stay there or leave it there and find it somewhere else?*

My Intent is if I took a left turn and I was on the right path and was right there with just myself would I be the only one left*

My Intent is if we leave space do we enter the void and if the void is space where do we stay when we have no more void...SUPER8*

Fall crisp brisk air settling in and allowing the dew to give drink to the trees and grass as a touch of moisture is comforting*

My Intent is to watch the sun slowly take its vacation as it heads southward to enjoy and kick back once again...Bye Sun*

My Intent is to wonder why the blue jay yells thief when he does not have pockets,maybe he needs attention as in cried wolf.enjoy*

Man's destiny is owned by man but the Spirit in man has the Infinite as the objective is left far behind never seen again*

Ones own heart has love but when ones love is strong to another, ones Spirit arises and it is life & love Eternal for it is God*

I seen God take the tears of mankind from the earth and then baptize all during a rain storm refreshing the Soul once again*

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Though it is a thought*

Though it is a thought*

One cannot ever walk nowhere but here but here can walk nowhere with one....enjoy as it is none that has one in it...*

Burned toast will raise your conscious Awareness but raise your burned Awareness & it will toast your conscious.enjoy*

The desert hides itself from the rest of the world and never showing its secrets only to the wind...a cool breeze could do*

Water is the substance that contains wisdom so crystal clear of itself it need not know any further thought than what it is*

Those who know don't speak but for those that live in glee, write.I am who I am and that is here...*

One road will always bring you right back to where your heart is and you are standing right in the middle of it always...enjoy*

Dom*Colucci 2010

Nightly rendezvouz*

Nightly rendezvous*

The night has come with moon up above
Two lovers under this site as both are in love
It is truly romantic and happy to see
The backdrop is jeweled sky and a darkened sea
Two entwine to one and closer they get
Embraced in a love affair as they have not seen yet
Hearts of both making noises as they pound
The deep emotion of love sets in without making a sound

Dom*Colucci 2010

Why bother what bothers you*

Why bother what bothers you*

Do not go beyond the moment in the means
One stays Aware and live what it seems
For this subjective is truly in cemented Trust
It will not bother when one is true and has no fuss
For to be moving around in hurt of mind
All one has to do is let go and it will work out fine

Dom*Colucci 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

Laughter is here after*

Laughter is here after*

The day starts with an even beat
It picks up and hustle with my two feet
Two people come, they are common folk
One is befuddled and I comment a joke
She gives me a double take and then she laughs
My humour that gets them, it is my craft

Dom*Colucci 2010

Doing well!*

Doing well!*

We sat around and waited for each others call
When we came on to chat we started to have a ball
We go back and forth with each others day
Poke fun and see what happened on our way
We get to the crux of the conversation, then I can tell
Next line we both come up with is, I feel that you are doing well

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thinker bell*

Thinker bell*

My Intent is to make sure the catfish escape the dog days of summer and use their curb feelers to curb their enthusiasm with...*

A thrill as the run of the mill I take a spill with my fill of Jack&Jill&the shrill of a whippoorwill til its flipped its bill*

I stand in relative calm to get the Sunday newspaper and watch the oak trees hold the moon in suspension Aware of this moment*

My Intent is to close my pool of Consciousness and cover up the summers depths played in it..enjoy with Soul*

A boulder has roots, sand plays along the desert basin but rocks hold their own weight as they sit still and centered with poise*

My Intent is to see the pine cone in my backyard move itself back where it came from with the help of my friend the squirrel*

Gravity is a force that acts on itself and others...What a performer but pushy and never shows his/her face..enjoy being still.*

Water is only useful with deep insight only when it is moving, when it sits it serves no purpose but to be contained...Peace*

My Intent is "to seek a rose in the middle of the wilderness." Quote from The Silent handle it delicately*

Dom*Colucci 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The rock takes a spin around the pond*

The rock takes a spin around the pond*

The rock in the pond sits patiently still
It has nowhere to go but to be its own will
The water travels over it, makes the path very clear
For boats, swimmers and fishermen who came so near
But to the rock it does not know any of these things
But a little boy picks it out of the pond,then he makes it fling

Dom*Colucci 2010

The rose of any other name*

The rose of any other name*

The rose petals blossom in such fragrant flavour
I get close to one and smell, the moment I do savour
The rich deep red colouring it shows for me
It adds the essence of life in my eye to see
Such beauty that wonders of life that do exist
These beautiful wonders make one hard to resist

Dom*Colucci 2010

I think therefore I am, I think?*

I think therefore I am, I think?*

My Intent is that I hear the sea calling me by the sounds coming from the mouth of the river..bubble bubble twins and a double*

Salmon swim upstream to see if there is a plumber to shut off the water flow as they are content where they are.Bear with it,too*

The rocks and stones listen to the wind move through the forest & allow the solid ones to breathe again quietly&to sit still*

My Intent is that all matter in the Universe returns back to itself as it has been created that way..never came,never left..*

Whatever it is it will be and nothing can never change it from being different at the time of its conception eternal..enjoy*

Harmony abounds as the clouds are none and the clear cool Awareness points down at the Conscious One...enjoy*

Sitting here in total peace, watching the pines point upward in exultation relieved to know that God is running the Objective*

Deep meditation& request from it was to have a gift from Buddha as awoken found the sound of a black mockingbird in my Awareness*

The sun sits like Buddha in the vastness and paints its rainbow amongst the dew that dances in the big blue sky..enjoy always*

The mission of the black crow is to keep alert on making the Keeper of the Eastern Door is never violated but 2 enjoy its wisdom*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I can see clearly Now*

I can see clearly Now*

The Spirits in the physical realm are free
They see other Spirits and let them be
Within all this their energy abounds
They are light as feathers and make no sound
They move about in the Universe through Light
Turning the world effortlessly with absolutely no might

Dom*Colucci 2010

Settle down in the gravity of the situation*

Settle down in gravity of the situation*

The following is done by leading into ones disaster
Not be your own leader you could be the disaster faster
This will bring you no fate of your own as this is not the way
It will leave you into the shred, to have been torned and frayed
Settle within and become without and live all the time
No where to go outside your self anyways it will settle just fine

Dom*Colucci 2010

I am still thinking*

I am still thinking*

The mighty Mohawk River meanders its way through the Mohawk Valley as the Spirit of the crow follows its path to open Awareness.*

The Bonsai tree perches along the cliffs awaiting Awareness to greet it into the great unknown of the unconscious dimension.*

Alas,I feel the northern breezes come from Canada but it is time to nestle in a unconscious state of sleep..Good Night}))))))*

The cool nip of the autumn air is taking its travel into Upstate N.Y. as the birds chirp more chipper and the butterfly moves on*

I sit in front of the campfire and bedazzled with the way the witch dances in burning garment as the nite brings peace...enjoy*

Ever so climbing in Conscious Awareness the season has changed but the Spirit still walks in stillness to allow the more to come*

The stone speaks on the bottom of the stream as it has been heard as a babbling brook and wound up as the mouth of the river*

The ocean pushes away from itself to the shores as it has its nervous waves pull from the edge of the planet..enjoy & slip away*

It's Now time 2 slumber with some lumber & saw a chord of wood as I could when I should for it 's good 2 sleep like a log would*

The sun is up in Upstate New York as it reveals the start of a great positive flow in Conscious Awareness and pulls that energy*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Space to see*

Space to see*

The door has swung it is open wide
The opening has made one cross the other side
Now with this in mind one will see
Allowance of letting go and also leaving it be
For the reality you are in has always been
This is progression and never to do it again

Dom*Colucci 2009

Feed the hunger inside by volunteering*

Feed the hunger inside by volunteering*

Worked in the cold as the produce stood still
Needing to do something in my Awareness, this is my will
So my volunteering work today was put to the test
My confidence grew rapidly for this is the best
People filtered in to see what kind of foodstuffs they could get
Looking around and watched the hungry get fed, many good folks I met

Dom*Colucci 2009



Crack open a tall cold one as the highest mountains bust through the skies and burst a foamy mist for the heavens to sip..enjoy*

My Intent is 2 always make my intents instead of intents, words I feel for as it is my expression of Spirit and no other..*

The center binds together all around but nothing touches it as it all comes together.Nothing...yessssssssss! Total Zen*

No one has ever mastered Zen...Is it not true a mountain never stays still as well?...enjoy in Zazen*

Even the mountain sees the void in front of it and feels the total presence of nothingness as it is surrounded by it 360 degrees*

Previous intent months ago:"There is a space in that hole" as nothing supports all&I support nothing as the most powerful force.*

Talk with your eyes,hear with your mouth and speak with your ears and you will forever live in total bliss and enjoyment....ZEN*

My Intent is to honour H.P.Blavatsky for the doctrine on the Zero Point Field,Bodhidharma the father of Zen and the ENSO of Zen*

How profound:I stand here and stare at the openness and feel the smooth texture of nothing as it is my moment in the NOW..enjoy*

Zen Koan:What becomes liberated in the fall...the tree or the leaves?..enjoy*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Monday, January 11, 2010

The dead of winter shows its life*

The dead of winter shows its life*

The little village's river has froZen over into ice
The children nearby with skates thinks that it is nice
As they trek down on the shores of the waters edge
They have notice something in the rocks sticking out its ledge
Why look, its a tiny flower in the sunlights path
With cold of winter here, how does it survive in its wrath?

Dom*Colucci 2009

Winter with no discontent*

Winter with no discontent*

Opened with cool windy corridor of time
The season after fall has been in the sublime
It is on every ones thoughts that catches them off guard
Now the view an easy season of winter to say life is hard
But not to fret as this season shall not always last
Just around the corner in a few months this time here shall pass

Dom*Colucci 2009

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Think its time we stop,what is that sound?*

Think its time we stop, what is that sound?*

Ten thousand excuses equals one reason and that is none..It is history and it is time to move on in the Now as it is Zen..enjoy*

The tall pine trees in the Adirondacks give observation to where the mist of the clouds can kiss it the most and be comforted*

Cool breezes make the pine trees shake as its roots live in silence and anchored in TRUST....enjoy and supported*

Subjective reality asks if there is anyone out there but how could it be when they are all in here..yes folks the "eyes" have it*

The deep abyss beyond the horiZen has just chocolate coated the orange glowing vastness with another spin for this cycle..enjoy*

Objective reality does not touch Soul only the Soul touches Soul as center is aligned in attraction with itself always...enjoy*

A wasp sting is the last time she loves you in regards to giving up her life for you...(+)

If you hear total silence it is your Spirit talking to you in Soulful Splendour...enjoy calm*

Two reflecting mirrors look at each other while they both absorb and oppose each other simultaneously...look at them as they do*

"When I move it moves with me as I make it move it makes me move and Now is complete in the moment"..harmony in the Tao*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Saturday, January 9, 2010

What is on your mind is on your back*

What is on your mind is on your back*

The weight of the world should not be on any one's back
Why then to believe in the fool that all things are not intact
Why doesn't anyone want to turn this situation around
When everyone that believes that they are lost ,really they are found
So do not believe that you have the world on your back to hold
Make a firm commitment in Trusting God and to make it bold

Dom*Colucci 2009

I am thinking*

I am thinking*

Simple bowl of rice has texture and character until it is empty and then it has substance....enjoy*

Subjective reality is that I connect with conscious eye & move as it moves and makes changes as we go along in the I Ching*

To have only one move forward is enough to complete all of life's endeavours that subjective reality exists always...enjoy*

To conquer one more mountain before it settles in the dark horiZen would be the ultimate in life...*

The center of being will always keep you in alignment with your Soul as the invisible spoke points back and attracts the WAY.Tao*

Never avoid the void as the void never avoids itself and cannot be voided where prohibited because the void can never be avoided*

Imagine that you are Newtons third law of physics..equal and opposite and no reaction at all as all ceases in stillness.*

What knows me better than better of what is known?...enjoy*

The hot steaming lava on the ocean floor is just dying to wash itself from the center of the planetary "wheel".Enlightenment *

There is a oneway direction pointing back at you as you follow back at it moving forward as the atom is Now split and removed...*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Open darkness has been lit*

Opened darkness has been lit*

Oh midnight have arrived in the horiZen
I have awaited patiently for you time and time again
Now in full moon delight in the skies so jeweled nice
It is your love in unconditioned that makes all the night suffice
So you will be around to show your big beautiful glow
This is what we have learned in love as Now we know

Dom*Colucci 2009

Friday, January 8, 2010

Your secret is really you*

Your secret is really you*

God has a secret about you but you already know
The subjective in your life takes a turn and you grow
This is the Soul and it is fully Aware of who you are
Many searched better life's outside themselves but went so far
Now with a little common sense and a positive attitude to boot
You will get yourself cemented in your being and to start to take a root
Once you do this you see how much things work out for you
When this is fully realized with your inner being you find this became true

Dom*Colucci 2009

Hunger in the blackened sky*

Hunger in the blackened sky*

It was all on a cold partly sunny day and I was driving east
I seen in the slightly cloudy skies a group of starlings looking for a feast
All flew in harmony in one big bunch as blackened sky
They would swoop down and land and then take off to fly
In unison they would put their beaks in the ground to search for food within
Then they would go to another spot across the street only to do it again

Dom*Colucci 2009

Thinking too loudly*

Thinking too loudly*

The hub of the Truth rides the invisible spoke of the center as the Universe aligns with it and all are Now complete...enjoy*

In the Zero Field I see the Universe empty and accept all that emptied as well as both are satisfied and filled...enjoy*

The volcanous mountain reaches its Kundalini and starts its Satori as it pushes anchors of rock out of its spine...enjoy*

What label will you give something when your mouth is closed? Remain in stillness and enjoy the benefits of quiet as well.enjoy*

Before you make your first step the step has already been made, as to complete the process you can say that the process is done*

Nothing will always be nothing as nothing is nothing and that empty feeling is good as it is double or nothing as nothing is.Zen

Concrete and steel sweating ever higher in one place as it climbs but the daisy sits and watches as it loves with happiness..*

Waterfalls escape the concrete substance it not needs and finds the stream of ocean in the Awareness...enjoy*

Winding down to make origami out of the first half of the Now and sun settles in the fold...enjoy with the crease*

Pine needles jab outside interference as the wind defends itself from the point...stick around*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Thursday, January 7, 2010

No matter where you are you are already there*

No matter where you are you are already there*

It was like any other morning, I set out to have a great day
In my travels, I routed in my destination in the westward way
The clouds in the sky broke free and seen the Sun coming through
The highway was cleared of no traffic and I was very happy too
With no care and breezes through my auto as it blew in my hair
My feelings of happiness about the place I was going to were already there

Dom*Colucci 2009

Not all roses hurt*

Not all roses hurt*

I have seen a lot of heartache in my life as it goes
But a flower would come into my life, a beautiful rose
This flower would also have thorns inside her too
As she sought help all around and did not know what to do
It was some sort of act from God that made this positive direction
It is this act of God proved positive, both Now have seen happiness in succession

Dom*Colucci 2009

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Think again*

Think again*

Swimming in total Consciousness in the Universe.Just make sure your lifeguard is your heart..enjoy*

The beauty of the flower is only created by the support it is held by and the roots that make it stand..enjoy*

Open every atom up with any kind of force even there is nothing there but 100% pure force from the love that was bottled up.

The eagle soars high into the vast void to kiss the lips of misty clouds and to become satisfied with the being it is...enjoy*

The blue jays call this morning was a vibrational match to alert all of nature that fall is on the horiZen & trees to notice.

The mountain has mass and structure as the foundation is strong but the clouds wisp by in gentleness as in a song..enjoy*

How can anything ever have an interruption when it was all designed that way...let go and enjoy*

Oxymoron sign:Open for business.Ever seen one that says "Closed for business?" Now is my business..enjoy*

I walk in the shopping mall & see a sign that says"You are here."Of course I am here I have always been here cradled in the Now*

Seems I have a long way to travel as many roads are on the path to Enlightenment, I really only have to walk one foot(at a time)*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Master of the center*

Master of the center*

Oh Master of the Universe with no face but center so true
The movement of all and the placement of none that come into view
The perpetual motion one does not see in the objective world
As the subjective reality one sees steps of the Universe start to unfurl
It is a new ripening from the center working out
This is in no effort at all from its motion without a doubt
So the center that will be forever holds truth and also well
This is the Universe we live in with Enlightenment as I can tell

Dom*Colucci 2009

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

With my Soul and Awareness, I am a strong vibrant tree*

With my Soul and Awareness, I am a strong vibrant tree*

I have started out with just a seedling and nowhere to be
It was a feeling in my Soul as to be a strong vibrant tree
This made me start to take roots in the journey I was going through
But this journey had its twists and turns as this was definitely true
Consciousness that helped me past the test as I was left out there
Became more intriguing that it was to be known as I, the tree, became aware

Dom*Colucci 2009

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Conscious of your thoughts*

Conscious of your thoughts*

The open gate has no hinges but the will of the way points back to the known Consciousness as it is always str8 ahead..enjoy*

Ah yes, the road that is paved in front of me that goes in every direction but winds up back is called the Source*

Blowing meadows of wheat,stream the vibrations of wind as it fascinates the eye & places it in a subjective reality..look*

One no longer cries when the rain has stopped short at the border of the desert...Ahhhh that warm feeling once again*

I sat and watched the clouds move eastward as the space of the Universe got deeper with its own Consciousness.pull from the gut*

God lifts things heavier than Him/Herself and the proof is in the white veins of lightning bolts...Strike one up again*

The glass is only full when it is upside down as it is a filling appetite for emptiness..enjoy and digest*

Judgements are too tiring and take to long to be out of focus...have you ever judged a flat might be out of focus...

Every particle of sand in the desert will never be walked on in any lifetime as the Universe coincides with Consciousness Xpands*

How can you turn back from the Now when the Now is right in front of you swimming with your Consciousness..enjoy*

Dom*Colucci 2009

The other side is here already*

The other side is here already*

Sitting in my lotus position in the mall
Some plants, water and an elevator that is tall
Deep insight as I go within
This is what I see time and time again
The depths that I search are of really not here
It is really the flip side of the objective as my subjective is oh so near

Dom*Colucci 2009

It flies when all else dies*

It flies when all else dies*

Cold blustery day as the wind does howl fierce
It is the kind of wind of arrows that it does pierce
Nothing alive is outside but a blowing of the snow around
As the air is very nippy and no one does make a sound
It is like walking through purgatory as if someone had just died
But in the foreground something black is there as it is the last crow that flies

Dom*Colucci 2009

Saturday, January 2, 2010

As it sits it Awares it*

As it sits it Awares it*

I sit it out in the void and I with ZAZEN meditate
Leaving the objective and poised propped up and focused straight
This is the happening in ZEN this comes true
I feel the alignment of the Source as Higher Intel goes through
The connection is now in synchro as the power of this chi moves about
In the breathing technique it is good air pulled in and the exhausted air refined and let
Calmness and still I hear my heart beat slow
No counting of the rhythm when you learn to let go
So to feel good in all aspects of your being
Get in Lotus, ZAZEN or sitting in your inner seeing(+)

Dom*Colucci 2009

Think in onenness only*

Think in oneness only*

Kime is expressed only when True Self aligns with the material being & both are now oneness like a dart inside a bulls eye.enjoy*

To see one's trueness,one must discipline of inner being & be satisfied that True Being is Zen*

I walk in the hollow cave to seek substance but the substance was the hollow cave I sought.Inner being is the blend of the void.*

Jesus: He who is born with no sin cast the first rock.The rock cannot be thrown because it is the foundation God made for man.+

Empty glass full belly....emptiness is always good no matter what...enjoy in total stillness as it surrounds you always..enjoy*

Is it not true that a flower's main goal is to show its beauty from within to be always within even when it is without...enjoy*

Joy is a daffodil when it blooms.It gives back by making life sweet...Bee happy*

The wall has the secret in it called concentrated mass and stillness...Focus on the wall and open your Awareness..enjoy*

There will always be a difference in your life...sum it up and make it the whole enjoys the "part"...enjoy*

Walk the str8 ahead line of the path dotted with my footsteps, I discovered I am always the str8 line of the path...enjoy*

Dom*Colucci 2009

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...