Sunday, October 25, 2009

Clear Pure Consciousness

In life, have you ever asked yourself what in the world you are looking for? Where is it? Can it ever be found?...You notice I could keep rambling on with questions and more questions and more still..Even this one...What is the answer? Man if I had a list of questions about life I wouldn't live...I would miss it severely and dearly, my life that is. When you are searching for the Truth are you asking yourself can it be found down the road, at Wal-Marts, in your car on the way home?..Well I am here to tell you it is closer than you think as it is in all those things I just mentioned as this is my experience and if you had a similar experience it is in yours as well.
Back in March of this year before I came to Intent, I was upstairs in my home office and had a HOLOSYNC brain entrainment session on my MP3 on. As I am a curious guy and always observing I stumbled across this biblical saying about the "Truth will set you free." I said what could the Truth be and what does it look like.Then I got deeper in my meditation and was feeling peculiar about something else.What does ego look like? If ego has no substance but a human bondage slave trader that it does not exist. Then that is when it hit me. I took it from the Tibetan Book of the Dead that we chose our parents and we manifested ourselves from a Spirit to a physical being as God made Himself in the Image of man so shall the Spirit of God do the same. Remember this is my own experience and want to make that perfectly clear.
OK, what does this have to do with with my questions..really nothing. All your life you were asking questions and probably still are. I don't, because I do not believe in questions and don't believe in answers and as I am on auto-pilot with Spirit and the Spirit knows Zen like it is its own being. Well of course it is its own being but did you ever get the answers to any of those questions?..Truthfully Now. What got you in the mess in the first place. Something, correct?...It is an attachment and it belongs outside yourself which is a part of ego and not Spirit.Truthfully Now...And that is another thing. If we live in the Now and which we do, why just ask yourself where you are right Now and the answer is..."Right Now."
So Now that we have that down pat, let's see.Truth is Spirit within and we live in the Now. My question..Why do you need to go beyond that?..ReallyNow...Stop right Now...Do you feel something telling you you gotta be somewhere or do you feel an essence just give you a calming sensation that you are already there and you Trust your gut feeling and instincts(subjective reality) that it will be brought to you on your path...I myself choose the latter....
Here is something that will help you get is a short story in pdf form from about the ten picture ox herdsman and how to eliminate your clutter and chatter in your container we call a brain..Now I say enjoy as I am and still....I hope this brings you one step closer to remaining silent and just go with the flow as the Zen riddle of one hand clapping sounds like..
Thank you for reading my post and stay here anyways because the Now is too big a place or time to leave.

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Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...