Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is your misery making you happy?*

I bet you are one of those people that go into work the next day and tell everyone what you saw on the news the night before or heard something from your neighbor about a local man or listened to sports and followed some athlete that is on steroids.The next thing I am going to say is how negative you talk about those people or situations and when you are at work you tell not just one person you tell the whole firm. As you walk around the company you become the town crier for the experience you just had. I am the kind of person that likes to listen from the next cubicle over because why? I cannot crank my music up to drown that person out or move to another department from that person because I have my job to do, so I become a listener because even though I am focused on what I am doing I am also aware. Now how do I know all about this before I became a positive person is because I was that town crier and what a story I had to tell. I always use to wonder if anyone was paying attention but they would add their two cents in about those people or situations. Now it does not stop there, after the day is done you bring that proported mess home with you and complain about it to your wife and kids. Then they would interject and start their craziness and spin off from there. Then you would go to bed worried and upset and feeling guilty that you might have done something wrong but it does not stop there. You wake up the next day and start the process all over,
Sounds tedious but repetitively conscious. You ask yourself does it get better than this. Hearing the same old same old. Year after year the economy takes a nose dive, war is escalating, poverty at a high, wife getting a divorce, kids smoking grass what next? The ice cream man selling pop sicles instead. Well folks I am here to tell you you might have a longing for happiness but it is being covered by misery, so you misery is making your happiness, hidden. When all this is said and done and if you took another look at it where did it come from...Well as I started in the first paragraph it came from ourselves individually. The Laws of Attraction state whatever you are paying attention to you are welcoming in your belief system or truths which is in stored in your subcon(subconscious awareness) and it is developing roots from a reference say media, friends , family and so on.How to you make your misery happy?
Simple for me it took 20 years of playing the same rotten symphony orchestra music about myself over and over again until I seen a movie called The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes and about 20 minutes into the movie I noticed it was not no one or nothing outside was me. So immediately I started to give thanks, gratitude and appreciation of what I have and where I am going. Right after the movie I felt so pumped up that I wanted to pick up the foundation of my house and move to another state but went one better than that I left it alone.Now the next day I went into work a guy was seated at the work table and said,"Man yesterday you were Attila the Hun, today you are the happiest man in the Universe,Rodney Dangerfield." I stayed that way and it has been two years since that movie and I created 27 poems on, have solved a few Zen riddles, opened my awareness and made tons of people at my job laugh as well as going out to relatives and shopping, and meditate more often than I have ever did or thought of prior to 2007.
What I am saying is, a simple shift in awareness as Dr. Michael Beckwith says in the movie The Secret that is all you need and you will be on your path to find out who you are and it is like "walking on sunshine and don't it feel good," as Katrina and the Waves sings. By the way this is my way of saying my misery made me happy as though there are two sides to a coin, pillow, can lid or whatever you name it. As the universe is built that way.
Hope you make your misery turn into a beautiful landscape picture for yourself, If you don't see it Now eventually you will but in the meantime I will be rooting for you as well as praying. If I can do it anyone can as well. Good luck, God Bless and I support you on your endeavor to happiness.
Peace(+) Dom 777


  1. dearest soulbro,
    its a beautiful post, it will be helpful for people who want to move out of the sphere of misery.
    with lots of love.

  2. Golden Lotus of God's Love..I should take up part time motivational speaker and psychologist as well :)...I love to show people what I have been through....most hear me out and they love this advice and some stay misearble as misery loves its company...enjoy my love(+) :)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

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