Sunday, October 25, 2009

Now My Soul-dier of God or My Soul of God*

This is my own personal spin on what people are seeking negatively in the world as we speak...I really cannot say if it is true or not but to me just is. I live subjectively and do a good job doing it.
Being from a military background in some of the most hair raising, missile triggering times that I have lived such as the Viet Nam police action and the Cold War as two egos square off to see who has a bigger character...I turn away and seek myself as Spirit allows me to do so....Now when you hear people talk about my religion is bigger than yours and mine has this in it and yours don't, it almost sounds like shopping around for a Hyundai with Cadillac features and then parking it in the most ritziest of the Jone's neighborhood....You also hear people talk about this is a reading from scripture or the reading from this book or whatever. Then they talk about Revelations..You hear it on the History Channel, Larry King Live, Christian channels and whatever..And I say believe whatever you want if you want it...It is your subcon(subconscious) that is allowing these things to happen and no one else...If you like to join your groups or social clubs or whatever for your own personal entertainment then do so...
Now to the meat of it all, many say this thing is happening right Now as it has in Revelations...I listen to them then I laugh at them...These are the same people that if they were lemmings they would be directed to the sea and play follow the leader, but because I do not laugh to long, I pray for their suffering. Because why, they are committing themselves of their egos a desire to eliminate everything that does not suit them in their Universe. By the way who's Universe is it anyways. As they talk about the Great Satan who has total control over them as they wage war over good and evil,UH?, that good will triumph over them...Last time I remember if you wage love over something evil looses and commits itself to being freed. Then if these people are the same people picking up their prophetic bibles or newspapers and if they remember that in Genesis it was man and woman that committed the sin, in which by the way was ignorance not only to their Creator but themselves and always used countermeasures to put things back where they belonged. Sort of like a bull in a China closet and cleaning everything up before the manager comes in...What is meant here is the positive cancels the negative and you get a big old nothing...That is what it says in Revelation if I read it right..As good and evil will combat each other...Whooops they obviously did not have physicists back then.
OK my next surmise on what was written was by a man called St.John of Patmos. Here was a man who was exiled from his country to live on an island called Patmos..Back then people did not live of the best conditions, I guess, as they were sentenced to an area of discontent. Well if I went around all the time and blathered about my "religious overtones", someone would take you away also. As you read my blog of the Manifestation of a U.S.Army helicopter.... I left some parts out about how I did it....I got involved in reading the Bible on the ship right before we reached the Black Sea coincidentally in the Aegean Sea near Patmos..strange how things work out...And started reading Revelations. At the time this story was enough to make anyone crazy as it did me. Now the way I look at is how is it interpreted. To me it was from a man who was so pissed off at what his people did to him that he made a rebuttal of his own dissension and the retaliation of what God is going to do to people...WHAT?...Call in the psych team and get this guy ready for they did me...
Now in my own personal takes a little thinking that if a man got persecuted for his own beliefs he hurt himself. As in Zen you remain quiet as one who knows all does not speak and one who does speak does not know...In this case he is the lemming master and everyone is preparing for an outside event as if firecrackers where included... now not only are these the same people that down casted Hitler, Napolean, Alexander the Great but they all belong in the same category as the ones that followed those men. But they suffer because of their desire to push things in their agenda but I am not here to judge that if they like to do that then whoever is listening or paying attention to that, that is what they desire...After all this is my opinion and what I see.Speaking of this man St.John of Patmos..he is dead and probably had a chart on him in the public hospital and it was called Revelations. As myself and my father before me, this bible that I read back then in which is the same bible Now almost had me committed to a psyche hospital for good after reading this novel on Freddie Krueger returns in the future...But that is someone elses belief to many years of living on Stelazine, Thorazine, Haldol, Loxitane and Valium, I can honestly say this was a paranoid schizophreniac that was exiled from his country just like myself as diagnosed at the time the same way..The Laws of Attraction working as like attracts like...
Now, through the ages there were supposed clairvoyants and psychics...OK I am one because of the UH-1 U.S.Army helicopter but I don't sit around staring at a bowl of water and start writing down things of what is outside myself in mumbo jumbo and call them quatrains...If 2 quatrains left at the station at the same...whoops wrong theory. OK then 400-500 years later have 2 airplanes smash into a building and say that is what happened maybe to some it is believable, just as a hypnotist tells you a story so you will believe him as well...Then believe then..To me Nostradamus was a drug addict and like Dr.Timothy Leary experienced an euphoric state of a Higher Consciousness and wrote it down stoned....
OK enough of next few lines are about visions of what God says to you, If He says, which He doesn't because He is a loving God and a Creator and not a judge, and says Go to War for the sake of freedom, oil and a way of life that is far beyond those of mortal men(Superman), it is highly stupidic and pitiful as to Now hide behind everyone as you scramble the Truth into your own egoic agenda. So as to say I am a Christian Soldier...Last time I remember from the "bible", Jesus was never no Johnny Rambo and did not supply a 50 caliber machine gun with a whole mess of body bags...Problem I see, and it is I that see unless you do too but remember this is my own opinion is this is the last chance ego has and it dumps its guilt and worry and fear on man as it exists. You see in my own opinion, I see ego that is the judge and the more we pursue total domination of everything on this planet the more domination will pursue over mankind as he works outside himself in the Objective Reality. By the way that is what Adam and Eve touched with their ego and lack of patience,Trust and total ignorance of themselves.
To me people have to embrace their own demons as they carry them around in the form of ego and therefore all that believe in a Great Satan have a collective consciousness of that. I search within and get all my clarity about myself which by the way is in no Barnes and Nobles bookstore or online at As I had in one of my meditations 2 years ago Namo Buddha Amithaba came to me and said,"The muddy water sees clearly. The water is muddy ." In my meaning is that we do carry our demons around with us but we can embrace them and let them settle so that we can see clearly again but always remember they are still with us. This is where I find the Soul of God and the others that will continue to fight,struggle and die for God as they are Soul-diers of God will continue to come back on the "Wheel" of birth,death, rebirth.Trust in God and God alone as stated in Psalms 118:8. You can throw the rest of the book away as I did many years ago.
Enjoy your life, be positive always move forward and Trust God and seek inward as to He left you all a nice treasure better than any diamond ever created...It is called Yourself...I hope you loved this piece of reading as much as I gave it to. As I say this is my opinion alone and my own facts of what I see.Take it or leave it.
Peace(+) DOM* COLUCCI 777


  1. Golden Lotus of God's Love...thanks for your kindest words always appreciate them love...enjoy(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...