Saturday, October 24, 2009

Manifestation of a UH-1A U.S.Army helicopter

This is a true story because I lived it and it is my truth...
I grew up in a unappetizing family but I do not need to go into details, so my life goes on until I reach 17 years old. Feeling the pressure of not graduating from the school of my desire I did not graduate with the class of 1972 in 1972 but I did go to summer school and did graduate with the class of 1972 but received my diploma with 1972 on it in 1973. That is another story in itself.
On 20August1972, a buddy of mine who got drafted to go to Viet Nam instead was able to join the U.S,Navy and because my passion at the time was drinking Genesee beers, listening to Buffalo Springfield and lifting weights in his basement he convinced me to join the Navy. So we fast forward through December1972 to April 1973 and as I complete both basic training at Recruit Training Command in San Diego California and Commissaryman "A" School same address, it was decided that we were on the west coast that all in my class would be eligible for Viet Nam to sit off the Tonkin Gulf Coast but this carries with my belief system.The instructor in "A" School told the class that you may put in what you wish but you are not going to get it and another guy from Boston and myself said, "it would be nice to be on the east coast, say Boston or Newport, Rhode Island, so we did as we thought and believed. The instructor laughed at us and said,"Good Luck." Well or orders came back and we were both ecstatic that we got east coast. I wound up on a guided missile frigate in Newport Rhode Island and he wound up with a cruiser in Boston. So we fast forward again and this time after a few dozen cruises to San Juan and Roosevelt Roads Puerto Rico and also Guantanamo Bay for training exercises we were taken to the UNITAS XIV cruise with a Rear Admiral on board as flagship. This cruise was a goodwill cruise to help the people in the ports we went too while we were in South America. There was one port we missed and it was Chile. The reason at the time was there was military coup to assassinate President Allende and replace him with Mr.Pinochet. We were not far off the coast of Chile when it was 30 days more out of sea. Oh well fast forward to main intent of the helicopter.
We came back to the states around Christmas time 1973 and was scheduled to move to Norfolk,Virginia. The ship was destined to do a Mediterranean Cruise in October1974, so in the meantime the ship did a few runs to the Bahamas, San Juan Puerto Rico and a few other smaller visits. It was all fine until sometime middle of October 1974 that is when the start of the end my career in the Navy was beginning. We were taking our time 3 days before we left to tie along the pier down in Norfolk and I wanted go home to see my mom before I went to the Med. I wound up borrowing a shipmate's car and taking from Norfolk to Upstate N.Y. some 900+ miles only to find out from my buddy that I had broken U-joints on the 1970 Mustang, but still went anyway. I took another buddy home with me and I did not know that his grandmother lived across the river from me in Upstate N.Y.. Well I made it home and went back but that is another story in itself. So I fast forward to us getting underway in which in fact almost missed ships movement. The ship made many stops on the way such as Rota, Spain, Malaga, Spain, San Remo, Italy, Augusta Bay, Sicily and a week romp in Kithira, a little island off of Crete. Which brought us up to speed on the helicopter incident. The area was a Soviet Naval Base and we paraded a carrier with us. The carrier had a high dignitary on it but won't get into specifics about the operations. So what it came down to was Black Ops to the Black Sea.
Now seeing the majority of what I could tell you I won't because I have to go to my grave with that info but on the way there I was seeing things that forever changed my life. This is where it turns around and I found something internal. We were setting up for something and you could feel the tension on the ship like we were preparing for some kind of conflict. In the process many men on the ship look wired and not themselves. Something was happening to me and I was hearing an inner voice and said,"You will be off the ship in 3 days." now mind you I had 10 days to get out of the Navy but the Navy owns you until the Navy says it is time to leave. I started to go around the ship telling everyone that I was going to get off in 3 days but people were looking strange at me and in complete avoidance. So I remained in my state of awareness and started drinking many cups of coffee but felt this thing was coming my way.This thing that I felt was what the voice said,"Leonardo Da Vinci drew one out." I said,"WHAT?" and it repeated it again. I looked up what he did and it was a helicopter. This gave me more muscle to tell these people what is coming my way, but no one understood me and kept avoiding me....I was everyones friend until those last 3 days on the ship.
Well the day came and the voice said,"This is your day." I said, "it is?" And due to the 100 of cups of coffee I drank that time my awareness was open and I broke down. I could not help myself anymore so some people seen me get emotional and brought me to sick bay. I was tranquilized and sedated and when I came to the corpsman said, "get the Executive Officer down here ASAP." Well the Executive Officer came in and said, "Dominic, what happen to you? Everyone on the ship is concerned about your well being." I said "Sir, I heard a voice and said I was going to be off this ship in 3 days and today is the third day." He said, "Well, I am going to tell you, you got your wish." I looked at him and said, "Say again,Sir?" He said,"There is a UH-1 U.S.Army helicopter on the fantail of this ship and you ordered it...You are going home. By the way did you see anything happening to us in the Black Sea?" I said,"Sir, It is in the Hands of God." I got up went to my rack/locker and proceeded to the essentials in my ditty bag. The Chief Master at Arms and a few Gunners Mates escorted me to the fantail and just as we reached the hatch, the MAA said to me,"Dominic, how did you know? Good luck sailor and on the way out look low and straight ahead the guy on the helo will assist you on." I said,"Thanks Chief and good luck to you and your family." When they opened the hatch I could not believe what I saw, as if I was in control of the whole situation as planned. My first psychic experience or the Laws of Attraction or cause and effect or whatever. As I walked toward the helo, the Army fellow was reaching out to me to get on. I got on and he slides the door and straps me in. The pilot starts vertical and pulls port while the ship pulls starboard. As we arise I look on the fast deck above the fantail and everyone on that ship looks at me in awe, like he did know that but how. For the next 3 months I am under observation and still in the Navy but soon to be released. But from that day I did that I have stepped into another form of Consciousness and becoming more aware of who I am and where I am going. I have had other incidents in my life that I had documented with friends, family and co-workers where I would say something and it happened as if I suggested it to do so. Like it was synchronistically done as if I am a part of the fabric of my own subjective reality with nature.In my life what I see is entirely different than everyone else because physically we are not the same but Spiritually we know everyone. Numbers in my life have played an important part but it had nothing to do with numerology they just show up in birthdays, amount of years worked in a place and addresses and so on. My numbers in my life are in my name 777, parents name 777, and 33. 11:11 or 1101 has been brought into my life as well. I believe we are heading for a new consciousness because after all these years the old way does not work and something is getting ready for alignment in the Universe and it is happening quite rapidly.
Oh well I hope you enjoy this piece as well as I wrote it. Remember this is my reality with this story and not yours and I lived some of the weirdest things in my life but the more I believe in the weirdest things the more I believe they are normal and the normal I use to know is made up and not real, Thanks.
Dom*Colucci 777


  1. Dear Dom,

    I have experience with laws of attraction in my life .
    I can understand how you felt after the helicopter incident.

  2. My Dearest Uma...many things have happened to me and I do not know how or why they did but just did but made me investigate on my well being and found more and more the Soul had a lot to od with this as it has always been here and knows more thsn our egoic it is essential that we let the Soul be in the drivers seat and let go of all in our lives...

  3. Your story was amazing my dear friend.
    Thank you for sharing this and I believe you. I have had things like this happen to me as well. I am drawn to clocks, page numbers, addresses while in the car as i pass and they are all double or triple numbers. 11:11, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 11:22, 11:33, 11:44, 11:55, 12:12 & I turned on my radio in the car once and the station changed by itself to 888.

  4. Dearest Dom,

    Thank you for sharing this story. Me too have had things happening to me synchronistically.
    To listen to that soft voice inside telling you all there is to know guides you through life the way you need to go :)
    Am listening to this heartphone on both sides.
    Love, appreciation, peace and happiness :)

  5. Thanks my Dearest Mieke..enjoy my Love always(+)

  6. Nice to read your story. I loved it. Good luck in your own path. Numbers hehe I was born 11/11 and I am 9/9 in numerology and same for my mom.

  7. daughters was 3388...thanks for the great comment..enjoy as well my Dearest Franceska(+)

  8. Thank you for sharing this story Dearest Dom!
    while I was reading it, I suddenly noticed the clock and guess what the time was 11:11. Few seconds later I read what you have written about the numbers in your life. :)

  9. Life is no longer a mystery my Dearest Lidiya as instead it is our internal connection to one another...we are all Souls within...enjoy as well and thanks for the comment(+)

  10. The highly successful people in this world became so successful because they uncovered the forgotten laws. I am Affirmation


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...