Saturday, October 24, 2009

Adam Kadmon, Eve and Jesus Christ(+)

This based on my theory and to be considered my own personal belief and opinion that is fitting to me of my Source...I grew up a Roman Catholic and as time went on I became a Methodist and that did not work and studied Zen Buddhism, but converted to Zen philosophy instead, as I had an experience in 1985 as a portal opened for me as Zero Resistance or as James Arthur Ray of the Secret movie calls the Zero Field and I believe a lady writer wrote about this named Lynne McTaggart about The Field, I still to read the book. In the process of the Zero Resistance of about three days I also was introduced to Kabbalah as we know the Tree of Life.
Run down on Kabbalah as it is Divine Wisdom from a Higher Source than myself or my intelligence, is about Creation and how to live off of God/Source/Higher Intelligence without living outside oneself, forever. Some call it manna. As it is yourself as you are for the present living and as a tree that is planted in the ground and sustains everything around it as it is drawn like the Laws of Attraction is giving it what it likes. The difference between us and a planted tree is that we are not planted but attached as where the story is going. In the early days as story is told to me by Higher Source is that, First, there was a blank and out of blank was a thought which was deep and was having the potential To Be. From that there was an imaginary stew in darkness. From that thought was the Word and the Word was good and named GOD. From God there was a light that He created from the blank and darkness void, which he introduced Himself in the form of Light as High Energy carrying all that stew into a magnetic flux of soon to be Creation. So He considered Light was good. From that He imagined a scenery that would take care of itself all the while as it was proported to stay in the present forever. From that He seen things that could take care of other things in the manner of its own vibrational communication. Now perpetually God was satisfied in all His workings but was missing something from the equation as to see an erect homo sapien as from before as the man prior would not work as to evolve but one day would dissolve, so homo sapien man was made in the form of Intelligence of God as the likeness of Himself, in Spirit. With this a given of privilege to roam as He wish as in Awareness and not as of touch anything in vibration as outside things communicated to itself. Adam Kadmon roamed the land in perfect wonder.
As He was amusing God as Himself in all of art form in its basic design. God asked Himself for Adam Kadmon that would he like to have a partner to continue His art form and thus was created woman. Now as told to me there was another woman, a demon woman, roaming the Universe as her name to be Lilith, but I will not get into that my goal here is to make you see inward. So in the process God created woman for man and had both cling as Caduceus in a Tree of Life form as to God's name being in the center of the form, Y-H-V-H. With this in mind it resembled an atomic structure in perfect geometric form as though it was an extended snowflake. Speaking of which equates to the Hydrogen atom as the nucleus binds the proton inward and the electron outward. This is to me a considered Yang-Yin principle.
So the story goes that Adam was told not to go into the Objective Reality or tree of knowledge which would be detrimental to his and his wife's well being. But Adam got impatient and decided to roam once again into the vast opening, which left Eve vulnerable to the temptations that Adam was about to be taking. Once the split was occurred, the beautiful scenery that once was great in the conscious eye of both Adam and Eve was opened to Objectivity and felt no longer to be Subjective as to Now turning both beings world on to, what the Buddhists call the "Wheel." The Wheel describes everything of birth,death and rebirth as through the ages many have touched it and gained knowledge from looking into the Objective reality but not knowing if it is right or wrong as more sought to fix a problem that was once created. If you keep looking we are supposedly progressing but we are dying doing it as the term goes right or wrong.
Case in point, a man breaks his arm, why because he touched the Objective Reality outside himself in a bar fight. Now a plethora of things happen. First the bar is in shambles, so the owner has to get it fixed and call a lawyer and carpenters. Next the bar owner calls the police and 911. Many people involved so far for one incident. Now the car and ambulance used to go to the scene which was built by robbing those natural resources that were in the beginning communicating to themselves are being used to get a guy in a bar fight with a broken arm. Police and EMT crews arrive on the scene after using 3 gallons of gasoline which was just purchased 2 hours ago and Now they are assessing the situation by writing a report from what was once a tree in Seattle down and taking notes. In the meantime the EMT's are taking vitals from equipment made from rubber, vinyl, plastic and metal which came from a factory of many people to help this individual out and Now they are taking him to a hospital where they will see more people or staff to help this guy reset his arm. While they are doing that they are setting up Xray machines that use alot of energy not only to be used but to build and after he is treated they release him for a future appointment and another appointment to see a lawyer. Now I am not a rocket scientist and would not want to be one because it is not in my subjective reality but it seemed a big waste of everything that just occurred in that scenario in which I call Objective reality, because the guy went outside of himself to have other outsides of other selves to his rescue.
I used a couple of good examples in my paragraph about good and bad. Xray machines are good but they costs so much to build and operate. police cars are good but they breakdown and use alot of energy. Do you see the tree of knowledge. That is why in the beginning it was the start of Objective Reality due to ego and disobedience not only to the God that created man but disobedience to oneself. Man as always chased a dream and ego was his master as man slowly became sick, old and died, likewise woman. It all started from not having patience and touching something and becoming attached to it. This is my story about Adam and Eve, there is more to this story but you get my message, I hope.
Next in the physical realm a man by the name of Jesus Christ walks the planet and goes into hiding for a certain amount of years. From the get go this being was highly gifted and not by artistic talents but of wisdom proportions. some say He went to China to study Buddhism and some say He went to India to study Hinduism, but the point of the matter is He came back a different Man than what He left. In the process of His own Awareness He seen His own death played out for Him because of the Subjective life He found He knew something was of better wisdom than staying on this planet in the realm of Objectivity. Now remember this is my own opinion and belief, as I read into it He knew how to get at His own people by ruining a temple, BIG DEAL, but this is what His setup was to get to Higher Awareness. The Jews turned Him over to the Roman leader Pontius Pilate but Pilate wanted nothing to do with Him so he turned Him back over to the Jews because they believed this man was violating their territory as far as their belief was concerned they pursued to get their wishes fulfilled.
So Now Jesus Christ was condemned to die. So what happens He gets a cross to bear in which is a positive sign that we think when we carry it and we believe it is a pain in our necks or asses but it is our Bodhisattva's but read into it. He goes up a hill in Calvary and I say He comes alive others say He died. Now after the hoopla about Him on a cross which is a positive sign and while hanging up there He becomes His own personal Kabbalah, He comes down and they place Him in a tomb with a big boulder and a little pebble holding it in place. He gets all the strength He can possibly muster and becomes alive in Spirit and glowing physical as light shines through us all day long as the term E=MC2 goes. We are matter (M), Light passes through us (C2), that creates the energy made as designed in the first part of this story. He is free of all carbon based molecules and is Now in the crystallized form as quartz or some crystal gem with his perfect alignment in the Universe as to not touch anything to violate the continuance of outside influence. He comes to the boulder and sees the pebble holding it back...for some reason or another He already knew that as He created the blueprint of His life early on. So He goes to the boulder and somehow the vibration of His feet walking towards the pebble gets out of the way to get out of there and thus becoming liberated. The analogy about this is we take the small things of life that we consider problems and make them super big ones, when all we had to do is kick them out of the way.
Now Jesus walks into the world where Objectivity still exists and sees some of the people He is about to leave behind to have a witness of His departure from the Objective world. Now again I say I am no rocket scientist but the beginning of this world which is slowing ceasing to exist towards the end of its Objectivity started with lack of patience and to become attached to everything its eyes can possibly imagine and it started with Adam and ended with Jesus becoming a being of Subjectivity and leaving the Objective world by itself and not touching it or being touched....My story is told.
So you can continue to strive for a world outside yourself and still become the slave towards your ego or start looking inward for all the answers in wisdom in the Universe as being delivered to you on a daily basis as in the movie, The Silent Flute by Bruce Lee and directed by Sterling Siliphant, about a sage who searches a book guarded by a man named Zetan and finds out the biggest surprise after all the terrible trials he faced to get there to see the book..I won't tell you the ending put it fits for this story I just told....As said this is my own opinion and belief as I see fit to my subjective world. Thanks for reading it.
Peace (+) DOM* COLUCCI 777


  1. dearest soulbro,
    understood it a little bit, you know i am not much into zen, but i liked the feel of it.
    with lots of love.

  2. Golden Lotus of God's Love...the feel of it is what makes you see the creative part of it...I am glad that you did understand some of it...I go a little deeper when I write or sometimes converse...thank you just the same..enjoy my love(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...