Saturday, October 24, 2009

My fun day on Sunday with my kitty cat*

My fun day on Sunday with my kitty cat*

Oh where do you come from oh little cute one
You are so precious as you are a bundle of fun
Play with the string and catch the ball
Jump up and jump back but you never fall
You like something to have, something to eat today
I see you brought your friend but that is OK
I love you both because you both are my friends at that
I cannot wait until my fun day on Sunday with my kitty cat....I LOVE YOU*
Dom* Colucci 2009*


  1. dearest soulbro,
    my kitty cat is yet to show up today, :)
    wish you a lovely sunday.

  2. Golden Lotus of God's Love..she will...she is galavanting and showing off her glamourous style of being finicky..enjoy my love:)(+)


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