Before I go with this blog I want to make one thing crystal clear this is my own opinion, belief, and truth and if you want to say what you want to say, "Fine." and if don't wish to say anything or read it ,"Fine, too." But this is my experience and mine alone and not me taking a shower with someone else and have to be rinsing your skin...OK, enough said in done here we go.
Recently I was reading how God/Source/Higher Intel could be a terrible God /Source/Higher Intel and God/Source/Higher Intel is dualistic. In my opinion the way I see it is first of all we don't judge the Being. When something/someone creates you, you don't say to it, WHY? WHY? Because your parents wanted you here and you can't go back in there and hide the rest of your life. Remember one hand is clapping. Next if you say WHY?, you sound like a child looking for your own way from your parents and you might as well start crying too, saying I want my candy mommy, I want my candy and if you have been in the supermarket line that is really annoying, but to me NOW I accept it as I am grateful for everything. I hear people say why 9-11, why the Tsunami, why this scare why the economy? And guess what you are asking the Creator why all this is happening? Is it happening? Are you still alive? Say YES if you are, if your not don't say nothing at all and I will understand. But I look around at every ones misery and then the next day more misery and so on and so forth. People love temptations. They watch the news, pick up a newspaper, hear it on the radio, listen to their friends and a whole plethora of stuff is being digested into their subcon(subconscious). As I said on recent blogs we attract the situations in our lives by wanting them to happen even though we don't want them to happen. The Laws of Attraction work positively and negatively. I can prove by your news that you watch and I don't, I listen to people down at work talk about this. By the way this was also in the movie THE SECRET.
Everyone is complaining about the greedy,dirty, rotten rich people and those people still complaining about them are getting more frustrated and more paranoid and more broke when they here bailout and the energy and conscious awareness is directing that to them as being all the negative and the positive is going towards those greedy, dirty, rotten corporate people and you notice they are not talking about the people that are becoming paranoid, frustrated and the like. NOW I am not saying that all rich, well to do people are bad and everything I just mentioned so I want that cleared up from the get go, and I am not here to judge anything but I am here to show my point. So because everyone that complains about the economy, that is a bad word in itself and should be called a financial institution, sounds like being a penny pincher when you say economy or you are driving a Chevy Chevette because it is an economy car, but that is not bad either. So in every ones frustration and belief systems, in my opinion brought on a darker side of themselves and created the monster within. NOW, I can reckon with you because I have fallen on bad times. I came out of the Navy in 1975 with on me of the worst unemployment rates going but was still able to find a job but it took 2 years, still got one and still was able to support myself. Bought a brand new house in a middle class neighborhood right after I got married and my wife quit her job but was still able to pay my taxes and eat and what not. Was able to buy two brand new cars in 1985 after Reagan's VOODOO economics was a reality. I was able to have a daughter and have her have the things I never had as a child but never did I once ever complain profusely about her life in ours. I was able to send her to private school and private high school and now private college. I am getting ready to retire in a few months with the federal government after 35 1/2 years there. So I have had a blessed life and alot has to do with the Being that created me...OK it was not always beer and skittles. I did hit some low points in my life and did shout out to the Creator, "WHY did you give me this mess?" But I was able to maintain composure and accept whatever I got I got. Like I said I watched the movie THE SECRET and this changed my life from,"WHY?" to "WHO CARES." That is when something magical started to happen and things were starting to turn around for me and they have been doing it ever since and I am so grateful, appreciative and thankful there is a GOD/SOURCE/HIGHER INTEL because I am finding out not only is my life enhanced with my wife, daughter and people around me but I am finding the Spirit that dwell in the House of the Lord. So NOW that that is cleared up....I DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT ANYTHING ANYMORE...WHO CARES or I could be explicit but out of dignity I will say WHO CARES. So what the economy is tanking, there are hurricanes coming and their are fires in the buildings...They just happened and there is nothing you can do to prevent them ever..Just be subjective with yourself and go with the flow. Everyone sounds like we are going to be around in our physical body for the rest of eternity. Have you seen Leonardo da Vinci lately or Caesar or Buffalo Bob. They are dead and they ain't coming back....So enjoy your life for NOW, be grateful, appreciative and thankful that you still are breathing and alive, and God/Source/Higher Intel or whatever you call Him or whatever. Or maybe mommy will get you a piece of candy to SHUT YOU UP and listen in silence and enjoy your life.
My point behind all this comes from Genesis and the Kabbalah. Remember God/Source/Higher Intel created all this and He told them not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge because if they did they would die. Well they stepped out of bounds by being tempted and was taken in by ego and then they became like God/Source/Higher Intel and what happened next is their eyes were opened and seen something horrific happening. NOW they were frightened and worried and feeling guilty of what they did and wish they were never born. Sound familiar from the second paragraph. When God/Source/Higher Intel came back blame ensued and God/Source/Higher Intel said well NOW there is of what I told you that would happen if you done that. This was the first biggest belief that man had in his subcon and woman as well and from that day all the woes of the world were instilled as roots in Adam and Eves ganglia and to this day people will blame someone else or worst yet God/Source/Higher Intel. You can tell people there is a man on the moon and they believe it that starts their belief system. Then they search for references and get them and it solidifies their belief. Case in point. The UFO'S back in the early days when Orson Wells was saying we were being attacked by them and people were killing themselves, stock market crashed people were killing themselves., Jim Jones massacre, Hale Bop Comet, Robert Miller's epiphany of Jesus coming in the 1800's and so on. It is what people believe in others and in things and NOT THEMSELVES. This is a path to Enlightenment, your own Enlightenment, but if you want believe in someone or something else that is your prerogative.
My next point is that there are things happening in this world and guess what we have no control over them because the Universe and God/Source/Higher Intel have domain over that and that is why He is the Quantum Mechanic and He is Objective Reality. In my belief and not yours or maybe, if you are grateful for what you have and appreciate and accept and allow everything in your life to happen you will see where you are going and you will have doors open for you because NOW you are pointed in the direction of life. But if you want to belly ache and cause blame and judgement then become GOD/SOURCE/HIGHER INTEL and fix the problem that you see is broken and maybe GOD/SOURCE/HIGHER INTEL will open your eyes bigger and then He can take a break and go to the Caribbean or the Milky Way or something. Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry says,"Go Ahead Punk. Make my day." Well go ahead are you GODLY ENOUGH.If you are then, you got big ones between your legs but if your not then QUITCHER BITC&^*'.
OK now with that said go out and have nice is waiting for you and be sure to say hello to everyone you come in contact with. They are your friends just as much as you are....Like I said in the beginning these are my truths and beliefs and opinions and no one elses..OK
Peace(+) DOM* COLUCCI 777
~It is all about where you are placed because this is what the intention is...and that intention is NOW in your present reality as this is what you wished~
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Clearly stated so beautiful*
Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...
The Soul sees its Love* I look out the window and see the rain But my feeling is for Love and not for the pain The great elation I have...
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dearest soulbro,
ReplyDeleteits simply wonderful. truth to the core. why really sounds like a child complaining..
Golden Lotus of God's Love....I thought of that seems all people do these days is bellyache and complain..why? I dunno but God are right, they are children....enjoy my love(+)