Friday, October 30, 2009

My one hand still clapping as it goes straight ahead*

My one hand still clapping as it goes straight ahead*

Traveled one day and went to make my mark
I thought as maybe it would be my grandest start
On that way through all silence and still
This was the way that God made my will
But on that way was cast and pushed out
I knew I needed a place to be without a doubt

On the travels fell into a video that struck me deep
This was a website that I knew I would keep
With this website I have found good global friends
I had a sense of this that it would never end
As I opened more in my Zen and poems
Blogs and well being I knew this was e-home

OK, came about a time where I was overpowered
After couple of tries to stay but it was my final hour
I left once but thought that was the axe on my e-home
But the love of all came back as Now I felt where I belong
But Now after a few months my direction again took a turn
Maybe someday my intents will return but for Now will still learn

It was great to make more than 900 words of saying thought
It was my Conscious Awareness that with my net I caught
So as I bid adieu from writing intents once again
My poems and comments will always be here in the Now and Zen
I am still here but will be bouncing around
As it is one hand clapping, my first intent, and will always make no sound

Dom*Colucci 2009


  1. loved it. you were counting the words? it turned out to be simply fabulous.

  2. E-house sounds like a Universal Home. Where is our home? outside or inside? Dear friend: your words flying thought the vacuum to find the answer that's floating in our hearts: we are travelers and The Earth is borrowed. However, we need to care the right house within ourselves. Love,compassion,wisdom, self-forgiveness... Your home is the same as our: The Spirit.

  3. Golden Lotus of God's Love..that is very know the tempo of my writing..thanks just the same...enjoy my love(+)

  4. are correct as well..but e-home was the internet with intent..enjoy my Dearest Soul Angel of God(+)

  5. Golden Lotus of God's Love...I meant to say that I had over 900 intents when I was there and not there...just sounded good to put in the poem :)...enjoy my love(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...