Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Spirit within*

The Spirit within*

Gently feeling the warmth and touch of the Soul
Waterfalls and cool winds give music to it all
A playful dance as robins fly into the breeze
As clouds pass by as one only sees
But in masquerade of the shadows it sits patiently still
Then is seen through its opening as it comes out in its will
This is Now the moment which makes it right
For it is the beauty of God in ones own Soul's Light
Dom* Colucci 2009(+)


  1. You're gonna become a great poet, Dom! Keep going.

  2. thanks for the encouragement and inspiration too my Dearest Shiamala....enjoy always(+)


Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...