Saturday, October 31, 2009

The sparrows eye*

The sparrows eye*

Oh great view in such a small eye
You seek to the clouds and you touch the sky
You fly around and search for grub
You build an abode with twigs as it is your hub
You hang off any branch that is seen in sight
You little feet grip the twig with such great might
For the Lord only knows where you go
You go with the clouds as the wind blows

Dom*Colucci 2009

Musical beat*

Musical beat*

Music has always had that vibrational beat
You feel happy tapping going down to your feet
The chords are strumming and the music sounds great
WOW, this is really making move, it is something to celebrate
Rhythm and Soul and Rock and Roll too
Your being has funk and vibes that go right thru you

Dom*Colucci 2009

Greed and its illusions*

Greed and its illusions*

Open those eyes with temptations and greed
It is not only what you wanted but claimed what you need
Go for the gusto and grab everything in sight
Hold on with great grip with all your might
Nothing is worth holding onto as you will see
Everything that is left outside of yourself is totally free

Dom* Colucci 2009

Staying still like a mountain*

Staying still like a mountain*

The mountain stays in stillness as the clouds begin to cry
The sun is not here today, the look is dismal gray skies
It is the flow of water running from the rain coming down
The sprinkles making music with a rhythmic happy sound
Tiny fairies inside each water globe they shine so well
This rain will do the forest and the plants good, I can tell
So stay still as the mountain and watch all come through
Just sit and be patient what happens as you need not nothing to do

Dom*Colucci 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

My one hand still clapping as it goes straight ahead*

My one hand still clapping as it goes straight ahead*

Traveled one day and went to make my mark
I thought as maybe it would be my grandest start
On that way through all silence and still
This was the way that God made my will
But on that way was cast and pushed out
I knew I needed a place to be without a doubt

On the travels fell into a video that struck me deep
This was a website that I knew I would keep
With this website I have found good global friends
I had a sense of this that it would never end
As I opened more in my Zen and poems
Blogs and well being I knew this was e-home

OK, came about a time where I was overpowered
After couple of tries to stay but it was my final hour
I left once but thought that was the axe on my e-home
But the love of all came back as Now I felt where I belong
But Now after a few months my direction again took a turn
Maybe someday my intents will return but for Now will still learn

It was great to make more than 900 words of saying thought
It was my Conscious Awareness that with my net I caught
So as I bid adieu from writing intents once again
My poems and comments will always be here in the Now and Zen
I am still here but will be bouncing around
As it is one hand clapping, my first intent, and will always make no sound

Dom*Colucci 2009

As I walk I become Aware*

As I walk and become Aware*

Who are you as eyes to see
To look at you as you look at me
Pulling me through as well to be known
As trust abounds which we both have grown
The feeling as you respond so well and care
No where to be as I walk and become Aware...

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

Still Moving*

Still Moving*

Darkness abodes.
Light and thought make it erode.
Big Bang pops.
Molecules spew out and drop.
Gravity pulls it all together.
This is the force that is here forever.
Many objects are in the fold.
Laws of attraction which make them hold.
For what is not going...Is still moving.


The Future*

The Future*

Every passing second goes by.
The past must have wings to make it fly.
Each vital moment has a memory to make it set.
Opposing from that moment step by step.
Closer and closer as the the future gets near.
The future is now and the now is here.

Dom*Colucci 2009



Idea comes to mind,
Vibrations you will find.
Clouds rustle by,
The wind makes them cry.
Birds sing their songs,
Only momentary not too long.
Natures language is all around.
From all living beings that make a sound.
Rustling of the trees and rhythm in the creek.
Did I here something or did someone speak?

Dom*Colucci 2009

It is a beautiful world that includes water*

It is so wonderful to see and hear the ocean. It is so very powerful yet a hint of subtle weakness. When your hear the rhythm of the waves coming into shore and the final arrival of the smallest of the bubbles, it is there to tell you, "This is what I brought you. The beauty of my form and the cleansing of my sounds. You are always invited. Come with me." I love the ocean and always will. Thanks Creator.

Dom* Colucci 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Illusion*

The Illusion*

Arising as it may seem
Once we are up we are put into the stream
Swimming along the shadows in the pursuit of the dream
We are caught in the in between
The fact finding deeper
Whether it is just a delusion
Kept digging for a keeper
Only to find outside thyself was an illusion

Dom*Colucci 2009

Mountain Top*

Mountain Top*

Strength is the base
Arising and jagged climb
Intricate pieces of rock and stone chase
Towering ever so high and sublime
A race of natures carbon minerals does not stop
As the weariness path reaches the mountain top

Dom*Colucci 2009

The trees standing on the edge*

The trees standing on the edge*

It was a long journey but it was done
To grow from seedlings, rain and sun
The roots were anchored in
Multiplying over and over again
To break through and upward it goes
Divine Hand of God, only One who knows
But as it walks to the river banks and rocked ledge
The group of trees are standing on the edge

Dom*Colucci 2009

Walk of Life*

Walk of Life*

Sit back and wait as you are playful
Soon you will roll over and be mindful
The first stance you take you will be brave
One foot after the other as you look as a wave
It will take stature as to be bold
But as your stability builds so shall you be old
As you continue either happiness or strife
You have made it through with the walk of life
Move peacefully as it is calling you(+)

Dom*Colucci 2009

My wishing well*

My wishing well*

What is that that is on the ground?
It looks like a penny I have found
My, how shiny this thing is
How could anyone walk by and miss?
Now I have a wish and I will never tell
My wish is good and goes in my wishing well.
Happy days are always smiling back at with them as well

Dom*Colucci 2009

Fun with one as Soul is whole*

Fun with one as Soul is whole*

The happy Soul is the one that stands out with wit
How did he do that? As he says to others "I just did it!"
The comedian and the fool love the joker in one
For it is the belly laugh that gets you when it is all said and done
So be happy, crack a joke or crack an egg with a smile
If you do both and listen to the funnies you will always stay awhile

enjoy laughter always because life is fun and not serious(+)

Dom* Colucci 2009

Cleansing with a new perspective*

Cleansing with a new perspective*

It is time to put the past back where it came from
As Now the path is moving forward in fun
I have seen misery in every corner of everyone's eyes
I have seen them all hate with prejudice and even cry
But with this pollution has come to an end
I never knew my Soul had so many friends

Dom*Colucci 2009

Zen Again Now and Then*

Zen Again Now and Then*

It is out there as I get closer to the door
It is my attraction and it works more and more
I see these things coming in my life's world
It has coincidental value as it begins to unfurl
Now the best part about living and being forewarned
Is that I was here before and Soul came when I was born
Now Soul has the passport to all that comes
When you are Enlightened with Soul all is one...Zen*

Dom*Colucci 2009

The Sun of all times*

The Sun of all times*

The sky is vast and sees all around
It moves in silence as to hear no sound
Many clouds will come and quickly they will go
Some might make it rain while others make it snow
But the main feature that is always center stage
Is the big orange Sun as it has put on its age

Dom*Colucci 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Power of God*

The Power of God*

To have that feeling from the Universe
As it is all in life and never been rehearsed
Inner Being Soul has been here before and knows where to go
Pulling from subconscious Awareness which is always in tow
The gist of it all is the TRUST IN GOD
Take you right on track and never be odd
The positive feeling you will always get
No longer guilt, fear or worries to ever fret

Dom*Colucci 2009

Arctic wonder*

Arctic wonder*

The Arctic landscape is pure and white
It is a spectacular view in the sunlight
Bumps invisible jagged rocks seen
All around you is covered with no grass green
But it tells a story of what stillness can do
Things still exist and its meaning is true
White and ice castles reach blue skies
Only snowflakes from clouds no longer cry

Dom*Colucci 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lessons to learn*

Lessons to learn*

Maple trees blowing around to and fro
Leaves fly around and they do let go
The crisp autumn chill as it comes in return
This is the lesson Nature knows as it has learned
To not hold on because this would do no good
To always allow, accept, let go as it always should
Remember what I wrote for these words of the wise
And you will never have to second guess or even surmise

Dom*Colucci 2009

Beauty of God in the night*

Beauty of God in the night*

The night has come and the stars are out
The owl hoots in the tree without a doubt
The black coffee skies have jewels dotted in
Ah yes to the side the moon is here again
The stillness and silence are captured in thought
The creek babbling by as the moment has been caught
Beautiful canvas and seize this picture as well as you do
For this beautiful painting of the Universe as God brought it to you

Dom*Colucci 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Nothingness always triumphs*

Nothingness always triumphs*

It is not that it always is
But the simple fact that it can't be
For the point is taken and the idea is missed
Open one's eyes and be able to see
All around the illusion great and big
Touching the outer rim going backwards and starts to dig
Keep your steadfast Soul Aware and firm
Let ego die from its illusion as it squirms

Dom*Colucci 2009

A rose in the center of the garden*

A rose in the center of the garden*

What could love be?
Is it an attachment of one's being to another?
Is it ones heart that is open and sees
Or could it be that one is fond of the other
Love is in a fragrant way of expressing anothers desire
And it grows with compliment as each blend in a Soul that yearns for this
As to stay back, enjoy, have a look see and admire
But it cannot really tell until one is missed
But can only be expressed with no heart harden
For it is the beauty of a rose in the center of the garden
Dom*Colucci 2009

Flight of the bumblebee*

Flight of the bumblebee*

I see you come out of your round hole
Buzzing and flying as Now you are bold
Looking around what flower to seek
It is in the gardens you love to take a peek
Pulling the pollen and scraping it too
Fly past a man and he tells you to "SHOO"
Go back to your hole and settle in
Remember it is a wonderful task to do it again...
Fly on winged beauty(+)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Swinging in the breeze*

Swinging in the breeze*

The clouds are high
The sun is out
It shines its rays without a doubt
The wind is masked
As a treat for motion
It sparkles its passion as a deep devotion
Come as it will through the trees
It is I swinging on a swing swinging in the breeze.
Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

Tiny Bells I Hear*

Tiny bells I hear*

Morning awakens in the sunlight

Twinkle star dust is gone to reside
Over abundance of the living is in sight
For the shining light gives it its best side
Wind comes as a comfort from the west
To tell everything in its path that "I have no rest"
Chimes of stable harmony for my dear
As chimes blow in tiny bells I hear.
Dom* Colucci 2009

Sparkling Gems Dance*

Sparkling Gems Dance*

Travelling the country side as I ponder

Going by the wheat fields and farms I wander
To lead me to an open area I see
For the attraction is there and it is pulling at me
The sun is high with a heart for romance
The lake is beamed and glistened with sparkling gems that dance.
Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

Heavy Hearts I Give*

Heavy Hearts I Give*

We all went in for the time of the call

We stood fast as to one and all
As we took an oath to our country as will
The world watch as innocent people were killed
But we all made it through as to have been done with the fight
Some say it was wrong and some say it was right
Now we are home to make us all live
My veterans eyes cry, As I have heavy hearts I give.
Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 DominicColucci

Home at last*

Home at last*

I am in a different town

No real commitments that make me bound
As passer-bys and on-lookers see
I sit alone as no one sees me
But I hear the train coming to a complete rest
It states, "All Aboard," as we are heading west
Now my moment was there as it came to past
I see my home town is coming as I say that "I am home at last."
Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

It was Crystal Clear*

It was crystal clear*

Tonight, as the sun was heading west

My emotional feelings were passing the test
As contemplating deep in my inner being
The dark void was allowing me a secret seeing
As the pond was becoming of all activity to be shown
The geese and their fledglings had set the tone
As Now my vision has been seen so near
It all came together above reflection as it was crystal clear.
Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci



Comes one for one

And does this go about
From that to this
In an instant twist
For that which is not for one does not quit
For what could that be, could that be it?
Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

Back looking, looking back*

Back looking, looking back*

The process of living was learning

As I continue to move forward
My drive was a constant yearning
But as I depart away from what was
And continue what is that never came
I settle to find all-that-is, Is what is on track
It is what it is, me back looking, also looking back.
Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

Emanate the being of light*

Emanate the being of light

Created as particles are attracted

As the great Creator moves in and is not distracted
Every chemical has its function
Every vein and vessel in its own junction
Movement of each atom falls into place
As Spirit feels and goes into its space
The Spirit has made itself of great might
The passing of those atoms that emanate the being of light
Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

Now My Soul-dier of God or My Soul of God*

This is my own personal spin on what people are seeking negatively in the world as we speak...I really cannot say if it is true or not but to me just is. I live subjectively and do a good job doing it.
Being from a military background in some of the most hair raising, missile triggering times that I have lived such as the Viet Nam police action and the Cold War as two egos square off to see who has a bigger character...I turn away and seek myself as Spirit allows me to do so....Now when you hear people talk about my religion is bigger than yours and mine has this in it and yours don't, it almost sounds like shopping around for a Hyundai with Cadillac features and then parking it in the most ritziest of the Jone's neighborhood....You also hear people talk about this is a reading from scripture or the reading from this book or whatever. Then they talk about Revelations..You hear it on the History Channel, Larry King Live, Christian channels and whatever..And I say believe whatever you want if you want it...It is your subcon(subconscious) that is allowing these things to happen and no one else...If you like to join your groups or social clubs or whatever for your own personal entertainment then do so...
Now to the meat of it all, many say this thing is happening right Now as it has in Revelations...I listen to them then I laugh at them...These are the same people that if they were lemmings they would be directed to the sea and play follow the leader, but because I do not laugh to long, I pray for their suffering. Because why, they are committing themselves of their egos a desire to eliminate everything that does not suit them in their Universe. By the way who's Universe is it anyways. As they talk about the Great Satan who has total control over them as they wage war over good and evil,UH?, that good will triumph over them...Last time I remember if you wage love over something evil looses and commits itself to being freed. Then if these people are the same people picking up their prophetic bibles or newspapers and if they remember that in Genesis it was man and woman that committed the sin, in which by the way was ignorance not only to their Creator but themselves and always used countermeasures to put things back where they belonged. Sort of like a bull in a China closet and cleaning everything up before the manager comes in...What is meant here is the positive cancels the negative and you get a big old nothing...That is what it says in Revelation if I read it right..As good and evil will combat each other...Whooops they obviously did not have physicists back then.
OK my next surmise on what was written was by a man called St.John of Patmos. Here was a man who was exiled from his country to live on an island called Patmos..Back then people did not live of the best conditions, I guess, as they were sentenced to an area of discontent. Well if I went around all the time and blathered about my "religious overtones", someone would take you away also. As you read my blog of the Manifestation of a U.S.Army helicopter.... I left some parts out about how I did it....I got involved in reading the Bible on the ship right before we reached the Black Sea coincidentally in the Aegean Sea near Patmos..strange how things work out...And started reading Revelations. At the time this story was enough to make anyone crazy as it did me. Now the way I look at is how is it interpreted. To me it was from a man who was so pissed off at what his people did to him that he made a rebuttal of his own dissension and the retaliation of what God is going to do to people...WHAT?...Call in the psych team and get this guy ready for they did me...
Now in my own personal takes a little thinking that if a man got persecuted for his own beliefs he hurt himself. As in Zen you remain quiet as one who knows all does not speak and one who does speak does not know...In this case he is the lemming master and everyone is preparing for an outside event as if firecrackers where included... now not only are these the same people that down casted Hitler, Napolean, Alexander the Great but they all belong in the same category as the ones that followed those men. But they suffer because of their desire to push things in their agenda but I am not here to judge that if they like to do that then whoever is listening or paying attention to that, that is what they desire...After all this is my opinion and what I see.Speaking of this man St.John of Patmos..he is dead and probably had a chart on him in the public hospital and it was called Revelations. As myself and my father before me, this bible that I read back then in which is the same bible Now almost had me committed to a psyche hospital for good after reading this novel on Freddie Krueger returns in the future...But that is someone elses belief to many years of living on Stelazine, Thorazine, Haldol, Loxitane and Valium, I can honestly say this was a paranoid schizophreniac that was exiled from his country just like myself as diagnosed at the time the same way..The Laws of Attraction working as like attracts like...
Now, through the ages there were supposed clairvoyants and psychics...OK I am one because of the UH-1 U.S.Army helicopter but I don't sit around staring at a bowl of water and start writing down things of what is outside myself in mumbo jumbo and call them quatrains...If 2 quatrains left at the station at the same...whoops wrong theory. OK then 400-500 years later have 2 airplanes smash into a building and say that is what happened maybe to some it is believable, just as a hypnotist tells you a story so you will believe him as well...Then believe then..To me Nostradamus was a drug addict and like Dr.Timothy Leary experienced an euphoric state of a Higher Consciousness and wrote it down stoned....
OK enough of next few lines are about visions of what God says to you, If He says, which He doesn't because He is a loving God and a Creator and not a judge, and says Go to War for the sake of freedom, oil and a way of life that is far beyond those of mortal men(Superman), it is highly stupidic and pitiful as to Now hide behind everyone as you scramble the Truth into your own egoic agenda. So as to say I am a Christian Soldier...Last time I remember from the "bible", Jesus was never no Johnny Rambo and did not supply a 50 caliber machine gun with a whole mess of body bags...Problem I see, and it is I that see unless you do too but remember this is my own opinion is this is the last chance ego has and it dumps its guilt and worry and fear on man as it exists. You see in my own opinion, I see ego that is the judge and the more we pursue total domination of everything on this planet the more domination will pursue over mankind as he works outside himself in the Objective Reality. By the way that is what Adam and Eve touched with their ego and lack of patience,Trust and total ignorance of themselves.
To me people have to embrace their own demons as they carry them around in the form of ego and therefore all that believe in a Great Satan have a collective consciousness of that. I search within and get all my clarity about myself which by the way is in no Barnes and Nobles bookstore or online at As I had in one of my meditations 2 years ago Namo Buddha Amithaba came to me and said,"The muddy water sees clearly. The water is muddy ." In my meaning is that we do carry our demons around with us but we can embrace them and let them settle so that we can see clearly again but always remember they are still with us. This is where I find the Soul of God and the others that will continue to fight,struggle and die for God as they are Soul-diers of God will continue to come back on the "Wheel" of birth,death, rebirth.Trust in God and God alone as stated in Psalms 118:8. You can throw the rest of the book away as I did many years ago.
Enjoy your life, be positive always move forward and Trust God and seek inward as to He left you all a nice treasure better than any diamond ever created...It is called Yourself...I hope you loved this piece of reading as much as I gave it to. As I say this is my opinion alone and my own facts of what I see.Take it or leave it.
Peace(+) DOM* COLUCCI 777

My Love is Strong*

My Love is Strong*

I will follow my heart

As I did from the start
As to see the light come shining in
And the sands of time come and go again
If it is in the will to be wrong
Then I will pull back my faith as my love is strong.
Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

You have a friend in Mother Goose*

This is an actual story that took place last week at my job....I am the kind of person that always preaching positive thoughts and live by them but this story rocked my keel a little. I am an inventory manager and a purchasing agent for the United States Government in Upstate New York and have been working there for almost 35 1/2 years.
It all began with a certain purchase I made. In the government we have transactions that were allocated with funds.These transactions are given to purchasing agents to place the orders with the particular companies. Some companies have open market status, which is, there are no government contracts attached and we can buy anything from any of those vendors under $3000.00. Then there is GSA contracts. These are government contracts awarded to any business, small or large, veteran owned or women owned or minority owned but the vendor just submits a form to get on these contracts and they get put in an elibrary for GSA which is a government catalog for any item imaginable. Then there is Federal Government Contracts that are contracts awarded to the Government for only procuring from that vendor only and cannot deviate from it as the company put a bid in for to sell their product(s) at a decent price and was locked in and awarded for the Government.
OK Now you know some of what I do as I procure for the United States Government. getting back to this story, like I said, I was given a transaction and it was for $94.12 for a certain sponge we buy.I have a government credit card and purchased this item at an open market vendor. As case would have it and little did I know that this item was on Standardized Contract with the Government and was sent up as an immediate problem. OK so I receive an email from one of the people monitoring these things and this person needed info why I bought this item off of Contract. I asked them,"What are you talking about?" They needed a Directive why I did this. Still did not know what they were talking about...I was purchasing for 5 years and never had this problem show up. I explained the situation but this person gave my incident to upper management and a tug of war pursued. There were five people that were making in an excess of $65,000 to $120,000 a year that was ready to slap the cuffs on me for a $94.12 order that I had no idea in with this potential financial fiasco? These upper management flagged me and sent my violation to 2 huge corporations to be recognized as I went off contract...There was more money spent on my mess up by the people pointing fingers than the cost of the product itself..but that is a different subject and the matter as far as I am concerned is over. They found out I was never in violation because there was no specifics used for that particular sponge and the contract was cancelled 3 years ago...but that is their suffering and not mine, as I brushed it off. But Now the meat of my story.
I was feeling a little gray about this situation, so my remedy was to meditate at this pond I go to near the Albany International Airport in Colonie,N.Y. I arrived at the pond and seen in the distance a group of geese and their fledglings walking around and pecking at the grasses near the edge of the pond. I brought my HOLOSYNC MP3 and sat on a picnic table and started to look out on the pond and started going inward with my deep meditation. About 15 minutes into the deep meditation, I heard the sounds of garble coming from my left where the geese were and it was getting louder. I happen to peek in the corner of my eye and was surprised that I had around 30 geese and their fledglings all circled me and did not even flinch to rid me off their territory. There were a few mallards with them but I could not believe how many were there.
Then as the night progressed I heard these young adults about 25 years old getting closer to where I was sitting and came up near me and the geese and started taking pictures of them. I seen in front of me a mother goose and her fledglings and possibly a few females go into the water with mom and start to circle around. When she was done with her swim she came out right next to me and flapping her wings and squinching her neck in a hissing fashion, not a me but the young adults. I watched in the corner of my eye as she went up to the young adults by moving in a way that told those 25 year kids to back off. So they left. The amazing thing about this was they still stayed next to me as to having a comfort of what happened to me earlier that day with the $94.12 order. I felt so good about this whole incident I started balling my eyes out as to feel the present of God touching my Spirit and saying, "You will be just fine." I made mother goose my friend that moment as if she was my protector and being of baptismal of purity of that day
Well, the night slowly came to an end when a man and his son came to go fishing in the pond and the son brought a net with him. I knew that I would have to leave as the boy was in front of me trying to catch a frog in his net but noticed that the geese knew that their presence was not needed anymore because they felt me with their Awareness getting ready to leave anyways. I got up off the picnic table and proceeded to my car and looked back at my friends and mother goose and said goodbye to them and thanked them for supporting me that evening. The geese went right back in the same place they started from before they seen me.
That evening I felt very blessed as another Spiritual connection was made with nature and ever since that moment my Awareness has gotten a little sharper as it responds so well and knows the being I am in the positive. By the way I went tonite 16JUNE2009, to check up on them and they were at a distance as to telling me, "You are fine tonite, my nature brother." I am so glad that there are alternatives and outlets to ground your minor ignorance at times and I found my outlet with Mother Goose.
Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you appreciated it as much as I wrote it to you.

A good evening at the pond*

A good evening at the pond*

The clouds move across the open sky

The sun is the mediator and waves them goodbye
As I know tonite is good and I am ready to go
I go mobile and get ready for a great show
I arrive all peace and calm settles in
The geese have moved further away and the bullfrog grins
Ripples on the surface, what do fish call for?
Awareness beckons and it begs for more
My thoughts flow outward in the great beyond
And a marriage of serenity, a good evening at the pond.
This is a great life and live it well. You only have one.(+)

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

We all go down the same street.It is just that we have a different direction*

Have you ever notice why you are here. Since day one, we were always inquisitive of what was out there for us. Learning many things and creating our new environments. In our path we came of across wondrous things and some things that were very distasteful. But all in all we went to bed at night and woke up the next day. It seemed so repetitious, day after day, week after week, year after year. Why? Is it because we did not learn anything from the previous day, was there something new in the next day, do we feel something higher than us is playing a joke on us? What is it year after year that was the meaning? Stop, look in the mirror. That person that I am looking at is looking back at me. He/She knows something I don't know. WAKE UP!!! That is my Spirit in the physical form. My God, He/She looking back at me and laughing at me. He/She knows my past, he knows my future and He knows me right NOW. I am so close to Him/Her I can taste it. And the Spirit replies, "Come to me. I was always home cooking you dinner."
When you cross that line of who you are and why you are here, you will here the ONE HAND CLAPPING for your victory. It will show you the direction you are heading. There is only one direction in life and that is STRAIGHT AHEAD. There was only one way to do life. So if you thought it was repetitious it was good for you because it taught you patience and direction to where you were going. Enjoy your life for NOW, for NOW is all you have. Know yourself, love your neighbor no matter how they are and be grateful you are still alive and well. GOD is a good GOD and He gives you that privilege to enjoy Him and His surroundings.
Peace, Good Word, Enjoy and always GO STR8 AHEAD. Dom

Is your misery making you happy?*

I bet you are one of those people that go into work the next day and tell everyone what you saw on the news the night before or heard something from your neighbor about a local man or listened to sports and followed some athlete that is on steroids.The next thing I am going to say is how negative you talk about those people or situations and when you are at work you tell not just one person you tell the whole firm. As you walk around the company you become the town crier for the experience you just had. I am the kind of person that likes to listen from the next cubicle over because why? I cannot crank my music up to drown that person out or move to another department from that person because I have my job to do, so I become a listener because even though I am focused on what I am doing I am also aware. Now how do I know all about this before I became a positive person is because I was that town crier and what a story I had to tell. I always use to wonder if anyone was paying attention but they would add their two cents in about those people or situations. Now it does not stop there, after the day is done you bring that proported mess home with you and complain about it to your wife and kids. Then they would interject and start their craziness and spin off from there. Then you would go to bed worried and upset and feeling guilty that you might have done something wrong but it does not stop there. You wake up the next day and start the process all over,
Sounds tedious but repetitively conscious. You ask yourself does it get better than this. Hearing the same old same old. Year after year the economy takes a nose dive, war is escalating, poverty at a high, wife getting a divorce, kids smoking grass what next? The ice cream man selling pop sicles instead. Well folks I am here to tell you you might have a longing for happiness but it is being covered by misery, so you misery is making your happiness, hidden. When all this is said and done and if you took another look at it where did it come from...Well as I started in the first paragraph it came from ourselves individually. The Laws of Attraction state whatever you are paying attention to you are welcoming in your belief system or truths which is in stored in your subcon(subconscious awareness) and it is developing roots from a reference say media, friends , family and so on.How to you make your misery happy?
Simple for me it took 20 years of playing the same rotten symphony orchestra music about myself over and over again until I seen a movie called The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes and about 20 minutes into the movie I noticed it was not no one or nothing outside was me. So immediately I started to give thanks, gratitude and appreciation of what I have and where I am going. Right after the movie I felt so pumped up that I wanted to pick up the foundation of my house and move to another state but went one better than that I left it alone.Now the next day I went into work a guy was seated at the work table and said,"Man yesterday you were Attila the Hun, today you are the happiest man in the Universe,Rodney Dangerfield." I stayed that way and it has been two years since that movie and I created 27 poems on, have solved a few Zen riddles, opened my awareness and made tons of people at my job laugh as well as going out to relatives and shopping, and meditate more often than I have ever did or thought of prior to 2007.
What I am saying is, a simple shift in awareness as Dr. Michael Beckwith says in the movie The Secret that is all you need and you will be on your path to find out who you are and it is like "walking on sunshine and don't it feel good," as Katrina and the Waves sings. By the way this is my way of saying my misery made me happy as though there are two sides to a coin, pillow, can lid or whatever you name it. As the universe is built that way.
Hope you make your misery turn into a beautiful landscape picture for yourself, If you don't see it Now eventually you will but in the meantime I will be rooting for you as well as praying. If I can do it anyone can as well. Good luck, God Bless and I support you on your endeavor to happiness.
Peace(+) Dom 777

As I walk I become Aware*

As I walk and become Aware*

Who are you as eyes to see

To look at you as you look at me
Pulling me through as well to be known
As trust abounds which we both have grown
The feeling as you respond so well and care
No where to be as I walk and become Aware...

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

What has seen has seen what*

What is seen has seen what*

Look about and what do you see

It sees you and it sees me
It is no substance and thing to have
It is no policy, dogma, doctrine to grab
But its character is puzzling nothing but naught
I would take a look again as what is seen has seen what.

Stay lucid and very Aware

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

Deep Inside*

Deep Inside*

Everywhere you see there is something

From the quiet skies to the birds that sing
From movement in the Universe seen
To a thought from sleep we know as a dream
But to reach that fill one has tried
To get in oneself that is deep inside....

Dom* Colucci

Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

Believe in your Inner Soul*

Believe in your Inner Soul*

I came into this world

As I departed the last
Did not know if I would be boy or girl
But did know that I was my past
As to grow up to not be fond of delusion
To search on the Wheel and seek out of the illusion
But it did not work as it did not make me whole
But one day I did it as to believe in my inner Soul...
Search within and you will never do without...

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

Waited and I forgot*

Waited and I forgot*

I knew someone long time ago

As a friend they would love to have my show
Time and time again they would be there
But the being there would seem to have a care
It was good to entertain and have fun as well
One would only know if time would tell
So as they desired the more they suffered and loved alot
Until one day they waited and I forgot.

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

Letting go*

Letting go*

Starts out fine and then goes from here

Next thing you know it is over there
Many holes around and one finger in the dike
A few more to run after is this what you like
Stop and settle down and let the Spirit grow
The Spirit is in charge and must release the ego by letting go...

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

The road I take*

The road I take*

Get these tired bones up today

My Spirit is ready to go on its way
Traverse along as I may do
Happily going straight ahead in my traveling shoes
Guess what? There ain't no time
Here is nothing down the road to find
So my decisions are to make what I make
Yeah this is me baby, the road I take

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

Rock into Prison*

Rock into prison*

Ah yes the sculptor said

The marble piece I see is solid and dead
I will take this piece of stone
And make it an image of my own
As I work with chisel I pound
Going up the side and then working it down
All the rocks on the ground you must have seen
After my art work is done it will be in a museum
But the rocks left behind have Enlightened vision
Artist formed this marble rock into prison.

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

Top of the Mountain*

Top of the mountain grows*

Awaken o' young one

Your Spirit as fought and has won
Broken from the shackles that impaired you
Telling of such nonsense on what to do
You kept climbing and you seen how it goes
You overlook Now as where the top of the mountain grows..

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

Butterfly Kisses*

Butterfly Kisses*

The forest is green and smells of pine wood perfume

Beautiful little flowers on the floor and lots of room
Deer eating berries and rabbits eating grass
A beautiful sight to see, do not pass
The sun peers through and the clouds go by
This is how God intended it for the human eye
I can think clearly with good wishes
What was that in flight?, Oh it is butterfly kisses.

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

The Sun is happy it is in the sky*

The sun is happy it is in the sky*

Clouds have surpassed and on their way

For this is very good feeling today
I awoken this morning by rubbing my eyes
I feel something brimming with a feeling of wise
It is a moving or flow but still feel it here
I can step on it or with it as I know it is near
Now I got it as no need to ask why
I see the sun is happy for it is in the sky.

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

Clear Pure Consciousness

In life, have you ever asked yourself what in the world you are looking for? Where is it? Can it ever be found?...You notice I could keep rambling on with questions and more questions and more still..Even this one...What is the answer? Man if I had a list of questions about life I wouldn't live...I would miss it severely and dearly, my life that is. When you are searching for the Truth are you asking yourself can it be found down the road, at Wal-Marts, in your car on the way home?..Well I am here to tell you it is closer than you think as it is in all those things I just mentioned as this is my experience and if you had a similar experience it is in yours as well.
Back in March of this year before I came to Intent, I was upstairs in my home office and had a HOLOSYNC brain entrainment session on my MP3 on. As I am a curious guy and always observing I stumbled across this biblical saying about the "Truth will set you free." I said what could the Truth be and what does it look like.Then I got deeper in my meditation and was feeling peculiar about something else.What does ego look like? If ego has no substance but a human bondage slave trader that it does not exist. Then that is when it hit me. I took it from the Tibetan Book of the Dead that we chose our parents and we manifested ourselves from a Spirit to a physical being as God made Himself in the Image of man so shall the Spirit of God do the same. Remember this is my own experience and want to make that perfectly clear.
OK, what does this have to do with with my questions..really nothing. All your life you were asking questions and probably still are. I don't, because I do not believe in questions and don't believe in answers and as I am on auto-pilot with Spirit and the Spirit knows Zen like it is its own being. Well of course it is its own being but did you ever get the answers to any of those questions?..Truthfully Now. What got you in the mess in the first place. Something, correct?...It is an attachment and it belongs outside yourself which is a part of ego and not Spirit.Truthfully Now...And that is another thing. If we live in the Now and which we do, why just ask yourself where you are right Now and the answer is..."Right Now."
So Now that we have that down pat, let's see.Truth is Spirit within and we live in the Now. My question..Why do you need to go beyond that?..ReallyNow...Stop right Now...Do you feel something telling you you gotta be somewhere or do you feel an essence just give you a calming sensation that you are already there and you Trust your gut feeling and instincts(subjective reality) that it will be brought to you on your path...I myself choose the latter....
Here is something that will help you get is a short story in pdf form from about the ten picture ox herdsman and how to eliminate your clutter and chatter in your container we call a brain..Now I say enjoy as I am and still....I hope this brings you one step closer to remaining silent and just go with the flow as the Zen riddle of one hand clapping sounds like..
Thank you for reading my post and stay here anyways because the Now is too big a place or time to leave.

My Emotions Are So Sweet*

My Emotions are So Sweet*

Oh boy what can this be

Is it outside or is it in me?
A roller coaster ride with ups and downs
Or dizzying ride that goes round and round
What a feeling that it makes me sing
And sometimes makes my ears ring
Whatever the feeling is,is from head to my feet
I know definitely that all my emotions are so sweet.

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

The Big Blue Marble in Outer Space*

The Big Blue Marble in Outer Space*

Big Bang went and exploded and popped

Gravity in space time continuum had made it drop
Spinning aimlessly in space throughout
Not touching other reaches with out a doubt
Heated friction of an intensity within
The cooling of the planet was slowing down its spin
As centers itself and counter clockwise orbit to the sun it faced
Why it is our planet, earth, the big blue marble in outer space.

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

Clearing the emptiness*

Clearing the emptiness*

You have been keeping clutter in your being

The minds eye has been out of focus not seeing
Days go by building desires
Sufferings and heated mind wires
Stuffing the Awareness with such fullness
Now here comes the easy part, clearing the emptiness.

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci



The world is a round level but looks flat

When one deciphers this, then that is that
But when you take another view
It is all too familiar for you
Water does not sit in level fills
No, water has movement and does spill
For the fill turns away from the walls
The waters direction is straight ahead at the waterfalls

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

Ocean is pushing the shore*

Ocean is pushing the shore*

It is so big and vast

To see this open horizon last
When I stand on the shores at the beach
My Awareness is close in eye sight but my arms cannot reach
The waves move in rhythmic motion
As the force seems a powerful ocean
The water is engulfing more and more
As Now it is disappearing for the Ocean is pushing the shore

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

It's Saturday*

It's Saturday*

Alarm clock blares revelry and it is time to get up

Toast and eggs in the kitchen and a coffee cup
Stumble fumble hit the shower
Turn on the hair dryer,hey look there is no power
Dress up and get ready to go
Got everything in check and steal the show
Keys in the pocket for the ride outside
Time to put the car in drive and make it slide
Halfway there it dawns on me
Today's dawn does not count its Saturday...

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

See it for yourself as it sees you*

See it for yourself as it sees you*

Everything around me has some distance

It can surely put your eyes and temptations in a trance
It is an illusion with a slight haze
For continuing to look at will put you in a daze
It uncovers itself layer after layer
But clarity is taking it away as it is not grayer
Now that moment has come as it is to do
See it for yourself as it sees you

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

Movements of dust*

Movements of dust*

The prairie is open wide

Wind is blowing side by side
Cactus swell with the water it needs
Thistle plants cast the scape as weeds
God's foot print stirs all around
As the noise God makes without a sound
Clouds of particles loom as a must
For it is God who has movements of dust.
Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

Under the pine tree*

Under the pine tree*

Ah yes, a nice summers day
I leave my work post to melt away
I find solace in my morning chores
Head out in the world to shut the doors
I take a walk down to a quiet spot near
And when I get there my Spirit is here
Now I go inward to find who is me
The me that I find is under the pine tree.

Dom* Colucci
Copyright ©2009 Dominic Colucci

More of I than this*

More of I than this*

Look out your eyes and what do you see
Does this feel like a Spirit or is it me
No working parts of machine work
This massing energy of atoms, bosons and quarks
Somehow this all works in synch
From the smirky smile and the eyes that wink
I feel nothing about what I did not miss
For when you boil it down there is more of I than this....

Dom*Colucci 2009

Look how far you really are*

I am being taught a process of who I am every moment in my Now as things are becoming more crystal clear. I know I still have a long way to go beyond Enlightenment but to me my life here has been one heck of a fascinating one.
First as always I suffered my own hell...but knew the secret on how the human Awareness works to receive the openness of my salvation. It is in the form of the subconscious Awareness...OK Now down this road of who I am, another epiphany comes again in the form of symbolism as in being positive (+) upright and being negative (-) being dead....In which Now you know the metaphor behind this...So once this is established your outcome of your being becomes more crystal clear once again..So I look again and the metaphor of going straight ahead goes with this attraction...
OK fast forward a little more..I open up more by watching nature around me and make a startling discovery about us and nature...I went to my favourite pond in October 2007 and watched the water spill into the creek from the pond by the spillgate....Next an inner voice says to me"Look at the trees and what do you observe?" I am literally blown right out of the water with this profound perspective..All the while I am being accepted and allowed to be in such a Kingdom of Wisdom and see all of nature letting go...So my Awareness tells me "What seems to be the situation in your life?" I ask myself..really nothing Now...To me if this knows who I am it is all said and done for..As I go to work and tell people about this everyone turns skeptic on this idea and says you have to worry..I say"Why?" Who told you to do so..HMMMMMM...You of course because of your reinforced belief system you grew up Now I just had another epiphany and what my personal magnet goes the other way...what might that be?..positive of course...because of my own belief system Now it is running at full throttle.
Fast forward once again, as it is 1 1/2 years later at the same sacred sanctuary..the pond...I am able to look at the sun, please do not attempt to do this unless you are Spiritually cemented in TRUST with Spirit and God, and so it is going down in the west and another inner voice comes to me and says,"reach out and grab the tree in front of you." Of course it is 34 feet away and I say to myself, this is impossible to do." The inner voice says to me,"Then if it is impossible to do then why do grasp things you are not attached to for it is hard to pull them in when they are aeon's away." OK this cures me for good Now..This is the beginning of my Laws of Attraction with Spirit and whatever my wish is it will be provided when needed and not a moment sooner because of our subjective reality...OK many things in the meantime show up that would make people say"WHY ME?"..for me me it is "WHY NOT ME?"..It is a part of your path of acceptance and letting go. Does the moment last longer than the moment that happen..Only if you "attach" to it and becomes your own personal anchor...
OK more about looking on how far you really are..With all this wisdom I have Now it dawns on me to meditate more and see where this thing is going...So I move into Zazen with total stillness and peace and start attracting nature to me as mentioned in one of my blogs back in May of this year about Mother Goose, of course that blog will not be seen with my current name but with my full name as I left intent in July but came back this month and just recently I have pictures on facebook with more geese around me because they feel the calm I am acquiring from my hidden teacher..MY SPIRIT...and I did not have to go to a Zen retreat or pay $650 for a 30 day course for a better life, my life is better as a matter of fact it is the greatest life in my Spiritual journey ever..Always remember you have inherent nature and wisdom inside of you, always..
So I graduate from this total stillness and some people think of my movements are catonic and weird but that is them as I slip away deep inside myself finding that"hollow" core of nothingness and bathe deeply with it...Voila..not only do I find this hollow core but find a little bit of subjective reality in intuition as I go into my subconscious Awareness and start seeing my wonders of what is truly in store for me..pulling from the gut and being patient with my life..After all I still have the rest of my life in front do too..Think I am kidding..look right in front of you and what do you see...
OK finally and getting to the title of this blog...I am getting so far away from the Objective(outside) reality that it is so wonderful that I cannot believe outside myself exists and with the LOA working always on a positive note I am centered with that as well as my analogy is like a hydrogen atom. You have the nucleus(center), then the proton(positive charge or attitude) which is closest to you because you are the image of it and then the electron(negative charge or attitude) make the quantum field work for you in the objective reality as you stand back and watch..and Now everyday that goes by is closer to the core that I pull from the gut as I stem to stream upward in more wisdom as it is the Manna from God as said that man does not live by bread alone..He lives with the Spirit that dwell in him and shows him the direction of his life forward as Spirit has been here before and it is TRUST of that Spirit with God to achieve the ultimate potential in my life as found out in one of my meditations before I came on intent back in March of this year as the same inner voice said to me"The TRUTH will set you free."As the TRUTH is your Spirit and the unreal or illusion is the judgemental ego..Capece?
In conclusion some of my intents sound a little off the wall but I am getting ever so close to my core inner being that my life is filled with happiness and glee that this side of the coin is Now rolling along with the guide of Spirit and the attraction of one hand clapping...I call walk in silence and the direction is forward..see it?..Good....Now enjoy life enjoys you*
Dom*Colucci here in the Now and always here in the Now...anything else is just an illusion(+)

On this journey there are no oars*

On this journey there are no oars*

Struggling hard to settle upstream
Life they say is complicated with a difficult dream
Striving and placing to try to catch up
Once it is fulfilled the milk spills out of the cup
Crying and crying striving to live
There is not enough for anyone let alone from me to give
But wait a minute I am coming through the wrong doors
Ah yes, Now I know
It is time for me on this journey to throw away my oars

Dom*Colucci 2009

The mountain that stands tall*

The mountain that stands tall*

As many years go by and never counted

Rock decays and forms as it is to be mounted
Compressing and cracking and busting through for space
It is harder and harder to make room for this place
But from the pebble and stone that sits so small
It is the first creation of the mountain that stands tall.

Dom*Colucci 2009

The station of all destination to none*

Station of all destination of none*

Hear the whistle blowing on the tracks
Train is leaving in 5 as a matter of fact
Chugging with iron and steam to boot
The one way track it knows its route
As you pick up the 12 string and twang a melodic rhythm
It is the Soul making music as it blends within
Ok all aboard Now we came as one
It is the harmony of the station of all and the destination of none
Dom*Colucci 2009

Darkness is here around the light*

Darkness is here around the Light*

It is in a total calm that it begins
From the calms come the howls of dogs and winds
There is a cast of many shadows from the moon up above
But I know it will be sunny a few hours soon with the feeling of God's love
Walking slower and feeling the cool air
A few more steps and I will be there
A guide leads me to where I see my sight
In the total surrounds of Darkness is here around the Light
Dom* Colucci 2009*

Clearly stated so beautiful*

 Clearly stated so beautiful* Transparent I see that is all around Clarity from the heavens and to the ground A bit of reflection that one d...